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Broken Faith: Spiritual Discord, 1

Page 19

by Brandy Nacole

  I roll my eyes. There wasn’t a vampire in the woodshed in the movie either. “Whatever. Just be cautious will you?”

  When Briston touches the hilt, he pulls his hand back with a hiss. I spring over to his side and grab his hand. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  Briston pulls his hand back from mine and shakes it. He places his finger in his mouth. I grab his hand to take a look. The tips of his fingers are red from a second-degree burn. “The hilts hot. I don’t know why it’s glowing but it’s definitely hot.”

  I start pulling Briston to the kitchen. “Come on. Let’s get some honey for that burn.” Honey is a great home remedy for burns. I remember the first time my mom applied honey to a burn I got after touching her curling iron when she wasn’t looking. I was seven and wanted to look pretty like her, so I thought I would surprise her by fixing my own hair. It turned disastrous when I grabbed the hot iron instead of the plastic handle.

  When she applied honey to my hand I scrunched my nose, and said. “Mom, I’m not a biscuit.” She laughed as she gently applied the honey to my hand. “No your no biscuit, sweetie. You’re my little brownie. But the honey will help with the burn.”

  While discussing burns in class one day, I had told everyone my story and I was reprimanded by my professor. He said I didn’t need to be spreading inappropriate procedures with the other nurses. It could confuse them. I thought my professor was full of crap, but didn’t say otherwise. It was quite obvious he went by the book and didn’t appreciate any outside advice.

  I grab the honey out of the fridge and apply some to Briston’s burn. In an instant he looks relieved. “Man that feels so good.” I watch him as he closes his eyes and relaxes his neck, allowing his head to fall back. Not paying attention to what I’m doing, I drop the bottle of honey. When it hits the floor the bottle shatters, and the honey oozes out across the floor

  “Crap.” I start picking up glass, while trying to figure out how to clean up the honey. Honey is good for a lot of things, but not for mopping floors.

  “Here let me get that.” Briston leans down and starts helping me pick up the glass. We butt heads twice and laugh when we almost do it a third time. Our eyes meet and we are drawn to one another. Before our lips meet, I fall forward, almost landing in the honey. Briston catches me—just like I know he always will. We finish cleaning up the mess, the floor sticky from the residue of the honey.

  “That’s going to drive my mom crazy.” Briston laughs, knowing exactly what I mean. “How’s your hand?”

  “It’s better, thanks.” We stand there smiling at one another, until the chime on the clock dings, signaling nine thirty. I lose the glow of the moment as I recall the plan and dangers facing us.

  “Where’s Sabrina? I’m getting worried about her. She’s was so uptight about getting Kayson moved. I thought she would be back by now.”

  Briston loses his smile. “I know. Too bad she doesn’t have a cell.”

  “We should have given her one of ours.” Although she probably would have needed a few lessons on how to use it. “Maybe we should go talk to Kayson. He can tell us why the sword is glowing.”

  I don’t know how he will handle hearing about Sabrina. They both seem so protective of each other. Him finding out that she’s late, and missing, could stir a whole new mess. But we need to do something. Sabrina said we have to move Kayson tonight. If that’s true, we may have to leave without her.

  A sour expression crosses Briston’s face at the mention of going to get Kayson. I know what that expression means. The memory of me staring at Kayson like a dog staring at a fresh turkey sitting on a counter rolls through my mind. Yes, Kayson is very sexy. And yes, I am attracted to him. But maybe he had a point about it being a false attraction. Whenever I was around him sure I drooled. And yeah, he danced across my thoughts at fleeting moments, but not like Briston has my whole life.

  I wrap my arms around Briston and give him a big smile. My gaze travels over his cute, curly blonde hair that’s getting a little long, at his sharp cheek bones, and over his soft gentle lips. Finally, I meet his eyes. “It’s me and you. Just me and you.”

  Those gentle lips, that captivated mine so tenderly earlier, spread into a smile before meeting mine again with a soft caress. The kiss is sweet and filled with promises. I pull back and smile at Briston before gesturing to the door. Kayson will know why the sword is glowing. He also needs to know we have the sword.

  As I start to walk out the door a loud knock echoes through house. I sigh and turn back around. “Who is it now, my mom and dad?” I sulk back through the living room, readying my excuse for whoever is standing on the other side. Who knows, maybe Sabrina has learned some manners and finally knows how to knock, I think. But when I open the door, all that leaves my mind.

  I catch sight of the angel’s sword in the corner of my eye. It’s glowing brighter than it was before. I know now why it glows brightly, why the wings radiate a light of power. Hell has come knocking on my door, and the sword is ready for its handler to take charge. The only problem is its handler is busted and broken in the backyard.

  I try slamming the door in Falon’s face, but the hell hound pushes the door open wider. My whole body feels like an earthquake has erupted in my core. My legs try to buckle as I step back away from the hound, whose eyes are glowing. When he smiles at me, razor sharp teeth fill his mouth.

  Briston darts in front of me, shielding me as we back away from the door. I grab Briston’s hand, which is shaking just as bad as mine, and prepare to bolt out the back door. I turn to go, pulling Briston with me, to find the hound that was at the café standing ready at the back door. His eyes don’t glow as bright as his Alpha’s, but the teeth in his mouth look every bit as sharp as Falon’s.

  With my heart hammering so hard it feels like it’s trying to bust out of my chest, I look back at Briston. We don’t say anything as we look at one another with fear. What is there to say? Hell’s hounds were here and ready to tear apart one of Heaven’s own, and us just before that.

  Chapter Twenty


  Falon steps through the doorway, slamming the door shut behind him. He walks slowly through the room, a predator assessing his prey. His sharp gaze scans everything. When his eyes land on the sword, a loud growl rumbles through his chest. Falon’s steps are slow and calculating as he makes his way over to the sword.

  As he reaches out to the sword the radiating glow of the hilt burns brighter. I pray with all my might that it will zap him into non-existence, or at least fry him. I would love to see the hound tuck his tail and run. Better yet, I’d love to see him writhing on the floor, howling as his soul is sucked back to Hell. Disappointment deflates me when nothing happens and Falon is left with nothing but a burn on his hand.

  Falon walks away from the sword, leaving it propped against the wall. “Emery told me your human friends had found the sword. I’m glad to see it hasn’t made it back into the hands of the one who can wield it. You had no idea that the sword was designed for the angel’s hands alone, did you? A mortal may touch it, but never can they draw on its true power. Only the pure can wield that power.” Falon spits on the floor. Uh, gross. If my mother was here, she would scold him hound or not. There’s no telling what hellish germs are now stained into the carpet.

  Briston nudges me with his shoulder. He jerks his head slightly toward the stairs, signaling for us to run. Yeah, then what? There was no escape up there. I always mock characters in horror movies who are running from a villain. For reasons I don’t understand, they always run into a space that has no escape route. No thanks. I shake my head, disagreeing with Briston. I picture the house in my mind, planning the best chance of escape. The only two doors that lead outside are being blocked by the hounds. If we can make it into the study on the other side of the stairs there’s a window we can get through. As I’m calculating my plan, I hear the hound behind me move.

  Still holding Briston’s hand, I bolt hard to the right. I run as hard as I can wi
th Briston right behind me. I’m almost to the study when Briston’s hand gets jerked from mine. The hound who was blocking the kitchen now has Briston by the hair, pulling him back toward the living room. There is no way I am going to leave Briston here alone. They probably know that. Briston turns to punch the hound. It does no good. The hound throws Briston off-balance by pushing him forward. Then the hound kicks Briston in the side, turning his stumble into a face-first fall.

  I rush to Briston’s side, pulling him to his feet. Falon tsks behind us, “You should learn some manners, child. Is this any way to treat your guest?”

  Frightened as I am, I glare at Falon.

  “I don’t remember inviting you in. You just barged in here. Last I checked that makes you a burglar, not a guest.”

  Now that we are back in the living room and the two hounds are standing to one side, the front door is fair game. I grab Briston’s hand again and bolt. Escape is probably going to be impossible, but I am not going to give up. Briston and I need to lead the hounds away from the house until Sabrina returns. Where is she?

  When I pull open the door and step out front, my question about Sabrina’s whereabouts is answered. It’s not exactly the answer I was looking for. Another hound—jeez how many are there?—is holding Sabrina. Maybe I should say supporting her slack body. She looks unconscious, maybe even dead. This is not good. Everything is turning against us.

  The hound holding Sabrina pushes us back as he drags Sabrina with him, kicking the door shut to seal us inside. Briston pulls me into his arms, wrapping his right arm around my shoulder while holding my hand with his left. We get backed into a wall as all three hounds encircle us.

  Falon nods at the hound holding Sabrina. “Good work, Evren.” Falon’s eyes seem to glow brighter when he looks at us. “Now tell me, where is the angel?”

  Play stupid and stall, or squeal like a baby?

  “What angel?”

  Yep, there’s that quaver in my voice again, giving me away. Where is my bold facade that gives nothing away when I need it?

  “Don’t play with me girl. Where is he?” Falon’s tone rises. I don’t know if I’m just seeing things but I could swear his hair grew a little bit and his teeth became a little sharper when his attitude flared. At least I know I can rattle him.

  “I’m not playing with you. Do you see a bone in my hand?”

  Briston snorts at my retort. I don’t know where this sprout of bravery is coming from, but I hope it sticks around. God knows I don’t feel brave. Mostly I feel a spineless fear crawling through my nerves that sends a very powerful shiver over my body making every hair on my body stand on end.

  Falon smiles a wicked smile. “Feisty little thing are you? Well let’s see how loose your mouth is when I break every bone in your boyfriends’ body.” Falon nods his head at the hound on his right. “Emery.”

  Emery starts to reach out to grab Briston again, but I step in front of him. “What do you want? You got the vampire. She’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” My voice trembles as I try to continue my charade.

  I should just give up. Tell him where Kayson is and run. We did the best we could to help Kayson, right? They can handle their little feud without us little humans. This battle is way beyond our level.

  Falon reaches out and grabs my shirt collar. I quiver under his fierce touch as he pulls me to him. Falon lowers his head to whisper menacingly into my ear.

  “I know what game you are playing. Now take me to the angel or I will start with your little friend here, and kill every single person you know on this planet.” His words are spoken in a hot breath, sending a jolt of terror through me.

  A single tear falls down my cheek, despite myself.

  “You know where he is. Why are you tormenting us?”

  There’s no doubt in my mind that these hounds know Kayson’s in the shed. They’ve been watching us for days. Falon has been watching our every move from poor Mrs. Porter’s house, while sending his guard dogs out to track my every move, and apparently Sabrina’s too.

  Falon has a pleased smile on his face as he regards me.

  “Your fear is so tempting.” Falon takes a deep breath that he releases with a sigh. “Lucky for you, I have bigger plans tonight besides feeding on the fear in your soul.”

  Both of Falon’s hounds growl, but they are cut off when Falon regards them with disdain.

  “Weak! You’re all so weak.”

  Was he talking to his hounds or covering everyone in general? I don’t know, but for someone who claims to be so strong he sure does seem to rely on his buddies.

  “To answer your question, I need you for insurance if the angel refuses me.” He shoves me to the floor, past Emery’s feet. Briston jumps forward, but is knocked backwards by Emery. Cuts from Emery’s claws create lines of blood on Briston’s cheek.

  I get to my feet and lead the way to the backyard. I give a fleeting glance to the sword as I walk out of the living room. I wish I could grab that sword and run to Kayson. He was going to need it to take down this yahoo’s. But the last five minutes have proven that I have no chance of outrunning the hounds. Grabbing the sword while trying to evade their grasp and running to Kayson wasn’t going to happen.

  We make our way out to the shed across the darkened lawn. I trip a few times over the rocks that stick up too high on my mother’s new path. My legs are shaking so bad I’m surprised I can even walk. What is going to happen when we barge in on Kayson? I’m worried that Kayson’s injuries will render him in a fight, and a total blood bath will more than likely be the outcome. If Falon just wants to kill Kayson, he will have no trouble doing it. My question is, why all the drama? If he knows where Kayson is hiding then what is with the show? Falon could have easily killed Kayson by now and moved on to his next hunt. I guess we were fixing to find out.

  I kick the rock propping the door closed aside. The shed door creaks open about halfway. Kayson is lying on the bed with one arm thrown over his eyes, as if he is trying to hide from something. If he only knew.

  Falon nudges me forward. I turn and scowl at him. Over his shoulder, I see Briston being shoved down the path by Emery, and Evren dragging Sabrina down the walk. I’m starting to wonder if she’s dead at this point. How could you tell with her already-pale skin and lack of a pulse? Falon shoves me again. I want to lash out at him and call him every name under the sun. No wonder he fell from Heaven.

  I slowly walk into the shed, followed by Falon, Emery, and Briston. Kayson doesn’t uncover his eyes, but sighs. “Sabrina, I’m starting to have second thoughts about this, and—”

  “Hello, brother.” Falon cuts Kayson off, emphasizing “brother” in a mocking tone.

  Kayson sits up with a jolt and takes in the scene—as much as he can see anyway. Evren and Sabrina are standing outside where Kayson can’t see them.

  So this is their plan. The whole ‘I’m going to threaten you with this one first, and if that doesn’t work, bring in someone you care about’ routine. Ugh. Even the hounds use clichéd methods.

  “Let them go, Falon.” Kayson grabs his side as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed. He keeps his right hand on the bed for support. If he is trying to put up a front that he’s fine, he’s failing miserably.

  “Come on, brother. I mean them no harm—that is unless you provoke it. I merely wish to have a chat.” Falon pushes me to the far corner, and shoves me down into the chair. He keeps his hand on my shoulder while he talks to Kayson.

  “Now, let’s talk about your current situation. I see that one of my hounds got a little rough with you.”

  Kayson sees Falon’s mocking smile and returns it. “Not as much as I did him when I pushed my sword through his head.”

  Oof. Point, Kayson. The bitter reminder puts a scowl on Falon’s face. Another pointer for Kayson.

  “Yes, yes you did,” Falon snaps. “But that run-in has left you in a less than desirable state. Tell me, brother, why do you continue to place yourself in such harm when you could mak
e life so much easier for yourself?”

  Kayson shakes his head. “I’m not joining you, Falon, if that’s what you want. I will never be a hound.”

  Wait, what? That’s what this show is for? Falon wants Kayson to become a hound? Why?

  I wince, when I feel sharp things digging into my shoulder as Falon squeezes. Looking down, I see that his hands are shifting into claws. Great. He still has human fingers, but they are covered in hair and his fingernails extend out to sharp points. Good news is, we’re annoying him. Bad news is, we’re all going to die painfully.

  “Why not join us, brother?”

  There is that tone again. It’s quite obvious that Falon has some issues with Kayson. You can hear it in his tone. So why does he want to spend eternity with someone he hates? This is so confusing!

  “Look at yourself. They abandoned you. Left you here to suffer. If your God had any sympathy for you, you would be healed. Join us. Be strong and powerful once again, Kayson, we can do that for you. You remember what it was like, don’t you? Or has it been too long?”

  Kayson shakes his head as he chuckles.

  “I remember the power, but that power was pure. It wasn’t driven by hate and greed. The sad thing about you and your master is that no matter how many lives you disrupt, that aching feeling of emptiness in your heart will never be filled.”

  Falon and Emery start growling simultaneously. Obviously the truth in his words cut a little too close to home.

  “It would seem that you have been terribly misinformed,” Falon sneers, after recovering his composure. “I feel more alive and powerful than I ever did as a Warrior. If you join us, you may feel that power once again. Why not? You know you will never be given your wings back.”

  Falon removes his hand from my shoulder, thankfully. When he does, a small trickle of liquid tickles my skin as it slides down my chest. Falon’s claws have torn through my shirt and skin. The holes in my shirt turn a dark red. Looking over at Briston, I see his face tighten with anger, but he makes no move to get to me. I’m thankful for that. As tense as this room is right now, one small move could send the hounds in a tizzy.


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