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Scarred Beauty

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Nothing else mattered to her.

  “Fuck, such a tight little ass.”

  He thrust inside her two more times and growled as he came, slapping her ass three times. She felt him jerk inside her as he came. His cock grew thicker with every pulse of his thick sperm.

  She collapsed on the bed. The only sound she could hear was the sound of their deep breathing. Isaac pulled out of her ass and picked her up in his arms. He stood her upright as he ran a bath, the lemony bath fragrance permeating the air as he filled the tub. She watched him as the turmoil of what happened built inside her.

  He carried her over to the tub and settled her inside the hot water.

  The hot water felt great as her muscles were protesting from the treatment.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Scared. Worried. I’ve never done anything like that,” she said. She figured being honest was the best course of action.

  “There is nothing to be frightened of. I care about you, Elle, and I would never do anything to you that you won’t enjoy.”

  Feeling a little better, she settled down and let him wash her body. All of her rioting thoughts could go to hell. She was in Isaac’s arms, and she was happy.

  Chapter Twenty

  After their hot bath, they lay in the bed in each other’s arms.


  “Yes.” She looked up at him. He was staring at her hair, his hand filled with her dark red locks.

  “I know this isn’t your normal colour. Why do you dye it?”

  “Because I got tired of men checking me out because of my hair. I’m not shallow, but it would seem blonde usually meant guys wanted to check you out. When I turned around they would freak out and pretend to be looking elsewhere. That’s why I dye it.”

  “What colours have you used before?”

  “I’ve done black, and when I first began dyeing my hair I turned it blue for Halloween. Brad hates it when I do it.”

  “He sounds like my kind of guy,” Isaac said.

  “Don’t you like my hair?” she asked.

  “Elle, I love your hair, but I want to see your real colour, especially seeing as the hair around your pussy is a lovely shade of blonde.” He put his hand between her thighs, making her gasp.

  “How do you do that?”


  “Make me stop thinking?” she asked.

  “You’re easy to please.”

  She slapped his chest and giggled as he tickled her belly.

  “Stop it. Stop it.”

  “I’ll stop if you agree to wash it out,” he said.

  “What?” It was her turn to ask the questions.

  “I bought this the other day. I want to see you with your proper hair colour.” He reached over to one of his drawers and pulled out the hair rinse which came with the hair dye. You could either rinse it out gradually or use the conditioner which came with it to rinse it out immediately.

  Taking the box from his hands she stared at the instructions before turning back to him.

  “I want to see the real you, Elle, without the fake hair.”

  Tears filled her eyes at the big step he was asking for. Biting her lip, she weighed up her options. There was no way she could deny him, but could she be her natural self around him?

  Getting up from the bed, she took his hand and walked into the bathroom.

  Setting up the lotion didn’t take long. She was so nervous in case he didn’t like her with her natural hair colour.

  Neither talked as they worked in the bathroom. Isaac helped soap her hair and rinse the dark red dye out of it. The process seemed to take forever. Noelle watched the colour disappearing down the sink, each wave of water getting lighter and lighter until the water out of her hair ran clear.

  “Could you give me a moment? I’ll dry my hair and come out in a minute.”

  Isaac cupped her cheek. “Don’t keep me waiting too long.”

  She nodded and watched him leave the room. Taking a deep breath, she began drying her hair. Staring at her reflection in the mirror she saw past the scar on her face to see the woman within her. The blonde hair was different. After having the red hair for a few weeks she’d gotten used to the garish colour. When every inch of her hair was dry, she placed the dryer on the counter.

  There was a full length mirror on the wall opposite.

  Turning round, she stared at her reflection with her blonde hair and removed her robe. For the first time in over ten years, she looked at her full body in the mirror. The scars that she’d held in so much regard over the years had faded. Her body was her own. Wrapping her arms over her breasts, she let the tears of freedom fall. Isaac had done more than make her fall in love with him. He’d given her a chance to live again.

  Putting the robe back on, she walked out of the bathroom, into the bedroom. She frowned when she saw what Isaac had done.

  The easel was in front of the sofa. He’d arranged it so she could sit and paint near a mirror.

  “You look gorgeous. Your blonde hair is a much better colour for your beauty.” He cupped her cheek, kissing her.

  “What is all this?” she asked.

  “I thought you could paint a portrait of yourself.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Please. For me.”

  She looked at him and saw the earnest way he stared back at her. Biting her lip, she moved over to the set up of her apparatus. He’d bought some pencils for her to sketch with, and as she sat down, she noticed the angle was perfectly aligned with the mirrors for her to see at all angles.

  Her palms were sweaty as she picked up her pencil. She hesitated a few times before she put the lead to the paper. Soon, she was so absorbed in what she was doing, that she didn’t see what Isaac was planning.

  “Lift up, baby,” he said.

  Noelle looked at him and blushed when she saw him naked. She did as he asked and gasped as he lifted the robe out of the way and pressed himself inside her wet cunt.

  Isaac made love to her as she finished off her portrait. How she managed to concentrate on the sketch was beyond her. When she finished, even though she hated it, she knew she would never change it. The conflicting emotions on her face were drawn perfectly. To distract her, Isaac made love to her for the remainder of the night way into Sunday morning.


  On their last night together, Isaac took her out to a French restaurant. She was surprised by the amount of attention he got. The maitre d’ and the waiters practically fell over themselves to attend to his needs. She found the whole experience strange. Isaac didn’t seem to notice of the other customers. Several people stopped by the table, and Isaac said hello and then dismissed them.

  “You know a lot of people,” she said.

  “A lot of people think they know me.”

  Noelle found everything about their meal strange but overall thought her first experience on a date extremely appealing. Isaac was attentive, and as it was their last night it was the perfect end to the best weekend of her life.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  All too soon, their weekend was over, and Noelle stood in her apartment. Brad was gone for the day, and he’d left her a brief note that they needed groceries. Checking the cupboards, Noelle made a list and decided to face her final fear.

  She grabbed her keys and walked out onto the busy street. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she walked in the direction of the shopping centre close by.

  Most people were so busy in their own Monday life that they didn’t pay attention to her.

  When she walked into the shop, she grabbed a shopping trolley and began filling it with fresh fruit and vegetables. Her hands stopped shaking as she travelled around the supermarket. A few whispers happened, but she brushed them aside. She had no control over what had happened to her as a child, and she would no longer be held in its grips because people couldn’t handle her imperfection.

  She rounded a corner and stopped as she bumped into a handsome man.

  “Sorry,” she said.

  “No. It was all my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  “Well, no harm done.” Noelle went to move away, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

  “Aren’t you in the papers?” he asked.

  Shaking her head, she pulled out of his grip.

  “I’m sure it’s you.”

  “No. I’ve never been in the papers, and I don’t expect to start now. Sorry, you must have me mistaken with someone else.” She passed him and went to the deli section. The encounter had her nerves frayed. When her phone buzzed it provided the welcome distraction that she needed.

  “Meet tonight at the hotel. Usual time. I x”

  She smiled and responded, agreeing to meet him. Finishing her shopping was a painless process.

  When she got home, she unpacked all of her work and went to check out her studio. Pulling open the blinds, she let the winter’s sun penetrate inside the room. She felt like a new woman, so happy and relaxed in the life she’d made for herself.

  Running her fingers through her blonde locks, she began organising her art-work, putting the finished pieces into a pile while she collected her half finished work. As the day progressed she became more and more anxious to see Isaac. Her body was burning to feel his touch. Brad didn’t return home when she was scheduled to leave. She decided to leave him a note about the food and her date.

  She put on a floral pink dress, a coat, scarf, and hat to protect against the cold, not to hide.

  When she pulled up outside the hotel, she paid the man his fee and walked inside the reception desk. The man on duty gave her a funny look as he handed her the key. Not thinking much to his behaviour she made her way to the room Isaac and she shared.

  The moment she got to the door she noted it was partially open, and she heard voices coming from the room. Getting closer she listened to the raised angry voices. Her heart pounded as she recognised both of the men inside the room.

  “I told you to end it on the one night, Isaac. You’re stringing her along as if she’s one of your notches.”

  “Don’t fucking talk about her that way.”

  Noelle stared at the two men in the hotel room she reserved for herself and Isaac. Neither turned her way, which told her she’d entered the room too quietly for them to hear.

  “You weren’t supposed to start an affair with her. You were supposed to let her down lightly or tell her something to keep her at bay. Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?” Brad asked.

  “She’s not your business, Brad. I want her as my own. I care about her.”

  “She’s a fucking trophy piece to you. I bet she looks upon you with worship. I asked you to care for her. Why didn’t you listen to me when I asked?”

  “Elle wants to be with me, and I want to be with her. I don’t see where you have a problem with that.”

  “That’s exactly what my problem is. What will you do when she wants more from you? Can you give her that kind of commitment? She’s scarred, Isaac. She would never fit into that perfect world you live in. End it now, or risk destroying her.”

  Noelle had heard enough.

  “I think it’s time you both told me what is going on. I seem to be missing something,” she said causing both men to start and turn to face her.

  She’d wrapped her blonde hair back off her face. She wished she’d kept it down. The protection it provided would be welcome. They glanced at each other before turning back to her.

  “What are you doing here?” Brad asked.

  “I got a message to come to the hotel room from Isaac. He’s here, and so are you. And you both seem to know each other. What is going on?” She sounded calm even as her mind was whirling at a mile a minute trying to figure out what was going on.

  “This is not what it looks like,” Brad said.

  “No? Then please tell me how my best friend and an escort would know each other. Or are you really an escort, Isaac?” she asked. Her hands were shaking. She placed them inside her jacket, her nerves getting more frayed with every passing minute.

  “We’ve got to tell her the truth,” Isaac said. “I’m not really an escort.”

  “Then what are you?”

  Silence met her question. Her nails sank into the palm of her hand.

  “He’s my brother, Noelle,” Brad said.

  “He can’t be. Your brother is a wealthy businessman. You’ve told me about him. He’s a rake. Not good for anything. The type of guy a woman would hate getting involved with.”

  Isaac winced at the description. “Is this true?” she asked her love, the man she’d given her virginity and heart to, the very man who’d asked her to trust him, the same man who’d promised her he would be honest with her.

  She waited as he stared at her. He made no move to confirm or deny the accusations. Then all of a sudden, he nodded his head.

  It felt like someone was thumping her in the stomach and chest. Unconsciously, she began to rub both as tears sprang to her eyes.

  “I can’t believe this,” she said. She turned to look at Brad. “How did you find out?”

  He handed her over a paper. Taking it from him with trembling fingers, she opened it up and there in black and white was a picture of her and Isaac seated inside the French restaurant.

  Noelle burst out laughing. “You know, a guy stopped me in the supermarket today while I was buying groceries and asked if I was the woman on the cover of a newspaper. I told him he had the wrong woman.”

  “I didn’t know we were being followed. I would have done everything in my power to keep this out of the press,” Isaac said.

  “Why bother? Who is the scarred woman who has captured Isaac Welch’s attention?” She felt humiliated by the title. The truth of their relationship hit her square in the face.

  Isaac tore the paper from her grasp and ripped it apart. “This doesn’t matter. Do you hear me? This is nothing. What matters is what we’ve shared.” He stroked her cheek. The touch was meant to be tender. She understood that, but she pulled away. The thought of his touch repulsed her. The immediate change in their relationship had become too much.

  “I’ve got to go,” she said.

  “No. You’re not going out here. Elle, listen to me. I love you. This means nothing. I still want that forever we talked about.”

  She shrugged him off. “Forever? How come you never said you loved me before this? You were given more than enough time to say the words. Why now? What has changed?”

  Staring at him, she saw him fight to find the words.

  “It’s over, and seeing as you’re this big hot-shot wealthy businessman, I want my fucking money back.” She walked to the door. Not satisfied with how it ended, she walked back and slapped Isaac around the face. The action didn’t make her feel better, but it helped deal with her pain.

  The bastard had no idea the extent of her feelings for him, and they’d been a lie. The man she knew had been a lie.

  “I’ve already transferred the funds back. Don’t leave like this, Elle.”

  “How could you do this to me?” she asked. He stared at her without saying a word. “If you loved someone, no matter what, you could never lie to her like you did me. I never lied to you.”

  “I do love you.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ve got to go.”

  Noelle ran out of the hotel room. The taxi she’d left was still there waiting. She jumped inside the cab.

  “Could you take me back to my apartment and keep the motor running? I’ve got to find a place to go.”

  “Sure, lady, but it will cost you.”

  “Not a problem.”

  She put on her seatbelt and stared out the window. Brad rushed out of the hotel and charged after the taxi. She ignored him, sat back and watched the world go by. All too soon, she was at her apartment door with Brad not too far behind. Instead of stopping to have the argument with him, she went straight to her room and began packing.

  “Noelle, you don’t have to do this,�
� Brad said from her doorway.

  “I don’t? You could have fooled me. When my best friend gets his older brother who’s stuck in a rut to fuck his scarred best friend, I would consider leaving the best thing to do.”

  “Where are you going to go?” he asked.

  “The money I paid him is back in my account. I’ve got enough to get by. I don’t want to see you, Brad. What you’ve done has hurt me more than anything else.” She packed her suitcase and made her way out of the apartment. Brad followed her all the way down to the taxi.

  “This is ridiculous.”

  She whirled round on him. “You should have thought about that before you pimped your older brother out on me. I never wanted anyone’s pity, Brad. I wanted love.”

  “Isaac loves you. Give him a chance.”

  Shaking her head, she handed her suitcase over to the taxi man.

  “If only you hadn’t asked him to be that man. Isaac Welch is not the man I know and never will be.”

  Leaving her friend stood on the pavement, she got into the cab, and then he drove away.

  “Where do you want to go, miss?”

  “To an available apartment.”

  Laying her head back against the head rest, she stared out at the city. In less than a few weeks the everywhere would be alight with Christmas decorations. She thought about her family and the festive times they used to spend together.

  From her own personal problems she’d lost so much. Closing her eyes, she hugged herself to try to keep the last little bit of warmth she had left inside her.


  Isaac paid for the room, a dull ache hurting inside his chest. She was gone, and there was no way he would be able to get her back. Pulling his debit card out of the machine, he gave a quick smile at the man on the desk before he left.

  The moment he stepped out into the cold air, he welcomed the chill. The frost biting at his toes was welcome and let him know he was still alive.

  What had happened was the biggest mistake of his life. Not telling Elle who he was had been the problem. Nothing else. Pulling the collar of his coat up to his neck, he called for a taxi to take him to his penthouse apartment. He would go home, to his empty apartment and empty life with only the sweet memories of Elle to keep him company.


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