The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch

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The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch Page 6

by Michelle Monkou

  Although Zack had grown up in privileged circumstances, he could still remember his early days as a child whose mother had to give him up. Her unmarried state and lack of funds tossed him into an orphanage. No matter how well he was looked after, he didn’t forget that he couldn’t go home because he was a burden.

  The Keathleys opened their hearts and home to him after they lived in Haiti. His adopted father got his start in the land development business when he helped with rebuilding a depressed area in the countryside, while his adopted mother volunteered in the orphanage. He knew they were special because of how loving they were to each other. But they also paid attention to him, talking to him as though his opinions really mattered.

  Every day, his mother visited him until the orphanage allowed him to go visit her. He loved staying in their house, which was so unlike the orphanage, with the house staff, clean, shiny surroundings and fresh smell to everything. For over year, he was tutored on his regular schoolwork, excelling in math. Back then, his father was proud of him.

  Maybe he was being too hard on the old man. He probably was still proud, although his insistence on his following in his footsteps caused friction between them.

  “Sir, will you be needing anything?” Rachel’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “I’m going to head out now.”

  “No, Rachel, thank you, I’m fine. I’ll lock up.”

  She paused, but looked as if she decided against speaking her mind. “Mr. Keathley, I hope you don’t think that I’m overstepping, but…”

  “It’s okay. I know.”

  She nodded, turned and left him sitting at the conference table. The packet of the papers still remained in front of him. Very slowly he read and turned the page, continuing until the sun set behind the shuttered blinds.

  “I think you’re feeling better,” Chantelle exclaimed as she hurried through the foyer toward the kitchen.

  “I feel good.” Naomi closed the front door after a short, enjoyable walk through the neighborhood. She couldn’t bear to sit in the house idle. Frannie wouldn’t let her do a thing. Plus she needed to exercise for when she had to return to the reality of her basketball life.

  “I’m about to send out a mass e-vite to a few of my buds.” Chantelle tossed over her shoulder. She plopped down in front of a laptop that was in a nook.

  “Can I help?”

  “Sure. Over there is my other laptop. Can you send out e-vites to this group?” Chantelle handed her a page filled with e-mail addresses.

  “How many people are you inviting?” Naomi glanced down the list, figuring there were probably fifty addresses. Thank goodness Zack was able to stop his mother from issuing any invitations for her party.

  Chantelle shrugged.

  “Does your mother know?” Naomi could guess at that answer.

  “It’s no big deal. I’ll buy a few pizzas. Somebody will bring the drinks and we’ll hang out in the back. If it was warmer, we could have used the pool. I told Mom that we needed to enclose it.”

  “When are you planning to have the party?” Naomi considered herself a fast typist, but this long list might challenge her skills.


  “Like in two days?” Naomi paused, waiting for Chantelle to correct her.

  The young woman presented her usual shrug. She punched a key on the keyboard and leaned back with a huge grin. “All done. How are you doing over there?”

  Naomi shook her head.

  “Okay, while you do that, I’d better post a note to some folks’ Wall.”

  “You think that’s safe?”

  “If they have my address, they’ll know how to get here. And that’s only to my friends. Plus it’s not like I’m putting it in my status update. Do you think I’m clueless?”

  Naomi wanted to say yes. Considering how close Chantelle had become with her, she didn’t have a problem telling her what was on her mind. But she knew that Chantelle like to play the naïve card and blow off sound advice. She’d seen it done to her mother and to Zack. Watching Chantelle blow off Zack was more fun, though. He seemed unable to control his little sister. More often than not, he carried his frustrated frown with him whenever they were together.

  After a half hour, Naomi said, “Okay, I’m done.”

  “Good. Now we have to go shopping.” Chantelle led her out of the house. “I need a new outfit. I can’t wait for my friends to meet you. So we can pick out a new outfit for you too.”

  Suddenly self-conscious, she looked down at her clothes. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  Chantelle paused. “Do you really want to know? It’s not…sexy.”

  Naomi rolled her eyes. “I don’t need to be sexy. It’s not like I’m picking up one of your young friends.”

  “No, silly, it’s not for my friends. It’s for my brother.”

  “What?” Naomi froze behind Chantelle who held up the car keys.

  “I’ve decided that you would be good for him.”

  “I’m not a health tonic.”

  “Don’t you think he’s handsome?”

  Naomi shrugged. Her pulse did its erratic dance, a new habit that occurred whenever she thought about the tall, sleek, arrogant man.

  “Don’t you want him? Lots of women want him, although I don’t understand why they seem addicted to his negative personality.”

  “I think this conversation doesn’t need to continue.” Naomi pushed Chantelle out the door.

  “Are you embarrassed? You need to become a modern woman. Say what’s on your mind. If you feel the need to be with a certain man, then you should tell him, go after him. All this courtship stuff is for the old folks.”

  “Your dating habits are scary,” Naomi said with warning in her voice.

  “No, I’m being practical. If you wait or play games, you might end up being alone for a long time. Nothing wrong with being single, but why not have some fun while you’re at it? I’m inviting a bunch of old boyfriends and potential ones. I decide who will be next.”

  “Alrighty, then.” Naomi got into the car. Even with her sorority sisters, she didn’t have to worry about their dating habits. Not that she considered herself a prude, but she’d like to have some conversation, some romance before going to bed with someone. She didn’t believe it had to take a certain amount of time before something physical happened but according to Chantelle’s theory, a one-night stand was not a bad thing.

  “Back to my brother. Don’t you want him?”

  “I am not going to answer you. And I’m not going to talk about your brother.”

  “I know he irritates you, but he’s not bad-looking. Plus I’ve seen him check you out. Boy, does he like to look at your butt. Every time you walked by, he’d look at you like you were a mouthwatering piece of chocolate.”

  Naomi blushed in waves, growing hotter and hotter. She couldn’t adjust fast enough to Chantelle’s candor, but she also couldn’t react to the fact that Zack was checking her out.

  “Plus the way he had you in a lip lock the other day, I was sure that you’d jump his bones by now.”

  Naomi opened her mouth to respond but closed it, deciding that she had no defense for her action and certainly no defense for her reaction that she couldn’t wipe that moment from memory.

  Jumping Zack’s bones filled her thoughts.

  Chapter Five

  Friday arrived with an unusual burst of warm weather for October. The sun had center stage without clouds to mar its luminous presence.

  Several long tables and benches covered the back lawn. Balloons decorated the porch where the pizza and other food items would be. The visible signs of a party in full effect.

  Naomi had seen Chantelle’s RSVP list. There was no way that everyone would stay outdoors. Her mother fussed but seemed to have caught Chantelle’s giddiness, which defied logical discussion. And despite it all, Naomi looked forward to meeting her young friend’s peers.

  “Chantelle Keathley, what are you wearing?”

  “Oh, please don’t
make a big deal, Mom. It’s not like I’m wearing some skanky top or something.”

  “That could be debated.” Frannie frowned as Chantelle sauntered past her.

  Naomi would have loved to warn Frannie that her daughter had a tattoo on her hip. She’d seen the star when Chantelle modeled low-slung jeans. The cropped top was a deliberate addition so that the tat could play peek-a-boo. If she’d worn such a thing, her grandmother would have hit the roof, college girl or not. She remembered when in her freshman year of high school she got a friend to give her a second piercing in her ear what a big deal was made. Her grandfather had to intervene on her behalf. Otherwise, her grandmother would have made her take out the stud and allowed the hole to close.

  Chantelle pulled out her cell phone and read the display window. “Looks like Stan and Brie are here.”

  Naomi didn’t have to wait long before a mismatched couple emerged from the side of the house. Stan had the look of a dark Italian male model, while Brie was a very petite Asian girl with a Mohawk.

  Naomi helped herself to a cup of punch. As other guests in various getups and strange adornments arrived, she got comfortable. Their exaggerated mannerisms and over-the-top enthusiasm for everything provided a wonderful viewing opportunity. And yet Naomi loved that Chantelle enjoyed life outside of any cookie-cutter style and mentality.

  “Don’t look longingly at them. They are kids with no sense of responsibility.” Zack stood next to her.

  “Whoa, don’t you sound like a Grinch,” she teased.

  “Why is she having a party?”

  “She felt like it.” Naomi glanced up at the square jaw, but couldn’t help noticing how his lips tightened into a flat line.

  “I’m sure they didn’t pay for a thing. As usual, she’s the one feeding her so-called friends. They just want to use her.”

  Naomi thought the same thing about Chantelle’s so-called friends, but she wasn’t so adamant with her conclusion.

  “Who is that guy?”

  Naomi looked in the direction of Zack’s hand. She allowed his other hand to rest lightly on her forearm. She spied a young guy who dressed differently from the rest. He had a certain sophistication in his taste of pale blue polo shirt and olive-green khakis. He stood back from the crowd as if he were studying them.

  A blonde girl came up from behind and slipped her arm around his waist in a playful hug. However, he pushed her hands away with a rough motion of disgust. Her hurt expression was lost on him. His intense gaze didn’t include her.

  “He’s looking at Chantelle.”

  “I should have a talk with him.” He moved forward.

  “Ah…no.” Naomi stepped forward to push Zack back. Her hands met the hard sheath of muscle under his shirt. The man didn’t seem to have an ounce of fat. For a moment, she’d forgotten why she was standing face-to-face with him.

  “I don’t like the way he’s looking at my little sister.”

  “I know. But you can’t go and make a scene. You won’t get what you want and you’ll end up being the bad guy.”

  He shifted his focus from the offensive guy to her face. A small smile tugged at his mouth, providing a sexy tilt to his lips. “I didn’t know you cared.”

  Naomi dropped her hands. The heat from touching him still radiated in the palms of her hands. Then she remembered Chantelle’s words about their attraction and she took a few steps back to break any romantic connection.

  “Oh, here he comes.” Zack turned toward the guy.

  “No.” Naomi lowered her voice. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Puzzled, he looked at her. “How? And why?”

  “Because I’m sure that I can find out his intentions and still save Chantelle from the embarrassment.”

  “That’s not my priority.” Zack’s scrutiny hadn’t wavered.

  “Clearly, but she’d be mortified.”

  “Maybe she could learn a few tips from how I handle these bozo men.”

  “As much as I think you would do a fine job as a bouncer of a nightclub, this is her party. I have a tad more subtlety than you. Let me do my thing.”

  “This I have to see,” Zack challenged.

  Naomi strode over to the young man. She didn’t have a clue what she’d say to him. But the mocking glint in Zack’s eyes couldn’t be ignored.

  The man had moved closer to the pool. He continued his predatory surveillance of Chantelle. At any moment, she expected him to drop on all fours and scurry along the tables and benches in search of his prey.

  “Hi, I’m Naomi.”

  “The basketball girl,” he acknowledged.

  “Are you having a good time?”

  “Not my crowd.”

  “Why are you here, then?”

  “I came with my boys.”

  “Really.” Naomi made a show of scanning the area for a cluster of frat boys.

  “Look. I’m not into older women,” he said dismissively.

  “No, you’re into girls with trust funds,” Naomi countered.

  “What?” He moved away from her. The blonde ran over to hook arms with him again. He pulled away for the second time. “Back off,” he told her. He stalked away.

  “This guy is a piece of work,” Naomi muttered. She looked at Chantelle laughing and chatting with her odd assortment of friends. This guy clearly wasn’t a part of that, nor did he have the personality to join them. Like an animal, he stayed on the outskirts waiting for the opening when he could get Chantelle’s attention. Knowing her quirks, the young girl was likely to feel flattered and up for the challenge of conquering this new game.

  Naomi decided that would not happen, not today, not on her watch. She followed the guy and inserted herself between him and his woman or whatever she was.

  “You really want me, don’t you?” he said sarcastically.

  “Yeah, I do,” Naomi flirted. “Why don’t you come with me?”

  He followed her around to the front of the house.

  “Which one is your car?”

  “Uh-oh, a freak. You sure you can handle what I’ve got to give?” He grinned. “My car is over there.”

  The tricked-out Corvette sparkled under the sun with its fire-red paint job. The vehicle screamed babe magnet. The tires gleamed jet-black with shiny chrome wheels. Obviously the car was the guy’s true girlfriend. Pride bounced off his chest as he approached his car.

  Naomi eased her hip on the hood and propped her weight with her foot against the side of the car.

  “What the hell?”

  “Shut up. I’m only going to say this once. You aren’t staying at this party any longer. Don’t bother contacting Chantelle. If I think you are trying to go around me, I will come after you. I’ve dropped opponents bigger than you.” She pushed off from the car to close the gap between them.

  He looked up and tried to hold the stare, but took a step back. His eyes grew dark, but nothing about his face scared her. Protecting people she cared about always brought out the fierce loyalty in her. Her sorority sisters had to deal with her overprotective nature. Now Chantelle had earned her attention. She wanted any reason to clock this guy in the chin.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  Naomi didn’t have to turn to feel Zack’s looming presence. She had the courage to go toe-to-toe with this fiend, but having Zack as reinforcement made her stand a little more erect.

  The guy wilted, much of his earlier bravado escaping from his body like a leaky valve. He didn’t waste any time hurrying around the rear of the car, looking as if he wanted to avoid contact with Zack. The roar of the engine punctuated his retreat as he reversed and headed off the property.

  Naomi grinned. “Now that was fun,” she said. Good thing Chantelle hadn’t seen her intervention. She doubted that the girl would understand that she’d done what she did for her benefit.

  “I think we make a good team,” Zack proclaimed.

  “Heck, I think we make an awesome team.” Naomi smiled at Zack. After their minor tug of war, she enjoyed th
e thaw between them.

  “Let’s get out of here.” He clasped his hand in hers and headed to his car.

  Naomi didn’t hesitate. Chantelle would be fine. They’d taken care of the greatest threat. Now, with her adrenaline still pumping, she was game for another adventure. This time, she’d have a man who filled her mind with scandalous thoughts and fantasies.

  Sitting next to Zack in his sleek luxury sports car, Naomi relaxed and enjoyed the speedy entry into the traffic. She gazed out at the traffic and night bustle that marked the beginning of the weekend. So many of her evenings were spent in practice or playing a game. Her dating life was a spurt here and there. Many times, she ended a budding relationship because her focus couldn’t be divided or prioritized. Basketball always came at the top.

  “You’re awfully quiet.”

  “I haven’t had a chance to sit back and breathe.”

  “How’s the recovery going?”

  “It’s going. The muscles across my ribs are healing, and I’m a bit stiff.”

  “You miss the team, don’t you?”

  “Sometimes.” Even as she said the truth, the guilt for not thinking about her teammates, practice, the game unsettled her.

  “Not that I think what happened to you is a good thing. But I do feel that you now have time to yourself. That’s not bad.”

  “And are you following your own advice?” Naomi pushed back. She didn’t want Zack trampling through her thoughts. At least not in that gentle, caring voice.

  “No, but I’m good at helping others,” he joked. “Ready for food?”

  “I was eyeing the pepperoni, green pepper and onions pizza—but I got sidetracked with my bouncer duties.”

  “Well thank goodness you didn’t have any. I’d have to give you a breath mint before I kissed you.”

  Immediately the blood surged to her face as if on cue. She stared ahead, trying to focus on the vanity plate on the car in front of them—IMASTUD. All the small license plate needed was neon lights with an arrow pointing to Zack.

  “You want me to kiss you.”

  “No.” She looked at him firmly. “And no means no.”

  “Okay. Your wish is my command.” He grinned at her. “Remember that.”


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