by Greg King
Scherl Press
Schiller, T. A.
Schloss Seeon (Germany)
Schneider, Catherine
Schrock, Martha
Schuricht, Fritz
Schwabe, Alice von
Schwabe, Nicholas von
Anderson meeting and
Anderson’s claim rejected by
on Anderson’s “memory”
Schwarz Dammerkow, Pomerania
Schweitzer, Marina Botkin
Schweitzer, Richard
Scotland Yard
Secrets of the French Police (film)
Sednev, Ivan
Sednev, Leonid
Serge Alexandrovich, Grand Duke
Sergeyev, Colonel
Shrum, Richard
Sigismund, Prince of Prussia (“Bobby”)
Anderson meeting with
memory of
trials and
Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Virginia
Smith, Amy
Smith, Eugenia
Sokolov, Nicholas
Sonnenschein, Karl
Sophie, Princess of Hannover
Southern, Eve
Spiegel, Der
Spindler, Gertrude
Spiridovich, Alexander
Staatsarchiv (Darmstadt)
Stackelberg, Baron Curt von
Stahlberg, Spes
Anderson’s erroneous stories about
officers of
photos of
Starodumova, Maria
State Institute for Welfare and Care. See Dalldorf State Institute for Welfare and Care (Berlin)
Stillachhaus Sanatorium (Oberstdorf, Bavaria)
Stoneking, Mark
Storozhev, Ioann
“Study F”/“Study C”
Supreme Monarchist Council
Svoboda, Franz
Swienti Voyevoda (Bucharest, Romania)
Tägliche Rundschau
Tamara, Duchess of Leuchtenberg
Tarakanova, Elizabeth
Tatiana Nikolaievna, Grand Duchess
Anderson identified as
Anderson’s erroneous stories about
birth of
execution of
lifestyle of
personality of
photos of
photos of, in Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung
physical characteristics of
Rasputin and
during World War I
Taube, Baron George
Tchaikovsky, Alexander (Alexei) (alleged son of Anderson)
Tchaikovsky, Alexander (alleged husband of Anderson)
“Tchaikovsky, Anastasia”. See also Anderson, Anna
Tchaikovsky, Maria
Tchaikovsky, Serge
Tchaikovsky, Veronica
Tegleva, Alexandra “Shura” (Gilliard)
Anastasia’s handwriting sample and
Anderson met by
Anderson’s expulsion from Stillachhaus and
Copenhagen statement and
freed by Provisional Government
Gibbes and
Imperial Family remains identified by
Imperial Family’s imprisonment and
jewels concealed by
photos of
trials and
Thirteen Years at the Russian Court (Gilliard)
Thornton, Michael
Thyra, Duchess of Cumberland
Tiutcheva, Sophie
Tobolsk, Siberia
Tolstoy, Zenaide
Anderson’s escape story and
memory of
Tatiana Botkin/Anderson meeting and
Towers, Constance
Hanseatic Landesgericht Court (High Court, Hamburg)
Landesgericht (High Court, Berlin)
Mendelssohn Bank deposit dispute and
Oberlandesgericht Court (High Court of Appeals, Hamburg)
photographic studies following
“Schanzkowsky legend” and
West German Federal Supreme Court
Trupp, Alexei
execution of
imprisonment of
Tsarskoye Selo
Alexander Palace
Andrei Vladimirovich on duty at
Arapov and
commemorative hospital medallions
Convalescent Home No. 17
Dassel and
Hesse and
Hessenreise and
lifestyle of Imperial Family at
“malachite window sill” story about
Olga Alexandrovna at
“samovar” story about
souvenir album given to Anderson
during World War I
“Unbekannt, Fraulein”. See also Anderson, Anna
University of California at Berkeley
University of Göttingen (Germany)
University of Lausanne
University of Virginia
Unruh, Fritz von
Unterlengenhardt (Black Forest)
Ural Regional Soviet
Urvantsov, Lev
Vanezis, Peter
Vassili Alexandrovich, Prince
Vera, Princess
Vera (doll)
Vermehren, Kurt
Victoria, Marchioness of Milford Haven
Anderson and
certificate of inheritance awarded to
Copenhagen statement signed by
on disparity of claimant’s physical characteristics
on financial support for Anderson
trials and
Victoria, Queen of England
Ernst Ludwig and
relationship to Alexandra
Victoria Melita, Grand Duchess
Viktoria Luise (daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II)
Vladimir Kirillovich, Grand Duke
Volkov, Alexei
Anderson met by
on languages spoken by Anderson
Voller, Wilhelm
Vorres, Ian
Vyrubova, Anna
Anderson and
Anderson’s erroneous stories about
on Imperial Family’s execution
letter from Olga Alexandrovna
memoirs of
views on Alexandra
views on imperial children
views on Nicholas II
Wahl, Konrad
Waldemar, Prince of Denmark
Waldemar (son of Irene, Princess Heinrich of Prussia )
Walz, Bertha
Wasserschleben, Agnes
Weedn, Victor
Weimar Republic, post-World War I
Weiszäcker, Lucy
West End Hospital (Berlin)
West German Federal Supreme Court
West Prussia, geography of
White Russian Army
Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany
Willige, Hans
Wilton, Robert
Wingender, Anna
Wingender, Luise
Wingender, Rosa Dorothea “Doris”
Winicke, Dr.
Winter Palace (St. Petersburg)
Witzke, Marianna. See Knopf, Marianna Wietzke Czenstkowski
Woche, Die
Woitinsky, Vassili
Wollmann, Carl August
Woolmans, Sue
World War I
effect of, on Berlin
Schanzkowska’s activities during
World War II
Wynkoop, Nancy Leeds
Wypyrzyk, Kathe (Wingender)
Xenia Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess
on Anastasia’s birth
Anderson and
Anderson’s claim supported by
certificate of inheritance awarded to
Copenhagen statement signed by
denounced by Gleb Botkin
escape from Russia by
Gleb Botkin’s support of Anderson and
Olga Alexandrovna’s visit to Anderson
Prince Alexander Nikitich Romanov and
Queen Marie’s letter to
on Romanov fortune accusations
views on Rasputin
Xenia Georgievna, Princess of Russia
on Anderson’s accent
Anderson’s claim disputed by
on disparity of claimant’s physical characteristics
as hostess to Anderson
memory of
Yakimov, Anatoly
Yakovlev, Vassili
Yanishev, Father Ioann
Yurovsky, Yakov
Zahle, Herluf
Anastasia’s handwriting sample and
Anderson supported by
Olga Alexandrovna’s visit to Anderson
questioned Anderson about “Aunt Ella”
Zakorski, Florian
Zakorski, Maria Juliana Czenstkowski
Zanotti, Madeleine
Zechlin, Egmont
Zukovken, West Prussia