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The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch

Page 11

by Michelle Monkou

  But she pulled away, wagging her finger. “No. no. Not so fast. I want to know one more thing.”

  “I told you everything.”

  “Why shouldn’t I continue to pack my suitcase and head back to Chicago?”

  “Were you packing?” Zack sat up. He waved Gus away, not wanting any distractions. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I’m not ready to leave. But I have to know that you’re willing to step up and not build your wall between us.”

  “It’s been on my mind. I like having you here, but I don’t want you to ever think that I’m asking you to make a decision between your career and me.”

  “You may not have to.”

  A small change in Naomi’s demeanor alerted him that there was more to the statement. Should he hope? He took her hand, looking down at her palm as if it could provide the answers he sought. Her hand closed around his. He glanced at the gold-tone nail polish on her elegant fingers. “Let’s eat.”

  Gus magically appeared with covered plates. With a small flourish, he whipped open the covers. Perfectly grilled tilapia surrounded by a colorful array of vegetables and small russet potatoes completed the meal. Zack was hungry, but he preferred to watch Naomi inhale the succulent scent and look at him with an appreciative smile.

  “You certainly know how to woo a woman.”

  “I love the way you chew.”

  “That sexy talk will get you somewhere,” she laughed. They ate and talked until it was mid-afternoon. “I think you need to get back to work.”

  “I hate not being able to spend the day with you.”

  “I’ll be busy,” she hinted.

  “Are you going to share?”

  “Nope. I’m not certain yet.”

  Zack raised his hand in the air and motioned for Gus to slow the yacht and turn. Every second he was with Naomi he hated having the return to reality, especially when it didn’t include her presence.

  “You came out here to set me straight.” Zack accompanied Naomi to stand at the rail. “So was the mission accomplished?”

  Naomi closed the gap and placed her hands around his waist. She stared into his eyes. He felt as if they were syncing without words but through pure emotions. Her desire washed over him, bathing him in a warm cocoon of sensuality. He tried to wait for her to make the first move. But he couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Kiss me,” she ordered.


  “Don’t shush—”

  Zack pulled Naomi against his body. Her firm body against his had already caused a physical reaction. Under the salty wind lightly swirling around them, he kissed Naomi like a man reaching out for a water bottle in a desert. Straight up, nothing compared to tasting and savoring her.

  His hands slid up her back and he pinned her in his embrace. He couldn’t stop kissing her, playing with her willing tongue in a game of moves that stirred every part of him.

  “Save some for later,” she mumbled against his mouth.

  “Only because Gus is onboard.” Zack closed his eyes tightly as he pressed his cheek next to Naomi’s. He had to bring his body under control so he could sound like a sane man.

  Naomi kissed his neck. “Good. We’re on the same page.”

  “Don’t do that.” He flinched. “You need to stand over there and keep your hands on the railing.”

  “But I’d much rather have my hands do this.” Her hand trailed up his inner thigh stopping short at his zipper. Restraining her hand didn’t matter. Or he didn’t try hard enough to deter her from her exploratory search.

  “You like to play dangerously.”

  “That’s why I often earn the MVP award.”

  “You’ll hear no arguments from me.”

  Zack waited until Naomi pulled out of the parking lot before heading into his office. Spending the lunch hour with Naomi had re-energized his system. Although the audit would be a pain, he refused to just let the project slip through his fingers.

  “Rachel, get Jamison on the phone. I need to talk to him, as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, sir. You look quite determined. Your lunch must have done you good.”

  “In more ways than one.” He went to his office and waited for a sign that the call awaited his attention.

  His secretary popped in her head. “Sorry, he’s out of the office. I left a message. Didn’t leave any further details, since I don’t know what you wanted with him.”

  He could hear the accusation. “No need to be worried. I took the lunch break to think about my options.”

  “Hope you got some good thinking done and didn’t get distracted by a celeb on rehab.”

  “That sounded very judgmental. Not wanted.”

  “Sorry.” Rachel, his assistant from day one of his business sometimes acted as if she ran his life. He made sure to keep the relationship completely professional.

  Zack turned his attention back to his desk. He had two properties to visit, but he’d wait until tomorrow, since they would take him to the other side of town. One glance at the clock showed that he had two hours before the mandatory appearance at his mother’s table.

  A knock interrupted him. He looked up slightly irritated by the interruption. “Zack, your father and Brent are here to see you.”

  “What?” Zack looked down at the papers, wondering why his father needed to see him. They had already spoken. His buddy was also with his father, which had to be coincidental. The timing sucked, though.

  “Where do you want to talk? In your office or the board-room?”

  “I’ll see them here. I’ll talk to my father first.”

  “Okay, but they came into the office together.”

  Zack tossed down the pen he held. His father had left this morning now only to return and with his friend, the very person he was about to turn to for help with finding his birth mother. He fought to look cool under his father’s scrutiny.

  His father led the way into his office. He took a seat on the couch. His friend, however, came over and gave him a bear hug. His ex-football physique had barely diminished since college. Zack hated playing flag football against him on campus. Inevitably Brent forgot that he didn’t have to tackle but simply pull off the flag on his opponent.

  “I was hoping you were on this coast,” Zack finally said after being released from Brent’s grasp.

  “I’m only here for a short bit. I’ve got some business to wrap up and then I’ll be heading back to the East Coast. Nothing like spending winter in Boston.”

  “It’s not like you couldn’t afford to have a place in Miami, now that you’re the man.”

  “I must have missed the big news. Aren’t you a lawyer?” Zack’s father asked.

  “I left that life to create a sports and entertainment agency.”

  “You know the college kid who was just drafted to the L.A. basketball team?” Zack pointed toward Brent. “And you know the pop star that dresses in those crazy outfits?”

  “You mean the one that barely has on any clothes?” Paul responded. “Her mother needs to slap her upside her head.”

  “Well, that’s Brent, too.”

  “Son, I’m proud of you. Good to see that you’ve made a success out of all the hard work and money that you’ve put in.”

  “Thanks, sir. Couldn’t have done it without my parents, though. Pops, may he rest in peace, sacrificed a lot to make sure I got into college and stayed there. I was glad that he got to see the agency start before he passed.”

  “Your father was a good man.” Zack’s father shook his head. “How’s your mother? And your sisters?”

  “Mom is doing fine. She’s living with Evelyn in Georgia. My other two sisters are sharing an apartment in New York while they’re both finishing up college. I’ll let them know that I got a chance to see you.”

  “Please do. I am glad that I thought of calling you to see what you could do for Zack.”

  “What’s going on, Zack? How can I help? Your father filled me in on the issues you’re having with you
r business partners.”

  Zack glared at his father, who seemed oblivious to his emotion.

  “Hey, bro, let me see if I can help you.”

  “I’m not worried about the city council, but I’m getting bad vibes from this man and a partner who suddenly stepped into the picture.”

  “What’s the guy’s name?”

  “Seth Lassiter. My associate is Tom Jamison.”

  Brent’s eyebrows shot up. He whistled.

  “What?” Zack and his father asked.

  “I’ve heard of the guy. Not all good. He’s not from this area, which means that he wants to move in. But he probably can’t do so under his own name. He’s a shark in the land-development business. Nothing illegal, just on the edge, and pretty cutthroat with his methods.”

  “So in other words, Zack needs to stay away from him?”

  “Stay away from him and his partner. I’m sure the problem now is how to get rid of the partner. I would’ve loved the chance to take them down in the legal arena.”

  “Exactly.” Zack couldn’t believe the hole that he’d gotten himself into. This was a fairly simple deal that would revitalize the neighborhood. Now he was about to step in the mud with a couple of crabs.

  “Let me look at your contract. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I do have to leave in a couple of days, but I don’t have to be here to assist you. I’ve got your back.”

  “Thanks, Brent. I’ll wait to hear from you before I head to a lawyer.” Zack promptly sent an e-mail to Rachel letting her know to gather the information that Brent would need.

  “What are you doing this evening, Brent?” Zack’s father asked.

  “Um…I may have a mixer to attend. But Zack, I’d love to have you come. You never know, you might get lucky.”

  “Sounds like fun, but I can’t.” Zack preferred to keep Naomi out of the spotlight.

  “Brent, before you head out for a night of fun, you’ve got to come to the house. Frannie would be happy to see you. And you could also meet Naomi Venable. She’s recuperating after an assault over two weeks ago. I think Zack—fancies her.”

  “Zack fancies her,” Brent teased. “Hmm…now that might be something I’d like to see. Count me in. What time is dinner?” Brent grinned at Zack.

  Zack’s father happily filled in the details as they walked out of his office. Zack remained seated, since neither one had really paid him any attention. Naomi was the topic of conversation.

  He didn’t mind introducing her to Brent. He’d already let her in about his company, his life, and now one of his dear friendships. The door kept getting wider and wider, even as he kept a firm grip on the handle in case he needed to shut it.

  He took a deep breath and exhaled. He had to admit that he felt better that Brent was checking into the problems. Now he could head home and face a different kind of drama, created by his mother.

  Dinner turned into a festive occasion. Zack watched the delight on his mother’s face as she fawned over Brent and laughed over his compliments. His father’s face beamed with pride over Brent’s recounts of their friendship in college and afterward. Brent had become one of the family during that time when he stayed with him over the summer holidays. Even Reba seemed to fall under his best friend’s spell. He observed that Naomi also jumped into the conversation but didn’t appear as gushing as his parents. He felt strangely glad about that.

  After dinner they sat in the living room with a small fire burning in the fireplace. His parents had already excused themselves so the young people could have a chance to talk. Zack refilled Brent’s glass with iced tea.

  “Naomi, here’s my business card. I’m not going to wait for Zack to tell you that I’m in the sports and entertainment arena.” Brent handed her a card.

  “Thank you. Zack tends to be shy about his personal business.”

  “I don’t know why. If you need to know anything, just ask me. I’d be happy to volunteer information,” Brent whispered in a loud, husky voice.

  “Think he’s sincere?”

  Zack almost choked on his drink. He looked at Naomi, who had her full attention on Brent. He shifted his gaze to Brent, hoping that his friend would give him the courtesy of looking at him. He felt like the proverbial fly on the wall.

  “Zack is a pretty sincere guy. He’s shut down over the years—heartbreak and rejection does that.”

  “Oh, is he still moping over a heartbreak?” Naomi teased.

  “He shouldn’t be. He lost her to me in our junior year in college. She saw me make the winning touchdown and decided that she didn’t want to be with the college cheerleader when she could be with the star player.”

  “I could let all the other bs fly, but I’m not admitting to being a cheerleader.”

  “Personally, I think you would have made a cute cheerleader.” Naomi wrinkled her nose at him.

  “Don’t you start.”

  “Zack was a lacrosse player,” Brent clarified.

  “Lacrosse? I’m impressed.”

  “What about me? Football.” Brent curled his forearm popping his bicep into an impressive muscled hump.

  Naomi made a face. “I like a touch of the unique and exotic.”

  Zack grinned.

  “I tried.” Brent shrugged. “Tell me about basketball and you.”

  “Stop shopping for new clients.”

  “No, it’s okay. Actually, I got a call from a photographer interested in talking to me about modeling.”

  “Did you call him back?”

  “No, I was trying to decide if that’s what I wanted to do.”

  “And?” Zack thought she could be a fantastic model, but he didn’t want to push.

  “Lady, with your height, good looks and fantastic body…” Brent raised his hands in mock surrender. “Not that I’m checking you out, but I know you can model, act, whatever you want to do.”

  “And I’m sure you’d be willing to help with all of that.” Zack could see the calculations regarding commissions flying over Brent’s head as he added up all avenues of income.

  “No joke, no kidding around, let me do the footwork. Not asking you to sign anything.”

  “Not yet, anyway,” Zack interrupted. He trusted his friend but didn’t want him pushing Naomi into anything.

  “You’ve got a deal.” Naomi offered her hand and firmly shook Brent’s hand.

  “My pleasure.” Brent kissed her hand.

  Zack rolled his eyes. But he was glad that Naomi looked happy with her decision.

  “Brent, nice meeting you. I’m going to excuse myself and allow you all to bond.”

  “You don’t have to leave.” Zack stood with her.

  “I have to, otherwise how would I know what Brent really thinks about me?” Naomi laughed.

  After Naomi left, he and Brent reconnected. Now that they were both busy, their lives didn’t often intersect. He missed his buddy.

  They chatted until the fire died, leaving only burning embers. Brent looked at his watch. “Guess I missed that mixer.”

  “I’m sure it’s still going on.”

  “It’s been a long day. I don’t have the stamina I used to have.”

  “I know what you mean. That’s why I’ve long retired from the meat-market scene at nightclubs.”

  “Must be easy to do now that you’re with Naomi.”

  “It’s all temporary. One day, she’ll be returning home to her life.”

  Brent headed for the front door. Then he turned and said, “Doesn’t have to be that ending. Just tell her what’s on your mind.”

  “What’s that exactly?”

  “That you love her.” Brent didn’t wait for his response, instead closing the front door on his exit.

  Chapter Ten

  Naomi came downstairs to the smell of a full, hearty breakfast. She identified possible waffles or pancakes, definitely bacon and eggs, but there were other items that had the wonderful mix of tomatoes, herbs and potatoes. She was getting used to these grand meals, which would be h
er downfall when it was time to start practice.

  “I’m going to be so spoiled,” she said, as she rounded the corner. “Oh.” She stopped short.

  “Didn’t mean to startle you,” Zack said. The sight of Zack standing in front to the stove stirring a pot was sexy as hell. “Where’s Reba?”

  “She had to go see her sister for a few days in California.”

  “And you came to the rescue?”

  “I want you to know that I’m quite capable of providing a meal. I think that I fed you…in more than one way.”

  Naomi blushed.

  “Have a seat and I’ll serve breakfast.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “Probably gone for one of their morning walks together.”

  “Oh, yes, they do go whenever Mr. Keathley doesn’t have an early morning at work.”

  Naomi waited until Zack was seated, but only barely. Her plate was filled with the mouthwatering food. After saying Grace, she dug in.

  “I heard from Brent.”


  “Looks like my first job will be the women’s lingerie in the great outdoors. I think they are looking at some locations farther north.”

  “That sounds pretty chilly.”

  “I know. Besides, revealing my body has my nerves on edge.”

  “Revealing your body has my nerves on edge.”

  Naomi smiled. After cleaning her plate, she reached for the small bowl of fresh fruit.

  “Now that I know what you’ll be doing, I may have a plan.” Zack tapped his temple.

  “Really? What’s that?”

  “I’ll let it be a surprise.”

  Naomi shrugged to show that she wasn’t excited by his mischievous glint. The way he smiled turned her stomach in a jittery mess.

  “This was wonderful. Having breakfast with you.” Naomi smiled at him.

  “I miss you.”

  “You’ve seen me often enough.”

  “Yeah, but it’s been a ‘see but don’t touch’ moment.”

  “This is true. But it is what is. I do enjoy our meals together.”

  Zack tossed down his napkin with irritation. “Yeah, with my parents watching us.”

  “They do seem pleased with themselves.”


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