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The Naughty Tease (Sorority Sins XXX)

Page 4

by Sadie May

  No. No no no. This couldn’t be happening.

  “Are you okay?” Alison asked as I hit the bottom stair. Was I okay? No! Hell no, I wasn’t okay. Adam and James were there. In my house. They were waiting for me and watching me and…what they hell were they doing at my house?

  Chapter Six

  I paced in front of James and Adam, my head in my hands as they stared up at me from their perch on our living room couch.

  “Nice place you got here.” It was James speaking and I knew he was smirking without even looking up. Despite our nocturnal, naughty activities, this was still a sorority by day and our house looked the part. The couch they sat on was a pastel pink, the end table covered in doilies. While tastefully decorated, there was no denying this house was girlie.

  “We didn’t mean to intrude,” Adam said when I still hadn’t spoken.

  I was too busy trying to wrangle all the questions in my head. I stopped pacing and turned to stare at them, the first and most urgent question coming out louder than I’d intended. “What are you doing here?”

  “We came to see you.” Adam’s voice was quiet, gentle. Oh man, his gaze was so sweet, almost reverential.

  I turned to James and he shrugged, shifting uncomfortably on the couch. I realized he was probably just as uncomfortable as I was.

  “How did you even find me?”

  Adam answered. “We asked around. You’d mentioned to James that you were in a sorority on campus and it wasn’t hard to figure out which one.”

  I stared at him—the rock god I’d been lusting after. This man had come after me. He’d tracked me down. I tried not to notice the giddy sensation that made my heart race.

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “But why?”

  Damn, that had come out harsher than I’d intended, but James answered quickly. “To apologize.” When my gaze turned to him he cleared his throat. “I wanted to apologize about the way I acted last night.”

  I flashed back to the way he’d fucked me and I couldn’t stop a little smile at the memory. “You don’t hear me complaining, do you?”

  He grinned but then he seemed to remember what he was talking about and he sobered. “Not that part, obviously. I mean the things I said….”

  “Ah.” I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I wasn’t used to talking about emotions with guys. With the girls in my house, sure…but not with the guys I sleep with.

  He looked down at his hands and then back up at me. “I guess I’m still hurt over the last girl I liked. I thought she felt the same way but it turned out she’d been leading me on. Teasing me with sex when all she really wanted was to get close to Adam.”

  I winced, feeling a stab of pain on his behalf. I saw Adam grimace as well—clearly he felt for his friend too.

  James scratched the back of his head. “I assumed you were up to the same tricks.”

  I let out a short laugh. “I think I made it pretty obvious that I’m no tease.”

  Both of my men smiled at that and James nodded. “Yeah, you did. But then when you were about to leave so abruptly, I saw how upset Adam was and I guess I got defensive. He’s a good guy but girls only ever want one thing from him.”

  Adam gave me a lopsided, self-deprecating smile. One that nearly made me weep it was so fucking sexy. Now it was my turn to shift uncomfortably, a flicker of guilt making it hard to look either of them in the eye. That was all I’d been after. I’d gone there hoping to make Adam another notch in my bedpost. I’d set out for a night of fun and excitement, but I’d never set out to hurt anyone.

  “Look,” I said. “I’m sorry if you guys got the wrong idea, but—”

  “No, that’s just it,” Adam said. “James had it all wrong, you’re not the cold-hearted bitch he seemed to think you were.”

  He sounded so sure of that, I found myself staring at him with my mouth slightly open, ready to refute him. Yes, I am! That’s what I should have said. But they looked so hopefully, so sweet….so fucking hot.

  I shook my head. No. I had to end this now before I led them on even further and before I started to lose my senses and believed what they were saying. Because it sounded like they were saying they wanted this to continue. To be more than just one night of hot sex.

  That realization finally jarred me into speech. “No, you were right,” I said. “You were right from the beginning. I am a bitch. And I’m coldhearted. Your instincts were spot on.”

  Adam laughed. “You might want us to think that, but I’m not buying it. I’m a good judge of character and with you….” He got up then and crossed the distance between us, cradling my cheek in his large, callused palm. “You’re someone special. I saw that from the start. You’re fearless, feisty, passionate, smart—”

  “And you’re not a tease,” James finished. He came to stand on my other side so I was sandwiched between them. They loomed over me, filling my senses and making it difficult to think straight.

  “So…what are you saying?” I asked.

  “We want to start over,” Adam said. “Do this right.”

  I looked from him to James. “Both of you?”

  James nodded. “I told you, Adam and I are best friends. We’re okay with sharing since we both feel a connection with you.”

  I blinked at him. Was I dreaming? Surely I was dreaming. This could not be happening. This was the worst sort of temptation. This was everything that I didn’t want—hell, I didn’t even want one relationship, let alone two. Yet it was also everything I wanted. At least in that moment it was. All I could think of was how badly I wanted these men. Both of them.

  Oh God, I’d give just about anything to have them in me one more time.

  “So, what do you say?” James asked.

  I stared at them with my mouth open, unable to speak. I had no idea what to say. A battle warred inside me and my brain was a muddled mess. Before I could say anything, a voice interrupted us.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your new friends, Morgan?” Alison’s voice came from the doorway. I turned to see her and Missy standing there with too-innocent smiles. I wondered how long they’d been hovering there, just out of view. Knowing them, they’d probably heard everything and were trying to save me from an awkward situation.

  I should have felt relief but irritation flared. Especially once I caught sight of the way Alison was eyeing my men like she was about to gobble them up.

  “They were just leaving,” I said rudely.

  “Aw, that’s a shame,” Missy said. Her eyes were moving over Adam and James but her ogling didn’t bother me so much. Missy would never hone in on my men. Not that they were mine, but still.

  She turned to me with impossibly wide eyes. “Maybe we’ll get to know your friends at the party tonight.”

  I glared at her, ignoring Alison’s snort of laughter. Our party that night was of the sex club variety. “You know they can’t come tonight,” I said. Realizing how rude that sounded, I turned back to Adam and James who’d never stopped watching me with those serious, sweet eyes.

  “Sorry,” I said. “It’s just that these things are private affairs. You have to sort of be…”

  “Initiated,” Alison finished when I faltered. Yeah, sure. Initiated. That was one way of putting it. A more accurate description would be you had to be filmed doing something naughty on tape. Our secret club remained a secret thanks to the threat of mutual destruction. If one member’s secrets came out, all secrets came out.

  Missy was trying not to laugh as she looked from them to me. “You could initiate them.”

  I let out a little huff. “You know I can’t….” But I couldn’t finish. An idea had taken hold and wouldn’t let go. I could do it. I could fuck them. On camera, just the way I liked. If they were up for it, of course.

  Oh shit, my panties got wet just thinking about fucking them for the camera.

  And they wanted to come to the party, all the better, right? They thought I was some good girl—a good girl who liked to get dirty, but a sweetheart. A nice
girl. Ugh. They had to learn that wasn’t me. And what better way than by showing my true colors down in our club.

  I met Missy’s stare and knew she was on the same wavelength. She knew I was tempted and her smile turned smug.

  Shit, I’d have to thank her later. This was the perfect opportunity to have my cake and eat it too. I’d get one more fuckfest from my sexy new boytoys and then I’d show them the real me and let them run away when they realized it wasn’t what they wanted. That I wasn’t who they wanted.

  I turned back to my guys. “You guys want to come to a party?”

  My men were surprisingly easy to convince. I’m pretty sure they were just as turned on as I was by the thought of us filming ourselves. They liked it even more when I asked if they’d prefer we get someone else to videotape us.

  Missy had always been the house’s best cameraman. Or in this case, camerawoman.

  The four of us were alone in my bedroom. Missy had her camera out and on its tripod and was ready to go. She settled onto the chaise near my bed and made herself comfortable. “You guys don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here getting off on all this testosterone.”

  Sure enough she’d already hitched up her sundress and slipped a hand down her panties.

  “Holy shit, is she….” Adam started.

  “Yup,” I said. I grinned at my men. “Missy loves to watch.” And I loved to perform for others. One of many reasons Missy and I were such good friends.

  “Are you sure you guys are up for this?” I asked.

  James tore his shirt off over his head. “Are you kidding? This is a dream come true.”

  I laughed and laid down on the bed. Adam hesitated. “Wait, what kind of party is this that we have to be initiated?”

  James was already moving over me, tearing off my shirt with wild abandon. “Dude, enough talking. We can ask questions later. For now, just kiss the girl.”

  “Yeah, Adam,” I teased, beckoning him closer with a crook of my finger. “Kiss the girl.”

  Adam was quick to oblige. James had decided to start at the bottom of the bed and work his way up, it seemed. He was between my legs, kissing his way up my calf and thigh as Adam kissed me.

  Just like before the three of us fell into a rhythm. I swear to God these two rehearsed these moves together because their timing was uncanny. Just as James’s lips reached the apex of my thighs, James thrust his tongue into my mouth. At the same time, James ripped aside my panties and lapped at my pussy with his tongue. They seemed to be moving in synch, their tongues probing and teasing as I writhed and moaned between them.

  This was the most selfish I’d ever been during sex—I was typically a very giving lover. But this time…oh shit. I was too far gone too quickly. I grasped blindly to touch skin and muscle but my senses were overrun by the sweet torment these men were unleashing on my body. When Adam dipped his head and pushed aside my bra to suck on my nipple, James’s lips clamped over my clit and he sucked the sensitive nub, flicking it with his tongue just like Adam was licking and nibbling at my tits.

  I was so far gone, I cried out in sweet agony. I was going to come and I was going to come hard. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, one of my men thrust two fingers into my pussy and I shattered.

  I drifted back to earth with the feel of soft, tender kisses everywhere—covering my belly, trailing down my thighs, sprinkled over my collarbone. Oh hell, a girl could get used to this.

  Adam’s voice brought me slightly back to reality. “Did you get what you needed?”

  Yes. Hell, yes. But before I could answer I realized he wasn’t talking to me.

  I turned my head and saw Missy strewn across the chaise, one hand still in her panties as her face glowed with a look I knew well. This girl had an epic orgasm herself just watching us go at it.

  “Oh yeah,” Missy sighed. “I got it.”

  “Good.” James moved up the bed so he was hovering over us, his lips close to mine as he gazed into my eyes with a look that threatened to destroy me with its adoration. “Then that means the next round is just for us.”

  Chapter Seven

  With Missy gone, the atmosphere in the room felt charged with something new. Something intense and heated.

  Intimacy. I’d never really experienced it, but I recognized it.

  Adam trailed one hand lazily over my bare belly and my muscles tightened in response. James seemed content to nibble at my ear, making me shiver with delicious anticipation. When he pressed against my side, I felt his hard cock. I gasped and sat up straight. “Wait a second, you guys haven’t had your turn yet.”

  Adam gave me a half-lidded smile. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  “We’re in no rush to leave our girl,” James added.

  Our girl. Is that what they thought I was? Their girl. I hated the way my heart flipped over in my chest at that term. Like it wanted to be possessed by these men.

  James tugged gently on my arm to pull me back down onto the bed but I resisted. Not because I wasn’t tempted but because a chill had swept over me, replacing my cozy, post-sex bliss. This sudden anxiety was a splash of cold water after what we’d just done.

  But that was just it. We’d just fooled around, that was it. So why did I feel so weird? Why was my heart twisted up into a knot and why did my chest ache at the thought of kicking them out of my bed?

  I didn’t have the answers but it didn’t matter. I knew what had to be done, for self-preservation if nothing else, I had to get them out of there and I had to make sure they stayed away.

  Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I started to straighten my clothes, reaching for the top they’d discarded as I righted my skirt. “You guys might not have anywhere to be but I’ve got a class to prepare for, so…” I made a shooing motion with my hands.

  Adam laughed. “You’re joking, right?”

  James was studying me, his gaze too serious. Too knowing. “She’s serious.”

  I looked away. I didn’t want to see him judging me again. He’d been right from the beginning. I was a tease, just not with sex. I knew they’d come here wanting more, but I wasn’t able to give it to them.

  I couldn’t give them more even if I wanted to. I didn’t know how. I’d decided long ago that I wasn’t built for relationships. Not caring meant not getting hurt. I kept my gaze focused on my fingers, which fumbled with my shirt’s buttons. I couldn’t go changing my own rules just because of a little temptation.

  The temptation in question reached out and gently tipped up my chin. James was gazing down at me with so much understanding, it made me want to curl up against his chest and cry.

  The longer I let them think this was something real, the worse I’d feel. It was time to end this once and for all. “Look, guys, I like you. I do, but—”

  “And we like you,” Adam said, with an unbearably sexy grin. “A lot.”

  James waited for me to continue. Something told me he knew exactly where this was going. “I-I’m just not…” I cleared my throat and looked down at my bedspread. God, why was this so hard to get out. “I’m just not really meant for relationships. I’m more of a no-strings kind of girl.”

  There was a moment of silence and I finally looked up, expecting to see frowns and glares.

  Nope. Not these guys. They were smiling at me like I’d just done something adorable. Adam leaned over and dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Like I said before, we have plenty of time.”

  I frowned up at him. What did that mean? “I’m not going to cave, if that’s what you think.”

  James took my hand and I looked over to see him grinning at me like I was amusing the hell out of him. “It’s not that we think you’re going to cave, love. But at some point you’re going to open your eyes and see what’s right in front of your face.”

  I’m not gonna lie, I stopped paying attention after the word love. Had he really just called me that? Maybe it was just a general term of endearment, but the L-word still did something fun
ny to my insides.

  I couldn’t think of a response. I stood there mute as they headed toward my door. A little part of me was worried that if I opened my mouth to reply, I’d end up asking them to stay instead. So I stayed quiet and tried to tell myself that this was for the best as I watched them leave. This was what I wanted.

  James paused in the doorway and turned back to face me with a smirk I was starting to know too well. “We’ll see you tonight, love.”

  The party was officially underway and I was a wreck. Any minute now my men—er, James and Adam—would be showing up at the house, ready to see the real me in my environment.

  “What are you so on edge for?” Missy asked.

  She and I had made ourselves comfortable in the viewing area of one of the exhibition rooms. It was still early in the night and no one had taken the stage yet. My gaze kept drifting toward my phone in my lap. One of the newbies was manning the door tonight. She knew to text me as soon as my guests arrived.

  “Ah,” Missy said. “I get it. You’re nervous about letting your hotties see what you get up to down here.”

  I looked over at her in surprise. But then I shook my head. “That’s not it.” And it wasn’t. I’d long ago embraced this wild side of myself. I’d found power in my sexuality and I’d embraced it. I could no more be embarrassed by this part of myself as I could my good grades or my charity work. They were all parts of me, they made me who I was.

  “Then what is it?” Missy asked. But she was wearing a small smile and I had a sneaking suspicion she knew what had me freaked better than I did. She was leading me, trying to get me to see something.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “I just feel weird about them being here. I’m not really worried that they’ll be turned off…..” I was worried they’d be turned on. If they liked what they saw, then that was it. I was defenseless. This sex club and my dirty acts down here were my last line of defense. If they didn’t run away from me after seeing what I got up to down here, how the hell was I going to keep them at arm’s length?


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