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Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers Book 1)

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by Michelle Howard

  Carolyn shrugged off the praise. It made her uncomfortable. She only did what needed to be done.

  “Maybe we can catch breakfast tomorrow,” Carolyn offered. Despite their different backgrounds, she enjoyed Macy’s company.

  Her friend had a wicked sense of humor and though she often ended up blushing, Carolyn loved their conversations.

  Macy’s enhanced lips turned down. “Can’t tomorrow. I’m taking Daddy’s jet to go to Paris. A long deserved vacation.”

  The dark cast to Macy’s baby blues told another story. Her fiancé had dumped her for another woman. It was Macy’s third broken engagement and she took each of them more personally than Carolyn would have expected.

  “Okay. But take care and eat an extra beignet for me.”

  Her joke pulled a smile from Macy. “You bet.”

  They parted at the elevator in the richly appointed lobby. Carolyn leaned against the walls when the doors closed and slumped. Her feet ached from standing in heels longer than she was used to. On a note of spontaneity, she kicked them off and picked them up by the elaborate ankle straps. Two hundred bucks. For shoes that hurt.

  Carolyn let her head fall back on the mirrored walls. There should be a law that declared shoes which cost more than twenty bucks had to guarantee a woman’s comfort. She snorted. Wishful thinking but it was probably impossible for beauty and comfort to go hand in hand.

  Like her hair. Carolyn yanked the large pins out and let the mass fall about her shoulders. Relief. So much better than wearing it up unless it was in a pony tail.

  Now that the pressure of the evening was off, her mind drifted to the award recipient. Kale Serano. She shivered remembering the look in his eyes when he’d stalked her across the stage. What did a woman do with a man like that?

  Carolyn’s history with dating consisted of guys who took her to chick flicks. Took her out to coffee bars. Nice guys.

  There was nothing nice about Kale Serano. The billionaire was unapologetically brash, rude and uncaring of most people.

  She knew this because the media loved to print stories about him in the papers or on all the social sites. Pictures of the dark giant with actresses, musicians and even the occasional model were everywhere. Though he didn’t seem to care for models. Probably to small for his brutish body.

  Carolyn sighed. Brutish or not, his body was a rich source of admiration. All of that contained strength.

  Desire stirred and she squirmed along the elevator wall. Just once Carolyn wanted a man like Serano to be attracted to her.

  She pictured him without clothes and moaned aloud. Rippling muscles, thick arms, a broad chest and ... Carolyn flushed. She would not fantasize about the size of that part of him.

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened on her floor. Carolyn double checked the glowing six before she exited. Six-six-two-three. Two doors down the hall. Her key card beeped when she placed it against the box but no click followed. Shoving with her shoulder provided the same result.

  “Crap.” She was not looking forward to a return trip back down to the lobby.


  “Security cameras found her, Kale.”

  Jadon’s words brought welcome relief. It shouldn’t have taken twenty minutes to find one single woman. Kale could have asked the front desk. Demanded her room number but while he didn’t mind his people knowing his fascination, he didn’t like involving strangers. Exposing himself.

  So he’d ordered Jadon to hack the security cameras.

  “Where is she?”

  “Sixth floor. I just deactivated her room key to give you a few minutes to get up there.”

  Perfect. If she was in her room before he confronted her, there was no guarantee she’d let a strange man in. Kale made his decision.

  “Don’t wait for me. I’ll find my own way home in the morning.”

  He had every intention of spending the entire night working off his fascination with Ms. Sutherland.

  He snapped his fingers in the air, leaving Jadon behind.

  Kale arrived on the sixth floor between one breath and the next. The benefits of a small portion of his power. He turned down the hall and walked around the corner to Carolyn pressing her hands on her door.

  The slim line of her back curved as she leaned on the door with her head tipped downward. Miles of legs stretched down to bare feet. Her appearance was every bit as alluring as he’d found it earlier.

  “Crap,” she whispered.

  “Do you need help?”

  She jerked, dropping something to the floor.

  Both of their gazes dipped down.


  Tiny pink toes with dots of red on the tips peeked out beneath the hem of the black gown she wore. A gown that had him openly salivating now that there were no witnesses. The thin straps held up a demure bodice that flowed in loose waves of silk to her feet.

  Her bare feet.

  “I’m sorry.” She flushed, not meeting his eyes, and bent down to grab the shoes.

  The move unbalanced her and she stumbled.

  Kale reached out, his arms immediately filled with the warm weight of woman.

  He inhaled again. Yes. As sweet as he remembered. Rich honey without the bite of fear she’d given off downstairs.

  “Oh God,” she mumbled from the vicinity of his chest where her face was planted.

  His erection punched against the material of his trousers. The way she stiffened gave clear indication that she didn’t miss the tell-tale sign. Her hands came up and pressed hard on his chest.

  Kale reluctantly released his hold on her shoulders. “Are you okay?” He could at least pretend to be solicitous.

  “Fine,” she murmured, head down. “Fine.”

  The blonde hair he’d admired earlier swiveled around her bare shoulders, tempting him. Restraint was not in his vocabulary. Kale stroked his fingers through the ends.

  “Hey.” Her head bopped up and chocolate warmth glared at him.

  Amusement tickled his senses. She reminded him of a delicate flower with prickly thorns.

  Carolyn gripped her shoes with one hand and swiped her card key on the reader once more. Kale waved his hand, using a small burst of power and the red bar indicator flashed green.

  Carolyn sighed and pushed the door open. Kale stepped right in behind her and glanced around. Her room was nothing like the expensive suite he usually reserved when he stayed in hotels. His gaze strayed to the two queen size beds. Smaller than he preferred but he’d make do.

  “Mr. Serano...” She backed up, eyes wide.

  “Kale,” he corrected, closing the door behind him.

  “K-Kale, what are you doing?” So pretty when she trembled.

  “I want you.” Why delay? Kale continued forward, stalking her across the carpeted space.

  Her backward scramble halted when she hit the beige wall with no where else to go.

  Perfect. He followed with measured steps.

  Inches separated them.

  “Mr. Serano. Kale. You don’t know me.”

  Kale laughed. Such naïveté. He was right about the innocence that leaked from her pores. But she was wrong in her assessment of him. He didn’t need to know her to want her. To fuck her. His hand brushed back the hair falling over her shoulder. Silk. His fingers clenched the waves and tugged, arching her neck back.

  Her pulse beat rapidly in the pale peach column. So exposed and vulnerable.

  Kale eyed the line of her neck, the curve of her jaw and the fullness of her parted lips. With infinite patience, he saved her gaze for last. He thought he’d see fear. Concern. But her brown orbs sparked with hunger. Well, well, well. Wasn’t this a surprise.

  Kale leaned in close, his mouth inches from those luscious pink painted lips. “I thought I’d have to work for it.”


  Even her stammer attracted him. The hitch in her breath. The way her breasts rose rapidly beneath the gown he planned to rip from her body. All of it aroused him. His stroking hand grip
ped the neckline.

  “I want you,” he repeated, giving her one chance to escape.

  “Please.” She never took her brown eyes from his face.

  Innocent and so appealing. He swelled to the point of pain.

  “I’m going to touch every inch of you. Kiss you all over and take you so hard you’ll never forget my name.”

  Her eyes widened but the pink spread from her cheeks, down her neck and dusted the hollow where her collar met her shoulder.

  “Nod if you understand.”

  Her head moved up and down. Kale ripped the gown straight down the middle, baring her body.

  Chapter 4

  Carolyn had no idea what she was doing. Kale Serano, the man she’d lusted over, stood in her hotel room pressed against her. His hard body pinned her to the wall. The length of him hard to miss. Then he tore her dress, leaving her standing in her tiny panties.

  An ache started in her core. Glowing eyes stared as if he wanted to devour her. The harsh planes of his face darkened. No way could she mistake his lust. Lust brought on by her.

  Carolyn swallowed thickly debating her next actions. Macy would jump at the chance to spend one night beneath this man’s masterful touch. God, why resist? This was the accumulation of all her deep fantasies. Judging from the heat blasting from his stare, Kale wanted her as much as Carolyn wanted him.

  He looked better in person if possible. Months of drooling every time the entertainment shows featured a clip on him paled in comparison to the reality of a living breathing Kale. Dark hair ruffled around the stark features of his face, as if he’d run his hands through it. Gold eyes unnerving as they glared down at her.

  He’d loosened his bow tie, undone the first two buttons of his dress white shirt. Carolyn licked her bottom lip at the hint of skin exposed.

  One of his hands held her hair, keeping her in place. The other he braced on the wall by her shoulder. With her legs parted as wide as possible, she felt exposed. Carolyn tried to close them but Kale frowned, his weight sinking further between her thighs.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned unable to believe this.

  His face lowered and his mouth touched hers. She expected rough. Quick.

  She got subtle. Stroking. Her mouth parted, inviting him in an age old way. His tongue slid against her bottom lip. Gently, swiping. Then he eased it inside and laved it against hers.

  “What are you doing?” she managed as he let her up for air. After the display with her dress she expected to be thrown to the floor. Maybe hoped for such a display.

  Instead of answering, his mouth trailed kisses over her jaw down to the base of her neck where he bit her. Carolyn arched up, her lower half thrusting against the rock hard stiffness pulsing between her legs.

  Kale groaned and pulled away. Carolyn blinked and the world tilted. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. The solid feel of the mattress behind her reassured, but then two hundred plus pounds of male followed.

  “We should talk.”

  “No,” he nipped her chin. “We shouldn’t.”

  Carolyn thought of all the protest, the denials she should voice. Then Kale eased the remnants of her dress down to her waist, baring her breasts further to his gaze sending thoughts of refusal out the window. The temperature in the room was moderate but her nipples puckered nonetheless.

  Wanting to be a willing participant in what was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity, Carolyn placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed the tuxedo jacked down his arms. Kale’s deep groan rewarded her. She touched a button on his shirt, fingers toying with it.

  He growled and sat up. When Kale tossed the jacket to the floor and ripped his shirt off, buttons pinged on the nightstand and the carpet. Breath stalled in her chest. Carolyn wished she had the words to describe his male perfection.

  Gold all over. Gold skin, gold eyes.

  ‘The first time will be fast. The second slow.”

  His words implied more. She had to know, “And then?”

  Kale’s smile sent an arrow of desire straight to the core of her. “Then the third is for anything I missed.”

  Right then, with that smile, Carolyn decided to toss all inhibitions away.

  He hiked a brow at her silence. “Any protest?”

  Not one. “No.”

  “I thought not.”

  She should have been put off by his cockiness but she wasn’t. If anything his sheer arrogance aroused her. The force of his stare dared her to complain. Carolyn squirmed beneath that gaze. Moisture soaked her panties.

  Kale rose from the bed, his eyes never leaving hers. Carolyn’s heart pounded as he unfastened his black pants and lowered them. Black briefs didn’t contain his thickness in anyway. The front of them bulged in a manner that left no doubt to rumors of how well endowed the dark haired business whiz was. Beneath her stare, the dark material twitched.

  Thankfully, the briefs went the way of the pants as he stepped from them, toeing off his socks and shoes. Saliva pooled in her mouth. Everything about him provided a feast for the hungry and Carolyn was starved. She’d referenced his body as brutish. It wasn’t. It was pure power leashed.

  Just around six feet with a build to match. Broad shoulders, ripped arms and a torso with so much definition it looked fake. Not knowing if she’d ever have the chance again, Carolyn looked her fill. He stood at the bottom of the hotel bed, legs braced wide. His erection angled upward, long and thick.

  She licked her lips and might have made a noise. He returned to the bed with slow steps, giving her an eyeful. His weight jostled her with his rough landing and Carolyn’s hands flew to his chest for balance.

  “Where should I start?” The murmur whisper light.

  Though Kale asked the question, Carolyn sensed he didn’t expect an answer. Good thing too, since she couldn’t breathe and was having a hard enough time keeping her eyes on one part of him. He was a pure delight for the senses. The light scent of his cologne, the touch of hard muscles beneath her fingers and the melodic tone of his voice when he spoke.

  “I can smell your desire,” he whispered.

  Carolyn jerked, eyes moving from his chest. She stroked his face, but his head lowered and he dragged his tongue across her collarbone. Muscles clenched, but she forced her body to relax. Lips trailed down her chest pausing at her breasts. She waited, panting. Anticipation strummed her veins so hard she forgot to breathe.

  At last the top of his dark head moved and the scrape of his teeth on her nipple sent her soaring. Carolyn moaned and twisted on the sheets. Warm lips enclosed her sensitive tip and sucked. She arched up. Each draw sent a shaft of pleasure down her stomach. Her hips rocked uncontrollably.

  Kale’s large palms cupped her breasts and squeezed. She gasped, her nipples hard and tight. But he wasn’t distracted from his goal. With one more caress to her tender flesh, he sat up on his haunches and yanked her legs wide around his hips.

  The tip of him throbbed against her inner thigh. Every minute pulse on her skin getting her wetter and wetter.

  “Fast first, Carolyn,” Kale reminded. “Hold on.”

  Without further warning, he thrust forward.

  As wet as she was, her body needed no preparation. He slid in deep and smooth. Carolyn tried to catch her breath but he pulled back and slammed home again.

  “Wait. Protection.” She was on the pill but his experience was vastly greater than hers. There were STD’s to consider.

  His upper lip curled. “I can’t catch human disease.”

  On the heels of such blatant derision, he lifted her legs higher propping them on his forearms while he leaned forward and braced on his elbows. The positioned deepened their connection. His hips surged forward.

  Carolyn’s eyes rolled.

  Kale repeated the motion until his strokes stimulated her with each drag of his hardness along her inner flesh. Their hips came together violently and soon Carolyn couldn’t stop her moans.

  She bit her teeth and shook her head on the pillow when his ho
ld shifted and he moved his hands from her thighs to under her butt, where he promptly used this new grip to keep her steady for his increased thrusts.

  “You’re fucking tight,” he gritted out between heavy groans.

  Carolyn flushed. Not sure if his words were a compliment or insult. The pressure continued to build as she cried out. Too much, it was too much.

  “Not enough.” His denial came on a harsh pant.

  The pleasure rolled through her quickly and a dart of fear pierced the haze of pleasure. Frantic, she gripped his upper arms. “I can’t.”

  “You will,” Kale growled low near her ear. The words finished what his erotic touch started. She exploded, neck thrown back and released. The sensations continued until she found herself calling out his name repeatedly.

  Dazed and shaking, Carolyn opened her eyes. Kale leaned back with a satisfied smile. “This round, I take my time.”

  And he did.

  Chapter 5

  In the bright glare of the sun beaming through the tan curtains, morning declared its presence. Carolyn walked stiffly to the bathroom and cupped her hand under the faucet for a couple of quick sips of water. She splashed her face and straightened. Red stained her cheeks even as she studied her face. The mirror reflected a woman thoroughly satisfied.

  Dark purple smudges on her neck, red abrasions on her shoulders and the imprint of teeth on her right breast where Kale bit her during one hot orgasm that left the both of them panting and sweating.

  Never had Carolyn done anything like this in her life. She’d slept with a man she didn’t know. No, neither of them slept. She’d had sex with a man she’d known for less than two hours. Her lower region clenched. Carolyn winced. Below the waist felt swollen and sore. Every time she’d started to drift to sleep, he’d awakened her with a low throaty growl.

  After the fourth time she’d tensed from his probing length. Kale stopped instantly, gold eyes meeting her gaze. Even now embarrassment flared. Then, as if he sensed her pain and exhaustion, he’d pulled out to use his mouth and fingers to send her crashing into another climax.

  But Kale was gone. She’d rolled over in bed alone. Carolyn leaned her hip on the sink. Her eyes drooped in the corners. She had to get out of here.


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