Book Read Free

Biker Bully

Page 17

by Sam Crescent

Chapter Fourteen

  “I’ve got to get to the clubhouse,” Eagle said, later the next morning after they’d spoken to the doctor.

  Alfie sat all night watching Chloe and Lily reconnect. He saw how worried both women were, and each one was trying to be strong for the other. It was what he’d gotten used to when he was with them. Neither of them wanted to break or fall apart.

  Chloe let out a yawn as her stomach rumbled.

  “I can drop you both off in town for breakfast,” Eagle said. “The diner is no doubt open.”

  “And I bet heaving with people.”

  “Probably. It’s the way businesses stay afloat.”

  Alfie watched Chloe, brow raised. “I could eat breakfast,” he said.

  “You could always eat something. Yes, I’m starving, and I’m not even in the mood to raid my mom’s fridge.”

  Alfie kept watching her in the mirror. She rested against the door, and he kept expecting her to fall asleep.

  Nothing happened.

  She stared out the window, and he simply watched her.

  Eagle was different since Lily stopped trying to kick them out. His father looked happy for the first time in years, and Alfie knew it was because of Chloe coming back, and her not demanding they were gone.

  The drive didn’t last long, and it was silent once again.

  He wondered how long it would be before they were all able to talk like normal people rather than the awkward silences.

  Outside the diner, he thrust his hands into his pockets and waited.

  “You sure you want to go in there?” she asked.

  “I am. You look like you want to take off.”

  She laughed. “Wow, it has been a long time since I came here.”

  “When was the last time?”

  He watched her do the calculation in her head.

  “Six years, give or take a day or two. The last time I came here was with my dad. Just before Mom caught him the last time with the strippers.”

  “You and your mom share a whole lot.”

  “We do. She always told me she wanted a close relationship with her daughter. I love my mother. I’d do anything for her.”

  “Would you be willing to bring your mom and my dad back together again?” He didn’t even know why he was asking.


  “You heard me. I saw the way she looked at Eagle last night. Don’t you think five years of torture is enough?”

  “I’ve been home for two minutes and you want us to marry our parents off?”

  “I want to do it right from five years ago. I didn’t mean for that shit to happen, Chloe. You think I haven’t paid for it every single day since then? Believe me, I have. It’s all I’ve ever known. My dad was hurt by what I did, and I don’t want to see him hurt again. With you back, we can fix this.” Her stomach growled. “How about we eat food first, then save our parents.”

  He opened the door, letting her walk inside.

  There were several people already sitting around eating breakfast. It was still quite early for breakfast. He put a hand on Chloe’s back, noticing the people who glanced and pointed. Anyone who looked at him, he made sure with a single glare that they backed the fuck down and got back to their food.

  No one was going to spoil his morning with Chloe. He’d already made a vow that he was going to prove to Chloe she was his world.

  They took a seat in the corner; Chloe’s pick, not his. He had no problem being seen with her.

  “It seems a video lasts a lifetime, huh?”

  “You don’t know if they’re remembering it.”

  “The pointing is really hard to miss.”

  “Do you want me to kick their asses?” he asked.

  “You’d do it?”

  “They’re upsetting you and in turn, upsetting me. I want to enjoy breakfast with you, and I’m not going to get to do what I want, until you get what you want, which is to be left alone.”

  “Nah, I don’t want to think of blood first thing in the morning.”

  “What do you want to think about?”

  “Pancakes and waffles. Both. I think I want both, drowned in syrup.” She licked her lips. “Man, it feels good to be home.”

  “It does?”

  “Yeah. I feel weird saying it, but I do love being home.” She pushed some of her blonde hair out of the way.

  He’d noticed the length wasn’t as long.

  Chloe still possessed all of her curves, nice big tits, rounded hips, and legs that had felt incredible as he’d slid inside her.

  Their time together had been short, but he’d not wanted to blur the memory with anyone else.

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  “I could do without the pointing and looks, but we can’t have it all, can we?”


  She released a breath. “So, how is everything with you? With the whole prospecting thing. I also want to say I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for what happened between my parents to affect your choices with the club. Your standing or whatever it was.”

  Alfie laughed. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I didn’t? We had a relationship, and I broke down in front of most of the town, if not the entire town. I’d say I was half the blame. I could have stayed with you, and stuck by you. No one else did, but I ran because I’m a coward. I was so hurt and scared, and angry. I … my feelings were all over the place.”

  Alfie reached across the table and took her hands.

  “Well, well, well, if it’s not Rock with Chloe. Now, didn’t this end badly the last time?”

  “Katie, it’s so nice to see you,” Chloe said.

  “Made any porno movies lately?” Katie asked.

  Katie had gone to school with them. She’d fucked him a few times before he’d set his sights on Chloe, of course. She had taken it badly when he didn’t show her any attention, and after high school, she’d tried to join the MC as a club whore. She’d hoped to bag one of the men so she didn’t have to work and for them to take care of her. The problem with Katie, she didn’t know when to stop. By becoming a Satan’s Crew MC club whore, her pussy belonged to the club. No one else was allowed to have any of the club-owned pussy, and well, Katie didn’t like those rules, which was why she stood in the diner, working as a waitress, heavily pregnant with no doubt another married man’s bastard.

  Not that he was one to talk, seeing as he was one as well.

  “Katie, I suggest you change your attitude before I alert Carol to the fact the baby you’re carrying is probably her husband’s. Not to mention, the other two brats you’ve got at home.” He turned to look at Katie, letting her see the disgust he felt for her shine through. “You may think you’ve got the upper hand here, but you don’t. You’re lower than a slut. You couldn’t even make club property, and Chloe, before you, is a lady. What you saw five years ago wasn’t by her choice. Get the fuck away from my table, now!” He stood up, dragging the chair across the floor, gaining the attention of the other diners. “Chloe’s back, and if I hear one of you speak to her or make her feel uncomfortable about the events that happened five years ago, not only will you deal with me, you’ll deal with the club.”

  Alfie sat back down, slamming his chair as he did so.

  Looking over at Chloe, he saw her face was red and her mouth open.

  “What? Did I upset you?”

  “No, I guess I’m in shock. I’ve never seen you do anything like that. Katie’s always been a bitch, but you stood up for me.”

  He took her hand again, and had completely forgotten what he was going to say to her before they were rudely interrupted.

  Another waitress came over. This one was new. She looked young, and took their orders, promising to bring them out as soon as they were ready.

  “Alone again.”

  “Yeah. You don’t have to keep holding my hands.”

  “I want to tell you something, and for the life of me, I can’t think of what it was.”

  She giggled, and
he loved the sound.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  “Alfie, this is not a good idea. I don’t want you getting the wrong impression.”

  “Hear me out. I remembered what I was going to say, and it is important.”

  “Of course it is.” She smiled, and he had that at least.

  He loved her smile.

  “It wasn’t your fault. Not at all, and I don’t want you taking any of the blame.”

  “I knew you were back in town, but I had no idea you’d agree to breakfast with this loser,” Ian said, once again, spoiling the moment as he and Riley dragged the seats to the table.

  Chloe pulled her hands away, and he knew there was no point in trying to continue this conversation. Not at the diner where everyone was sitting.

  “Hello, Ian. Riley.”

  “How is city life treating you, city girl?”

  “I’m handling it fine. How’s town life?”

  “Slow,” Ian said. “Do you need a roommate out in the big city? You could take Mr. Miserable off our hands.”

  “Mr. Miserable?”

  “Yep, the one and only. Believe me, I can’t handle his sour face anymore. It stings my eyes every time I look at him.” Riley covered his face and pretended to cry out in pain.

  Alfie slapped the backs of his friends’ heads. “They have no manners and don’t have a clue what they’re talking about half of the time.”

  “True. You can’t rely on anything we say,” Ian said.

  “I was trying to have a quiet breakfast with my woman.”

  “So?” Riley asked. “You can’t always get what you want.”

  Their waffles and pancakes arrived.

  Alfie slapped his friends’ hands away so they didn’t try to steal his food or Chloe’s. She had gone oddly silent, and he hated it. He’d wanted to talk to her, not have breakfast with his friends there.

  They distracted the moment asking her about the city. If she was dating anyone, and she happened to mention the guy called Reginald, who sucked, big time. Of course, anyone she dated would suck.

  “This guy here hasn’t been on a single date since you left. Not a girl has gotten the chance to sniff around this kid, have they?”

  “I can kill you and dispose of your body so no one finds you,” Alfie said.

  “Damn, you’re on fire with the insults today,” Riley said.

  Chloe finished her food and drank the last of her coffee. “It has been great getting to see you guys again, but I really need to sleep. It has been a long couple of days.” She looked toward him. “I enjoyed breakfast.”

  “I’ll walk you home.” He got to the counter and paid for her and his food, leaving Riley and Ian to handle their own bill.

  His friends would know how important this was to him to make it work with Chloe. He had a deadline. However long it took for Lily to get back on her feet was the only time he had to make this all work.

  Following Chloe outside, he took her hand, but she pulled away. During the last year of high school, wherever they went, he’d hold her hand. That wasn’t going to happen anymore.

  You’re not eighteen anymore.

  “Sorry, force of habit.”

  “You hold Ian and Riley’s hands as well?”

  “No. Just you.”

  He pressed his lips together, wishing more than anything he could hold her freaking hand. How lame had he become? He couldn’t even form into words what he wanted to say to her.

  “There hasn’t been any other woman in my life. Not since you,” he said. “What Ian and Riley said back there, it’s true. All of it.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” Chloe stopped and turned to him. “You’re saying since we were together, it was your last time?”


  “You’re not lying?”

  “No. I’ve got no reason to lie.”

  “Alfie, it has been five years.”

  “As everyone keeps fucking reminding me, don’t you think I know that? You think I don’t wake up remembering the moment that damn video started to play? It was Daniel who took it.”

  “My mom told me. She explained what had happened, and he left town. Not long after he went, so did his family.”

  “I destroyed the tape.”

  “Good.” She sighed. “What do you want from me, Alfie?”

  “The chance to make this right. I know I fucked up all those years ago. I know I’ve got no right to ask for you to give me a chance, but I’m begging you for it. I want to make this work. You’ve not been with anyone else.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I know you, Chloe. I know what it took for you to give yourself to me, and you don’t give easily. Not after what we went through.”

  “The only reason we went through it was because of you. Why did you do it, Alfie? Why?”

  “I was a fucking prick, okay? I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought I knew the kind of woman you were, but I was wrong. I wasn’t going to see it through. Not just because of the club but because of you. I got to know you, and I realized how wrong I was to have judged you. You’re not that person, and I know it now, Chloe. I want to make it up to you. The night you gave yourself to me, I loved it. You made me feel whole, and since you’ve been gone, I’ve felt empty inside, like a piece of myself has been torn away from me and there’s nothing left.”

  “Alfie, please, don’t do this.”

  “What you saw at the diner, I’ll do it every single day if I have to, to prove it to you.” He stepped up to her, staring into her blue eyes. There was so much he’d missed about this woman.

  He shook deep inside and knew he couldn’t let her go, not now he finally had her back.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he kissed his first woman in over five years, and her lips were everything.


  Chloe pushed her mother toward the elevator later that same evening.

  “He kissed you, and then what?” Lily asked.

  “His cell phone rang. The club needed him, kind of reminded me a little of Dad, and he had no choice but to leave. He walked me to my door, kissed me again, and left. I spent the afternoon passed out on the sofa, until my cell woke me up. I’ve already texted Eagle, I got his number from him in case you were wondering. Let him know I was coming to see you.”

  “I can’t believe he kissed you.”

  “It was just a kiss, Mom, nothing to think about.” She pressed the buttons to the ground floor.

  “Nothing to think about? A kiss can be so much more, if only you’ll allow yourself to feel it.”

  “Just the other day you told me I shouldn’t think of coming home. Now you want me to think of the kiss.”

  “I didn’t want you to come home while you still had your dreams and aspirations in the city. You will always come first for me, Chloe, you know that.”

  “I know you love me and care. You have not one but two broken legs, and city life had stopped agreeing with me.”

  “Since when?”

  Chloe leaned against the wall waiting for the doors to open. “After I graduated culinary school. Reginald demanding I go on a date with him, and not giving me the chance to turn him down. A whole lot of stuff. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  The doors opened, and she pushed her mother out, finding the signs to take them both to the gardens. The nurse mentioned how nice it would be for her mother to get some fresh air, and she agreed. It would be good, for the both of them.

  “I want to know what is going on in your head, missy. You can’t just push me to one side like this.”

  “I’m not pushing you anywhere, apart from taking you outside to enjoy the fresh air.”

  “See, pushing me.”

  She chuckled. “Mom, you’re a hoot.”

  “I know. So, tell me all about it, come on. I want to hear every single little detail.”

  She told her mother exactly what had happened. She couldn’t remember word for word what Alfie had said, and by the ti
me she made it to the garden and sat down on the bench beside her mother, she was exhausted.

  “Now tell me what you want to do about it,” Lily said.

  “There’s nothing to do about it. I don’t know if I can come home.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’d be looking for work, and I don’t want to work at the diner, not with Katie working there.”

  Lily wrinkled her nose. “You should see her coming onto all the men. It’s kind of gross.”

  “I don’t know what I want anymore. I’ve loved being away and finding myself. I love cooking and baking. I love being in the kitchen, but the city, it’s not home, you know. It always feels different when you’re with me, but you won’t move to the city because your life is very much here. I’m so confused.” She pressed her face against her hands.

  “Do you want my advice?”

  “Mom, you got hit by a car not long ago. You’re in the hospital with a couple of broken legs. I don’t know if I should take your advice.”

  “Move back home. Take some time to find your feet. You mentioned the whole food blogging thing. Try that out.”

  “I couldn’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not very good at the whole computer stuff.”

  “Then hire someone, or better yet, just take a bunch of pictures and see what happens. It can’t be as bad as working in a restaurant with a guy who orders you to date him, and leaves you feeling so uncomfortable. You’re my daughter, and I’m not having you treated any way you don’t want to.”

  “Thank you, Mom,” she said.

  “You’re always welcome at home, and I know I’d love to have you around.”

  “You need someone to take care of you for the next couple of months. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll go and pack up my apartment, hand over the keys, and return home feeling like a failure.”

  Lily lightly tapped her arm. “You are not a failure, far from it, and I won’t accept you calling yourself that. You’re my daughter. You’re a chef. Be proud of who you are.”

  Chloe rested her head on Lily’s shoulder. “Love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too, honey.”

  “When I got the call, I was so scared. I thought I’d lost you.”

  “It’s going to take more than a fast car to take me on. Believe me.”


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