The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch

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The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch Page 7

by Michelle Monkou

  Somehow she wondered how he’d managed to make her feel as if he’d deftly moved her out of the driver’s seat. Yet she was up for the challenge—maybe. A little flirtation never hurt anyone, did it?

  “We’re here.” Zack pulled into a high-rise that was firmly along the lakefront.


  “Yep. Eventually I’ll get a house. But for my lifestyle, this works.”

  “As the rich playboy of Washington State.”

  “Or the serious-minded businessman.”

  “Must be from what side of the fence you’re on.”

  “I’d like you to join me on this side.” He opened her car door and extended his hand to assist.

  “Only for a while. My grandmother warned me about men like you.”

  “Your grandmother loves me.”

  “Why? ‘Cause you flattered her?” She sized him up as they walked to the doorway. Chances were that her grandmother would like him. The doorman opened the door and touched his cap with his gloved hand.

  “She told me to take good care of you when she left. I promised to do my part to make you comfortable.”

  “Hmmm,” she said with a smile. “You’ll have a short time frame for that. I’m heading out in a week.”

  “Really?” Zack’s eyebrow shot up in a questioning peak. “That sounds definite.”

  “It’s more than talk.” She frowned and waited for him to enter the elevator before she followed. “What do you have up your sleeve?”

  “Nothing,” he said slyly. “Well, actually that’s not true. My family is heavily involved in the local chamber of commerce. There is a fundraising reception that will donate to local soup kitchens in time for Thanksgiving meals. If nothing I said convinces you, then let me say that my mother would love to have you there.”

  She watched him slide his card into the slot above the buttons for the floors and hit the PH button. As the elevator cab shot smoothly up the length of the building, Naomi felt as if her feelings for Zack were on an express ride to some unknown peak.

  “Are you thinking about it?”

  “I’m trying to overcome the horror of me going to anything that requires heels, sequins and random conversation. I’m so not that type.” Naomi shook her head for emphasis.

  “I think you’d clean up just fine. You’ll be on my arm, so no need for conversation.”

  “Why, the women you date aren’t there for conversation?”

  “Oh, now that had a bite.” He playfully winced. “I don’t have time to date. What I do is pretty important to me. I find many women too clingy and with a preset agenda to fix me.”

  She laughed. “Which usually ends in disaster?”

  Zack nodded. “I don’t see you as clingy and trying to fix me.”

  The elevator doors opened and there were four doors visible, two on one side of the hallway and the other two on the other. Zack walked to the far right and punched in his code. She expected the door to open like those in the Star Trek shows given the high-end technology required to enter. Instead he pushed open the door and stepped aside for her to enter.

  “From the looks of things, I don’t think you have to worry about being fixed. You seem to have everything you want or are capable of getting whatever you want.”

  Proof of his success surrounded her in the penthouse suite, with its large living area that stretched across the side of the building to where the floor-to-ceiling windows looked out on the Pacific Ocean.

  The furniture arranged in exact square formation were leather and chrome with beige and natural colors. The color scheme broke pattern with occasional splashes of cranberry.

  “May I fix you a drink?”

  “I’ll take a soda.” Naomi watched him push a button for the bar to slide out toward him. He grabbed a glass and tossed in the ice cubes. The way he moved to get her drink was smooth, unlike the nervous jitters that she had right now. He seemed completely oblivious to what he was doing to her. She didn’t need liquor to cloud her thinking as she took the cool beverage from him.

  “Have a seat.”

  “I thought you were going to feed me,” she said, tension evident in her voice.

  “I do plan to feed you. You’ll help me with the process.”

  “Guess we aren’t going to a restaurant.”

  “No. I’ve got a different evening planned.”

  “You’re reminding me of that guy we kicked out today.”

  “I hope not. I’m not stalking you, nor am I doing anything against your will. You’ll let me know when you’re ready to leave.”


  “So tonight’s agenda will be to fix dinner, enjoy the meal, watch a movie or talk. Then I’ll go to my room and you can go to the guest room—unless you choose otherwise,” he said seductively. “I do like a surprise.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  He smiled. “No, not yet.”

  “Your mother is expecting me back at the house. I don’t have clothes. But that’s beside the point. I’m not staying.”

  “You are a nervous one. So the calm, kick-ass persona is just a facade? Interesting,” he said, almost as if to himself. “My mother knows you’re with me—actually, she encouraged it. She thought that I was being a good son to volunteer to take you under my wing for the weekend. As for clothes, Chantelle packed your clothes before the party. I had someone bring your suitcase. You’re all set.” He unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. “Excuse me, but I’ve got to get comfortable. Making stir-fry could get hot.”

  “Zack. Zack!” She wasn’t about to let him ignore her. She hurried after him, following close on his heels through another doorway.

  He halted, causing her to bump into him. He turned and casually wrapped his arm around her, holding the small of her back. His shirt had flown open and her palms rested on his bare chest, skin to skin. The fragrance of his cologne gently teased her, echoing its sexy owner’s arrogance.

  “What’s the matter? You look worried.”

  “Stop playing games, Zack.” Her voice was high-pitched.

  He pulled her closer. She felt the strong heart beating under her palm. Her head could tuck easily under his chin. Although she had the height, he managed to make her feel light and graceful.

  “I would never play games with you. You’re too special. You’ve earned my utmost respect for what you did for Chantelle. In my line of business, I have to learn to read people. I know that you would love to drop the sense and sensibilities and enjoy life.”

  “You make the most illogical stuff sound just right,” she said softly.

  “I do have the ability to charm with words.” He kissed her and then pulled back to look at her. “I also have the ability to charm with some other natural talents.” He grinned.

  Naomi had to laugh. Although he was pushing hard to seduce her, she wasn’t offended. A part of her wanted to match him, flirt for flirt, wit for wit, anything he thought she couldn’t handle, she welcomed the challenge.

  His mouth covered hers again.

  Zack pulled her up with a soft growl deep in his throat. Careful of her injuries, he gently tightened his arms around her body. He wanted to kiss her into submission, but resisted. As much as he threw out his macho declarations, he hoped that she would stay. He could be the perfect gentleman, but he’d rather not be that.

  Her lips teased him with their own response to his attention. Contact with her mouth caused his body temperature to soar. Yet when he followed the invitation of her partly opened mouth, he swept across her tongue.

  Static electricity might as well have shot through his veins. The instant attraction took root from the soles of his feet up through his body to the source of his pleasure.

  He brought his hands to the side of her face and cupped her ever so gently. He looked into her eyes and the swollen lips.

  “Ask me to stay,” Naomi said breathlessly.


  Her eyebrow raised.

  Understanding spread through his stubborn brain.
“Please. Stay.”

  She nodded. Then she slid her hand around the back of his head and guided him back to her mouth. Stunned, he had nothing to say, but words didn’t matter at a time like this. She pushed his shirt down off his shoulders. He struggled to get out of the offending garment. But the shirt wouldn’t budge over the cuff links.

  She pushed him back into the room until the back of his legs pressed against the bed. Then with a heavy push of her hand, he fell back on top of his comforter. He tried to speak, but so much was happening so fast that he could only concentrate on not making himself look like a fool.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “Looking forward to it.”

  “You’ve been taunting me. Careful what you ask for.”

  Here was one woman who didn’t step aside. Her strength turned him on.

  She straddled him, resting lightly on his hips. A dangerous place to be, but she would relish the painful restraint it caused him. Wicked woman.

  “You know you can’t be the only one on top,” he said, a touch out breath.

  “A man who doesn’t know how to sit back and enjoy the ride. Amazing,” she said lightly. She ran her hands up his chest up to his neck. He almost growled when her lips trailed a similar path over his rib cage, over his chest and up to his neck.

  Maybe she’d see the pulse at the base of his neck, because his heartbeat sounded loud to his own ears. If he could distract his mind for a bit, his breathing could settle. But the more she planted feathery kisses along his chin to the corner of his mouth, the more he fought the urge to start hyperventilating.

  His hands clamped down on her hips to keep her still. The grinding motion stirred his emotions into a rich brew of sinful ideas for this woman.

  When her tongue traced the opening where his lips parted, his hands betrayed him with their possessive grab on either side of her behind. Her lean physique didn’t compromise her muscular buttocks. He pulled her toward him.

  His mouth opened to her attention like a willing student. He’d like to discover what Naomi could teach him.

  “I want to see you,” he said when she threw her head back for air.

  “You’re not paying attention to the rules.” She reached back and cupped him.

  He almost squeaked. His leg twitched.

  Her hand stroked him, once.

  “I’m trying to remember the rules.” He really was trying to remember what he was supposed to recall.

  She moved her hand back down over his arousal and as added torture gently rubbed him in a circular motion.

  His hips raised, but he saw no mercy in her face. He tried to toss her off his legs, but she managed to hang on by hooking her feet under him.

  She took his hand and placed it under her shirt against her stomach. “We’ll wait until you come up with the right answer.”

  He growled again. “I can’t take much more of this. You’re trying to kill me.”

  “You’re a big boy—and I mean that literally.” She gazed at his body. “I don’t do well with orders.”

  “Please.” He dragged the word out.

  “Exactly.” She took his hand and ran it over her bra.

  He touched the smooth fabric that had proved a nuisance when he was a high school senior. Through its smooth silken cover, he felt her nipple harden.

  He felt her thighs tighten around him. Good. She also fought the onslaught of arousal that almost left him debilitated.

  Her hand only lightly stayed on his. He slid under the stiffness below the bra cup to slip his hand over the soft mound. Touching only satisfied one sense. He wanted to see. Taste.

  “Please take off your shirt.”

  She nodded, then pulled off her shirt and tossed it on the other side of the bed. He liked that she wasn’t shy about her athletic body. Her hands relaxed at her sides as she took in the array of expressions that flitted across his face.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  He unsnapped her bra and waited for her to remove the delicate contraption. Her breasts greeted him, nipples puckered and at attention. He pulled her to him until he could reach up for a nipple.

  Nectar of the gods couldn’t have been any sweeter. His tongue twirled around the sensitive skin, lathing it with the attention that he deemed necessary.

  He saved her nipple for last, only blowing on it to heighten the sensation. When he covered his mouth over the sensitive bud, the nipple tightened even more.

  A small cry of pleasure escaped as Naomi threw back her head. While he played with her breast, she kneaded him to a firm arousal. He wanted her now.

  “Allow me to get a condom.” He opened his night drawer and grabbed the necessary protection. He slipped it on and returned his attention.

  “Don’t even think about it. You don’t get to be on top.” Naomi pushed him back on the bed before lowering herself onto him.

  He stilled her motion with his fingers in a steely grasp around her hips. The warmth of her body encased his arousal in sensual capture.

  Staying true to his promise, he followed her rhythm. The slow grind drew him up, and then she eased off to relax him a bit. The movement repeated with gradual intensity and slight frequency.

  Too late. He couldn’t keep the grunts from emanating into the air. He needed every bit of energy as she squeezed him with her walls, contracting and relaxing along his shaft. He gritted his teeth.

  “Do it with me.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” They created a heat between them as if they had a burner under them pushing them to that boiling point. Everything within him surged forth with a speed and force that bore no retreat.

  He felt her pause and her body began to quiver. Not waiting any longer, even if he’d wanted to, his release came in waves to the beat of his frantic pulse.

  In response, her body answered the call like an incoming tide rolling and receding. Together they clung to each other coasting on the edges of reason while their bodies finished out the symphony that their lovemaking had started.

  Her head rested against his chin. The citrus scent from her hair soothed him. She stayed in his arm molded against his frame. Their worlds had come together in set of circumstances that could only have been destiny. After their many conversations, he’d learned that they had more in common than he’d thought. Zack wanted her almost like a soul mate. He hoped that she didn’t regret any minute of this. Frankly, he wanted seconds.

  Chapter Six

  Naomi cleaned up and repaired her hairdo before emerging. She didn’t want to think about her bold actions with Zack. The memories were too new and stark now that reality kicked into her consciousness. Worse yet, she didn’t regret one moment.

  But what did this mean now? She still had to leave his family’s home and go back to her world, her career. There couldn’t be anything to come of this. Once Zack understood there was no future together, then she’d feel better.

  As she dressed, she could hear the pots and pans being used in the kitchen. Now she had to walk out and join him for dinner. What to say? She controlled her panic and went to the kitchen.

  “Ready for your cooking lesson?” Zack asked her while chopping onions.

  “What’s for dinner?”

  “I switched from stir-fry to spaghetti.”

  “Ummm…I’m a little starved.”

  “Trust me. It’ll be fun and then you’ll get to enjoy your efforts.”

  She didn’t want to talk about trust, even if it was only about food. Having something to take the attention off an uncomfortable situation was ideal. She could bury her head in the spaghetti sauce for the next hour.

  “If you’d like a glass of white wine, check the refrigerator.”

  “Sounds good.” The wine would help calm her nerves.

  “Well, how about pouring a glass for me? Glasses are over there.” He motioned toward the cupboard.

  She poured the wine for them and watched him take a long sip. Why on earth was he acting like nothing unusual had j
ust happened? Her desires had taken control over common sense. This required a major discussion. She couldn’t let it happen again. He couldn’t think that she lived the stereotypical life of a professional athlete, sleeping with anyone at each destination point.

  “Earth to Naomi. I need the eggs, olive oil and another garlic clove.”

  Naomi snapped back to the present and followed Zack’s instructions. She lined up all the items next to the other ingredients. Any time his hand came close to hers, she pulled back. Right now her senses were supersensitive. She didn’t need him touching her. She didn’t trust herself to be strong and withstand his sexy charm.

  “I won’t bite.”

  “I think I’d beg to differ.” She’d had to check her neck to make sure there was no hickey on her neck as if she was a high school girl. Everywhere his mouth had touched her felt as if it had been the recipient of an erotic exploration.

  “You look embarrassed. Don’t be.”

  Naomi didn’t answer. She’d let the blush that heated her face speak for itself.

  “We enjoyed each other like adults…”

  “Let’s not talk about it,” Naomi interrupted.

  “Okay.” He touched her hand. “But I want you to know that I have no regrets.”

  “Despite my tendencies on the wild side, a one-night stand was never on the list.” Naomi planted her hands on the counter.

  “That’s good. I didn’t figure us to be a one-night stand. Now stop distracting me. We need to get all this into the pot.”

  Naomi followed Zack’s lead in cutting onions, garlic and mushrooms. Before long the savory odor of rich tomato sauce enhanced with oregano, basil and fresh parsley scented the air. Hunger pangs sounded as the bubbling sauce simmered under low flame.

  “Next is the pasta.”

  “Not my forte. I always manage to undercook or overcook.”

  “You’re refreshingly honest.” Zack suddenly leaned forward and kissed her squarely on the lips.

  She continually had to struggle to maintain control. “How’s the pasta coming?”

  “Just a few more minutes and it’s all done.” Zack’s pride in his pasta-cooking skills radiated as a wide smile on his face.


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