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Amazon Fall

Page 9

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "It's an Amazon colony now," Mikis replied, sarcastic. "They decided to claim the ancient treaty with the Sannish kings that are no more."

  He nodded, thoughtful. "That explains the black sails... But what happened to the king?"

  "The king died two years ago, during the war with Gyllymer," Mikis retorted. "Where have you been?"

  "Prisoner," he muttered, lowering his eyes. "Locked in Konigtown. Waiting to be ransomed, until they let me go, telling me I was worthless – that nobody would ransom me."

  "And you're heading back to Noavaria?" Marlen asked.

  "I don't know. Seems unsafe."

  "Who are you?" Rena demanded.

  "The prince heir," Mikis said after staring at the young man intently.

  "My name is Jakez Karehen and yes, I'm the heir of the Kingdom of Noavaria."

  "Captured during the war... How come King Jonik didn't kill you?"

  "I don't know." Jakez shrugged. "Maybe he was paid to keep me by whoever took my father's place."

  "The Council." Mikis scoffed. "I wouldn't be surprised."

  "Do I know you?" Jakez asked him.

  "Nah. I didn't go to court much," Mikis answered with a shrug.

  "He's the rebel son of Lord Dekaimenon," Rena added.

  "Oh, I see." Jakez nodded, thoughtful.

  "So, what will you do?" Marlen asked. "Your father's kingdom is no more, do you still want to go back to your hometown?"

  "I'm afraid I'm not welcome there anymore." Jakez sighed. "I've been betrayed. They might try to kill me. May I join you wherever you're going?"

  "Not a good choice, my friend," Mikis teased. "These three lovely ladies are Amazon soldiers – the ones who usurped your throne."

  "The Council usurped my throne," Jakez grumbled. "Besides, you're with them too."

  "But I'm an old friend of Marlen and a great admirer of her father – who is Noavarian, by the way. When I first met the blonde, here – who is the Queen's daughter, in case you were wondering – she imprisoned and tortured me until Marlen told her to stop."

  "Enough, Mikis," Marlen scolded.

  "Like I said, it was the Council that killed my father and got rid of me," Jakez replied. "I respect the Amazons. I could ask for the Queen's protection – since she enforced an old treaty, I'm the rightful descendant of those Sannish kings and I'd love to sign a new treaty with the Amazons."

  "Trust me, you know nothing of the Amazons," Mikis said. "I've spent a whole year with them – the Queen is a good woman, but her daughter, here..."

  "Shut up, Mikis!" Rena snapped. "This young man seems much smarter than you!"

  "Of course, he's a prince, I'm only a nobleman's son," Mikis retorted.

  "Mikis, sometimes I really want to beat some sense into you!" Rena's patience was running out. "That's enough, keep your mouth shut now!"

  "Yes, my lady."

  "So, what shall we do with Jakez?" Marlen asked.

  "I'm giving him political asylum on behalf of my mother," Rena decided. "He'll come with us for now."


  In the few days it took them to reach the harbor closer to Noavaria where Xavier was gathering his fleet, Mikis, Rena, Marlen and Alexia got to know the fallen prince better.

  "You should teach us some of your fighting techniques," Marlen suggested.

  "I had a teacher from the Islands Empire who taught me a very special wrestling technique," Jakez said, thoughtful.

  "I couldn't wrestle with a woman, I'd end up raping her," Mikis said.

  "My teacher taught me control and his technique probably allows a woman to beat a man," Jakez replied, amused. "He was much shorter than me and still managed to pin me to the ground."

  "You'll have to teach us, then," Rena said. "Not on a rolling ship, but when we go back to Maadre..."

  "Of course, Princess Rena." Jakez bowed.

  Rena brightened. Neither Marlen nor Mikis ever called her "princess" and Jakez's respect made her feel good. The young man was wonderful and even she could appreciate his good looks and gentle manners. His excellent education was obvious, he was fluent in the Amazons' dialect, well-read and a natural born diplomat, with an innate class that put him over everybody else, but with a humility that made him better than most. He was sometimes an introvert, much like Marlen, and just as charming.

  Mikis and Jakez soon ran out of things to talk about, and Mikis started to see the prince as a rival. Jakez ignored the pretty Amazons to play the brooding beau, but Mikis knew things were changing. Marlen and Rena were restless and bickered more and more often.

  Mikis looked forward to boarding the Yasmine, where more men would be available and hopefully distract the girls from the charming prince. Although a mixed crew didn't look good anymore, since any man could break the frail balance of the strange love triangle.

  Marlen was more and more conscious of the attraction she felt for Jakez, but her love for Mikis was still stronger. Her internal dilemma made her grumpy, which drove Rena mad. But she was too busy trying to understand her feelings to bother.

  He was a gorgeous young man – at twenty-five he behaved like an adult. Mikis was still very childish and Marlen realized she still had a lot to learn about men. And the handsome fallen prince that had just entered her life seemed to promise wonders with his hazel eyes.

  Alexia observed the situation with thoughtful interest. She could feel the balance of the triangle was creaking and falling apart day by day, but she couldn't tell if it was good or bad. The new element was still a wicked man – especially since he was so respectful of Rena, who might fall for his sweet words. Being the future Queen's best friend and personal bodyguard was becoming bothersome. But for one thing Rena was right – nobody could defend her from herself, therefore Alexia could only watch and try to prevent the worst.

  Alexia thought Jakez was fully aware of his charm. If he decided to seduce an Amazon, nobody would resist him, not even stubborn Rena. Maybe he's the man for her, she thought, uneasy. The man who would give her more children, and an heir to the Queendom of Maadre. Better Jakez than Mikis. The prince had a class the Aristocrat Alexia couldn't deny. She was almost certain Queen Julianna would approve of him. But it was too early to foretell what would happen.


  "You don't love me anymore," Mikis said with a sulking tone.

  "That's not true," Marlen replied patiently.

  "Then stop staring at Prince Charming!" he snapped.

  She averted her eyes from Jakez to look at him.

  "What are you talking about?" she protested. "There's no such thing as a Prince Charming..."

  "Would you prefer Brooding Beau?" he asked, sarcastic.

  "Mikis, your jealousy is misplaced," she chided.

  "Marlen, I'm sick of sharing. With Rena or Jakez or whatnot. Either we go on another ship or our own, or I leave."

  "Maybe my father will put us on different ships," she said. "I mean, Rena and Alexia could be sent to a female captain..."

  "I bet Rena gets to choose the ship, and we'll be all together on the Yasmine," he retorted.

  "With a mixed crew. Other men and women onboard. Maybe you'll have new suitors..."

  "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

  "No, Mikis, I..."

  "Maybe we need a break."


  "Marlen, marry me or I'll just leave!"

  "The Amazons don't marry," she said, frowning.

  "You're an Amazon only when it suits you," he replied sourly. "If we'd stayed here, you'd be my wife now."

  "If we'd stayed here, I'd be married to Lucas."

  "Lucas would never marry you."

  "How do you know?"

  "I know where he went and why. But I don't want to ruin your memories of your first love. Stay out of my cabin until we reach your father."

  He stormed away without turning back, leaving her stunned and speechless.


  Captain Xavier met prospective crew members at the biggest waterfront inn. A lon
g line of sailors and other volunteers reached the end of the street, narrowing the passage to a single line.

  "We're not going to wait in line," Rena decided. "We're going in."

  "Just because you wear an Amazon uniform, you think you can skip the line?" Mikis objected, sarcastic. "And then you wonder why we hate you!"

  "But it's hot out here!" Rena snorted.

  "We can always wait until later, I'm sure he'll take a break at some point," Marlen said. "And since he's my father, I can skip the line to talk to him, can't I?"

  "Of course," Mikis replied. "You could go in alone and tell him about us right now. You're his daughter."

  So instead of joining the line, they waited on the other side of the inn's door, in the shadow of the building. Mikis bought fried fish for everyone from a little stall on the pier and they ate it standing, waiting for the line to thin before going in.

  Until a group of five young men and as many women almost surrounded them, staring at Rena who gasped in surprise and backed towards the others for protection.

  "I wanted to thank you for pushing Mandy to commit suicide," a tall and skinny young man with long blond hair told her flatly.

  Rena opened her mouth, but her voice didn't come out. She couldn't move either, she was spellbound.

  "Who are you?" Marlen asked bluntly, as Alexia frowned with indecision.

  "We're the Assassins of Noavaria," the blond young man replied, his eyes still on Rena.

  "You have magic. There is no magic in this land."

  "There is in me. My name is Fire." He concentrated on the princess who moaned, eyes wide with panic.

  "What are you doing to her?" Marlen asked.

  "I'm turning her obsessions against her," he answered gloomily.

  "Don't hurt her. She's the Queen's daughter."

  "I know who she is. Amazons don't scare me."

  "You're not invulnerable, are you?"

  Fire broke the spell and Rena collapsed in Jakez's arms, unconscious.

  Fire glared at Marlen. "I should kill you as well."

  "Leave them alone," the other blond of the group of newcomers said. Marlen focused on him, recognizing the voice.

  "Ritchie?" she asked, puzzled.

  He grinned and nodded. "Name's Ray now," he said.

  "Where have you been?" She brightened with relief.

  "When Mother died I started training with the Assassins," he answered.

  Rena had come back to her senses, but had lost her aggressive behavior, obviously humbled by Fire's magic skills. "You're in the Assassins' Guild?" she asked. "But if you're Marlen's step-brother..."

  "His father was a rich merchant – Captain Xavier hit the jackpot when he married the beautiful widow," Mikis said mockingly.

  "True, Mikis Dekaimenon," Ritchie said, amused. "Remember Amber?" He pointed at a young woman who stood very close to another assassin.

  "My brother's wife." Mikis nodded, serious. "He was killed after the war with Gyllymer. So she joined the guild too?"

  "Yes, she's with our team leader, Snake. You're not the only rich rebel, Mikis... Remember our fights, Marlen?"

  "I do." His step-sister smiled. "It was very useful when I started training with the Amazons."

  "And you're here to join your father's fleet?" he asked.

  "Yes. You?"

  "We had a half-idea, but Fire is allergic to Amazons, so I guess we'll go somewhere else."

  "Were you waiting in line?"

  "Actually, he didn't bother telling us it was his step-father hiring." Snake glared at Ritchie who smiled and shrugged.

  "He'd have kept us on the Yasmine with Marlen and Rena... So, be grateful we haven't signed anything, we can just walk away."

  "Why don't they walk away?" Fire snapped.

  "We're not sailors, Fire, what can assassins do on a ship anyway?" Ritchie replied.

  Thus the small team of assassins left, followed by Rena and Marlen's eyes.

  "I didn't know your brother was dead," Marlen told Mikis.

  He shrugged. "Probably killed by those assassins on behalf of the Council," he grumbled.

  "How many children were you?" Alexia asked, curious.

  "Three surviving children, two boys and a girl. My brother, the beloved heir, was murdered for some unknown reason."

  "Rena, what did you do in Noavaria after the conquest?" Marlen turned to the princess who blushed.

  "I... was mad at you, so I took it out on them for the bad education they gave you. I met the Assassins' Guild during the invasion. Snake and Fire's sister was pretty, even if she looked nothing like you."

  "Rena!" Marlen chided.

  "Nobody ever complained after sharing the bed with me!" Rena replied defensively.

  "The princess is very sweet," Alexia added.

  "Not with everyone." Mikis scoffed. "You adore her, Alexia. But I can testify she can be cruel when she wants to."

  Rena looked away, sulking. Marlen rolled her eyes.

  "So, will you join the crew of the Yasmine?" Mikis continued.

  "I thought you looked forward to following Captain Xavier," Marlen said.

  "He's not really a pirate anymore, is he?" Mikis retorted. "He follows the Amazons' orders. And I've had enough of being ordered around by women."


  "Will you come with me?"


  "Good-bye, then."

  Marlen watched him walk away with a sigh.


  Captain Xavier went onboard the Yasmine, ready to sail away. His selected crew waited for him – a mix of sailors from many countries and a few newcomers such as Amazon soldiers or adventurers who wanted to try a new way of life.

  Xavier was very happy that his daughter had joined him. Seeing her again after three years made his heart flutter – Marlen looked more and more like her mother. She had joined his crew with Julianna's daughter, Alexia and Jakez Karehen, who obviously wasn't ready to claim his father's usurped throne. Xavier never cared about politics, so he pretended not to know who the prince was.

  The Yasmine left the coast of Outremer and headed south. Being a big carrack, it could either be used for trade or for war. If they met ships of non-allied countries, they could plunder them, otherwise they could touch foreign harbors and buy goods.

  As they followed the coast of the most southern kingdom of Varia, they saw a big palace very close to the shore – but it looked abandoned.

  "What do we know about the Kingdom of Agharek?" Xavier asked his crew, hoping there was someone from that place.

  "The capital is inland, on a river shore," Rena answered. "The Assassins' Guild is originally from there, but it has spread to the whole continent during the Varian Empire."

  "The first Varian Emperor disbanded them, but a few assassins kept teaching the trade, especially away from the Capital," Jakez corrected. "I think there was a secret school in Noavaria."

  "Yes, I'm aware of the Assassins' Guild of Noavaria, and it's different from the original," Xavier said. "What else about Agharek? It must be different from the north."

  "They have strange customs and a lot of nomadic tribes," the first mate – a burly middle-aged woman who had seen a lot – said. "Warrior tribes. They never followed the Supreme Being and stuck to old gods even during Varian rule."

  "They're a bunch of savages," a tall, dark-skinned man grumbled. "They spread to the north of Nera and helped the collapse of the Black Empire."

  "All big empires collapse," Xavier said. "That's why I don't think the Amazons will be able to keep Outremer for long. I'm surprised the Queendom is still standing as big as it is after six centuries."

  "Obviously female rule lasts longer," Rena snapped.

  "Maybe." Xavier smiled. "So, what do you think? Should we attack that palace and plunder it?"

  "It doesn't look well defended," Jakez said, thoughtful.

  "It does look like a fortress, since it has only one door and windows only on the upper floors," Rena added.

they build something, it's usually very solid," the black man said. "It's probably a pleasure palace, built to keep the slaves in."

  "What's a pleasure palace?" Alexia asked.

  "Like a brothel," Jakez answered.

  "Public House," Rena added, which made more sense for Alexia.

  "Not really," Xavier replied. "The pleasure palace is for its owner only."

  "So he's a rich man and plundering him might be fun," the Amazon first mate said with a grin.

  Xavier nodded, thoughtful. "How many guards, you think?" he asked the black man.

  "From the size of it, I'd say about twenty."

  And the carrack had a crew of fifty very able sailor-warriors.


  Except the guess was wrong and the guards managed to keep the assailants out of the walled palace. The invading crew managed to break into the first courtyard, but was repelled very quickly.

  "Rena, where's the captain?" Marlen asked, seeing the princess run out of the big door.

  "I don't know!" Rena shouted back.

  "He's still inside, I think," Alexia said.

  Jakez immediately rushed back before the big door closed again.

  "Jakez, wait!" Marlen ran after him and squeezed herself in at the last minute. The antechamber was very dark compared to the outside, and she saw Jakez captured by the guards as he emerged in the first courtyard.

  "Good, another prisoner!" A man dressed as a chamberlain with a big turban grinned at the sight of Jakez. "Our lord will love this one!"

  "Bastard." Jakez uttered the word and Marlen only guessed it as she slid from shadow to shadow.

  "The Caliph will love taming you." The chamberlain sniggered. "Let's go."

  The sun shone in the courtyard, showing two staircases that met on the first floor in front of the dark antechamber. Marlen watched Jakez pushed up the stairs and cursed under her breath. She'd better wait for the night to move around that wicked palace.


  Jakez stared disgusted at the fat man covered with jewelry and silks, seated on a throne that looked more like a very big bed. Obviously a southern prince, he'd been introduced only as The Caliph by the unctuous Chamberlain.

  "Isn't he gorgeous, my lord?" the Chamberlain added, ripping open Jakez's tunic. Since by now he had his hands tied behind his back, Jakez couldn't stop him. He shivered under the Caliph's lustful stare.


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