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Collected Poems 1947-1997

Page 86

by Allen Ginsberg

yes it’s gone gone gone

  gone gone away

  November 10, 1996

  Reverse the rain of Terror …

  Reverse the rain of Terror on street consciousness U.S.A.

  Death Penalty! Electric Chair! A roomsful of poison gas! Lethal injections! Mortal Hanging! Beheading the Idiot killer!

  Dogs slaver over airport luggage! Suitcase bottoms caked with hash! Strip search the sick opium addict, medicine’s up his anus in a finger stall

  arriving from legal India, cozy England, lax Morocco, face 12 billion Dollars worth of cops

  Sniffing bodies for illegal medicine! Vomiting in a stone cell, abdominal convulsions, muscle spasms thigh & foot, sleepless cold-turkey torture—

  Puerto Rican kid needs a doctor, young black man needs his girlfriend’s fix, white boy didn’t know his habit was immortal!

  The octogenarian schmecker’s liver & kidneys failed, wants a deathbed shot of M

  Half mad lady on the street had a fight with her daughter the whore!

  The old boy lies on the sidewalk hands dirty red faced in his own saliva.

  The delicate youth’s in his halfway house a decade, thorazine eyes glazed over

  His brother’s Christmas card arrives at Binghampton State Hospital!

  The elder hides in a furnished room drinks wine delivers newspapers, didn’t wanna work on the neutron bomb!

  The salesman’s product went off the market, recycling coke bottles he cries at kitchen tables blaming Jews

  An auto worker shoveling snow curses six African-Americans mugged him twenty years ago—

  A black man walked the street with his B.A. pager, clubbed down giving lip to a cop car

  The young fruit dies body with sores he challenged the Senate on the plague.

  The homeless jewish guitarist sings on the 14th Street’s L Train Subway platform, blows harmonica, taps tambourine with one foot, with another drums

  then back to his graybeard cocksucker’s apartment fries eggs

  Streetcorner boys and girlfriends hang round the butcher shop corner, “Smoke smoke?”

  Rocky Flats engineers tear their hair, Plutonium waste’ll outlast an otherworldly God

  December 1996

  Sending Message

  They are sending a message to the youth of America

  Smoking medical marijuana’s all right

  They’re sending a message in cartoon saloons hard-ass blokes look like camels smoke Camels at the bar, 5 year olds love it,

  To the youth of America they’re sending a message

  CIA no official connections to Contra coke dealers in New York Times Washington Post expert crackheads send same messages to adolescent Senior citizen crackhead readers

  They’re sending a message to American youth, African youth can starve to death we can’t care

  too much money, far over the Atlantic, our boys’ll never die, politically unpopular, they’ll become dependent, it won’t fly

  They’re sending message by Bronco, Honda, 4 by 4, cinema MG, Land Rover & half million gas stations

  youth of this nation fossil fuel’s neat, hella cool, admirable dope really rad, as if—what valley girls think when their fathers drive them to Highschool—

  They’re sending the message to Saturn, American Democracy works over the globe, spin that round your rings

  To Chinese youth, eat like us, we do flesh & fries,

  Don’t sleep on streets, dangerous off-duty death-squad police send this message to Brazilian kiddies

  Someone sent naked pretty boys on FCC Internet, Don’t!

  No Forbidden Planet Swedish sex? Got the message pretty girls?

  Got the message clean old men? Michelangelo got the message? Da Vinci got it? Phidias, Socrates, Shakespeare, J. Edgar Hoover at the Plaza, Cardinal Francis Spellman on Roy Cohn’s yacht, Senator Jesse Helms in your gut, duh

  got the message teeny-weenies? They’re sending a message right below your belly button.

  A message to the youth of America, “Diminished expectations,” they’s too many people,

  native gooks work cheaper, rich get richer, North hemispheric whites live longer, Black high-blood pressure rules Kentucky Fried Chicken

  Across the highway from Arbie’s Barbecue Palace, Roy Rogers’ Horsechops, or McDonalds Amazon Treeburgers

  you heard about on Television serves the message Eat your meat

  or beat your meat, safe sex with ketchup, Whatever

  The message now’s pay 4 trillion dollars debt Reagan pissed away on Military,

  promised before you born, sit in school waterclosets study yr Latin

  They’re sending youth a message look at TV football baseball hypnotic soccer basketball sports, sport!

  General Rios-Montt & Pat Robertson sent a message to Guatemalan Indians

  so 200,000 dropped dead with delight at sight of Christ’s military

  pistol machete machinegun baseball bat & Inerrant Bible

  700 Club’s Antichrist sends U.S. youth this message Despise the poor & piss on liberal Jesus

  The message is Compassion’ll cause a Wall Street crash

  & Networks send me messages Shut the fuck up.

  December 3, 1996, 4:30 A.M.

  New York City

  No! No! It’s Not the End

  No! No!

  Not the end of


  Not the end of


  Blast of industrial

  Gas in Bhopal

  No! No! Not the end of


  Dropt one bomb

  killed one

  hundred thousand

  Hiroshima nineteen forty five

  No no not the end of


  Not the end of Civilization

  Guatemala murdered

  two hundred thousand


  No no not the end of


  Not the end of Civilization

  200 thousand

  slaughtered in Rwanda

  Crazed events

  on the TV screen

  No no not the end of


  Not the end of Civilization

  U.S. Blacks in jail

  land of the free

  mosta these citizens you & me

  No no not the end of


  Not the end of Civilization

  Fossil fuel dust filling heaven

  ozone layer hole in the sky

  No no not the end of


  Not the end of Civilization

  Oldest trees in the world cut down

  Weyerhaeuser Bush wears a cardboard Crown

  No no not the end of


  Not the end of Civilization

  Amazon forests cut to the ground

  you can still breathe

  to the chainsaw’s sound

  No no not the end of


  Only a temporary aberration

  No No it’s not the end of Civilization

  It’s Nobadaddy’s

  old temptation

  No no it’s not the end of Civilization

  Everybody’s waltzing

  to “the Hesitation”

  It’s the same damned

  President’s Inauguration

  No no it’s not the end of Civilization

  We’re come to “the fabled

  damned of Nations”

  No no it’s not the end of Civilization

  Slaves wore chains

  at the States’ creation

  No no it’s not the end of Civilization

  sourpuss wantsa stop colored immigration

  Nobody’s wearing

  hooves & scales

  all they wanna do is

  kill more whales

  No no it’s not the end of Civilization

  No no it’s not the end of Civi

  Cayenne saved a little bit of sensation

  No no it’s not the end of civilization

  No final solution

  just gas & cremation

  December 18–20, 1996

  Bad Poem

  Being as Now has been re-invented

  I have devised a new now

  Entering the real Now

  at last

  which is now

  December 24, 1996, 3 A.M.

  Homeless Compleynt

  Pardon me buddy, I didn’t mean to bug you

  but I came from Vietnam

  where I killed a lot of Vietnamese gentlemen

  a few ladies too

  and I couldn’t stand the pain

  and got a habit out of fear

  & I’ve gone through rehab and I’m clean

  but I got no place to sleep

  and I don’t know what to do

  with myself right now

  I’m sorry buddy, I didn’t mean to bug you

  but it’s cold in the alley

  & my heart’s sick alone

  and I’m clean, but my life’s a mess

  Third Avenue

  and E. Houston Street

  on the corner traffic island under a red light

  wiping your windshield with a dirty rag

  December 24, 1996

  Happy New Year Robert & June

  Happy New Year Robert & June

  Tho I’d hoped to see you soon

  I’d better say Happy Hanukkah too

  Till I get your number that’s new—

  I’ll be leaving for retreat,

  Where they make me salt-free meat

  along with Gelek Rinpoche

  Who’s got ailments same as me,

  in Michigan Camp Copneconic

  Where I’ll room with Mr. Harmonic

  Philip Glass in our Buddhist Class

  Ten days later January 8

  I’ll go to Boston, rest & wait

  the weekend in anticipation

  Maybe a hernia operation

  supervised by Dr. Lown

  (cardiologist of wide renown

  —I’d recommended him to you

  elderly trustworthy smart & true)

  —Recuperate a week with Ellie

  Dorfman, eat yellow fish-yuckh jelly

  with Gefilte fish, then best

  Mid January home NY to rest

  Maybe we’ll see eachother then,

  in any case let me know when.

  Love, Allen

  December 12, 1996

  Diamond Bells

  “Clear light & illusion body become one”

  Hearing the all pervading scintillation of empty bells I realize

  Napoleon had toes

  Frankenstein’s big toe

  Hayagriva cosmic horse one big cleft toe

  Virgin Mary white-toed married Joseph brown-toed, impregnated by a white dove transparent triple-toed

  How many toes has God? Yahweh nobody knows his toes

  Allah’s toes? Mohammed, prophetic ten

  Jesus Christ well-kissed human toes

  Sealo the Seal Boy who two-fingered hand-flippers at shoulders could smoke & type with regular ten toes

  sold tiny white toilets wrapped in toilet paper, souvenirs one dollar

  Shelly ten pale pure toes

  Michelangelo enjoyed five digits per foot, Da Vinci mapped ten on his two feet

  Flies toes get stuck on spiderwebs

  Spiders slide swift-toed on sticky nets

  Scratch the sole, toes curl

  Foetus is capable of toes

  Stubbed my bare fourth toe on a step ladder one dark Friday night, though it still wiggles

  walking on snowy mud’s painful, back aches

  John Madison has chocolate toes

  Hitler natural toes

  Buddha ten bare toes enlightened

  Lay my skull on night pillows, rest on Tara’s lap between gentle toes

  Lama YabYum dreams with 20 toes

  Emptiness innumerable trillion toes

  Old men’s toenails thicken ivory aged

  Dead toenails grow in cenotaphs

  Napoleon wore toenails inside polished riding boots

  Elephant toenail stubs nudge tussocks

  Such is the all pervading scintillation of empty bells

  December 30, 1996, 12:55 A.M.

  Virtual Impunity Blues

  With Virtual impunity Clinton got campaign funds from pink Chinese

  With Virtual impunity CIA Contra stringers sold Cocaine disease L.A. & Minneapolis

  With Virtual impunity FBI burned down apocalyptic Waco

  With Virtual impunity gov’t began charging huge fees for public college studies

  With Virtual impunity Congress FCC ok’d Fundamentalist Broadcast censorship

  With Virtual impunity Family Values insulted ladies, gays, Afric Americans

  With Virtual impunity the Pope banned planet birth control

  With Virtual impunity N. Carolina banned sodomy in the wrong hole

  With Virtual impunity the Chinese banned fresh speech electrics

  With Virtual impunity Albanian Lottery bosses bought & sold elections

  January 1997


  Walk into your local Japanese restaurant Teriyaki Boy—

  order sliced raw fish mackerel, smoked eel, roe on vinagered rice balls

  slide thin wooden utensils out a white paper sleeve with blue Crane print

  split the wood, rub ends together smooth down splinters, sit & wait & sigh—

  200,000 cubic meters Southeast Asian timber exports

  sawed & processed in Japan, resold, 20 billion waribashi

  used once, thrown away—roots of rainforest destruction—help pay interest

  Thailand’s & Malaysia’s yearly debt service to World Bank, IMF—

  Your plate arrives with sharp green mustard & pink pickled ginger slices

  new sprig of parsley, lift the chopsticks to your mouth enjoy sashimi

  January 7, 1997, 6:30 A.M.

  Good Luck

  I’m lucky to have all five fingers on the right hand

  Lucky peepee with little pain

  Lucky bowels move

  Lucky, sleep nights on a captain’s bed, nap mid-afternoons

  Lucky to amble down First Avenue

  Lucky make a couple hundred thousand a year

  singing Eli Eli, writing passing mind, etching primordial doodles, teaching Buddhist college, snapping Leica bus-stop photos thru my window eyeballs

  Hear ambulance sirens, smell garlic & rust, taste persimmons & flounder, walk the loft floor barefoot soles a little desensitized

  Lucky I can think, and sky can snow

  January 8, 1997

  Some Little Boys Dont

  Some little boys like it

  Some little boys dont

  Some little girls swipe it

  Some little girls won’t

  Some nephews suck it

  Some lollypops grunt

  Some nieces truck it

  If grandpa’s a runt

  Some puberties request it

  Four times a month

  Some girl teens breast it

  Some eat it for brunch

  Some little people gargle

  Some adolescents warble

  Some teenyboppers babble

  Some kiddies play Scrabble

  January 10, 1997, 4 A.M.

  Jacking Off

  Who showed up?

  Joe S. pale bodied wiry leanness,

  suck your cock—I kissed his belly,

  thin muscular breast—

  Suck my cock you bitch, little bitch

  suck my cock,

  Huck, I got him on his knees

  licked his ass his hairy behind

  doggie style, jacked him off he

  grabbed his own dick finished—come.

  Tom G. big cocked passed thru my

bed, didn’t stay

  Ah John got you, bought the

  leather handcuffs & strap

  binding hand & feet helpless,

  Leather collar roped to the

  bedstead’s head—buy it

  once for all S&M shops

  Christopher Street

  Uptown leather

  Spank good & hard, slap his ass

  let him writhe, better

  than cutting him up,

  designs with razor—

  So came on that unfamiliar fear

  savage control over

  Adonis body, willing

  eager—bound to be true.

  January 28, 1997

  Think Tank Rhymes

  think tank

  pick thank

  lamb shank

  wet wank

  drug dork

  hankie pankey

  kitchey camp

  namby pamby

  macho wimp

  witchy granny

  randy daddy

  skimpy mammie

  toilet Tilly

  itchy nursie

  Golden Grammie

  dandy Sammy

  Fried pork

  mind wonk

  brain konk

  junk funk

  coke dink

  dead drunk

  Big Pink

  skunk stink

  mom wink

  nuke kink

  big dick


  gum crank

  space pork

  fried wok

  Hershey drink


  January 30, 1997, 2:45 A.M.

  Song of the Washing Machine

  Burned out Burned out Burned out

  We’re not burned out We’re not burned out

  for a house for a house for a house for a house

  Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom

  At home at home at home at home

  We’re not burned out We’re not burned out

  Fair enough fair enough fair enough

  Can you account for yourself account for yourself

  Better not better not better not better not

  January 31, 1997

  World Bank Blues

  I work for the world bank yes I do

  My salary was hundred thousand smackeroo


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