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Dennis the Conqueror: A Harem Fantasy (Sword and Sorority Book 1)

Page 17

by Scot C Morgan

The two of them picked up all we had and put everything back into the packs, with one exception. Nithia tossed a long piece of wide cloth to Sydney, who caught it as it hit her stomach.

  "You can wrap that around you, if you want," Nithia said.

  "Thanks." Sydney took one end behind her and back around, using the wide strip of cloth as an oversized belt. It kept the ragged cloak drawn mostly closed and gave just enough cover for some frontal modesty.

  "It's a long walk back to Darguna," I said. "If anyone needs to stop to rest, just say so. But the sooner we get there, the better off we'll all be."

  "I'm tired, but I don't want to waste any time," Sydney said. "We'll see Monica when we get there?"

  "Yeah," I said. "She's resting at a friend's inn. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

  "Who wouldn't be?" Tara said. I cast a sideways glance at her. What did she mean by that?

  She noticed me. "I mean, she's your friend, right? I'm sure she'll be relieved to see you're okay."

  "Yeah," Sydney said. "BFF. We've shared a lot over the years."

  I counted to three before I gave in and glanced at Sydney. She evidently had been waiting for me to do so. She was staring back at me, a mischievous grin on her face.

  Nithia handed me the heavier pack and, despite my soreness and injuries, I took it and slung it over my shoulder without complaint.

  "It's important to have people you can rely on," Alara said. "Most of my life I've had a close group. We looked after each other."

  "Like a sorority," Sydney said.

  "The Order of Carnera," Alara said. "I miss them. Maybe someday I'll reform the sisterhood…if the right women are willing."

  "Where are they now?" Sydney asked.

  "Gone," Nithia said. "Dead."

  No one said anything for several seconds. I made my hands busy, repositioning the strap to my pack and wiping a few non-present bits of dirt from my arms.

  Tara broke the uncomfortable silence. "But we have each other now. Like you said." She looked at Sydney. "A sorority. Right?"

  "The gods have cast our lots together, it seems," Alara said.

  We headed out to make the long walk back to Darguna.

  "So," Sydney said after a couple of minutes of walking. "Tell me about Galderia. If Monica and I are stuck here for the time being, maybe I should know a little more about this place."

  I thought about what Alara had told me about being transported here, about how I couldn't go home. Sydney would have to learn this at some point. But I knew this wasn't the time or the place.

  I spoke up to steer the conversation, so Alara wouldn't tell Sydney she wouldn't return to Earth. "I don't have to tell you the place is dangerous. But there are good people here too. You'll be comfortable in Darguna, at the inn."

  We journeyed on, making conversation along the way, but all the while I made sure the topic of returning to Earth was avoided. I knew I couldn't hide the truth from Sydney forever. I didn't plan to keep it from her. But I was tired and the day was complicated enough. I now had five women to deal with. Uncharted territory.

  Chapter 23

  We all had some of the food we brought with us before we headed back to Darguna. Sydney devoured it. She hadn't had anything in her mouth—well, with one exception—for at least a couple of days. We made a second stop an hour later to eat again, and to give Alara's leg a rest. I propped her up most of the way, but some of the time she chose to walk on her own, using her staff for support. I was impressed at her fortitude despite the obvious discomfort she was feeling.

  The journey back took us longer than the walk from Darguna, since Alara and I were a little hobbled, and all of us were exhausted. The girls talked most of the way, which was fine with me. They kept each other occupied and it seemed to make Sydney more comfortable. I kept quiet mostly, with the few exceptions of speaking up to interrupt the conversation when I thought the subject of returning to Earth was about to come up. Sydney told Alara, Nithia, and Tara about college life and shopping and some inside scoops on sorority life—the last of which both intrigued me and freaked me out a little. My Galderian girls gave Sydney the rundown on what it was like living in this world. Thankfully, they spoke of the lighter more day-to-day aspects, not of the murderous raiders and crazy monsters. Of course, Sydney already knew about some of that anyway.

  We saw the old man standing watch at the back of his house as we came through the narrow passage between the rocky cliffs. He stood at first. Then, after staring at us for a moment, he placed something down beside his chair and sat again. We walked on into town with only his watchful eye for a reception. All those who'd seen us off evidently had no expectation we'd ever return. The town was dim. Heavy clouds were overhead and I didn't know whether it was day or evening. But it didn't matter much, I thought. Whatever time it was, the first thing on my agenda was to get to the inn and spend several hours in bed, actually sleeping. I glanced at my beautiful companions. I felt proud of the rescue and damn lucky to have the four of them at my side.

  Sydney glanced at me and winked. Alara, unaware of Sydney's gesture, looked up at me and smiled. I returned the smile. As we walked on, I couldn't help but enjoy the view of Nithia's full stunning ass a few feet in front of me, barely contained by the bottom of her Galderian bikini. Tara walked next to her and I did a quick study of the contrast between the two women's back sides. Both spectacular, but offering two distinct experiences.

  Maybe just a couple hours sleep would be enough.

  The few townspeople we passed on the way to the inn stood mouths wide open. At first I thought they were stunned by the scene of Den, the mac daddy, strolling—okay, limping a little—down the road surrounded by the four hottest babes this side of the Sea of Ronak. Then I realized they were probably just shocked we actually survived the trip and made it back. In such a small town, I figured the story of our foolish journey and inevitable demise must've been on the lips of everyone since we left.

  Sydney was noticeably eased when we stepped foot into the inn. She was still poorly covered by the tattered cloak I'd given her, but the three of us stood around her, making her near nakedness less obvious. Three small groups took up as many tables. The old woman who'd helped us with Monica was dropping off a round of drinks to the group of four farthest from us. She looked up and waved to us, before returning to her work. The conversations in the room bled together in a low murmur of background noise, and the smell of something sweet baking lingered in the air.

  "Damn, it's good to be done with that road trip," I said.

  We made our way past the empty tables and to the stairs. I noticed a few of the locals watching us, but only with glances intended to be inconspicuous.

  "The rooms are upstairs," Tara said to Sydney. "Monica should be up there. You four go on up and I'll see if Cormac is here."

  "Cormac?" Sydney asked.

  "He owns the inn," I said. "Good guy. He's helped us out a lot."

  Sydney nodded.

  "Can you make it up the stairs okay?" I asked Alara, concerned about her leg.

  She looked incredulously at me. "After all we've been through, a flight of stairs isn't going to keep me from that bed up there. I'm ready to collapse and get some rest. I can make it." She smiled at me, evidently touched by my concern. "Thanks, though."

  I shrugged and smiled.

  Tara headed toward the kitchen and the rest of us went upstairs. It wasn't my intention, but the three women went up ahead of me—ladies first, right? I didn't mind following them. Somebody had to block the villagers' view to Sydney's uncovered ass and crotch as she walked up. I did my duty without complaint.

  Alara gently knocked on the door at the end of the hall before opening it. Monica was awake, sitting on the bed. We stepped inside. I removed my sword and leaned it against the wall next to where Alara had just placed her staff. We dropped our packs on the ground close to the half-moon-shaped table.

  "Sydney!" Monica quickly got out of bed and hurried over to Sydney, who rushed to meet her.
They embraced in the middle of the room. Monica was clothed in a long shirt she'd evidently been given by Cormac. Sydney's cloak still inadequately covered her rear, even less so when the two hugged each other.

  "Thank you for sending them," Sydney said.

  "I wanted to come back with them to rescue you, but I…" Monica started tearing up.

  "It's okay." Sydney took a step back from her and held her hands. "You saved me. If you hadn't gone for help and found them…" She glanced back at us.

  Monica sniffled and then hugged Sydney again.

  I didn't want to break up the reunion, but the bed behind the two of them was calling to me. My body ached and I was spent from the trek and the fighting. I looked to Alara and Nithia. I could tell they needed rest too. Alara was leaning against me, using my arm and shoulder to prop herself up and keep weight off her injured leg.

  "We've all had a long day," I said. "How about we all get some rest and we can talk more in a few hours?"

  Tara spoke up from behind us. She was standing in the doorway to the room. "Cormac said he'd be up in a little while. I told him we needed some rest. He said we can take this other room too." She turned her head slightly and nodded toward the nearest door behind her. "It's got a comfortable bed." She winked at me. "And it's not broken."

  "Thanks, Tara." I turned back to the others. "Monica, Sydney, why don't you two take the other room." I looked at Sydney. "Clean up. Get some rest. Tara can have someone bring up some food if you're hungry." I addressed Tara. "Right?"

  "Yeah. Sure." She nodded and stepped aside, clearing the way for Monica and Sydney to go to the other room.

  "Okay, thanks," Sydney said, as she and Monica walked together toward the door, each with her arm around the other's waist.

  Alara and Nithia were already washing up at the basin on the table beside the bed. Someone had replaced the broken one while we were gone.

  Tara stepped aside more as Sydney and Monica exited. I heard the two of them whispering to each other, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. When they opened the door to the other room, Tara stepped back into the hallway. "I'm going to crash for a while too, but let me know if you need me." She glanced down the hall then turned back to us. "My room is the first one, by the stairs." She had been looking to the three of us, but then she zeroed in on me. "It'll be unlocked. So, if I don't hear you knock, you can come in."

  "Yeah, okay," I said. "Thanks."

  She shut the door and I turned to Alara and Nithia, who were now climbing into the oversized bed. I took off my boots and washed up before dimming the flames on the two oil lamps which were lit.

  A moment later I was climbing into bed too, this time on the side, instead of between my two women. Nithia was curled up, eyes closed. Alara let out a slow quiet sigh and seemed to be slightly sinking herself into the soft padding beneath her. She turned her head toward me. We stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, silently.

  She and Nithia hadn't bothered to pull the covers over themselves. The room was sufficiently warm without the blankets and they both had left their clothes on—such as the clothes were. I took that as a clear sign they were serious about needing rest. I didn't mind. I was indeed exhausted. My injuries bothered me a little—the burns on my face from Saber-Kong's acid spit, the scrapes on my side, and the bruises scattered around my body.

  I watched the light from the lamps' flames dance around atop Alara's chest and bare stomach even after she closed her eyes. I was a world away from my apartment in Austin, but at that moment, more than anytime since I'd been transported to Galderia, I felt like I was home.

  Despite how tired I was, I spent the next ten minutes shifting between studying the ceiling and running my gaze over Nithia's and Alara's resting bodies. I was surprised when I became noticeably primed down below. Of course, most men would have the same response if they were in bed with such alluring buxom beauties, but I didn't think I had the energy in me after everything.

  After a minute in that persistent state I looked to Alara and Nithia for any signs of wakefulness. Maybe they would be up for a quick roll before completely crashing, I thought. It soon became apparent Nithia was out for the count. Alara, on the other hand, finally squirmed and turned slightly, opening her eyes just a sliver.

  "You still awake?" she asked.

  "Yeah," I whispered. "I thought I was ready to sleep, but…" I glanced down at my manhood, which was still poised for action. I shrugged apologetically and grinned.

  Alara rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm really tired."

  "No. I get it. I am too." That was only partly true, though. Lying only inches from the two of them and eyeing them for the past few minutes had me worked up. I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep until I addressed the situation. Could've been the surplus of testosterone in my new barbarian-sized body, I thought. Then I decided it was more likely the fact that inside, in my head, I was a twenty-year-old guy who had spent the past decade dreaming of getting some, and despite the good fortune I'd had the last few days, my appetite was far from sated.

  "Still," I said, hoping for a welcoming response, "we could…"

  "Forget it," Alara said, quickly, but not harshly. "Too tired. I'm yours, Den. You know that, but right now I need some sleep." She glanced at Nithia. "And she's already out."

  I turned my gaze to the ceiling and rolled my lips inward a little, and exhaled out my nose. I must've looked pretty disappointed. When I glanced back to Alara, she was staring at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Den. You know I love nothing more than when you and I…" She looked into my eyes and simply smiled, but I could see her eyelids drooping. It was clear she was exhausted, and I didn't blame her.

  There was a soft knock at the door. I lifted my head from my pillow and saw the door open. It was Tara—flaming red hair, green eyes, firm breasts…she was still dressed, but I was imagining her without her top.

  "Sorry to bother you," she whispered, as she stepped inside and quietly closed the door. She walked over to the bed, almost tip-toeing.

  Alara turned her head to see Tara, though she didn't lift it from her pillow.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "Just wondered if anyone needed anything from the kitchen?" Tara placed both hands on the wood at the foot of the bed and leaned forward a little, squeezing her shoulders inward slightly.

  "No, thanks," Alara said, shutting her eyes again.

  "I'm good. Thanks." I said, correcting my wandering eyes which kept drifting down from her face.

  "You sure?" She quickly raised her brow and curled the corners of her mouth.

  "Well…" I was considering her offer, with a little uncertainty as to what I might actually be agreeing to.

  "Go ahead." Alara still had her eyes closed when she spoke.

  I hesitated. I didn't want to upset her by going off with Tara, given that she was in bed recovering from an injury.

  "I'm not really hungry," I said.

  "That's not what I meant, Den," Alara said, eyes still shut, which was good because if she'd seen the expression on my face she might've been a little put off. I'm pretty sure my face lit up with surprise and anticipation when I realized what she might be saying. I still wasn't sure, though.

  I wasn't sure how to get clarification without making a misstep. "Uh, what do you-"

  Alara opened her eyes and looked directly at me. "It's okay, Den. You two have been dancing around this for a while. I didn't like it at first, but I'm fine with it now. I know how you feel about me." She looked at Tara and smiled. "We've got our own sisterhood now. We need to look out for each other."

  I glanced at Tara. She looked pleased with Alara's revelation.

  "The way we worked together," Alara said, "rescuing Sydney…and before with the raiders."

  I was still confused how she'd made the leap, but I didn't interrupt her flow of thought.

  "Sisters share," she said, looking to Tara. "Right?"

  "Right." Tara spoke softly, as if s
he was touched by Alara's acceptance of her.

  Alara reached over and shoved me gently. "Go on, then. I really want to get some sleep. And you're not helping." She grinned playfully.

  Holy shit. What just happened?

  Tara pulled at my arm. "Come on, you big brute," she said.

  "Thank you, Tara." Alara's head was firmly back on her pillow and her eyes were again closed.

  "Are you sure?" I asked.

  Alara opened her eyes again and looked into mine. "For the first time in a long time, yes. I thought I'd never have a sisterhood again, but now I see what we have."

  I realized maybe this is what she wanted all along—not for me to bang Tara, but a chance to rebuild the sisterhood of the order. Could that be what she's after? I felt a little anxious about how that whole gambit might turn out, but she'd made her position clear. I had a free pass. I'd be an idiot to turn it down, I thought. Wouldn't I?

  She looked at Tara. "Take care of him for me, won't you?"

  "I promise I will," Tara said.

  Chapter 24

  What the hell was happening to me? It was like I was the college stud. I just stepped out of one room with two beauties in bed, and now a third babe was pulling me into a room down the hall.

  Get ahold of yourself, Dennis.

  Tara yanked me through the doorway. Okay, my footing was off and I was already stepping forward. So, it's not like she had to move all of my weight. I probably tipped the scale against her by almost a hundred pounds. But whatever she lacked in strength, she certainly made up for in raw enthusiasm.

  She swung her leg past mine and kicked the door shut. Then she slid her hands down to mine and used me for support as she leaned back, stepping toward the bed behind her.

  "Don't you want to-"

  "No," she said. She must've guessed I was about to question her lack of hesitation. "I waited long enough."

  She reached the foot of the bed. It was smaller than the one Alara, Nithia, and I had been sharing. It had billowing blue blankets, sewn together in patches with the parts between the seams puffing out. I only noticed the blanket because when her leg touched the edge of the bed, she did some kind of judo move, spinning us both around. She threw herself against me when my back lined up toward the bed. We both toppled over, landing on the blankets, which were good padding for the fall.


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