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Double Jeopardy

Page 4

by Cooper, KaLyn

  “If the threats aren’t related to business, then it’s personal,” Blake explained.

  Duke nodded as he chewed. “Okay then. During and after college, I dated a lot.” He raised his eyes to meet Blake’s. “Don’t ask me for a list because I couldn’t give you one. I dated a lot. But none were serious and all the women knew that up front. I always made my intentions clear. There were only a few I kept around for longer than a week or two.”

  He sighed and lay down his fork. “Women looked at me and saw dollar signs and old-family respectability.” He glanced at the still closed bedroom door. “Ella was different. Her family had been in the carpet manufacturing business for nearly a hundred years, but she’d worked for a living, like me. Her family had lived in Atlanta for generations.” His loving smile said everything Blake needed to know. “She is truly a steel magnolia. Intelligent yet filled with beauty. On our second date, maybe our third, I took her to a charity art auction.” He shook his head with the memory. “One of my exes came on strong and hard to her while I was getting our drinks. I watched Ella lay on that Southern charm while telling the woman to go to hell in a way I’m sure made the bitch look forward to the lonely journey.”

  “What was her name?” Blake had keyed in on their attitude toward the intruder to their evening.

  “Oh, hell, let me think.” Duke finished off his fruit and announced with exuberance, “Kath. Kathleen McCarthy.”

  “Do you know where she is now?” Blake wasn’t sure she was even a possibility, but he would have her checked out anyway.

  “I haven’t a clue.” Duke ate a few more bites. “I could call my sister. She’d know. She’s always been socially active and has known Kath for years.”

  The bedroom door opened and both men stared down the aisle. Ella floated out in a strapless sundress that hugged her curves then stopped mid-thigh, showing off long bare legs. The hemline cut sharply in the back to the middle of her toned calves. She looked like a moving seascape painting, dolphins leaping out of deep blue waves with every step, the bodice, a color study in reds blending through orange to yellow depicting a setting sun.

  Blake could easily see what had attracted Duke to his wife.

  “No more shop talk,” Ella commanded then sat down on her husband’s lap and wound her arms around his neck. “Our vacation starts right this minute.” The sensual kiss she gave him made Blake look away. He wasn’t done questioning Duke, but he wasn’t going to interrupt. This was their week together and they were both safe at the moment.

  With averted eyes, Blake rose from his seat and turned toward the back of the plane, hoping to confer with Ryleigh, comparing and sharing information. They needed to finalize plans for when they reached the island.

  His eyes shifted toward the back, and his lungs stopped working. The vision in front of him was beyond any of his dreams. Ryleigh’s back was to him. Her bare back. Shiny brunette hair swished over naked shoulder blades as she closed the bedroom door.

  Blake loved the slope of her back. He’d caressed that very skin up and down her spine as he’d taken her from behind. He’d kissed every vertebra that was now completely exposed, and those hidden by the short skirt that barely covered her ever-so-fine ass.

  When she turned, he saw her perky breasts were covered in a red and yellow print that tied behind her neck, one of those halter dresses. With one pull, the soft globes would be free of their bindings and fall into his hands.

  His cock pulsed against the zipper of his new khaki dress slacks, ones Jorge had selected for this trip. The inside draping of the tailored trousers kept the pleats in place, almost hiding his reaction to the woman he wanted in his bed once again.

  A very feminine giggle behind him drew his attention back to his current assignment. Pursuing Ryleigh would have to wait.

  Chapter 4

  Ryleigh marveled at the thick vegetation on the numerous small islands that dotted the Pacific Ocean blending the water from a green infused turquoise to the deepest sapphire blue as the small airplane traversed from Panama City, Panama to Aragon Island. She quelled the thrill of anticipation of spending time on a truly tropical island.

  Her family had taken short vacations to visit her grandparents in Pennsylvania for holidays, and occasionally, during the summer, they would go to Myrtle Beach. Once, they even visited Disney World and stayed with her aunt in Tampa, swimming for a few hours in the Gulf of Mexico.

  She had always dreamed of sequestering herself at an all-inclusive resort where she could lay on a white sand beach in a bikini, replacing the memories of sweat and grit under a camouflage uniform topped off by a heavy flak jacket and hot helmet while trudging through dusty sand in the Middle East.

  In her fantasy vacation, there would be a hot guy in a resort uniform bringing her icy alcoholic beverages the moment she licked the last drop from the salted rim. Ryleigh wasn’t an alcoholic by any stretch of the imagination, but she did enjoy having a drink with her girlfriends after a long day at work and a good glass of wine with a meal, all of which had been forbidden to her while serving her country abroad.

  Ella shifted in her seat for a better view out of the small oval window, bringing Ryleigh back to the reality that this was not her vacation. This was work.

  Moments after the pilot gently landed the prop plane on the nearly-hidden runway, Blake was on his feet. As they had discussed while on the Wainwright’s jet shortly after Ryleigh and Ella had changed clothes, Blake would exit first to ensure the requested security procedures were in place. Only certain members of the executive staff, and the security department, knew of Blake and Ryleigh’s true reason for being on the island.

  “Stay here while I check things out,” Blake ordered then disappeared through the open airplane door.

  Duke stood and leaned next to his wife to stare out the window at the three resort representatives waiting for them to appear. “Well, he’s quite colorful.”

  There was no question who Duke was talking about. The man with neon blue and bright red hair with a two-inch wide swath of yellow just above his ears was most likely Mario Puccini, Indulgences Resort’s entertainment director. The bright-as-the-sun yellow blazer that topped a red button down shirt and matching knee-length shorts was another giveaway.

  “I wonder if they sell those yellow sandals in the gift shop?” Ella asked no one in particular.

  They were pretty spectacular with Swarovski cut beads that glinted in the midday sun.

  “I’d love a pair in black,” Ryleigh said out loud then blushed at the admission.

  Next to the flamboyantly dressed man, the bohemian woman made an interesting transition to the man in the perfectly pressed gray suit. Her silver hair fell over bare shoulders to the pastel, peasant-style dress that dropped to the ground in almost translucent gauze. She reminded Ryleigh of her mother’s friend who claimed to be an artist, although Ryleigh had never seen a single thing the woman ever created. Her mom’s BFF was naturally beautiful, and although many would call her a free spirit, she was just extremely confident, completely satisfied with who and what she was without traditional enhancements.

  Ella glanced over her shoulder at her husband and noted, “She’s gorgeous.”

  Duke brushed his lips over his wife’s temple. “She doesn’t hold a candle to you. Besides, I’ve never been into older women.”

  “Don’t let the silver hair fool you,” Ella cautioned. “She’s not that much older than we are.”

  “I don’t care.” With the back of his fingers, Duke lifted a strand of hair from his wife’s face and tenderly tucked it behind her ear. “You are the woman I chose to have in my life forever.” Although he whispered, Ryleigh still heard him tell his wife, “And the only woman I will ever want.”

  Ryleigh caught herself staring, then tore her gaze away from the couple. She scanned the palm trees that lined the small airport looking for the glint off a sniper scope. Her attention was automatically drawn to Blake who seemed to be in an intense conversation with the handsome Lati
no in a custom-fitted light gray suit. Ryleigh suspected this man was Antonio Aragon, the owner of the resort.

  The striking woman with long silver hair gently laid a hand on the man’s forearm in a gesture of familiarity, and warning. She had to be Kenderly Wilde. If Guardian’s files were correct, she was not only Antonio’s business partner but also his lover and confidant. Her dossier indicated she may also be an empath of sorts. Although many would dismiss the unexplained, Ryleigh had experienced firsthand PsyOps, the military’s rarely-spoken-of psychological special operations. She was well aware of what the hidden skill could do.

  Blake turned toward the airplane and signaled for Ryleigh to bring the couple down. He met them at the bottom of the steps where they were hurried into the resort transportation. “We’ll do the meet and greet thing inside the resort. I don’t like either of you being exposed here on the runway.”

  Ryleigh wasn’t surprised when Ella grabbed her by the wrist and practically dragged her to the tram.

  Her newest assignment had been cold toward her husband for hours. Ella had just sat in Duke’s lap, insisting they start their vacation right then and there, and Duke seemed to like the idea…until when his phone rang. Two minutes into his conversation, he moved Ella over to the seat next to him and hauled out his computer. The remainder of the flight to Panama City was filled with call after call, Duke ignoring everyone on the plane, his total focus on the corporate problem that only he could solve.

  Although Ella had not discussed her relationship with Duke, Riley understood the woman’s anger. This was supposed to be their time together.

  While changing from the Wainwright corporate jet to the smaller Indulgences Resort airplane, Ryleigh watched with interest as Duke tried to mollify his wife. She was not accepting any of his platitudes and chose not to sit beside him on that leg of their flight, forcing Blake and Duke to sit in the seats behind her and Ella.

  Not exactly a wonderful start to the week ahead.

  Crossing the tarmac, Ryleigh’s gaze swept their surroundings looking for possible threats as uniformed men loaded their baggage into the back of the stretch Jeep. She tapped the glass noting its thickness then slid in to put herself between Ella and the exterior of the vehicle. There were so many places a sniper could hide in the dense jungle that surrounded the small landing strip. At the moment, they were sitting ducks.

  The three members of their welcoming party slid onto the front bench seat in the same order they stood next to the runway, then turned with welcoming smiles.

  “Welcome to Indulgences Resort." The flamboyantly dressed man waved so rapidlyresort.” his fingers were a blur. “Hi. I’m Mario, and I’m here to ensure everyone has a good time. Next to me is Kenderly Wilde and on the other side of her is Antonio Aragon, the owner of the resort.”

  The woman gave the group a reassuring smile and Antonio slowly nodded once before he turned his attention back toward the steering wheel and driver’s console.

  Ryleigh did a mental fist pump. She was three for three.

  “As I’m sure your brute of a bodyguard has told you, we’ll formally greet you once we reach the hotel. In the meantime, we have a little message that will tell you all about the resort and our beautiful island.”

  Almost silently, the resort shuttle glided forward, and Mario’s exuberant recorded voice filled the enclosed transport. Ryleigh became hypervigilant as she scanned the thick vegetation that closely surrounded the winding road. There were simply too many places for an ambush. As her gaze swept down one side of the vehicle her eyes met Blaze’s. He was equally as concerned.

  Twenty minutes later, the entourage exited the tram under an ornate porte cochere. Three bellmen dressed in crisp white short-sleeved shirts and shorts immediately jumped to open the vehicle doors and held out a hand for each lady. Ryleigh smiled and quietly thanked the young man, trying desperately to mimic Ella’s casual social graces while trying to hide her awe of such opulence.

  As they climbed the white marble steps, Ryleigh had to pull her attention away from the Grecian style arches and efficiency of the bellman to search for possible threats. She was on duty after all.

  As soon as they entered the open concept of the hotel, she automatically quartered the room looking for danger. Down the middle of the huge three-story open space were several glass tables topped with amazing flower arrangements. Birds of paradise shot out in every direction from palm fronds and hibiscus the size of dinner plates.

  Through twelve-foot arches on either side, groupings of seating where couches, chairs and loveseats surrounded coffee tables adorned with three-foot tall vases of fresh flowers. At the far end of the lobby was a grand staircase that swept up two sides to a large open balcony accented by an ornate wrought iron banister. Elegance. Sophistication. Those were the words that rang through Ryleigh’s mind.

  A warm breeze kissed her cheek, immediately drawing her attention past the seating area on her left, to the open wall facing the ocean. The distinct smell of moist salt air filled her lungs and brought a smile to Ryleigh’s face. She was really here.

  Quelling her excitement, Ryleigh redirected her attention to the trio approaching them.

  “Well,” Mario said on an exhale. Smiling as though he were truly glad to meet them, he continued, “We finally get to meet.” Taller than she’d expected, he held out his hand and professionally shook with each of them as they gave him their names.

  Ryleigh bit back a laugh as Blake stumbled over their undercover name of Seasnon. She would never admit to him that she’d had to practice it mentally several times to allow it to flow easily off her tongue.

  “Now,” Mario’s gaze traveled from Ryleigh, then Ella who stood beside her, over Duke, finally landing on Blake. “I understand that you need to speak with our director of security.” With a flick of his hand, a very fit man in his mid-forties strode square-shouldered toward the group. Ryleigh watched his intelligent eyes assess each and every member of their small group. She could tell by the way he moved silently over the highly polished marble floor that he was not the typical hotel security. This man had been trained. His eyes vouched that he’d seen combat, too much of it.

  Holding out a hand to Duke, he announced, “Nigel Spencer, director of security. Good to meet you, sir.”

  “Duke Wainwright.” Gesturing to his right, he said, “My wife Ella.”

  After a cordial shake, Nigel returned his attention to Duke. “I can assure you, Aragon Island is one of the safest places on Earth. Other than a cook nicking a finger, we have very few accidents, none have ever resulted in a fatality. Mr. Aragon runs a very tight ship.” At the complement, Antonio gave a single slow nod.

  “That may be so,” Blake interrupted, “but I am in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright’s safety. I need to see what security measures you have taken to assure their protection.”

  “Allow me, first, to welcome you all, then Nigel can show you our state-of-the-art security.” Antonio held his clasped hands in front of him. “I hope your time here at Indulgences Resort is everything you expect. My staff will see to your every need. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am expected on a conference call in five minutes.” He turned and didn’t get ten steps before he was stopped by an employee.

  Mario clapped his hands and encouraged, “Nigel, why don’t you take Mr. Seasnon to your office and show him all that security stuff you do so he’ll be satisfied and relax and enjoy his stay here at Indulgences Resort.”

  When Blake didn’t move, Mario encouraged, “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of Mr. Wainwright. I’m sure Nigel can spare one of his best men to accompany me to their cabana.”

  The security director was immediately talking into the radio system strapped to his shoulder. Two men dressed in the dark green security uniform appeared on either side of Nigel. After a quiet conversation with their boss, they took up their post behind Duke and Ella. Ryleigh was quite sure they both knew how to handle the semi-automatic Desert Eagle pistols strapped to their thighs. They l
ooked like Nigel clones.

  “Ryleigh.” Her name on Blake’s lips, and one glance into his deep blue eyes, was the handoff she’d been expecting.

  She was now officially in charge of the Wainwright’s safety. With every step Blake and Nigel took, the weight of her responsibility increased. She checked every entrance, corner, and shadow as she calculated the threat level of each person within shooting distance. No one was going to die on her watch.

  “In case you didn’t catch it back on the tarmac, my name is Kenderly.” Up close, the silver-haired woman was even more beautiful than Ryleigh originally thought. And younger. The shiny silver strands that fell softly, curving gently over her porcelain shoulders didn’t come from a bottle. The pink of her lips and tinge on her high cheekbones were as natural as her smile. “Why don’t I show you lovely ladies around while Mario and our security staff take Mr. Wainwright to the cabana?”

  “Perhaps we can do that later,” Ryleigh suggested, knowing it was easier to protect both Duke and Ella if they were close together.

  “I’d love a tour of this absolutely gorgeous resort of yours.” Ella grinned. “It’s not like anyone is after me. I have no intention of hiding away this entire vacation. I came here to enjoy sun, warmed sand, and everything this place has to offer.”

  Ryleigh’s gaze flashed to Duke who shook his head almost imperceptibly. Had they not told Ella that the last threat was to her life?

  With a smile, Duke leaned over and kissed his wife’s cheek. “Why don’t you girls have a look around while we take the luggage and check out the cabana?”

  “Let me show you our pools.” Kenderly gestured toward the ocean side of the building.

  When the two women stepped away, Duke reassured Ryleigh, “I’ll be fine.” He glanced at the two security guards then his gaze returned to her. “I’m sure I will be perfectly safe with these two by my side all the way to the cabana.”


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