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Invisible Strings

Page 11

by Aj Estelliam

  ‘Eve!’ Alison called, sounding distressed.

  ‘No,’ I said, holding up a hand in warning. ‘Leave her. Let her process the information…I think she just needs a little time.’

  Alison sobbed into her hands, rocking her body. ‘I can’t believe this…’ she cried. ‘I just…I never thought…’

  ‘Alison, there never would have been a right time. It’s only happening now because he managed to find you. I don’t think you should blame yourself, you just need to recognise the situation and that you’re in danger. He knows where you live, Alison. He means you real harm. He feels wronged by you.’

  ‘How do you know all this?’ Alison exclaimed, looking at me with a stunned expression. ‘It doesn’t make any sense!’

  ‘It doesn’t make sense to me, either,’ I told her. ‘All I can tell you is that I seem to know things I shouldn’t…personal things…intimate facts about people and their lives. I don’t mean to upset you,’ I told her. ‘I’m trying to help, believe it or not. I don’t want any of you to come to any harm.’

  Alison stared at me.

  ‘I’m going to find Eve and check on her,’ I told her, standing. ‘Don’t go anywhere,’ I warned her.

  After leaving the room, I finally found Eve upstairs. She had sat on my bed and was staring into space.

  ‘Hey,’ I murmured quietly from the door.

  She looked up, and smiled at me faintly. ‘Hey.’

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ I told her, walking over to sit beside her.

  She glanced at me. ‘It’s hardly your fault, Annie. You’re just trying to help.’

  ‘I am. I’m not trying to meddle in your life. I didn’t want to expose all this either. I just want you safe, Eve. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I know we’ve only just met really, but I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.’

  Eve’s eyes held mine. ‘I know, Annie. You don’t need to tell me that. I left because my mother has lied for me for years-not because you were trying to help.’

  ‘Eve, you shouldn’t think about it like that. Your Mum left because of you. She escaped to protect you. She found a strong, loving and caring man to protect you both too. She loves you, Eve. Don’t be annoyed with her. She did what she thought was best at the time.’

  Eve stared at me. ‘But I would have understood! She could have told me and I would have understood from an early age. Instead I’ve grown up with a man who I believed was my father and he’s not!’

  ‘Maybe not biologically, no…he’s more than that. Despite not being your biological father, he took you on, he cared for you and provided for you. He loved you, Eve. He loves you.’

  Eve’s eyes brimmed with tears. ‘You’re right. You’re right,’ she repeated. ‘I’ll go and speak to Mum.’

  I nodded. ‘I’ll stay out of the way. When you’re ready, I’ll be here.’

  Eve met my eyes. ‘Thank you, Annie. I can’t believe I only met you a few days ago…it feels like a lifetime already,’ she murmured, her voice husky and deep.

  I felt myself swallow involuntarily as her intense gaze made butterflies skip through my stomach. After a brief touch of my hand, she left.

  I sat on the bed, feeling the imprint of where her fingers had touched my hand. I sighed and lay back on the duvet. It had been an incredible, intense day and I felt exhausted.

  I began to drift off to sleep even before I could prevent it. My body was tired and my mind, exhausted. Everyone was safe and sound in my house and I needed to rest.

  I sank into deep, dark dreams and tossed and turned for hours. The next time I woke it was dark and when I turned over in the moonlit room, I was more than a little surprised to see Eve lying beside me. She was fast asleep.

  In the near darkness, she looked calm and at rest. Her face was relaxed and less tense than it had been earlier. My eyes scanned her features, loving the contours of her face. She was stunning. Her long eyelashes rested against her cheeks. They were a dark blonde, matching her hair perfectly. Her hair fell against her forehead and my fingers itched to reach over and gently push it back out of her eyes. Her breathing was slow and steady and as I lowered my gaze to her lips I felt a tug of awareness which was foreign to me. I hadn’t ever felt this kind of pull towards anyone in my life before. It was pure awareness, chemistry of the clearest nature. I felt drawn to her and it was impossible to ignore, like magnets easing closer, the invisible strings pulling and pulling until the two met in the middle.

  ‘Go to sleep,’ Eve suddenly said, startling me.

  ‘I didn’t know you were awake,’ I said softly, whispering in the darkness.

  ‘I can practically hear you thinking, Annie,’ she chuckled, laughing quietly.

  I smiled as she opened your eyes.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind…’

  ‘What?’ I asked.

  ‘Me being here,’ she replied.

  ‘Of course I don’t mind. It was a surprise when I woke, but no-I don’t mind.’

  ‘I didn’t want to sleep alone,’ she told me, lowering her gaze. ‘When I saw you sleeping peacefully, I couldn’t resist joining you.’

  I held her eyes and felt even more drawn to her than before. As her eyes dropped to my mouth, I knew what she was thinking. ‘The timing is all off, Eve,’ I told her huskily.

  ‘To hell with timing,’ she muttered and moved closer, easing her body against mine.

  I couldn’t stop her. I didn’t want to, even though I knew she was hurting and this was not the best time for, timing wise.

  ‘Kiss me,’ she murmured, her voice lower and deeper than ever before.

  I moved into her embrace immediately, as if invisible strings were pulling me towards her. Our mouths met and her soft lips opened over mine. There was no gentle, tentative exploration this time. Passion exploded and as our tongues met, I felt a longing unlike anything I had ever experienced. My head swam and for long moments I couldn’t even think. My only response was to do what came naturally, and it felt incredible.

  As Eve’s hand ran down my arm and then reached for my breast, sudden clarity dawned and I abruptly pulled back.

  ‘Stop,’ I told her, breathlessly.

  ‘Why?’ she asked, moving to kiss me again.

  ‘No,’ I told her, pulling back. I eased myself up on the bed, deliberately away from her to prevent it happening again.

  Eve sighed heavily and then moved up onto her elbow to meet my eyes. ‘Why?’ she asked again.

  ‘Eve; this has been an eventful day for you-a life changing day. I don’t think the timing is right for us right now,’ I said, softly, not wanting to hurt her.

  ‘Annie, it’s fine! What’s happening between us is completely different to what’s going on with my family. They’re two separate situations entirely. Come back here…’

  I shook my head slowly. ‘I’m sorry, Eve…not tonight,’ I said, looking at her closely.

  Eve stared at me for a long moment and then her eyes lowered and her resolve broke. Tears filled her eyes and she spoke in low tones. ‘I just don’t want to be alone tonight, Annie.’

  ‘I know you don’t, sweetheart,’ I replied, moving to hold her in my arms. ‘And I don’t plan on leaving you here. All I’m saying is that tonight you need comfort, and it’s not right to do that through sex.’

  She nodded slowly in my arms. ‘I don’t want to leave though…’

  ‘I’m not asking you to,’ I told her softly, ‘but all I’m offering right now is comfort,’ I told her.

  ‘I’m more than happy with that,’ she replied quietly, her eyes on mine.

  ‘Come here then,’ I encouraged, speaking softly. ‘You should get some sleep.’

  I felt her relax as I held her against my body and then listened to her slow breathing as she slipped into a restful sleep. As I lay in the darkness, wide awake, I prayed. I wasn’t religious, but at that moment I was asking for help. Asking to find a way through this deadly situation for the sake of Eve. I didn’t want to lose her; not when I
had only just found her.

  I must have slept because it was light when I next woke. Turning over, I saw Eve lying quietly beside me, still sleeping. I rolled out of bed without a sound and headed over to my dressing table. Sitting down, I found my mobile in my bag and searched for the telephone number that the chief of police, Garrett Taylor, had given me.

  He answered after two rings.


  ‘Oh hello,’ I said, speaking quietly in the silent room. ‘Is that Garrett Taylor?’

  ‘Yes, speaking. Who is this, please?’ he asked gruffly.

  ‘It’s Annie Lane,’ I told him, ‘I’m the doctor you met…’

  ‘Ah yes of course!’ he exclaimed, interrupting me. ‘What can I do for you, Doctor Lane?’

  ‘I have a situation which I’ve become involved in and I need police help,’ I told him.

  ‘Is it an emergency? Because if it is, you should be on the phone to the emergency services, not me.’

  ‘I’m looking for your help,’ I told him. ‘I need urgent advice.’

  ‘Okay; shoot.’

  ‘I’m with Eve Grace and I fear she might be in danger,’ I began.

  ‘Go on,’ he instructed, clearly intrigued.

  I opened my mouth to speak and stopped as a loud clattering sound filled my ears, followed by a cry.

  Eve sat up in bed, on alert and stared at me across the room.

  ‘Did you hear that?’ I asked her, terrified all of a sudden.

  ‘Yes! Oh my God, Mum!’

  ‘Calm down,’ I told her, dropping the phone on the floor and running for the door. ‘Stay here…I’ll go…’

  ‘No way,’ she replied, hot on my heels. ‘My Mum’s in danger!’

  ‘Oh Christ, Eve! I’m trying to keep you safe!’ I hissed.

  Eve pushed past me and rushed towards the stairs. I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop her and therefore did what I had to do-I followed.

  Downstairs it was eerily quiet. We moved from room to room, looking for Alison but she was nowhere to be found. Panic seeped through me and I sensed something was very wrong. I had no proof of that though; it was just instinct.

  ‘Where the hell is she?’ Eve exclaimed. ‘Mum!’

  ‘Don’t shout! What if he’s in the house?’ I hissed.

  ‘I hope he does hear me then,’ she said, fiercely. ‘I’d like to talk to the man who shot my father!’

  A clattering sound suddenly shocked us. It came from the kitchen behind us. We both whirled around and rushed towards the noise.

  Upon entering the kitchen, I was in front of Eve. I saw Alison then, and the scene in front of me was alarming. She lay on the floor, blood pooling around her. Her hands clutched her stomach and she was making gurgling sounds which were terrifying. I quickly bent and lifted my hand to her neck to check if she was still alive. It was while I was searching for her pulse that it happened. Hit from behind, I fell. The last thing I saw was stars before my world went black.

  Chapter 16

  I awoke with a searing headache sometime later. I sat up slowly, clutching my head with my hands. It was then I remembered everything and swiftly turned to see Alison still lying beside me.

  She was limp and unresponsive, and had clearly lost a lot of blood. When I felt for her pulse it was there, but weak. I moved to reach my bag and winced as my head swam in pain. Finding my mobile, I called for an ambulance.

  ‘Emergency services. What is your emergency?’

  ‘I need an ambulance urgently,’ I said, and quickly gave details of the situation. The dispatcher promised that someone was on their way and so I clamoured to my feet, stumbling a little as I left my kitchen.

  ‘Eve!’ I shouted, feeling the ache of worry fill my veins. ‘Eve!’

  There was no response. He had her; of course he had her. He was the one who had struck me from behind and it was her he ultimately wanted. I felt like collapsing on the very spot at the idea he might hurt her. In that split second, I knew that I had fallen for her. I ran out of the door, leaving it open for the ambulance and got in my car. As I did, another car rolled up and I saw Garrett Taylor hurrying towards me.

  ‘Doctor Lane!’

  ‘Chief-please help me! He’s got Eve! He’s taken her,’ I sobbed, ‘he’s got her!’

  ‘Hang on, slow down,’ he said, opening my car door and taking me by the arm. ‘Come out and talk to me…what’s this about? Eve is in danger you say?’

  I nodded, tearfully, struggling to keep my composure. ‘He shot her father, he’s stabbed her mother-she’s inside bleeding right now and she’s gone! He knocked me out and took her! Oh my God,’ I cried, collapsing as my knees finally gave way.

  Chief Taylor caught me in his arms and lifted me soundlessly into his arms. He carried me inside and set me on the sofa before calling for help. He then headed to the kitchen as the ambulance arrived.

  Once paramedics were working on Alison, he returned to my side. Kneeling before me, he spoke in low tones.

  ‘You’re going to need to come to the station, Doctor Lane,’ he told me.

  I nodded. ‘Of course…but Eve! We’ve got to find her!’

  He eyed me closely. ‘Yes, yes-but first you must come and talk to me. I’ll be needing your statement.’

  I watched as his eyes flickered down my top and to the mass of blood that covered my t-shirt. Lifting my gaze to his, I realised what was going on. The man before me wasn’t at all convinced that I may not be involved in what had occurred. ‘You’re arresting me?’ I asked him, slowly.

  He shook his head. ‘Initially, I just want a statement,’ he said softly.

  ‘But you suspect me?’ I asked, incredulous.

  ‘I’m just covering all the bases. I don’t know what happened here today and so I need to find out.’

  I shook my head, defiantly. ‘No! What you need to do is stop wasting time before he does something awful to Eve. He’s already shot her father and stabbed her mother so I don’t think he’d think twice about doing something terrible to her.’

  ‘Who are we talking about?’ he asked, looking confused.

  ‘Her father!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘Hang on, hang on,’ he muttered, shaking his head, ‘I thought you said her father was the one who had been shot?’

  ‘He is! I’m talking about her biological father. He’s an abusive, evil and man and he’s out to destroy her life! He’s out to destroy her!’ I ranted, losing control of any calm I had left. I was aware that I was close to hyperventilating but I couldn’t stop myself. I was so scared and didn’t know what I could do now to help Eve.

  ‘And how did you find out about her biological father?’ he asked, cocking his head to one side as he regarded me closely.

  ‘Because I have a gift,’ I told him, straight faced. ‘I have psychic abilities. I found out about this evil man and when I realised he was Eve’s father; I knew I had to help…’

  Chief Garrett was looking at me in a very concerned manner. As he stood and held out a hand to help me up, my skin connected with his. A dozen thoughts rushed through my head and made me dizzy. My head swam and I dropped slightly. The Chief lifted me up and gently headed towards the door with me. ‘I’m sorry, Doctor Lane-I think you’re going to have to come with me,’ he murmured, as he worried about my sanity.

  My head whirled with emotion and I let the confusion overwhelm me. As I fainted in his arms, I felt the breeze touch my face. It was there and then suddenly gone. Limp and unconscious, I was placed in the back seat of a car. The engine roared to life and I was driven off, sirens blazing. A single tear slipped down my cheek and still I couldn’t rouse myself. Slipping into a silent oblivion, I collapsed. My final thought was of Eve.

  Ties that bind

  AJ Estelliam

  Dr Annie Lane is in a state of anguish. The woman she loves has been abducted and she knows she is the only one who will be able to save her. The trouble is, she is a suspect herself-the Chief of Police believes that Annie is unstable and ma
y be the one who has done something to Eve.

  As Annie fights to free herself in order to find Eve, more crimes are occurring in Avon Cove. They are always women, and always blonde.

  As the body count mounts up, Annie is finally released and can search for Eve. With little to go on, there is only one method left to try-her new and confusing gift. Annie discovers that through touch, she can learn details from others which she couldn’t possibly know-a psychic gift which is incredible and yet increasingly difficult to cope with. As Annie gets in the mind of a killer, she inches closer to finding her beloved, Eve. Will she find her before it’s too late? Find out in…Ties that bind.




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