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Highlander's Revenge (Highlanders 0f The McCall Clan Book 3)

Page 22

by Barbara Bard

  Rebecca's heart was seized by uncertain anguish. She had given Alastar a chance, but not a certainty. She watched the two men clash, then Alastar gained the advantage. She never expected to take such glee in the defeat of a man, but in Lord Flynn's case she would make an exception.

  Alastar's body moved gracefully, the sword seemed like it was an extension of his arm, and there was no doubt in her mind now that he would win.

  But then the devious Lord Flynn kicked out at the candles that were on the table. They fell to the floor, and the flames licked at the edges of the tent and the papers that were on the ground. Fire soon spread, and the tent was filled with heat. The air sizzled and glowed orange, and Rebecca was scared for her life. But still the two men fought.

  “If you want to kill me then I will make you burn!” Lord Flynn cackled, sounding like a madman as every moment brought him closer to death. Rebecca wanted this to be over before they burned. The heat grew more intense with every passing moment, but still Lord Flynn was alive.

  She worried that her confidence had been misplaced, and that Lord Flynn could never be killed. But then, with a flick of the wrist so swift that Rebecca wasn't sure how he did it, Alastar had disarmed Lord Flynn and knocked him to his knees. Lord Flynn rolled off the table onto the floor, surrounding by flames, looking completely helpless. The knife stuck out of his shoulder. Sweat poured down his face. Alastar jumped down and held him at knifepoint.

  This was it, Rebecca thought, the end was coming.

  Chapter 37

  The heat seared Alastar and his clothes clung to him. His muscles ached, and his throat was raw. Every breath scratched his insides, and the smell of smoke suffocated him. He stood before Lord Flynn. The man clasped his hands together, begging for mercy.

  “We can come to some arrangement. Show mercy on me,” he pleaded. The man was a pathetic sight, and Alastar was disgusted.

  “Ye nae showed my father any mercy,” Alastar said.

  “But I showed you mercy! I spared your life!” he said.

  Alastar paused for a moment. He had come so far in his journey, and now that the moment was upon him it didn't give him any joy to see Lord Flynn like this. Over the years Flynn had become a symbol for all Alastar's hatred, and he had always relished the moment where he would stand over him like this and prove that he was the better man, but the moment wasn't as fulfilling as Alastar had once believed it would be.

  There were other, more important things in his life now.

  However, as he paused Lord Flynn took this as an advantage. With a huge cry of pain, he wrenched the knife out of his shoulder. Blood dripped from the blade, and he slashed at Alastar, looking to cut his stomach open. Alastar was quick to react though. In one smooth movement he drew his sword across Athelred's hand, wounding it. The man howled in pain, and then Alastar drove his sword through the man's gut.

  In an instant it was over.

  Lord Flynn still wore his look of surprise.

  Alastar drew his sword back and Lord Flynn's body fell to the ground. He stood there, clad in sweat, as Rebecca ran up to him. The tent blazed around them, and they were only afforded a moment of intimacy as they knew they had to leave.

  “How are we going to get out? Surely the rest of the army will be awake now because of this fire?” Rebecca asked.

  “Aye, but there is a way,” Alastar said grimly.

  Lord Flynn was dead, but there was still much to do.

  The tent was burning. Alastar picked up Athelred's body by the scruff of its neck and began to drag it outside. They passed Elayne on the way.

  “What dae ye want tae dae with her?” Alastar asked. He saw confusion run across Rebecca's face.

  “We can't leave her here to burn,” she said, and helped her up. Elayne was sobbing fretfully and seemed to have lost whatever composure she'd had. Rebecca took her outside and sat her down. Alastar looked around, worried that they would be attacked, but the camp was in confusion at the appearance of the fire.

  “Elayne, I know what he did to you. I know what he did because he would have done the same to me if I had stayed. You need to let this idea of nobility go. It was awful what happened to your family, but you don't need to define your own life by it. You've seen what he was like. He may have been noble in name, but you must find someone who is noble in nature. You need to be happy Elayne, that is the most important thing. I hope you find peace,” Rebecca said.

  Alastar wasn't sure if Elayne was aware of anything Rebecca said, but it was a sweet sentiment. However, they couldn't spend any time standing around. They had to move.

  Alastar picked up a log from a dying fire and held it to the fire that was consuming the tent. He threw it high into the air, and repeated it, launching logs to cause confusion. Fire soon spread across the camp. The orange blaze lit up the calm night. There were shrieks of pain as English soldiers ran from their tents, awakened from their slumber.

  Alastar watched them for a moment. He was like the eye of the storm, calm while the world around him was thrown into chaos. He held Lord Flynn's body aloft and bellowed at the top of his lungs.

  “Englishmen! I hold here the body of yer leader. Lord Flynn is dead, and the same fate awaits ye if ye remain. Ye hae nae reason tae fight anymore. There are hundreds of Highlanders waiting in the woods ready tae come and kill ye if ye stay. Leave our land. Gae back tae England and live ye lives. Ye hae nae cause for war now that Flynn is dead,” he said, and threw the body at a nearby gathering of soldiers. They looked at the body and fear struck their face.

  Alastar puled Rebecca away and they ran through the camp as quickly as they could, but they were met with no resistance. The English were too busy trying to put out the fire that had caught every tent and was quickly getting out of control. They seemed to believe him about the other Highlanders, and he heard them offer shouts of surrender. None of them wanted to die for a lost cause.

  The heat followed them, but it diminished as they grew further from the camp. They ran back to their horse and then caught their breath. As soon as they were stationary Alastar gripped Rebecca tightly and pressed his lips firmly against hers.

  “Thank ye lass, ye saved my life,” he said.

  “You saved mine first,” she teased.

  “Ye were right tae want tae come along.”

  “I'm just glad that we made it through this alive. For a moment there I thought we would fail.”

  Alastar put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest.

  “The Blue Thistle never fails,” he said with a grin, then added in a lower voice, “nae when he hae the love of his life beside him. Rebecca will ye dae me the honor of marrying me?” he asked tenderly. To his great joy, she nodded and tears filled her eyes. They kissed passionately. The smell of smoke clung to them as they descended to the ground. Their hands grasped passionately as they pulled away each other's clothes.

  They had come within a hair's breadth of losing their lives. It seemed a good time to celebrate. Lord Flynn was dead. The Blue Thistle had returned, and war with the English had been averted. The highlanders could go back to living in peace, and Alastar and Rebecca could begin their lives together properly.

  Under the moonlight, with a huge fire blazing nearby, Alastar and Rebecca enjoyed each other's bodies. The more they were together the more they became experts in delighting the other. They knew where all the sweet spots were on their bodies, and although they were exhausted by the events of the night it did not make their lovemaking any less intense. Their bodies shuddered and writhed together as the passion took hold of them, and when the release came, they both let it wash over them, as though it cleansed their spirits.

  Then, they gazed up at the moon and ignored the chaotic sounds of the English camp. The two of them were alone, and that was the most important thing to them. As Alastar cradled her in his arms he thought about the lonely, grief-stricken nights he had spent alone in the dungeon as Lord Flynn's prisoner, how he had never imagined a life like this for himself. But Rebecca had
shown him that there was hope for everyone, and he was going to spend the rest of his life earning her love.

  The night fell upon them as did sleep. They were hidden from the English camp. Nothing bothered them through the night, and both of them slept as easily as a summer's breeze, sharing a dream of paradise.


  The following morning, Rebecca and Alastar awoke at the same time. A warm breeze washed over them, and although the smell of smoke clung to their clothes, they were happy. They greeted each other with a kiss, and shared even more love, almost unable to tear themselves away from each other.

  “Did you really mean what you said last night?” Rebecca asked.

  “Aye lass, I meant it with all my heart. Ye are the lass for me. I want tae prove tae ye that I am the man for ye.”

  “You don't have anything to prove Alastar,” she said, and smiled widely, kissing him lovingly. Then, she looked up and was suddenly afraid. “What of the English?” she asked, for she was afraid that in the night they had gone back on their agreement to surrender.

  “There is only one way tae find out,” Alastar said. He rose and walked to where he could see the field, then he laughed and rubbed his hands together with glee. Rebecca was a little taken aback by his reaction, so she scrambled to her feet so that she could see what he was looking at. When she reached his side, she had the same reaction. The field was completely empty. There were old fires and torn tents strewn about, but the wagons and carts were all gone. The English must have been so scared that they fled as soon as possible.

  “They will nae return soon,” Alastar said. Rebecca couldn't help but think of Elayne though.

  “I hope that Elayne finds her happiness. I almost wish that she had stayed. Perhaps up here in these lands she might realize that nobility is not the meaning of life.” She looked up at Alastar, who had a confused expression on his face, no doubt not being able to understand how she could have mercy for the girl after everything Elayne had done to them.

  “She was hurt by Lord Flynn too,” Rebecca explained softly. “I know she did us wrong, but there are some things that nobody deserves.”

  “Everyone hae their own paths tae walk,” Alastar said, putting an arm around her shoulders, leading her back to the horse, “and ye hae shown me that there is always a way tae happiness, nae matter how much suffering there is in a life.”

  Rebecca sighed, supposing that he was right, but she would continue to worry about Elayne for a long time yet. The two of them shared a meager breakfast and then made their way back to the McCalls to tell them the good news. On the way, however, they stopped to bathe in a lake, dipping their naked bodies in the cool water.

  Afterward, they were refreshed and felt as though they could take on anything, although Alastar was happy to take a break from fighting for the time being. He finally had time to spend with Rebecca and wanted to make the most of it.

  The two of them rode back to the castle and were met with great cheers. Hundreds, possibly thousands of Highlanders had pitched their tents over the course of the night, and it was a sight to see indeed. Banners wave in the breeze, meat was being cooked, songs were being sung. Alastar was greeted as a hero as word spread through the camp, and the two of them made their way to the castle, where Blair and the others were waiting for them.

  They were met with warm embraces from all quarters as they sat down in the feasting hall.

  “There will be nae war. Lord Flynn is dead,” Alastar said. Blair and Drew clapped each other on the back and there were smiles all around, although Rebecca noticed that Catherine was subdued. She intended to speak to her alone as soon as she had the chance.

  Blair congratulated Alastar on his plan and said that they were all grateful for his efforts, and that he would make sure the name of the Blue Thistle was always honored at his table.

  “There is one other thing I would like tae ask of ye,” Alastar said.

  “Ye can ask anything ye like, ye deserve it,” Blair said, and his words were met with effervescent laughter.

  “If ye would dae me the honor, I would like tae accept ye offer tae be in yer clan. I have been taught that being alone isn't always the best way tae live life. I would be honored tae be accepted if ye will have me, and my betrothed,” he said.

  “The honor will be ours. This calls for a celebration!” Blair said, clapping his hands. Lavish meat and wine were brought into the feasting hall and the spirit was joyous. Alastar spoke with Blair and Drew some more.

  “A short time ago I wanted war with the English tae prove myself in battle, but now I am glad we have avoided it. There should be peace in the Highlands. It is what our father would have wanted,” Blair said. “I understand him now more than ever.”

  He raised a glass to his father, and the others joined in.

  “We can only hope that future generations remember what happened today and stay true tae what we hae done,” Alastar said. The three of them looked at Declan and Catherine, who were standing alone together.

  Elsewhere, Rebecca was telling Rosemary and Sarah about the events from her perspective. They gasped when she told them how close to death she had come and reveled in the death of the Lord Flynn. Rebecca was careful not to speak too grandly about that while Catherine was in earshot though. She felt sorry for the girl, who had lost her entire family now.

  Rebecca excused herself to go and speak to Catherine. Declan smiled sadly at Rebecca, and then moved away, giving the girls room to talk.

  “Are you well?” Rebecca asked.

  “I think so,” Catherine sighed.

  “I am sorry,” Rebecca said.

  Catherine smiled wanly at her. “You do not have to say that.”

  “I do, because I am. I know that it must be difficult for you, knowing that so much suffering has been averted because of your father's death. I hope that you bear Alastar no ill will. If there had been any other way...”

  “I know. I thought I had made my peace with these feelings when my brother died. He was petty and arrogant, and he paid the price. My father was a cruel man, and he paid the price too. They were evil, and they took joy in other's pain. I cannot condone their actions in any way, and I can only hope that I am a better person than them.”

  “You are.”

  “But after it all I still love them. They were still my family, and I mourn their passing. I suppose it is just difficult because I hear so many people celebrating his death. He was many things, but he was also my father, and I cannot forget that,” she said.

  Rebecca bowed her and placed her hand on Catherine's.

  “If you ever need to talk about this, I shall be available. I want you to know that you do not have to suffer in this alone.”

  “Thank you, Rebecca, that is sweet. Declan is trying his hardest to understand, which I appreciate. I am sure I will be fine, once the initial shock wears off.”

  “Indeed, and you have your own family to raise soon. You can raise your child in the right way, and make sure that the mistakes of the past are never repeated.”

  Catherine smiled. “That is my hope, although I will tell my child about his family. Perhaps one day I shall even return to England and claim my estates properly. They are mine by right now,” she said. It seemed a small reward to Rebecca, but anything that would provide comfort to her was a boon.

  Rebecca was glad that Alastar had chosen to accept Blair's offer, and she told him this with great joy. The rest of the day was spent with the other Highlanders. Alastar and Rebecca were called upon to tell the tale of how they had prevented war from erupting. For such a fierce people, Rebecca noticed how none of them were really upset that they were not going to war. They seemed to be happy enough reveling in each other's company.

  In the evening, Blair came to them and asked them if they would like him to marry them.

  Alastar glanced at Rebecca, who nodded enthusiastically. She didn't want to wait another moment.

  They walked to the valley and were surrounded by vibrant flowers and ch
irping wildlife. Alastar and Rebecca walked hand in hand, flanked by the others. Everyone was smiling, and all were happy. The rest of the Highlanders were keeping their distance, but the massive crowd did come with them, which Rebecca found strange.

  Both of them had been lonely, without much in the way of family, but now they were a part of something huge, and Rebecca had found happiness she never thought she would know.

  “As the leader of the clan it is a great privilege tae be able tae join two people taegether. From the moment I saw Rebecca and Alastar it was clear they share one heart. They have suffered many trials, and they hae been tested, but they hae proven themselves tae be worthy of this honor. They hae saved us, saved these Highlands from war, and they are gonnae save each other from loneliness.

  “We hae been through some tough times as Highlanders recently, but we hae shown that we fight for glory and for love. We hae seen boys grow into men,” he turned to look at Declan, who beamed, “and we hae welcomed others into our lives. We are a proud people, and we are proud to share this moment with Alastar and Rebecca. Dae ye agree tae treat each other with respect, tae defend each other's honor, and tae always be truthful?” he asked.


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