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Scarred Beauty

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  That was where he was wrong. Isaac felt like he didn’t care for much anymore.

  “You are asking me to go and take care of, maybe even touch, a girl who’s younger than I and never had an experience with men. Is she some kind of sainted virgin?”

  Brad fumbled in his pocket, and Isaac saw the other man pull out his wallet. “This is the girl you’re mocking. She’s the one who pulled me out of the gutter when she was seventeen. She’s my best friend. No one wants to date her because of that scar on her face. You can’t see it properly because she wears her hair down one side of her face most times.”

  Isaac took the wallet and stared at the photo. One side of her face was covered, but the other side he saw the beauty in her features. Her hair was a luscious blonde. The shot was only of the head, and he couldn’t get a good view of the rest of her body. To him, she looked incredibly beautiful. He felt a pull inside him to know more about her. The feelings the single shot provoked within him surprised him. No woman had ever made him feel so possessive or in need to know more about a person.

  “How do you intend to set up something like this?” he asked.

  “Let me deal with that. Are you in?”

  Taking another look down at the picture in his hand, Isaac knew in his gut turning Brad down was the wrong thing to do. He wanted to know Noelle even for just a night. Getting away from being Isaac Welch would make for an interesting few hours.

  “I’ll do it.” He handed the wallet back and listened as Brad talked about the arrangements.

  Chapter Four

  The days passed, and Noelle felt lonelier than ever before. Brad spent a great deal of time out of the apartment. Winter was taking its grip on the city, which meant her outings were become few and far between. The dark nights were usually her favourite time of the day. She could take long walks and never have to worry about the stares and sniggers of men, women, and children.

  Her painting grew more fierce and passionate as she began to crave the unknown more and more. She found herself searching the internet looking for an outlet, trying to find something or someone to see past her deformity. The desperation inside her was more than she could stand.

  All she wanted was to feel close to someone. She sat by the window looking out at the cold and frosty city one morning. The sun was rising up, and in the first few moments she imagined her reflection in the window. For only a few minutes she would look at her face. The scar would dominate one side while the other would be as pale and clear as could be. Two sides to a coin. She had two different faces. The light burst out, and her reflection was gone. And she had not looked at it. A tear escaped from her eye. She rubbed the salty tear away as she heard Brad moving around. He would make a scene and stay at home if he knew her thought process.

  “Morning, honey. Did you sleep well?” he asked the moment he came out of his room. She nodded her head and continued to watch the day go by. “Your dad phoned the other day. Said he left a message for you to call back.”

  She nodded her head without making a single sound. In three weeks’ time her dad would be phoning constantly. In three weeks’ time it would be eleven years since the car accident which had rendered her a mess. She’d been in the hospital for months, the pain of the surgery excruciating.

  Her face wasn’t the only part that still had the scars. Other parts of her body held small white lines from the collision.

  Every year without fail her dad would try to get her to visit him and the family, and for the past two years she’d refused.

  She felt Brad move up close behind her. He reached out and stroked her hair back from her head. “Tell me what’s going on in that mind of yours?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Just thinking thoughts.”

  “No hair colour change this week?”

  “No. I rather like the deep red colour. I might keep it this way for some time.”

  “You’ve got to get out some more,” he said.

  “Brad, don’t start. I’m fine. I’m going to go and paint. I’ll see you later.” She got up from her seat, walked to her studio and closed the door. In one action she closed everything out and was alone once more. She pulled the painting she’d been working on off the easel. Pulling up another canvas, she set her studio up and began to paint the reflection of herself she’d seen in the window.


  Brad knew he shouldn’t interfere. He set his laptop up and made all the preparations for the contact information. He’d warned Isaac ahead of time what he planned to do. The contact information was for Isaac’s personal phone. She would be able to find all the contact details.

  He glanced behind him at the studio door. For the past two weeks she’d become withdrawn, rarely speaking or spending any time with him when he did make it home. He could only imagine what she was going through.

  Closing his eyes he debated doing what he was about to do. He should just talk to her about what she wanted, but he knew she would never be truly open with him about this subject. Isaac had promised him he would be the utmost of gentlemen.

  Opening his eyes, Brad set the laptop up and made the account visible. Seconds later, he left the apartment.

  He took his phone out of his pocket and made the call.

  “Hello,” Isaac said as he answered the phone.

  “Everything is set up. She may call today.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you know what happens.”

  They ended the call, and Brad made his way to Ben. He owned a club in the centre of city. It was the only place Brad could be near him without being thrown out. Ben was ten years older than he.

  The club he owned catered during the day and night. He took a seat at the back of the bar and waited for the waitress to serve him some coffee. Brad couldn’t see Ben but he sat back and waited for him to show.

  He saw Ben the moment he entered the bar. Ben was larger than most men and he looked like a bouncer rather than the owner. Brad felt his palms grow sweaty as the bartender pointed in his direction and Ben turned his blue eyes on him.

  Brad sipped at his drink as Ben made his way over to him. His heart pounded inside his chest.

  “What are you doing here?” Ben asked.

  “I’m having a drink.” He felt so clumsy in front of this man. The memories he held of him were so few but he knew he’d fucked up any chance at a relationship.

  The addictions had begun in his teen years. He’d find the alcohol in his dad’s stash. The drinking helped ease the pain of his situation. The drugs were easy to come by. The school his parents sent him to could get anything. Then at the weekends he would use a fake identity to get into casinos. The lifestyle his mother wanted had brought him nothing but problems. They never took the time with him as they did with the other children they had together. In fact, they treated him as if he brought shame to the family, an outsider forever looking in on what he couldn’t have.

  “You’re not supposed to be here. The drink is too much of a risk for you.”

  “I’m drinking coffee. I’ve not touched a drop of alcohol in three years.”

  “And the drugs?”

  “Two years. I’m on the straight and narrow. I swear.”

  Ben stared at him for several moments. He felt the stain of embarrassment blush his cheeks. The years of being on substances had made him forget what he’d done to this man. Ben wanted nothing to do with him. He couldn’t live life without knowing what he’d done and if there was some way for him to make amends.

  “What did I do? Why do you hate me so much?” Brad asked.

  “I haven’t got time for this, Brad. Finish your coffee and then leave. I’ve got a business to run.”

  Brad watched him disappear through some double doors. His hands were shaking and he left his coffee unfinished. He took a couple of notes out of his wallet to pay for the coffee and to tip the waitress before he left.

  Out on the street, Brad began to walk without looking where he was going. He needed to clear his head from the riot of thoughts running through his h


  Noelle pulled out of her trance just after lunch time. She ignored the phone as it rang. She had stuff that was far more important for her to do. Staring at herself in the portrait she left it to dry.

  Opening the studio door she went to the phone and saw three messages waiting for her. She clicked the button for her to hear them.

  “Hiya, honey. I know I keep calling, but your mum and I were wondering if you’d be able to make it down to us? It has been a couple years since we last saw you, and we don’t want to keep sending you cards. Call me. Dad.”

  She deleted the message. Brad would force her to phone them if he knew they’d gotten in touch.

  “Sorry, it’s me again. Please call. I know you don’t want to, but I want to hear your voice. I love you baby, and I’m so sorry about what happened.”

  “You’re so sorry, but it doesn’t stop you having a fucking drink, you bastard.” She deleted the next few messages when she heard the voice of her dad. Feeling angry and hurt at the way he was trying to blame her, she went to the kitchen and pulled two brownies out of the batch she’d made the night before.

  Her hips would be protesting at the added calories, but she didn’t care. Chocolate brownies were one of her few pleasures in the world. She moaned as the gooey chocolate coated her taste buds. The flavour was addictive. She took another brownie from the tub before grabbing herself a glass of milk.

  She noted Brad’s laptop set up on the table. Frowning, she moved closer to see if he was waiting for anything. It was unlike him to leave it lying around. She sat down and began hunting around like she did last time. A page kept popping up which dominated the rest. The page was for the exclusive company of a male escort. There was no picture just some information about his service, payment details and a phone number. Staring at the screen for the longest time, she debated her options.

  Option one, she could go to a bar and try and pick a drunken man up and hope he would treat her right. Option two, she could phone this guy, pay the money and try to experience something besides overall disgust. Moving away, she grabbed the phone.

  Twice she phoned the number and put it down before it could ring. On the third time a man picked up, and terrified, she put the phone down. On the fourth ring, she let him pick up.

  “Hello,” he said.

  She didn’t have a clue as to what to say.

  “Hello,” he said again.

  From his voice alone she knew he was sexy.

  “If this is a prank call....”

  “No. It’s not. I’m so sorry. I’ve never done this before.” Noelle gasped and placed a hand in front of her mouth. She wished she could take the words back.

  “Many people haven’t phoned this number. May I ask who is calling?” His voice dripped with charm.

  Closing her eyes, her heart raced as her body became instantly alert to the man on the phone. Brad never made her feel this way.

  “I don’t know why I was calling. It’s a stupid reason. I’m really sorry to bother you.”

  “Tell me your name,” he said.

  His voice demanded an answer.

  “Noelle,” she found herself saying before she could hand up.

  “Noelle. Pretty name. I take it you want to book an appointment to see me?”

  Staring at the internet, she wondered what the hell she was doing.

  Chapter Five

  Isaac stood staring down at the street below as he talked into his personal mobile phone. The several calls had annoyed him. The woman on the other end sounded pleasant, and he sensed she was scared to ask for something. He had no idea how an escort sounded or the kinds of questions asked. The only type of escort he’d been acquainted with was the type he saw on the some of the streets he passed or the television. He would burst out laughing at his predicament if it wasn’t so important to him to meet the woman who’d helped his brother.

  “I don’t know about booking an appointment. I’m not really sure what I want.” Her voice sounded kind. Young. From the information Brad had given to him, he knew she was twenty years his junior. She was much too young for him. Being a cynical forty-year-old, he’d seen most of the crap in the world and hated it.

  “I think we should meet. We can arrange a time and place to meet. If you’re not happy with me then no hard feelings.” He glanced down at his watch anticipating when she would want to see him.

  “When would be suitable to you?” she asked.

  “How about tonight?” He was never a patient man. The sooner he saw her and got his obsession out of the way would suit him.

  “Are you sure you want to meet that soon?”

  “Yes. I look forward to meeting you, Noelle.”

  They scheduled a small but discreet hotel. She would arrive around eight, and he would arrive half an hour later. They ended the call. Isaac stared down at the phone and realised he hadn’t given her his name.

  For the first time in a long time he was looking forward his evening. He thought about the photo Brad had shown him and the beauty of her eyes and the innocence in her face. She must have suffered much in her short life to feel she had to resort to an escort agency.

  He waited for Brad to answer his phone.

  “Hello,” Brad said.

  “Noelle phoned. We’ve organised to meet tonight.”

  “I hope she finds what she’s looking for. Don’t be horrible to her, and let her down gently. I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be a good idea?”

  “Lying to her. She deserves better than this. Promise me you’ll take care of her.”

  “Of course I will.”

  “Okay. I’ve got to go, and I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Brad ended the call, which left Isaac staring at his mobile phone in confusion. This had been the other man’s idea. Not his. Flipping his phone closed, he finished up his day of work. He intended to leave early to prepare for his night. He had no idea what was going to happen. The whole idea was a stupid one, and he couldn’t explain why he was going through with it. Noelle sounded nice on the phone, and it was his own curiosity that had made him agree.

  He left his office at five, drove home and changed for the night ahead of him. The moment he walked into his apartment, he went straight to the shower. He pulled all of his clothes off his body and spent ten minutes under the warm water. After he got out, he dried the water from his body and went to his wardrobe.

  He had no idea what escorts wore. Checking out his clothes, he settled on a pair of black pants and a plain white shirt. He’d take a jacket to keep the chill off.

  This would be the first time he met a woman without the back up of his bank balance. He wondered what it would feel like to be Isaac the man rather than the businessman with lots of wealth. Most of the people who came into contact with him knew more about his state of affairs than what drink he liked.

  For the remainder of his time, he sat down at his office desk and worked some more. The work he did was a pitiful excuse for a life.

  When the clock struck eight, he made his way out of his apartment.


  Brad found himself at the side entrance to the club. The man guarding gave him a frustrated look and talked into his cell phone. Minutes later, Ben stood at the door looking furious.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I only want to talk.”

  Ben glared down at him and then turned and nodded at the guard. Brad was patted down and made to follow Ben round the back of the club through to his office. Semi-clad girls walked past him, but none of them held any appeal. He walked into the office and waited for Ben to shut the door.

  “Have a seat.” Ben took the seat behind the desk and stared at him. “I’m pleased you’ve gotten help, Brad. I am. I know all about Noelle and the help she’s given you.”

  “Thank you. I want to know what I did, Ben. I can’t remember much about that time. I know you were in my life, and I believe at one time we were lov

  Ben laughed. “You’re not ready to deal with what you did to me, boy. Getting involved with you was the biggest mistake of my life. I appreciate that you’re struggling, but my advice would be for you not to come round here anymore.”

  “I can’t just leave like this.”

  “Yes. You can. Tell Noelle I said thank you, but I think it would be best for both of us if you give me more space. I’m not ready to deal with you, yet.”

  Brad wanted to argue with him. He held his tongue because he couldn’t find the right words to even try to defend himself. The fact that Ben had finally decided to allow him the time to talk even though it was to tell him he wasn’t ready, was success in itself.

  Ben showed him out of the back exit of the club, and Brad watched him walk away this time, his anger cutting into him. He’d been the cause of Ben’s pain. He hated himself for the problems he’d caused.

  Turning away from the vision of his ass moving away from him, he went along the street until he entered the nearest bar. He sat on a stool and looked at the lines of liquor bottles available to drown himself in.

  The bar man asked him what he wanted to drink.

  “Scotch over ice.”

  Minutes later, the drink was placed on the bar. Brad stared at it. His world was once controlled by the small amount of liquid at the bottom of the glass. He lifted the glass and scented the whiskey. His stomach turned over even as his mouth watered for a drop.

  Heart racing, he placed the drink back down. He thought of Noelle and the effort she’d put in to getting him on the straight and narrow. Then he thought of Ben. During his years of drinking, he’d caused him so much pain because of the drink. It would be so easy to forget the world and drown himself in drink and drugs, but then everyone would have been right about him. Noelle would have no one, and he would spend the remainder of his life wondering what would have happened if he was stronger.

  Standing up from the bar, he paid the bill for the glass of scotch and left. Drinking was not an option. He walked the small distance to his apartment. When he entered he knew Noelle would be out with his brother. He hoped he’d done the right thing.


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