A Labyrinth of Kingdoms
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karengia, 105, 377
Katsina, 15, 78, 91, 92, 94, 110, 111–16, 126, 145, 147, 228, 233–34, 277, 378
Kenya, Mount, 212
Khalilu, Sultan of Gwandu, 239–41, 306, 307–8
Khorasan, 146
Kierkegaard, Søren, 3
Kilimanjaro, Mount, 9, 154, 212
Knox, Robert, 354
Kobshi, holy rock of, 163
Koh-i-Noor diamond, 203
kola nuts, 120, 273
Königsberg Society for Natural Sciences, 205
Koso, ruler of Gouré, 132–33
kuka trees (baobobs), 142, 226, 316, 381
Kukawa, 14, 106–7, 122–23, 124, 126, 134–40, 142–50, 152–54, 161, 163–68, 188–89, 203, 206–7, 214–20, 253, 311, 380
Barth’s return to, 317–23
British consulate recommended by Barth for, 222
colorful clothing and ornamentation worn in, 145–46
commerce and trade in, 146–47
currency of, 146–47
flirtatious women of, 145–46
religious pilgrims in, 146
twin towns of, 144–45
walls and gates of, 137, 144–45, 174
Kungu, 297
Kunta family, 268, 285–86, 288–90, 361, 387
Ladies’ Repository, The, 352
Lago di Garda, 97
Laing, Alexander Gordon, 15, 223, 256–58, 286, 386
murder of, 258, 259, 260, 269, 270, 275, 283, 284, 298, 357
Laing, Emma Warrington, 256–57, 259
Laird, MacGregor, 158
Lander, John, 14, 158, 243
Lander, Richard, 14, 158, 237, 243, 256
Lawal, Muhammed, Emir of Adamawa, 153, 154, 161–63
Ledyard, John, 14, 255
Legion of Honor, 259
Leo Africanus, Joannes, 56, 65, 106
on Timbuktu, 254–55
Libya, 23, 223
lions, 137, 179, 365
Livingstone, David, xi, 109, 162, 242, 350–52, 362, 388, 390
Lobbo, Ahmadu, ruler of Hamdallahi, 262–63
locusts, 109, 135, 305
Logone-Birni, 191–94
Logone people, 188
Logone province, 191–93, 198
Logone River, 185–86, 192
London, 7, 13, 19, 46, 85, 118, 121, 183, 203, 212, 222, 229, 231, 256, 277, 289, 294, 313, 328–31
St. John’s Wood in, 337
London Observatory, 334
Longmans, Green & Company, 349
Long’s Hotel, 328
Lord Palmerston, 165
Lucan, 40
Lutheran Church, 1
Lycia, 8, 141
Lyon, G. F., 24, 37, 42, 43, 49, 149, 255
Maba language, 194
Macedonia, 364
Macguire, John, 295, 317, 319, 320, 348
Madi, 345
Madras, 162
Maduwari, 165, 217–20
Maghili, Muhammed al-, 90–91, 274
Maiduguri, 154, 381, 385
malaria, 256
Maldives, 110
Mali, kingdom of, 146, 199, 211, 254, 261, 266, 273
Mali (present-day), 12, 93, 244
Malmesbury, Lord, 204, 206–8, 215–16
Malta, 8, 21, 45, 82, 328
British arsenal in, 25
Maltese, 22
manatees, 193
Manchester, 121, 273
Mandara kingdom, 149, 154–55, 171, 180, 319
Bornu aggression against, 174–78
mountains of, 154
Mandara people, see Marghi people
“Mandros oros” (Ptolemy), 176, 383
Manga people, 126
Mansur, al-, Sultan of Morocco, 261–62, 280, 281
Maradi, 107, 109, 113, 114, 116, 312, 313
Marghi people, 154–55, 163
Mariaw ridge, 57
Marrakesh, 262
Marseilles, 20, 328
Marx, Karl, 3
Massenya, 190, 193–97, 198–202, 209, 214–15
Mauritanian desert, 246
Mecca, 51, 176, 194, 251
Burton’s trip in disguise to, 178
haj pilgrimage to, 46, 93, 141, 142, 146, 147, 154, 199, 254, 261, 382
Medina, Great Mosque of, 199
Mediterranean Sea, 5, 22–23, 32, 40, 98, 318, 328, 382
Barth’s research trip to, 7–9, 10, 11, 28, 140, 160, 264
Mejebri Ali el Ageren, 223–24
Mele, 193, 196
Menemene, see Welad Sliman tribe
Mesaud, 319–20
Middle East, 9, 141, 142, 146, 154, 199, 254, 354
Milton, John, 30, 132
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (Livingstone), 350, 351, 352, 390
Mizda, 34–35
Mogador (Essaouira), 281
Moknee, Yusuf, 31, 50, 53, 138, 373
Mombassa, 204, 205
monkeys, 226, 323
Montenegro, 364
Moors, 22, 85, 178, 199, 258, 260, 280–81, 283, 286, 289
Morison, Robert, 256
Morocco, 15, 146, 223, 259, 261, 273, 280–81
Moses, 282, 286
mosquitoes, 168, 193, 248, 306
Mubi, 156
Muhammed (brother of al-Bakkay), 285–86, 288, 290, 291
Muhammed, Prophet, 29–30, 96, 111, 112, 282, 286, 355, 373
Muhammed, Sheik (father of al-Bakkay), 257
Mukhtar (brother of al-Bakkay), 290, 291
Murchison, Sir Roderick, 347, 360, 363, 364
Murzuk, 15, 20, 23, 33, 41–50, 82, 142, 151, 206, 207, 224, 232, 245, 255, 322, 325–27
commerce and trade in, 42, 45
women of, 42
Musa, Mansa, Emperor of Mali, 254, 261, 266, 273
Musgu language, 155
Musgu people, 178–88, 192, 310, 383
architecture of, 181, 184, 188
Bornu raids on, 178–79, 182–87
female, 180
male, 180, 181–82, 183, 186
Muslims, 22, 59, 106, 258
Barth’s communication with, 94–95, 97, 114–16
Christians as enemies of, 32, 62, 80, 94–95, 101, 140, 284, 315
fanaticism of, 248–29, 354
holy days of, 161, 165–66
polygamy among, 66, 103, 148
religious practices of, 24, 46, 54, 87, 93, 141, 142, 146, 161, 165–66, 266
Sufi, 96, 268
Wahabi, 199–200
see also Islam
Mykonos, 8
Nachtigal, Gustav, 24, 94, 109, 142, 143, 148, 164, 224–25, 322, 362, 382, 386–87, 388
Napoléon III, Emperor of France, 204
nationalism, 118
needles, 195, 205, 304
Negroland, 73, 125, 133, 148, 226
Negroland of the Arabs Examined and Explained, The; or, An Inquiry into the Early History and Geography of Central Africa (Cooley), 211–12, 251
Ngala, 142
Ngazargamu, 142
ruins of, 225–26
Ngurutuwa, 134–35
Nicholls, Henry, 14, 255
Niger (present-day), 12, 33, 93, 242, 244
Nigeria (present-day), 33, 153, 242, 378, 384
northern, 12, 112
Niger River, 14, 21, 32–33, 151, 159–61, 220, 222, 223, 239, 255, 259, 260, 264, 277, 288, 311
Barth’s arrival at, 242–43, 252, 277, 299–303
Barth’s return to, 299–305
1841 expedition to, 277, 342
flooding of, 283, 291
tributaries of, 154, 158
Nile River, 8, 14, 19, 21, 190, 204, 205, 299
search for source of, 166, 346–47, 352
Nupe, 120, 233, 237
Nuremberg, 121, 210
Nyassa, Lake, 162
“Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question” (Carlyle), 354
Oran, 357
Ottoman Turks, 22, 25, 34, 132, 165, 326
Ouargla (Wargla), 296
> Oudney, Walter, 1, 14, 15, 33, 49, 139, 140, 177, 191, 244–45, 376
Overweg, Adolf, 17–22, 25, 28–30, 103, 222, 294, 295, 328, 332
Barth and, 166, 168, 172–74, 176, 178–79, 182–83, 185–87, 203, 206–7, 214–15, 217–20, 231–32, 334
in British expedition, 32, 37–38, 43, 48, 49, 53, 64, 77–78, 80, 85–88, 98, 105–8, 114, 136
character and personality of, 17, 28, 152, 217, 219–20
death and burial of, 218–21, 222, 229, 232, 269, 316, 384–85
disappearance and reemergence of, 114, 136, 145, 151–52
exploration of Lake Chad by, 165, 190, 216, 217, 220
fatigue and illness of, 152, 215, 217–18
medical services of, 86, 105, 174, 187
scientific discoveries of, 37, 334
scientific notes neglected by, 219–20
splitting up of Barth and, 107–8, 190
Oxford University, 4, 351
paganism, 109, 111–13, 116, 128, 149, 153–55, 159, 163, 178–89, 198, 227–28, 260
Palace of Demons peak, ix–x, 52–54, 57, 59
Palestine, 8
Palmerston, Lord, 13, 15–20, 25–26, 30, 45, 47–49, 165–66, 203–4, 214
Barth promoted to expedition leader by, 204, 207, 209, 210
as prime minister, 329, 337, 384
Paris, 85, 289, 299
Paris Geographical Society, 351
Park, Mungo, xi, 36, 101, 103, 196–97, 214, 298, 353, 377, 382
murder of, 14, 243, 255, 336
Pearce, Robert, 256
Peddie, John, 255
Persia, 110
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Medina and Meccah (Burton), 346
Personal Narrative of a Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent (Humboldt), 351
Petermann, Augustus, 334, 335, 341–42, 349
philology, 4, 5
Phoenicians, 5, 22, 156
pirates, 32, 45, 151
Plato, 199, 261
Pleiad, 311
Pliny the Elder, 40
Poland, 362–63
Portugal, 255, 261
Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, A (Herschel), 35
Prussia, 9, 326, 327, 332–33, 346, 363
Psalms, 132
Ptolemy, 35, 66, 176, 261, 383
Punic Wars, 40
quinine, 27, 163, 311
Qur’an, 23, 111, 112, 128, 144, 148, 149, 307, 381
Barth’s knowledge of, 28, 95, 139–40, 274–75, 304
introductory prayer of, 162, 304
verses of, 43, 54, 87, 94, 145, 163, 275
Races of Man, The (Knox), 354
racism, 131–32, 133, 211, 298, 353–54
Raglan, Lord, 294
Ranke, Leopold von, 6, 362
Rawlinson, Sir Henry, 351, 390
Reade, Richard, 229, 327, 340
Rebmann, Johann, 9
Red Sea, 8, 357
Rhine River, 5
rhinoceroses, 192, 244
Rhodes, 8
Richardson, James, 10, 15–21, 124, 147
abolitionist commitment of, 12–13, 24, 25, 56, 130, 131
African grave of, 135
anxieties of, 30, 71, 84
attacks by pirates feared by, 57, 58, 59–60
Barth compared with, 129, 131, 133, 135
Barth’s criticism of, 41, 44, 60, 70, 127, 320
British consulate in Sahara proposed by, 16
character and personality of, 13, 25–26, 30, 41, 47, 74, 76, 80, 131–32, 133
Christian evangelicalism of, 12–13, 16, 85
death of, 134–36, 137, 138–39, 140, 151, 152, 166, 189, 203–4, 208, 338
debts of, 138–39, 145, 151, 205, 206, 216
exhaustion and poor health of, 131, 132
fading interest in Africa of, 131–32
journals of, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 46, 49–50, 54, 56–57, 70, 78, 79, 81–82, 89, 100, 133, 134, 140, 151, 203, 204, 219, 224, 374
racial stereotyping by, 131–32, 133
Sultan Annur and, 79, 84, 87, 101, 103, 105, 107, 126–27, 228
supplies assembled by, 21, 25–28, 30, 178, 205
see also British expedition to North and Central Africa
Richardson, Mrs. James, 25, 30, 204
Ritchie, Joseph, 15, 24, 43
Ritter, Carl, 4, 6, 10, 11, 17–19, 48–49, 205, 226, 327, 332, 358–60
Rivoli, 97
Rodd, Francis Rennel, 169
Rohlfs, Friedrich Gerhard, 142, 178, 224, 225, 362
Romans, ancient, 2, 22, 33, 34, 36–37, 40–41, 160
Rome, 5
Rose, Benjamin, see Adams, Robert
Royal Asiatic Society of London, 351
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 49, 259, 302, 322, 327, 345–46, 358, 360, 363, 372, 389
Barth’s difficulties with, 333–35, 337, 339–41
Patron’s Gold Medal of, 251, 346, 347, 389
Royal Niger Company, 161, 164, 343
Russell, Lord John, 229, 231–32, 298, 360–61
Russia, 326
Polish “January Uprising” against, 362–63
Sahara Desert, 12, 15–16, 19, 21–24, 31, 33–34, 121, 224, 259, 260, 262, 266
Barth’s return across, 323–26
central, 14, 40
flooding in, 76–77
flora and fauna of, 35, 37, 39, 57, 73, 78, 87, 105
introduction of the camel to, 52
Mesheru well in, 325
mirages in, 40
nighttime temperatures in, 104–5
nomadic camps in, 34
oases in, 34–35, 40, 42–50, 81, 257, 324, 325
peril of travel in, ix–xi, 32–33, 53–54
rare wells in, 57–58, 59, 325
sand hills of, 170
sandstorms and extreme temperatures of, x, 23–24, 37, 40, 60, 323–24
signs of ancient Rome in, 36–37, 40–41
survival in, ix–xi, 23–24, 53–54
Tanezrouft section of, 257
Tejerri oasis in, 325
trade routes through, 14, 15, 22–24, 32, 40, 56
uncharted territory of, 55–57
varying topography of, 34, 51, 57–59, 64–65, 73, 77–78, 82
wadis in, 8, 34, 41, 52, 65, 76–77
western, 14, 66, 297
Sahel lands, 32, 92, 93
Saifawa dynasty, 141, 142
St. Louis (Senegal), 146, 251
salt caravans, 81, 87–89, 100, 104, 107, 110, 117, 227, 376
Sanssouci, 332
Sarayamou, 251
Sardinia, 332
Say, 222, 242–44, 251, 277, 304–6, 313
Schelling, Friedrich, 6
Schiller, Friedrich von, 361–62
Schleswig and Holstein, 9
Schön, J. F., 342–43
Schubert, Gustav von, 8–9, 390
on Barth, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 331–32, 347, 355, 358, 359, 361, 363, 364
Barth’s relationship with, 9, 331, 347–48, 361, 371
Schubert, Mathilde Barth von (sister), 9
earth, 4
education in, 4
evolving fields in, 3–4
geographical, 4
German studies in, 3–4
Muhammed on, 29–30
scorpions, 179
Selufiet, 73–75
Senegal, 12, 93, 146, 251, 361
Sennar, 146
Serki Ibram, 120
Sfaski (merchant), 138, 206, 216, 221, 338
Shary River, see Benue River
Shaw, Norton, 333, 334–35, 337, 339–41, 389
Shuwa people, 154, 175, 185, 307
Sidi Yahia, 266
Sirba River, 245
slave raids (razzias), 112–13, 126, 129–30, 144, 147, 153, 154–55, 162, 177–79, 319
Barth’s accompanying of, 178–79, 182–87
slaves, 22–23, 57, 61, 63, 90, 91, 102, 112, 273
of, 325
capture of, 23, 29, 32, 66, 112–13, 121, 126, 128, 129–30, 145, 171, 176, 183, 188, 202
chaining of, 128
children of, 23, 57, 128, 147, 148, 188
classification and value of, 147–48
as concubines, 139, 148–49, 176, 190, 201–2, 254, 306, 380
deaths of, 23–24
domestic, 23, 118–19, 121, 147
education of, 147
escape of, 171
female, 23, 29, 36, 119, 124, 147, 148, 171, 188, 308, 319
freeing of, 23, 31, 55, 106, 218, 223, 308, 328, 353
male, 22, 23, 147, 148
Muslim, 112–13, 128
rights and responsibilities of, 23, 70, 144, 147
runaway, 106
sexual exploitation of, 23, 148
Tuareg, 63, 66, 68, 69–70
slave trade, 12, 13, 16, 22–24, 32, 36, 42, 45, 56, 90, 118, 121, 126, 128, 147, 176–77, 215, 228, 325, 343, 372
African and Muslim complicity in, 128, 130, 165
smallpox, 238
inoculation against, 163
Smyrna, 8
Smyth, William Henry, 347
snakes, 170
social Darwinism, 128
Société de Géographie, 256
Sokoto, Vizier of, 234, 238
Sokoto empire, x, 33, 44, 102–3, 112–13, 115, 153, 228, 232, 234–38, 247, 256, 293, 307–8, 366, 378
Solingen, 121
Somalia, 352
Songhai empire, 91, 93, 96, 149, 211, 238, 251
history of, 240, 261, 262, 278, 314
Songhai language, 93, 242, 260, 261, 273, 274
Songhai people, 96, 245, 262, 269
Sonni Ali, 261
South America, 4, 35
Spain, 22, 199, 261–62, 363
Speke, John Hanning, xi, 331, 346–47, 352, 362
Stanley, Henry Morton, xi, 242, 351, 353, 365, 388, 390
Strabo, 40
Sudan, 4, 12, 23, 31, 45, 46, 56, 57, 73, 74, 78, 79, 83, 88, 91, 94, 146, 148, 172, 189
British attempts to establish relations with, 222
capital punishment in, 102–3, 128
central, 261
flora and fauna of, 116, 126
Islam introduced into, 111
landscape and architecture of, 106, 108, 116, 126
markets of, 104, 108, 109, 120–21, 131
mixed population of, 106, 120
paganism in, 109, 111, 112–13, 116, 128
western, 211
superstition, ix, 29, 67, 87, 283
Sweeney, Edward, 294–95
Switzerland, 5
syphilis, 24
Syria, 8
Syrian-Arabic dialect, 8
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius, 40
Tagalel, 106
Tagama people, 105
Taghaza, 14
Taghist, Valley of, 90–91
Tamasheq language, 66, 68, 70, 81–82, 93, 260, 261, 273, 287
Tanganyika, Lake, 346–47
Tangiers, 7, 280
Taoudenni mines, 273
Tarikh al-Sudan (es-Sa’di), 240, 355, 385