Rags to Riches: My Thug Angel 2
Page 13
Dear Ahleya Briyana Rowland,
Your mother and I miss you dearly. I don’t ever want you to think that we don’t love you. We love you more than life itself, but we knew that we couldn’t take care of you like your uncle Ace and Auntie Rayna could. One day you’ll learn that sometimes you have to make hard decisions in order to make sure your children have a great life. We got a second chance at life, but we had to get away from Atlanta in order to live it, it was either that or die, and we had way too much to live for. Like you. We had to completely start over, but we were willing to do that if it meant we’d have a chance at meeting you again one day. I miss your little face. I should have been a better man, but I know your uncle Ace will set a great example of what a man is supposed to be. He was always more of a man than I. Your mother wanted to write you a letter as well, but every time she’d try she would boohoo cry. So I told her to just give up and let me do it. She wants you to know that she loves you so much and she wishes that she never made the mistake that had you taken away, but she’s also grateful that Ace did step in because she put you in harm’s way, and she would have never been able to forgive herself if something had happened to you. We’ve seen how much you’ve grown up. Yes, we sneak to Atlanta sometimes just to see you playing in the yard with Ace. We sit and cry like big babies, but it warms our hearts to hear you laugh at the top of your lungs and to see that you are beyond happy. Always follow your heart, baby girl. I know you’ll be great in everything that you do. We love you so much
- Mommy & Daddy <3
I didn’t know how to feel about this letter. I knew they weren’t dead. I could feel it. My thoughts were interrupted by my ringing phone.
“Yo,” I said into the phone.
“I’m in labor,” Rayna said into the phone. I could tell that she was in pain.
“Alright. You having him at that place you showed me?” I asked.
“Yes,” she simply said before hanging up. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.
3 hours later…
“Push,” my midwife said as I pushed on my knees in the heated tub. I felt Ace rub my back while Rico watched with not one care in the world. I was happy they had put their differences aside, because when we first got here they were ready to turn this establishment out until they realized how much pain I was in, and how much they were stressing me the fuck out. Gena cussed them both out as well, so that helped. Slick’s ass was ready to act a fool too, but I’m glad they were over it. Gena was sitting in the tub with me, rubbing my back while Slick was sitting on the sofa couch a couple feet away.
“One more big push, and he’s out.” I pushed as hard as I could, feeling the pressure ease as my midwife grabbed my baby. He instantly started screaming, showing off those strong lungs. They laid him on my chest, and I looked at his face. I looked up and everybody was staring at me. I started crying looking at his little handsome self. I looked back up at everybody, knowing that we were all thinking the same exact thing. We knew exactly who this baby boy belonged to.
“Hello, Anthony Jermaine Rowland Jr,” I said, kissing his nose. He was the spitting image of his father. I looked at Rico, who was still smiling at me. He looked at Ace and said congratulations. Rico walked over to me.
“I’m going to go home and get everything prepared for ya’ll. Also, to give Ace sometime to enjoy his son. I’ll be back tomorrow,” he said, looking me in the eyes. “you did a beautiful job,” he complimented me.
“Thank you, babe,” I said, kissing his lips.
“See ya’ll tomorrow,” he said, standing up and walking out, not looking defeated at all. I looked back down at my baby, taking in all of his features that were identical to his father’s. He had dark hair. I didn’t even know it was possible for a baby to be born with this much hair on their heads; looked like he had just gotten a fresh blowout. I was still going to get a DNA test so I never had to hear that he might not even be mine bullshit.
“Hand him here,” Ace said, reaching for Anthony. I watched him put his lips to his baby’s cheek, giving him a kiss. Mrs. Camila and Mr. Mark walked in looking at Anthony, and congratulating us both.
“He looks just like Ahleya,” Mrs. Camila said, putting Ahleya on the bed, allowing her to get a good look at her brother.
“They do look just alike,” Ace said, looking at them.
“Baby,” Ahleya said, kissing AJ’s cheek.
“Awww,” we all said at the same time.
“That’s so cute,” Gena said with tears in her eyes.
“Sit yo lil’ emotional ass down somewhere,” Slick said laughing.
“Shut the hell up, Kendrick,” she said quickly.
2 months later…
So it has been about two weeks since China and I’s whole argument. I had a DNA test done, and it turned out that Kalyn did have that King blood running through her veins. That’s my baby. I spend all of my extra time (which is a lot) with her. My doorbell rung, snapping me out of my thoughts. I walked up to the door and opened it with a huge smile on my face, being that I had already saw that it was daddy’s princess on the camera.
“Heyyy daddy’s big girl.” She smiled extra hard, clapping her hands together and reaching for me. Her mother let go of her, allowing her to fall into my arms. “Daddy missed you,” I said, hugging her tight. She laid her head on my shoulder and patted my back.
“Ya’ll are so pitiful, you didn’t see her yesterday but if I didn’t know how obsessed you two were about each other, I’d think you hadn’t seen her in weeks,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Girl shut up. You know how my baby and I rock. You’re just jealous that I’m her favorite,” I stated.
“Yea fucking right,” she said aloud. I covered Kalyn’s ears.
“Watch yo fuckin mouth,” I mouthed to her.
“Whatever,” she said, about to turn and walk off.
“Nah, come in. Let me talk to you.” She walked into the house. I looked over on my shoulder and noticed that baby girl was falling asleep, so I took her to the room and took her shoes off after changing her diaper. I took her outfit off since it looked uncomfortable, and put on her Gucci night gown that I had custom made for my little princess. I kissed her little lips and walked out of the room, back into the living room where China was sitting on the couch. I sat next to her, picking her up and putting her in my lap.
“I’m sorry, China,” I said in a sincere tone.
“I’m sorry too man, I fucked up,” she said, her voice shaking in the process.
“Don’t cry. It’s okay. I know you probably did feel embarrassed, and I should have taken that into consideration instead of blowing up on you like that. You just gotta know, in this game I’m in, loyalty is a big deal. It’s life or death out here. You gave me one of the best gifts I could have ever received from God, so I’m not even upset anymore. We can leave it in the past,” I said.
“I would love that, Kaleb,” she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I looked into her eyes and pulled her face to mine, kissing her lips.
“From this day forward, consider yourself mine,” I said, looking into her eyes. “I’ve been waiting on you to say that,” she said, kissing me and putting her head in the crease of my neck.
“Damn,” I said, looking at the pregnancy test in my hand. Kendrick started knocking at the door.
“Why you been in there so long? You shitting? You feel alright?” I rolled my eyes at his retarded ass and unlocked the door. He saw the tears in my eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked before looking down and seeing what was in my hand. He grabbed it, examining it. He looked at me with a blank expression.
“What’s wrong? Why you so bent up about this? Don’t tell me the baby isn’t mine,” he said, starting to get upset.
“Nigga, shut the fuck up. Of course it’s yours. Ion be out here raw dogging like you, nigga,” I spat.
“Damn, that was a l
ow blow,” he said, pulling me into a hug.
“Stop being like that, baby. You knew this was going to happen eventually, keeping me up out my shit for that long. How I see it, you’re responsible.” I chuckled at his antics.
“Whatever, Kendrick,” I said, turning around and kissing him deeply. “I hope it’s a boy” I said.
“It will be. I can feel it. Come over here,” he said, referring to the dresser. I followed him and he pulled the drawer out, pulling out a box.
“I need you to put this back on,” he said, sliding the ring he proposed to me with back on my finger. I allowed a tear to escape my eyes.
“I love you so much, Kendrick Amir McNeil,” I said, looking into his eyes.
“I love you too, Ragena Ashanti McNeil,” he said, kissing me and rubbing my still flat belly.
“Hand me his bottle, Anthony,” I said, holding my hand out. We had been doing well with this co-parenting thing. Enrico loves AJ like he belongs to him. Every promise he made to me, he kept and I appreciate that about him. Ahleya is really enjoying being a big sister. She’s very protective of her little brother, which amuses everyone around here. I take a million pictures of my babies, and have already started a memory book for the both of them. Ahleya stays between both houses, just like her brother. I decided to bring them over to their dad’s house to see him. I took AJ and put him in his crib since he was sleeping.
“Give me a kiss, Leya.” She leaned over and kissed my lips.
“Kiss Daddy,” she said, trying to get me to kiss Ace.
“Ewww Leya, Daddy’s lips are nasty.” He looked up and chuckled.
“Look who’s talking. Leya, we ain’t even going to start to discuss what your mama does with her lips.” I spit my drink out laughing; some even came out through my nose. I got up and took Ahleya to her room, tucking her into her bed for a nap. I walked back downstairs and punched him in the arm.
“Aye girl, don’t play with a nigga like that,” he said, looking up. I punched him again and he started chasing me through the house, and up the stairs. I ran straight into his room, attempting to close the door behind me but he was too strong. He tackled me onto the bed and started play fighting me. He ended up pinning me down, and this was the closest I’ve been to him in so long. My body was reacting to his touch without my consent.
“Get off me nigga,” I said, trying to play it off. He grazed his lips across my neck, causing chills to rise throughout my body.
“Ace, I have a boyfriend,” I said, trying to control my breathing.
“Fuck that nigga,” he said before…
Note from Andrea Sad’e:
*Hey everybody! I would like to thank all of my fans for supporting this series and for being patient while I tried to finish it and juggle my life at the same time. I’d like to dedicate this book to the most important people in my life. My daughter Skylar Patrice Henderson who has given me so much drive. My mother and father Willie and Patricia Powers, my backbones. Without you guys I’d be nothing, you guys drive me insane and keep me sane at the same time. How that work? Also, my brother and sister Willie and Patrice Powers, ya’ll are my riders, been with me since day one and I love ya’ll to death.
If there is something in the book that you feel I didn’t finish talking about or clear up, I promise it will be in book 3. Can’t tell everything in one book! Thank you for your support. You can follow me on my social Media pages where I post about my books and their release dates often. Instagram: @_thisisfinesse *Twitter: @_thisisfinesse and like my facebook author page @ Andrea Sad’e .
The events in this book are completely fictional! I do not promote violence! Leave it in the books. Black lives really do matter, but the change starts within us!
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