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Dennis the Conqueror: A Harem Fantasy (Sword and Sorority Book 1)

Page 7

by Scot C Morgan

  "Oh, wow!" Alara closed the door behind her, leaned her staff against the wall, and walked straight toward us. She had on the fur-lined cloak Cormac had given her, but she'd undone the drawstring near the waist and it was flapping open. Her amazing body held just as much appeal as when I first saw her, despite the romp Nithia and I just shared.

  "Hey," I said—a brilliant response it wasn't. I wondered if she was about to smack me in the face, as she continued walking over to us.

  "Was I gone that long?" She stepped around the bedpost nearest Nithia and me, then she plopped herself down on the bed… right next to us! "I'm so ready for this."

  What the fuck?

  "Okay," I said, still not removing myself from Nithia, because, well what was the point? And I really was tired. "When you opened the door I expected a slightly different reaction."

  "So did I." Nithia wiggled her rear and I knew it was time to move.

  So I did. I sat up, my legs off the side of the bed. I rested my arms strategically on my legs, blocking the view to my manhood.

  "I knew you two would open up to one another," Alara said, placing a hand on my thigh and the other on Nithia's.

  I was too confused and too tired to be aroused. I actually thought any second she'd drop the facade and slap me. But apparently she was serious. I didn't get slapped.

  Alara looked across the room to the tray on the half-moon table by the door. "Is that the food?"

  "Yeah," I said. "It may be cold by now." I raised an eyebrow as I turned to her. "We sort of forgot about it."

  Alara chuckled. "Well, I'm starving." She rose and went for the tray.

  Nithia got up and walked over to the overturned table which previously had the unbroken wash basin on it. From the floor, beside the table, she picked up her top, then she walked to the other side of the bed and knelt on the floor. She reached underneath the bed and pulled out her savage-land bikini bottom. Standing unashamedly, she put them both on.

  "We should probably eat too," I said, looking around for my boxers. "If there's enough."

  Alara turned around, holding a turkey leg, already chewing on her first bite. "Mm hm." She swallowed. "There's plenty."

  I found my boxers and slipped them on, watching Nithia join Alara at the small table. They were standing, side by side, picking up different things from the tray and eating them. The two seemed to be totally fine with each other, with the situation.

  I really don't understand women. Or this planet, at least.

  "So, we're okay?" I finally asked.

  Neither of them were even looking at me. They were too busy eating. I could hear each of them making small noises indicating the food was tasty, or at least that they were really hungry.

  I realized I was hungry too. Famished, in fact. I decided to grab some before they ate it all. "Save me some."

  "What?" Alara said. Then she glanced at me. "Oh, yeah. We're fine." She stopped chewing and looked at me with more focus. "We are fine, right?"

  "Uh, yeah," I said. How did I get so lucky?

  "Right," she said. Then she turned back to the tray and took another piece of something and put it into her mouth.

  A moment later, I nudged my way between them to see what was left on the tray. Something green and leafy, and a…sausage. Hopefully. It was hard to tell. Is that an intestine lining?

  I was about to reach for a small handful of grapes, but Nithia plucked them up and took them with her to the bed, popping several into her mouth.

  Alara dropped the last bone—meat stripped away—onto the tray. "Oh, that was good." She joined Nithia on the bed, but stretched out onto her back. Nithia remained sitting, eating the last of the decent food.

  My stomach protested at my hesitation in taking the leftovers. After squishing the sausage to see if in fact that's what it actually was, I decided not to think about it anymore. I chomped down on it and soon gobbled it up. I stuffed the pile of leafy greens into my mouth too, since I didn't know when I'd be eating again.

  I went to wash up. I had forgotten Nithia and I had broken the wash basin.

  "Oh, right." I stopped before walking on the broken ceramic pieces. Still no shoes. I glanced at myself to see how sweaty I was. When I looked over toward the bed, Alara apparently realized what I was thinking.

  "I don't mind," she said, gesturing with her head for me to join them.

  "I'm just really tired," I explained, walking over. "I know I probably smell, but…"

  Alara looked at Nithia, then back to me. "I'm sure you're worn out. Lie down. Get some rest."

  I was more than relieved she was cool with me doing so, even though I had sex sweat all over—and it wasn't from being with her.

  I took a spot on the bed after Alara moved over to make room. Sinking my head back into the pillows, I exhaled all of my concerns. Where did these girls come from?

  I heard Nithia chewing up the last of her grapes. Shortly after, she got up and walked around to the side of the bed I was on. "Scoot," she said. I opened my eyes and saw her tipping her chin up a couple of times, her blue eyes open wide. "Both of you."

  Alara moved. I moved. Then Nithia took the empty spot beside me, making me lift up my legs so she could pull the cover over both of us.

  We were quiet for almost a minute. I thought about how similar this situation was to the one I was in a day ago, when this all started—with Monica and Sydney next to me in my own bed.

  "Did you get a chance to talk to her?" Nithia said.

  "Yes," Alara answered. "But you're not going to like what I found out."

  Oh, great.

  "What?" I asked.

  "She received a message from Watsel. His men hit there."

  "Oh, no!" Nithia sat up and looked across me to Alara.

  "They lost almost everyone they had to stand against them."

  "What's going on?" I asked, sitting up also.

  Alara turned toward the two of us and propped her head up with a hand under it. "She said they're on their way here."

  "What? No!" Nithia looked frightened.

  Alara looked at me. "The raiders. Twenty, at least. The Dark One's men."

  "Oh, shit," I said.

  "They're a days ride still." She leaned back onto her pillow. "But they'll be here soon enough."

  "What are we going to do?" Nithia asked. "These people can't stop them. Maybe if they had twenty men like Den… or Cormac, but I don't think there's a fighter in this town besides them."

  Alara turned her head toward us, her cheek still on her pillow. "It's up to us."

  Oh, man. I knew this wasn't going to last. I glanced back and forth at the two of them, to see if one of them might come up with another idea.

  "You're right," Nithia said. "But maybe we don't need twenty more fighters. Cormac, you and your staff…" She looked at me, "and Den." She started nodding her head.

  I started shaking mine. "I don't know if that's actually a good plan. Those numbers don't really add up." I knew I at least needed a weapon. Maybe a tank or something.

  Nithia yanked the cover off of both of us. She looked wildly to Alara. "You need to make him stronger!"

  I got what she was saying.

  "Huh? Wait," I said. "I don't think that's gonna-"

  "Yes!" Alara practically shouted. "Of course!"

  "Oh, come on, ladies! I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I'm exhausted." I dropped my head back onto the pillows. "And I really doubt us getting it on right now—as much as the idea would appeal to me under normal circumstances—is going to make me capable of taking out… How many guys are we talking about? Nevermind. I just don't think it's…"

  I got nothing.

  They must've been using that girl telepathy—same as Monica and Sydney had used. Alara slipped off her cloak, and with perfect synchronized timing they each untied their tops and freed their bountiful breasts. It was overwhelming, to say the least.

  Alara looked at Nithia. "So, you're going to help me?"

  "If that's alright," she said.
r />   "Yes. I think that's a good idea." Then Alara paused as if remembering something. "You did spend many nights praying with me as I tried to summon Den."

  Nithia glanced down. She was looking directly at my crotch, but I could tell she was focusing on her recollection. "That's right. I did." She darted her eyes up to Alara and her face lit up. "And remember, I saw some of the visions too!"

  "You did." Alara looked extremely pleased.

  "Surely with both of us, he'll gain his full strength," Nithia said, pushing her palms down onto my stomach. She rested them there and then slid her right hand down toward the top of my shorts.

  "Yes," Alara looked pleased at the revelation. She nodded as if resolute in their joint decision—ignoring my reluctance. "It could take all night." She looked at me, as if waiting for my acceptance of the…plan?

  I looked at her emerald eyes, her long thick brown hair, and her full breasts. I sighed. Then I turned to Nithia. When our eyes connected, I jolted slightly as she accentuated the moment by slipping her hand beneath my shorts and finding me quite eager underneath them.

  "I can see you two aren't going to take no for an answer," I said. "So, I guess I have no choice but to go along with this."

  But let's be honest, I wasn't really going to put up a fight if they both wanted to go to town on me. Eat, drink, and fuck like crazy, for tomorrow I'm probably gonna die.

  They both leaned closer to me and all I could see was big beautiful breasts. My animal instincts quickly took over, only one cogent thought before I gave in fully to our intertwined flesh. Damn, I hope this works. But if not, at least I'll die happy.

  Chapter 9


  I felt a sting on my face. Then I felt it again.

  "Den! Wake up!"

  That sting again.

  I opened my eyes and saw Alara's hand swinging toward my cheek.


  "I'm awake," I said. "That's enough of that."

  "Sorry, Den." She was dressed, minus the cloak. She was standing over me. Nithia was next to her, also wearing her Galderian bikini.

  "We've been trying to wake you for twenty minutes," Nithia said, crossing her arms, unintentionally giving her boobs a squeeze which was nice to behold.

  "Why didn't you just shake me or something?" I rubbed my face as I sat up.

  "We did," Alara said, reaching for her cloak which was draped over the foot of the bed. "We shook you for five minutes, but you didn't respond."

  I yawned, finishing it with a good nose and forehead stretch and scrunch. "Well, I'm awake now. I guess it's morning."

  "No." Nithia put her hands on her hips, swaying them to one side. Damn, she had nice hips. "We were still up when morning came. Remember?"

  I did a quick replay in my head. "Oh, right. Yeah." I chuckled. "You two kept me going all night. I don't know how."

  "Of course you do," Alara said, slipping her cloak on. "Now, stand up. Tell us how you feel. Do you feel any different?"

  "Any stronger?" Nithia asked.

  "He looks a little bigger to me," Nithia said.

  I extended my fingers, turned my hands over, clenched them into fists. I felt good. Stronger? I wasn't sure. I stood up. One thing was clear, all of my soreness was gone. And in spite of the marathon tag-team sex I felt well rested.

  "I feel good. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to know if I feel stronger, though."

  Alara looked me up and down. "Good point. I guess we'll just have to hope so."

  I sighed, remembering the appointment I had later in the day—the one where I probably would get my ass kicked, or die. Well, if you're gonna go… I tipped my head to the side slightly. Last night was probably the best send off a guy could hope for.

  "Lift the bed." Nithia blurted it out. Clearly she just thought of the idea and thought it was brilliant.

  "Huh?" I said. I think I wasn't entirely awake yet.

  "You're stronger now. I know it," she said. "Lift the bed. That thing's huge. Solid wood. Try it."

  "Yeah, okay." I rubbed my neck just behind my right ear as I looked at the side of the bed, trying to find a good place to take hold of it. The bed was ten or twelve feet across and maybe a couple feet longer. I decided lifting from the side was no good because of the lack of leverage.

  I realized I was swinging free down below and I certainly didn't want to get my manhood squished between my leg and the side of the bed. I held up a finger—my index finger, just to clarify—to signal I needed a moment. I found my shorts hanging below one of the lanterns on the iron wall fixture off to the side of the room—very far from where I remember taking them off. I glanced to Alara and Nithia, expecting one of them to explain how my boxers got there, as far from the bed as possible. Nithia shrugged. Guilty lovable little vixen.

  After putting on the woefully inadequate protective layer of cotton between my legendary manhood—could be, give it time—and the bed of all beds, I moved to one of the corners at the foot of the thing and squared down to the base of the post. The column of hardwood was a good twenty inches thick at the bottom. I leaned into the post and reached out to either side of it with my arms, grabbing the heavy wood beams of the frame. I glanced up to Nithia. Her eyes widened and she nodded repeatedly.

  I thought about the scene in Conan the Destroyer when he held the heavy metal gate, keeping it from trapping everyone inside. I decided the grunting was important. So, I'd do that too.

  I took a deep breath then commanded my arms, legs, and back to do the deed. For half a second the bed didn't move, but I grunted, pumping strength into my muscles, and then it happened. The massive bed—probably five hundred pounds—raised off the floor. Not just the corner. I'd managed to lift the entire thing, leaning back, propping the corner post against my stomach and chest.

  "Yes!" Nithia shouted gleefully. "I knew it!"

  A loud crack sounded. Then in quick succession, two more. The two long heavy beams I was gripping snapped just past my hands. The humongous bed which had been there for me during hours of good times crashed to the floor, sending splinters of wood flying out across the room. I tumbled backward, still holding the giant wood post and the corner section. Alara and Nithia darted out of the way as I fell onto my back and the part of the bed I had in my arms landed on top of me. I estimated it at about a hundred pounds—a mildly unpleasant experience.

  A few minutes later I had leaned the broken off corner piece against the rest of the bed. I tried to prop it up somehow, but I finally gave up and it fell over onto the covers.

  "Well, shit." I turned around to see Alara and Nithia staring at me like I was being an idiot. They were right. "What do you think the odds are Cormac has insurance?"

  Each of the girls furrowed her brow into a what-the-hell-is-insurance look.

  "Yeah," I said. "I didn't think so either."

  Giving up on making the room look suitable, I resolved to fess up to Cormac and offer to work off the cost somehow.

  "I guess we should head downstairs," I said.

  "Yes," Alara agreed. "We need to tell Cormac to prepare, and to spread word around town. Maybe there are some others who can be of help."

  "So, they're really coming, huh?" I knew it was so, but I just couldn't get motivated to do a high noon showdown with a bunch of Dark One minions.

  "Of course they're coming!" Alara wasn't in a lighthearted mood anymore. It was time to go.

  I almost said something trepidatious again, but then I realized I wasn't actually afraid, at least not like I had been before. Yeah, I still had enough sense to know what we were about to do was dangerous, but I felt more like I was on offense now. I got it.

  Time for action.

  Then I heard it, track one of the Conan soundtrack. Thank you, Basil Poledouris. It was the drums. It was the trumpets. It was all in my head… but I was feelin' it.

  "Yeah," I said heading for the door. "Let's tell Cormac. Maybe he has a sword or an axe I can use too."

  I spoke as I was walking past Alara and I think she sw
ooned at hearing my words. I opened the door and paused, looking back at my two companions, my two women. Alara could handle herself, I thought. But Nithia, she was a grown woman, to be sure, but she wasn't ready for fighting. "Nithia."

  "Yes, Den?"

  "I want you to lead the effort to notify the townspeople. Make sure everyone knows what's coming."

  She nodded to me and looked at me with confidence and trust. It felt good. "I will," she said.

  "Alara, do we know which direction they'll approach?"

  "From the south," she said. "It's the most direct route to the town. They won't have any reason to do otherwise." She took a deep breath and exhaled. "They're used to slaughtering whoever gets in their way. They'll expect this town to be no different."

  Then it hit me. Why were they doing this? I asked Alara.

  "They're the shadow of the Dark One," she said. "He spreads fear to all free peoples. He claims dominion over the land. Terrorizing is his way of making sure the people never challenge him."

  I nodded. A familiar story. I'd seen enough despots on the news. Read about 'em in the history books. Evil bastards are the same on every planet, I guess.

  "Come on," I said, going through the doorway. "Things are about to change."

  I could feel my adrenaline flowing, building, steadily.

  We found Cormac downstairs and before I could say anything, from across the room, he tossed some clothes at me. I caught them and spread them out to see them. "Thanks!" I gave a quick upward gesture with my chin toward him. He returned the motion.

  Alara and Nithia gathered around me as I laid the clothing on the table. Two cloaks. I handed the smaller one to Nithia. A piece of thick but supple leather, which I could tell was to take the place of my boxers. I realized to pull the look off I'd have to go commando, since the leather didn't actually connect below the crotch, but I figured when in Rome. There was a thick leather belt, probably one of Cormac's own. I took it too.


  I turned as Cormac walked up to us. He had three pairs of leather boots in his arms.

  "Yes!" I couldn't help my enthusiasm.

  He handed them over to us.


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