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Highlander's Revenge (Highlanders 0f The McCall Clan Book 3)

Page 19

by Barbara Bard

  “I will think about it lass, but I cannae promise ye one way or the other. I cannae think tae much of the future until I meet Lord Flynn. Then my destiny will be decided. I'll either get tae live a happy life, or...” he trailed off, not wanting to finish the thought.

  Rebecca stifled a sob. She pressed herself closer to him, as though just by her will she could keep him alive.

  “Are you sure this is the only way?”

  “Aye lass, it is.”

  Rebecca was resigned. She knew that she could not change Alastar's mind. Part of her wanted to run away deep into the forest and leave all this behind completely, but neither of them were that type of person. The Highlands were under threat, and while they were here, they would do all they could to ensure that everyone remained alive.

  Chapter 31

  “What is your plan?” Rebecca asked.

  Alastar's mighty body was loose and relaxed. Rebecca was draped over him like a blanket, and he loved the feeling of her naked body against his. The intense pleasure she brought him rendered his mind quiet and content, it calmed the torment, and for this she would never know how grateful he was.

  They had spoken a great deal about matters, and she had given Alastar a lot to think about. Perhaps he had been too rigid in his thinking and had assumed too many things about her. He would not make that mistake again. He ran his hand along his chest and caught hers, letting their fingers twine together. Her hand looked so small in his, and yet in many ways she was stronger than he would ever be.

  “My plan?” he asked.

  “To get to Lord Flynn.”

  “I will sneak in at night and find his tent, then I shall challenge him tae a duel, then I shall see him meet his end.”

  “How can you be sure he will duel you and not simply alert his army to take you prisoner again?”

  “Because I know the man. I hae escaped his clutches. I hae wounded him. He will nae want tae let anyone else get their hands on me. Nae this time. He will want to prove himself the better man, but he will nae succeed.”

  “I'm worried. I don't think it is going to be as simple as you seem to believe.”

  “It will be lass. I was taught by the best remember?”

  Rebecca remained quiet for a moment or two and Alastar wondered if she was going to lash out at him again. In truth, Alastar didn't think it mattered what his plan was, because it was destiny's plan for him to meet Lord Flynn in battle again. And with one swift strike he could end the war before it even begins.

  “I'm coming with you,” she said.

  Alastar could barely believe her words.

  “What dae ye mean?”

  “I mean that I'm coming with you.”

  “I already brought ye here against my better judgment. I cannae take ye intae the heart of their army!” Alastar said, propping himself up on one elbow.

  “I've been thinking about this a lot Alastar. I feel safest when I'm with you, and I would rather be there with you than waiting here for your return. And I think you would do well to have me by your side too.”

  “With all due respect, and I mean this kindly, ye would only slow me down. Ye hae nae been trained as I hae, and ye are nae built for fighting.”

  “I know Alastar, and I shall be careful. But there is something else as well...”

  She seemed to have trouble finding the words, and it took Alastar to prompt her.

  “It's Elayne. I am sure that she will be there with him, and I cannot let her get away with her betrayal. I wish to have words with her again. I know her crimes are not the same as Lord Flynn's against yours, but I need to know why she betrayed me so brazenly. You cannot deny me the chance to confront her.”

  “Nae, but ye could wait until the deed is done,” Alastar said, even though he already had a sinking feeling that he was fighting a losing battle.

  “Or we could ride into battle together, side by side,” Rebecca said, her eyes gleaming. Alastar had to admit that the thought did appeal to him.

  “For someone who acted sae meek, ye are showing steel,” he said.

  Rebecca blushed.

  “I think you're bringing it out in me. I was never like this before. I didn't know I had it in me. I suppose that events have led me to be this way.”

  “Ye hae taught me much Rebecca,” Alastar said, “ye hae taught me that ye hae your own path tae walk, and that I should nae get in the way. I hae been angry at my Ma for asking my father tae stop fighting. I would be daeing the same tae ye. I am still worried for ye safety though, and if anything happened tae ye I could nae forgive myself.”

  “Just as I could not forgive myself if anything happened to you. Let me come with you Alastar. Let me experience life as the Blue Thistle.”

  The way she spoke touched his heart, and the thought of her coming with him made him feel good. His father had always told him that it was better to be the Blue Thistle with someone by his side. Rebecca made him reconsider everything he believed about relationships, but that wasn't a bad thing. She had proven herself capable in everything they had done so far, and this would likely be no different.

  “Fine lass, ye can come with me, but at the first sign of danger ye must flee, nae matter what is happening tae me,” he said. Rebecca nodded enthusiastically and kissed him firmly on the cheek. He prayed to the gods that he wouldn't live to regret it. Now that he had her, he wasn't sure he could bear the pain of losing Rebecca, and he was glad that she had fought to stay by his side. She gave him strength, and she made him a better man.

  Rebecca fell asleep with a smile on her face, while Alastar was a little more troubled. The day he had been waiting for was fast approaching, and it could well end with his death. He tried to act confident, as though he was assured of his victory, but deep down he knew that Lord Flynn was more than capable of killing the Blue Thistle.

  Before he'd met Rebecca, it had been easier to accept his fate. He'd had nothing to live for except this quest for revenge, and if it resulted in his death then at least he would have been content in knowing he had tried, then he would be reunited with his parents in the afterlife. But now that he had something to live for the pressure was stronger. He had things to lose.

  However, this was not a weakness. Rather, it was a strength. He was sure that knowing he was fighting for Rebecca, for his future, he would have the edge over Lord Flynn. For Lord Flynn was a bitter old man who fought only because he had nothing left inside him except for a bitter, cold heart.

  Eventually Alastar fell asleep too, and instead of thinking about Lord Flynn, his father, or revenge, he thought about a future with Rebecca. He thought about spending their days in sunshine, exploring each other’s bodies, taming the land, and taming each other.

  The following morning Alastar awoke while Rebecca was still sleeping. He extricated himself from her and left her sleeping form spread out over the bed. He walked over to the window and gazed out at the Highlands, at the lush green valley and the beautiful blue sky. He was so lost in thought that he barely realized that Rebecca had awoken and joined him, wrapping her arms around his body and kissing his back.

  “It's a beautiful sight,” she said.

  “Aye, and there were sae many nights when I thought I would never lay eyes on this again,” he said.

  “And now you have, and you'll not have to say goodbye to it for a long time.”

  “Are ye sure ye want tae stay here? Ye home is in England,” he said, turning to face her.

  “My home is where I'm happiest. It's where my heart is, and that's with you,” she said, and pulled him in for a kiss. “Let us break our fast, and then we can plan out our attack on the English,” she said with relish, then she laughed.

  The two of them went downstairs and joined the others in the breakfast hall. They were greeted with much joy, and Alastar was glad to see that his rejection of Blair's invitation hadn't made things awkward. They were eating heartily. Rebecca and Alastar tucked in with equal enthusiasm and filled their bellies. They talked among each other with joy.
The girls were eager to share stories of their adventures, and Alastar wanted to know more about the recent war, and everything that had happened in the Highlands during his absence.

  Blair and Drew were all too happy to tell him, and Alastar shared their pain when they spoke about the passing of their father.

  “From all I hae heard ye are leading the clan with great honor. I am sure ye father would be proud of ye,” Alastar said. Blair thanked him, and then pulled him away to the side so that he could speak privately with Alastar.

  “I hae been thinking about what ye said yesterday, and I cannae believe that ye are sae reckless. Dae ye really think ye will be able tae get intae the English camp all by yerself?” Blair asked.

  “Would ye doubt the talents of the Blue Thistle?” Alastar replied with a grin. Blair's silence said that he certainly would doubt. “I hae done things like this before,” Alastar reassured him.

  “Still, ye dinnae hae tae be alone, I hae sent word out tae all the clans and they shall be here within the next couple of days. There are many men who would be honored tae fight alongside the Blue Thistle. I would like tae send ye out with a small force of men, just tae make sure ye can fight if ye find yerself in trouble.”

  “Blair, ye are a kind man, and an honorable leader, but more men means more risk. I stand a better chance without them, and besides, I won't be alone.”

  “Did Declan persuade ye tae take him with ye?”

  Alastar chuckled. “Nae, I am taking Rebecca.”

  Alastar thought that Blair's eyes were going to pop out of his head.

  “Ye cannae take her!” he said.

  “I hae the same reaction, but she hae a score tae settle as well. And I'm sure yer lass is the same. Once she gets an idea in her head, she cannae be shaken from it. Would ye tell Rosemary nae if she asked ye from the bottom of her heart?”

  Blair looked pensive for a moment. “I suppose I would nae. Aye, they dae cause us grief.”

  “And we would nae hae it any other way,” Alastar said. Blair gave him a knowing smile.

  “Is there anything ye will need?”

  “Cloaks, and my horse. I hae everything else I need right here,” Alastar said, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword. Blair nodded, understanding completely.

  “If there is anything else ye need dinnae hesitate tae let me know. When dae ye think ye will be leaving?”

  Alastar tossed around a few thoughts in his mind. “Later today. I dinnae want tae wait tae long.”

  “How are ye gonnae find him?” Blair asked.

  “It will nae be hard tae find an army,” Alastar said. “But I know how he thinks. He will want tae get here as quickly as possible, and he will nae hide away in the forest. He will want us tae know he is coming. He'll take the direct route, and he'll move as quickly as possible. But because of that he will make mistakes. His soldiers will be tired, and they will nae be paying attention for one man. I can sneak in when it is dark and then I will end this war. I will return here as soon as possible.”

  “And if ye dinnae?”

  “Then ye will hae tae get ready to face an army. The ground will shake when Lord Flynn approaches.”

  “Then let's hope it dinnae come tae that,” Blair said. He took Alastar's arm in his, gripping the forearm. “Ye are a brave man Alastar. Ye hae every right tae disappear after all ye hae been through, but ye still fight.”

  “That is how my Da raised me,” Alastar said.

  “I want ye tae know that the invitation stands, if ye change ye mind.”

  “I shall consider it, if I return,” Alastar said.

  He and Blair nodded to each other, then returned to their seats and finished their breakfasts. Alastar was glad that he was not being shunned for being a lone warrior, and that he was being shown great hospitality. He had heard from his father stories about how the clans were plagued with infighting and rivalries, but it seemed as though the hostilities with the English had brought them together, uniting them against a common foe.

  That was something that Lord Flynn wouldn't have counted on, and it was likely that the English would live to regret it, for a united Scotland was a formidable force, and if they ever turned their full might onto England the Highlanders could well run rampant.

  For the rest of the day Alastar prepared to leave. He made sure the horse was well rested and ready to go out again he had formed a bond with this horse and didn't want another. He gathered some food and water to ensure that they had enough to last them, although he hoped they wouldn't be riding for too long. If he knew Lord Flynn as well as he thought he did, then the English army was well into the Highlands by now, and he would be driving them hard.

  He also gathered a couple of dark cloaks for he and Rebecca to wear so that they could blend into the darkness. His plan was to strike at night, when most of the army would be asleep, exhausted from a hard day's march. The Highlands weren't hospitable to enemy forces either. The roads were long and winding, and it was easy to get lost.

  It was late afternoon by the time Alastar and Rebecca were ready to leave.

  “Are ye ready, lass?” he asked. She nodded, although he noticed some tension in her face. She was evidently nervous, but she wasn't going to show it. He wasn't going to disrespect her by asking her to stay behind. Fear was something to be conquered, and she had made it clear that she wanted to conquer hers.

  By the time they were ready to leave, people had heeded the call to arms that Blair had issued and were arriving. Huge wagons appeared on the field outside the castle, and other Highland clans were greeting each other with much excitement. They were loud and brash and were making comments about how they had to fight back the English threat again. Not all of them knew the details about the current threat, but they soon would, and they were all eager to spill the blood of the old enemy.

  Alastar had never been among so many people, and it was a sharp contrast to the life he had known with his parents. He had always been proud of his heritage as a Highlander and seen it as his duty to protect the people of the Highlands, but he it had always been a solitary pursuit. For the first time in his life he was realizing that he was a part of something bigger, and that there wasn't necessarily anything wrong with that.

  “There are so many of them,” Rebecca gasped.


  “We have to succeed Alastar, we can't let all these people die,” she said with fierce determination. Alastar nodded. He made the final adjustments to the horse and led it through the throng of people. He still wasn't entirely sure that bringing Rebecca was the right thing to do, but she was set on it and there was no changing her mind now.

  She stayed close to him though, for some of the Highlanders frightened her. There was still much she had to get used to.

  There was a huge yell behind him. Alastar assumed it was for someone else, but then he heard footsteps thumping along the ground towards him. He turned, almost expected a threat, only to a see a huge mountain of a man standing in front of him.

  “Ye're him, aren't ye?” he said, a look of wonder in his eyes.

  “Who?” Alastar asked.

  “The Blue Thistle! I would know that armor anywhere. I thought ye hae died. Och, I knew naething could kill the Blue Thistle! Ye are the greatest swordsman ever. The tales are legendary! It is an honor tae meet ye. My name is Mont,” the man said, taking Alastar's forearm, shaking it firmly. Alastar smiled.

  “Thank ye, it is an honor tae meet ye tae.”

  “The English stand nae chance, nae when we hae the Blue Thistle!” Mont said then turned around and ran through the crowd, yelling at the top of his lungs that the Blue Thistle was in the fight. Alastar shook his head in disbelief and smiled at the gesture, not thinking much of it, when suddenly there was a huge roar and cheer as people celebrated the news.

  Alastar turned and looked at the Highlanders applauding him, cheering him on. They chanted for him, and he was deeply moved by the gesture.

  “I cannae believe it,” he said as he led the
horse to the edge of the field and helped Rebecca onto its back, before straddling it himself.

  “You are their hero,” Rebecca said, eyes glistening with tears, for she was touched by the reception as well.

  “Nae, my father is. This is for him, and all the good work he did in his life. But I shall make them cheer for me. The Blue Thistle lives again!” he cried as he turned the horse away from the castle and rode away towards his destiny. He knew that the Highlanders must have known that he wasn't the first Blue Thistle, but they accepted him without question. That meant more to Alastar than any of them would ever know. He had taken up his father's mantle, and he had been deemed worthy of it. Now the only thing left to do was to finish what had begun so many years ago, and then he could begin his new life with Rebecca.


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