Millionaires of New York Boxed Set 2: Featuring Four Standalone Millionaire Romance Novels Set In New York City
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“After we’re done, you are to cancel the room. I don’t ever want to come back here again, and you won’t be needing it for the next six months. So it’s a waste of money.”
“Are you uncomfortable here?” I asked as I removed his suitcoat.
“A little bit. I don’t like the idea of that bed being used with so many different men.”
“You’re the one who wanted to come here,” I spoke as I unbuttoned his shirt.
“Because I was curious. Just so you know, we’re not going to fuck on that bed. I’m going to nail you against the wall with your legs tightly wrapped around my waist,” he said as he slipped off my dress.
Chapter 15
“I’m going to have my driver pick me up and take me back to the office. So you’re free to do whatever you want,” Caden said as he buttoned up his shirt.
“Are you sure?”
He sat down on the edge of the bed and put on his shoes while I slipped back into my dress.
“When we go down to the lobby, make sure you cancel the room.”
“I get the feeling you don’t trust me, Mr. Chamberlain.”
He stood up from the bed, grabbed his watch from the table, and slipped it on his wrist.
“I trust you. I just don’t want you wasting your money on something you won’t be using for six months.”
We went down to the lobby and Caden followed me to the front desk.
“Joseph.” I smiled. “I will no longer be needing that room anymore.”
“Of course, Emmy. I’ll cancel it now.” He glanced at Caden. “I will say that I’m going to miss seeing you around here.”
“Thank you. I’ll miss you too.”
We walked out of the hotel and I saw Ben waving at me from down the street.
“I’ll be in touch,” Caden spoke as he lightly took hold of my hand.
“Looking forward to it.” I smiled.
As I began to walk away, he called my name.
I stopped and turned to him.
“No offense or anything, but I don’t ever want to see that wig again.”
The corners of my mouth curved up into a small smile as I turned away and climbed into the car.
I had Ben drive me to the piano store on West 57th Street. The moment we stepped inside, a tall gentleman with salt and pepper hair dressed in a black suit approached us.
“May I help you?”
“I’m looking for a baby grand piano to possibly purchase.”
“For yourself?” he asked.
“It’s actually for my six-year-old daughter.”
“Lucky little girl. Follow me and I’ll show you our newest addition.”
After being in the store for two hours, I walked out with a receipt in my hand for a Steinway baby grand piano in white that was going to be delivered tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock. I couldn’t wait for Stella to see it. As we were on our way to pick her up from school, I received an email from the Speyer school. They had looked over my application and wanted to meet with me and Stella tomorrow morning at nine a.m.
I had always known Stella was highly intelligent. She was sitting up at four months, walking at nine months and putting sentences together at the age of one. By the time she was three, she could write her name and other words perfectly. When she colored, she never colored out of the lines, and when she played with her toys, her imagination was vivid. The only thing I ever wanted for my daughter was for her to live a normal life, ‘cause God knew that mine was far from it.
After I picked her up from school, I took her to dinner so I could discuss the Speyer school with her.
“Listen, Stella, you’re going to be late for school tomorrow.”
“Why, Mommy?”
“Me and you are going to visit a different school that you might be going to in the Fall.”
“It’s a school for smart kids like you, sweetie. I’m so sorry that I told you to pretend you didn’t know things. It was wrong of me. In this school, you don’t have to do that, and you’ll be with other kids who know everything you do. It’ll be a better place for you. A school where you’ll be challenged and not bored.”
“Okay.” She grinned.
I put Stella to bed, changed into my nightshirt, and sat down on the couch with a glass of wine. I had just turned on The Bachelorette when my phone dinged with a text message from Caden.
“Lunch tomorrow. One p.m. My office.”
Shit. I needed to think fast because my piano was being delivered at that time.
“I’m sorry, Caden, but I can’t. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow at one.”
“Cancel it.”
“Okay. I will. Then I can’t get a refill on my birth control pills, which means you’ll have to start using a condom.”
“Oh. Keep the appointment. How long is it going to take?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes I’m there for at least two hours.”
“I have a dinner meeting tomorrow night. So let’s plan for the next night. We’ll go out to dinner and then back to my place for the night. I can send my driver to pick you up around six thirty.”
“That’s okay. I’ll have Ben drop me at the restaurant. He still needs his job.”
“Fine. Meet me at Per Se at seven.”
“I will.”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
“You too, Caden.”
The next morning, Stella and I headed to the Speyer school. We took a tour and then they interviewed Stella in a separate room by herself. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.
“So, Miss Winters, do you have the contact information for Stella’s father?” Mrs. Patterson, the school’s director, spoke.
“No. Stella doesn’t know her father. He took off the night I told him I was pregnant, and I haven’t seen or heard from him since.”
“Oh. I see. Will tuition be a problem? We do require the entire year paid up front.”
“No. It will not be a problem. May I ask why you assume that because I’m a single parent and a woman that I can’t afford to send my child here?”
“I’m sorry if you took my asking the wrong way. That’s not what I meant. We just like to make sure that our parents can afford it because we don’t want any hardships to come down the line.”
“And that’s why you require a full years’ tuition up front? Just in case some parents find they can’t afford it down the line?”
“We have found in the past that some parents had to pull their children out mid-year because they couldn’t afford it like they thought they could, and that’s not fair to the child.”
“Well, if you accept Stella, I will be paying the entire year up front in cash.” I smiled.
Stella walked into the office and took the seat next to me.
“So, Stella,” Mrs. Patterson smiled as she folded her hands on her desk, “what do you think of our school?”
“I like it. I like it a lot.”
“Okay. We’ll be in touch soon, Miss Winters.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Patterson. I look forward to hearing from you.”
After dropping Stella off at school, I headed home to wait for the delivery of the piano. I had the perfect corner for it. All I had to do was rearrange a couple of pieces of furniture and I was ready.
Chapter 16
The moment I saw Brielle step out of the car in her tightly fitted black dress with her hair flowing over her shoulders, my cock started to spasm.
“Good evening,” I spoke.
“Good evening.” She smiled.
I opened the door to the restaurant and placed my hand on the small of her back as she stepped inside.
“Good evening, Mr. Chamberlain. Follow me and I’ll take you to your table.”
We followed the hostess, who led us to a private booth in the corner. When our waiter approached our table, I ordered us both a martini.
“How was y
our day?” I asked her.
“It was good. How was yours? You look a little tired.”
“It was stressful and long, but nothing I can’t handle. I had lunch with my brother today.”
“Speaking of your brother, he seems like a nice guy.”
“He is. He’s my best friend. We tell each other everything.”
“So he knows about our little arrangement?”
“Yes. He knows. The night he stopped by the penthouse, he told me that he was going to propose to his girlfriend, Mercedes. They’ve been together a couple of years and they just found out she’s pregnant.”
“So I guess he’s nothing like you, then.” A smirk crossed her lips.
“How do you mean?”
“You’re so anti-relationship and he’s getting married and starting a family.”
“I suppose. He’s always had a string of girlfriends over the years, but Mercedes is the longest he’s been with a woman.”
“And now she’ll be a part of his life forever with a child.”
“I hope it works out for them because those tiny humans have a way of ruining things and people’s lives.”
“No they don’t.” She laughed. “I take it you don’t like tiny humans?”
“Let’s just say I’m not a fan.”
“Why is that?”
“They’re annoying and they cost a lot of money. They’re needy, clingy, and too much of a responsibility.”
“Children are a part of life.”
“Not my life.”
The waiter set our drinks down and then proceeded to take our dinner order.
“What about you? Do you like those tiny humans?” I asked as I brought my glass up to my lips.
“Yes. I love children.”
“Then there’s something we don’t have in common. Enough talk about kids. How did your doctor’s appointment go yesterday?”
“It went fine.”
“Good. So you’re all set with the refills for your pills?”
“Yes, Caden. There’s no need to worry. You aren’t going to get any offspring from me.” She smirked.
“Just making sure.”
When we finished eating, we left the restaurant and climbed into my car.
“I have to leave early in the morning for a meeting, so you can just let yourself out when you get up,” I said as I placed my hand on hers.
“I’ll just leave when you do. It’s fine.”
My cock ached for her all night and I couldn’t wait to get back to the penthouse. The moment we stepped into the elevator, I grabbed her arms, pinned her against the wall, and smashed my mouth against hers. The doors opened and we stepped out, our lips never leaving one another’s. She kicked off her shoes in the foyer while I slid the straps of her dress down, letting it fall to the ground. In one swoop, she was in my arms and I carried her up to the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed, placed my fingers between the sides of her panties and her flesh, and pulled them down. Pulling her to the edge of the bed, I buried my mouth in her, tasting the sweetness that I desperately craved. Sounds of excitement escaped her lips as my tongue circled around her swollen clit.
“Come for me. Show me how much your body loves what I do to it.”
She let out a loud moan as her body tightened and her hands gripped the sheets. The wetness that fell upon my lips was intoxicating. I stood up and stripped out of my clothes. As badly as I wanted my cock in her mouth, I wanted to be buried inside her more. I flipped her over, spread her legs, and thrust inside her slowly, inch by inch until I was in deep. The heat that greeted me was euphoric and made my toes curl. The more I fucked her, the more I needed it. She was like a drug to me and I was the drug addict who couldn’t stop. Her moans intensified as I thrust in and out of her at a rapid pace. I was about to come, and I wasn’t ready for this to end just yet, so I stopped. Turning her on her back, I hovered over her and took her breasts in my mouth, one at a time, while I dipped my finger inside her. Her back arched and she threw her head back while another orgasm tore through her body.
My cock thrust inside her again, for now it was my turn. Moving in and out, I felt the heat rise between our bodies. Sitting back, I pulled her up and her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. My tongue slid across the flesh of her neck as I swiftly moved in and out of her. Her lips stroked mine as the warmth of her breath near my ear and her nails digging into my back made me tremble. I was ready to come, and I wasn’t holding back anymore. Halting, a groan rumbled in my chest as I strained to give her every last drop of me.
I looked into her eyes as our hearts pounded out of our chests and our erratic breaths tried to calm down. I softly stroked her hair with my hand.
“That was the perfect ending to a long, stressful day.”
“I’m happy I could take your stress away.” The corners of her mouth slightly curved upwards.
I pulled out of her and slipped into a pair of sweatpants.
“I’ll go grab us a couple bottles of water,” I spoke.
When I walked back into the bedroom, she wasn’t there.
“Brielle?” I called as I walked back down the stairs.
“I’m in here.”
I walked into my study and found her sitting at my piano.
“I didn’t know you had a piano.”
“That’s because the last time you were here, I didn’t give you a proper tour of the house.”
“Do you play?”
“I do,” I said as I sat down on the bench next to her. “My mother started teaching me when I was four. My brother plays as well. In fact, he has one in his restaurant that he plays for his customers on Friday nights. Besides sex, this is another stress reliever for me. It calms me down and clears my head.”
“Can you play something for me?” she asked with a smile.
“I’ll play a few notes and then we need to get to bed.”
I placed my fingers on the piano keys and started to play.
“You’re really good. Your mom was a great teacher.”
“She was.” I slightly smiled. “She passed away five years ago. Heart attack.”
“I’m sorry, Caden.” She placed her hand on mine.
“Thanks. My father married her best friend two years later. He would never admit it, but me and Kyle believe they were having an affair.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” she spoke.
“Really?” I furrowed my brows at her for what she said.
“When you’re in my line of work, it’s all you see. Almost all of my clients are married. And the ones that aren’t are usually gay and using me to try to prove they aren’t. Men cheat to gain their power and self-esteem back. They feel neglected at home, their needs aren’t being met, and they like the thrill of getting away with something.”
“And you’re saying that’s why all of your clients cheat on their wives?”
“Basically. Right before I met you, I had a client who couldn’t go through with it. He told me about the problems in his marriage and I gave him a few ideas on how to fix it.”
“So he paid you and he got no sex?”
“Yes. But he appreciated my advice more.”
“Maybe you should have been a therapist.”
“I wanted to be. That’s what I was going to NYU for until my mother got sick.”
“So why haven’t you done it yet? It’s not like you were working 24/7.”
“I don’t know. I guess time just got away from me.”
“It’s never too late, you know,” I said.
A smile crossed her lips as she leaned over and kissed me.
“I think we should go to bed and get some sleep,” she said.
“Good idea.” I let out a yawn.
Chapter 17
Two Weeks Later
Now that Stella was out of school for the summer, the nights I spent at Caden’s penthouse would be easier. She never knew I wasn’t home all night and I’d make sure I was home before she woke up for school. There were a coup
le of times I almost didn’t make it because Caden wanted a long morning sex session. But now, she’d be sleeping in, so I didn’t have to worry as much.
I arrived home at eight a.m. and found my mother sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and scrolling on her phone.
“Morning, Mom.”
“Good morning.”
“How was Stella last night?” I asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee.
“She was missing you, Brielle. Now that she’s out of school and you’re spending more time with her, I think it’s harder on her when you leave.”
“She knows I have to work.”
“She’s a child, honey, and she’s getting older.”
I sighed as I brought the mug up to my lips.
“Are you ever going to tell him about her?”
“No. Why would I?” I asked as I sat down across from her. “He’s just a client and he doesn’t need to know about my personal life. Plus, he doesn’t like kids.”
“Is he really just another client?”
“Of course. Why would you even ask that?”
“Because I’ve noticed a change in you since you’ve started seeing him. You’re happier than you used to be. Sasha’s noticed it too.”
“I’m happy because he’s paying me eighty thousand dollars a month and I’m only having sex with one guy. A hot, young guy. It’s a refreshing change.”
“If you say so. But I still think you’re starting to develop feelings for him.”
“I am not, Mother. End of discussion,” I said as I got up from the table.
“Mommy!” Stella excitedly spoke as she ran up and hugged my legs.
“Good morning, sunshine. Did you have fun with Grandma last night?”
“Yeah, but I missed you.”
“I missed you too, sweetie.” I kissed the top of her head. “We have the whole day to spend together. What do you want to do? We can do anything you want.”
“I’ll think about it and let you know. Can I have cereal for breakfast?”
“As long as you have some fruit with it.” I patted her head.