by Greg King
George V, King of England
George Washington University
Gibbes, Charles Sidney
Anderson and
freed by Provisional Government
Imperial Family remains identified by
Imperial Family’s imprisonment and
trials and
as tutor to Imperial Family
Gienath, Baron Ulrich von
Gill, Peter
Gilliard, Alexandra. See Tegleva, Alexandra “Shura” (Gilliard)
Gilliard, Pierre
Anderson met by
on Anderson’s handwriting
Andrei Vladimirovich and
articles written by
Copenhagen statement and
Duke Leuchtenberg and
freed by Provisional Government
Gleb Botkin and
Imperial Family remains identified by
Imperial Family’s imprisonment and
La Fausse Anastasie
at Livadia
memoirs published by
Poutziado’s claims disputed by
Thirteen Years at the Russian Court
trials and
views on Anastasia
views on grand duchesses
on World War I and Imperial Family
Zachle and
Ginther, Charles
Gish, Lillian
Glischnitz, Pomerania
God Who Didn’t Laugh, The (Botkin)
Golitsyn, Prince Dimitri
Gorz, Dr.
Governor’s House (Mogilev)
Governor’s House (Tobolsk)
Grabbe, General Count Alexander von
Graefe, Dr.
Grandanor Corporation
Grandsitzki, Bruno
Great Palace (Peterhof)
Gregorian, Sarcho
Grossman, Georg
Grunberg, Franz
Gudunov, Boris
Gut-Friederikenhof estate (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
Gut-Retzow (Pomeranian estate)
Hallman, Sergeant
hallux valgus
handwriting analysis
Berliner Nachtausgabe investigation
by Darmstadt
samples available to Anderson
trials and
Hanseatic Landesgericht Court (High Court, Hamburg)
Hardenberg, Count Kuno von
Harnack, Falk
Harris, Julie
Hayes, Helen
Heinrich, Prince of Prussia
Hendrikova, Countess Anastasia
Hermann, Bernd
Herrschen Brewery (Bütow, Pomerania)
Hesse, Maria von
Heydebrandt, Adele von
Hitler, Adolf
Hollenstein, Countess Darya
Horan, Brien
“House of Special Purpose” (Ipatiev House). See Ipatiev House (“House of Special Purpose”)
Hummel, Susanne
Hygendorf, Pomerania
Ileana, Princess of Romania
Ilten Psychiatric Institute (Hannover, Germany)
Ipatiev, Nicholas
Ipatiev House (“House of Special Purpose”)
Anderson’s escape story and
Andreyev (“Comrade Laundry Teacher to the House of Special Purpose”) and
rumors of rescues at (See also Anderson, Anna)
Ipatiev Monastery
Irene, Princess Heinrich of Prussia
Anderson and
certificate of inheritance awarded to
Copenhagen statement and
on financial support for Anderson
on Imperial Family’s execution
trials and
Irina Alexandrovna, Princess
Irina Yusupov, Princess
Israel’s Department Store (Berlin)
Jaenicke, Franz
Jakshitsch, Father
Jan III Sobieski, King of Poland
Janus, Charlotte
Jenkins, Penny
Jennings, Annie Burr
Anderson’s escape story and
commemorating Romanov Tercentenary
concealed by Imperial Family
as protective layers from executioners’ bullets
Kailing-Romanov, Ellen Margarete Therese
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics
Kampfund Anastasia (film)
Kenwood estate (Long Island, New York)
Kerensky, Alexander
Kharitonov, Ivan
execution of
imprisonment of
King, Greg
Kira, Princess
Kirill Vladimirovich, Grand Duke
Kleibenzetl, Heinrich
Kleinenberg, Erich
Kleist, Baron Arthur von
Anderson’s disappearance from apartment of
Anderson’s escape story and
on Anderson’s identity
Dassel and
on languages spoken by Anderson
Romanov information made available by
Stahlberg and
Kleist, Baroness Marie von
Anderson’s disappearance from apartment of
on Anderson’s identity
communication with Hessian royal family members by
Dassel and
on languages spoken by Anderson
Kleist, Gerda von
Anderson’s escape story and
Dassel and
Kleist, Irina von
Klementz, Vera von
Klenke, Werner
Knapp, Josef
Knopf, Herr
Knopf, Marianna Wietzke Czenstkowski
Knopf, Martin
Kobylinsky, Eugene
Koliubakin, Vassili
Königsberg Allgemeine Zeitung
Konstantin Konstantinovich, Grand Duke
Konstantinovna, Princess Vera
Koptyaki Forest
Kornilov Mansion (Tobolsk, Siberia)
Korte, Willi
Kostritsky, Serge
Krampff, Hans Hermann
Krüger, Volker
Kschessinska, Mathilde
Kulikovsky, Nicholas
Kurth, Peter
Anastasia: The Riddle of Anna Anderson
on Anderson’s diet
DNA testing of Anderson
trials and
Kuzmich, Feodor
Landesgericht (High Court, Berlin)
Landesheilanstalt Neuruppin (Germany)
Landwehr Canal (Berlin)
Lavington, Faith
on Anderson’s departure for U.S.
trials and
on Wingender confrontation of Anderson
Leeds, Nancy
Leeds, William
Lenin, Vladimir
Leontovitch, Eugenie
Leuchtenberg, Duchess Catherine
Leuchtenberg, Duchess Elena
Leuchtenberg, Duchess Nathalia
Leuchtenberg, Duchess Olga
burial place of
Wingender confrontation of Anderson and
Yusupov/Anderson meeting and
Leuchtenberg, Duchess Tamara
Leuchtenberg, Duke Dimitri (“Dima”)
Leuchtenberg, Duke Georg Nikolaievich de Beauharnais
on Anderson’s “extensive memory”
Anderson’s stay at Schloss Seeon and
Andrei Vladimirovich and
burial place of
Dassel/Anderson meeting and
at Felix Schanzkowsky confrontation of Anderson
on languages spoken by Anderson
Mordvinov/Anderson meeting and
portrayal of, in film
trials and
at Wingender confrontation of Anderson
Leuchtenberg, Duke Konstantin
Leuchtenberg, Duke Serge
Leverkuehn, Paul
Lilburn, Ian
on Anderson’s Unterlengenhardt home
Prince Alexander Nikitich Romanov and
Lindfors, Viveca
Livadia (Crimea)
Locard, Edmond
Louisa, Princess of Saxe-Meiningen
Lovell, James Blair
Lower Palace (Peterhof)
Lücke, Fritz
Ludwig, Prince of Hesse und bei Rhein
Staatsarchiv (Darmstadt collection) and
trials and
Luise, Viktoria
Madsack, Gertrude
Madsack, Paul
Malinovsky, Anna (Thea)
Manahan, John E. (“Jack”)
Mandelbaum, Syd
Margaret, Princess of Denmark
Marie, Queen of Romania
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
Marie Feodorovna, Dowager Empress
Anderson’s lack of recognition
attempted meetings between Anderson and
in Copenhagen
death of
film portrayal of
on Imperial Family’s execution
lifestyle of grand duchesses and
Olga Alexandrovna’s meeting with Anderson and
Zahle and
Marie Golitsyn, Princess
Marie Nikolaievna, Grand Duchess
Anderson’s erroneous stories about
birth of
execution of
imprisonment of
languages used by
lifestyle of
as “Mandrifolie”
9th Infantry Regiment of the Kazan Dragoons
personality of
photos of
photos of, in Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung
physical characteristics of
trials and
World War I and
Marie Pavlovna, Grand Duchess
Markov, Nicholas
Markov, Serge
Martha, Princess of Sweden
Martha Jefferson Hospital (Charlottesville, Virginia)
Massenbach, Baron Fabian von
Massie, Robert
Maucher, Karl
Maurette, Marcelle
Mauve Boudoir (Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo)
Mayer, Hans-Johann
Mecklenburg, Princess Barbara of Prussia, Duchess Christian Ludwig of
Meistroff, Herschel
Meller-Zakomelsky, Baroness Nathalia
Meller-Zakomelsky, Baron Vladimir
Melton, Terry
Mendelssohn Bank (Berlin). See also trials
Meyer, Charlotte
Meyer, Otto
Meyer, Richard
Michael, Tsar
Michael Alexandrovich, Grand Duke
certificate of inhertiance awarded to wife of
execution of
Olga Alexandrovna’s visit to Anderson and
Romanov Dynasty succession and
Miliukov, Alexei
Miltitz, Baroness Monica von
Ministry of the Interior (Nazi Germany)
Mishkevich, Stanislav
Mniszech, Marina
Mommsen Clinic (Berlin)
Anderson’s stay at
Nobel and
Mordvinov, Anatole
Mountbatten of Burma, Lord Louis
Anderson and
on Anderson’s physical characteristics
on Imperial Family’s execution
trials and
Mueller, Emma
Müller-Hess, V.
Nagorny, Klementy
National Institute of Standards and Technology (Maryland)
National Tidende (Copenhagen)
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
Nicholas and Alexandra (Massie)
Nicholas I, Emperor
Nicholas II, Emperor
abdication of
birth of children
DNA tests of remains
Duke Leuchtenberg relationship to
Duma and
escape plans and
execution of
finances of
Hessenreise and
imprisonment of
languages used by
lifestyle of
personality of
photos of
son’s health issues and
succession of
tattoo of
wealth of
during World War I
See also individual names of palaces
Nikita Alexandrovich, Prince
Nilov, Marianne
Nina Georgievna, Princess of Russia
escape from Russia
Eugenia Smith’s claims refuted by
Prince David Chavchavadze and
views on Anastasia
9th Infantry Regiment of the Kazan Dragoons
Nobel, Lothar
North American Newspaper Alliance
Nott, Julian
Oertzen, Eleonore von
Office of Russian Refugees (Berlin)
Olav, King of Norway
Old Believers
Olga Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess
on accusations about Romanov fortune
Anderson and
Andrei Vladimirovich and
certificate of inheritance awarded to
Copenhagen statement and
escape from Russia by
film portrayal of
gifts given to Anderson by
Gleb Botkin and
on languages spoken by Anderson
Mordvinov/Anderson meeting and
National Tidende (Copenhagen) article about
personality of
Rasputin and
Tatiana Botkin/Anderson meeting and
trials and
views on Anastasia
views on Nicholas II
Zahle and
Olga Nikolaievna, Grand Duchess
birth of
education of
execution of
imprisonment of
languages used by
lifestyle of
Marga Boodts and
personality of
photos of
physical characteristics of
trials and
during World War I
Olga Repnina-Volkonsky, Princess
Olivier, Sir Laurence
148th Caspian Infantry Rifle Regiment
Orchard, Mary Anne
Osten-Sacken, Baron Vassili
Ostrogorsky, Serge
Otrepyev, Gregory
Oxlee, Geoffrey
Palmer, Lili
Paul I, Emperor
Peek, Josefina
Pennsylvania State University
Personen-Identifizierungskartei (P.I.K. Method)
Peter I, Emperor (Peter the Great)
Peter III, Emperor
Peter Nikolaievich, Grand Duke
Peters, Frau
Petrograd, naming of
Peuthert, Marie Clara
Anderson at home of
Anderson’s escape story and
Anderson’s “memory” and
at Buxhoeveden meeting with Anderson
communication with Hessian royal family members by
as Dalldorf patient
film portrayal of
photographic studies
P.I.K. Method
used in trials
Pig’s Meadow
Podini, Daniele
Pokloevsky-Kozell, M. V.
geography of
towns of
Poutziado, Alexei
Preston, William
Price, James
Prince, John
Provisional Government. See also Russian Revolution
Pugachev, Emelyan
Rameckers, Jens
Rasputin, Gregory
accused of rape
Alexandra’s reliance on
daughter of
death of
imperial children and
native village of
public image of
Vyrubova and
Rasputin, Maria
Rathlef-Keilmann, Harriet von
Anastasia: The Survivor of Ekaterinburg
Anastasia’s handwriting sample and
Anderson’s disappearance from Kleist apartment and
on Anderson’s meeting with Olga Alexandrovna
on Anderson’s meeting with Volkov
Anderson’s stay at Schloss Seeon and
articles written by
Berliner Nachtausgabe articles by
death of
on Felix Schanzkowsky confrontation of Anderson
film portrayal of
Gibbes and
Gleb Botkin’s reliance on
on languages spoken by Anderson
photos of
religion of Anderson and
trials and
Wingender confrontation of Anderson and
Zahle’s support of Anderson and
Reche, Otto
Reiche, Friedrich
Reim, Anna
Remy, Maurice Philip
Repiev, Michael
Riesling, Sergeant
Rodionov, Nicholas
Rohse, Arthur
Romania, Anderson’s escape story about
Romanov Dynasty
abdication of Nicholas II and
False Dimitris and
jewelry of
post-World War I funds of
Tercentenary of
wealth of
See also individual names of Romanovs
“Romanska, Anna” (“Anastasia Romanova”). See also Anderson, Anna
Rostislav Alexandrovich, Prince
Ruch, Walter
Rudnev, Serge
Ruffin, Bernard
Russian Nobility Association
Russian Revolution
Bolshevik Revolution
émigrés in Berlin following
evidence of Imperial Family’s executions
execution of Michael Alexandrovich
official announcements concerning executions
Provisional Government
Ural Regional Soviet
White Army vs. Bolsheviks
Saathof, Chief Physician Professor
Sablin, Nicholas
St. Mary’s Hospital (Berlin)
Sandkuhler, Stefan
Savitch, Konstantin
Schanzkowska, Franziska
access to information about Anastasia
alleged children/pregnancies of
alleged prostitution by
birthplace of
birth registry for
childhood of
disappearance of
DNA testing and (See also DNA tests)
education of
ethnicity of
as factory worker
identified by Anna Wingender
identified by Czenstkowski family members
languages of
marriage plans of
mental health of
motivation of
name of
photo of
physical characteristics of
physical injuries of
suicide attempt by
See also Anderson, Anna
Schanzkowsky, Felix
childhood of
confrontations with Franziska Schanzkowska
disappearance of Franziska Schanzkowska and
name of
Schanzkowsky, Waltraut