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  Chapter 14

  Kara looked at her face and blinked furiously; the puffiness from endless crying was still there. She splashed cold water on her cheeks and took a deep breath. Her hair was in a bun and so she pulled the band away and let it fall messily around her face. It had grown extensively in the last two months.

  ‘Are you ready, kiddo?’ called Vic, leaning on the doorframe.

  ‘Yeah, all ready. I feel a bit silly, really. I don’t even know your brother,’ she said, skipping alongside Vic.

  ‘Well, it gets you outta here, a change of scenery, and plus, he can buy all the chocolate and cakes you fancy from the tuck shop.’

  Kara’s face lit up. She’d been craving anything sweet; her mouth watered, just thinking about it.

  The girls gathered in the search room, each ready to have their name called, and all very excited, as it was the highlight of their week or month, depending on whether they had used up all their entitled visiting orders.

  Barbara was calling the names with her nose in the air. She glared menacingly at Kara. ‘I’m not sure you’re on the list, Bannon.’

  Vic pushed past Kara and unexpectedly ripped the clipboard from Barbara’s hand, pointing to Kara’s name before Barbara could snatch it back. ‘There, ya blind bitch.’

  Barbara gave a snort and a huff and nodded for them both to go in. Kara followed, not having been inside the visiting room before. It was bright and quite cheery compared to the wing. Visitors were sitting on the edge of their chairs, giving oversized smiles, and children were hugging their imprisoned mothers. It was a lot for Kara to take in all at once, but she did so, following Vic, until she stopped by a table where a very handsome man jumped up and greeted them. ‘How ya doing, Sis?’ He let her go and put his arms out to hug Kara, who was now frozen to the spot. With his arms around her, he whispered, ‘Vic’s angel.’

  She felt her body stiffen but she gently hugged him back. The smell of his classy aftershave impressed her, and then she looked into his eyes, his big grey eyes, lined with black lashes. She felt herself redden and shied away.

  ‘So, this big hunk of a man is me brother Rocky.’

  ‘Right, girls, while that queue is low, I’ll grab us some bits.’ Kara nodded but hung on to his deep gravelly voice and those intense eyes.

  Vic turned to face Kara. ‘It’s all right, Posh, he don’t bite. He’s all right, ya know.’

  He returned, trying to balance a tray overflowing with all sorts of treats, including the huge iced buns. ‘I bought two, one for you, sweetness, and one for the baby.’

  As Vic went on about her parole hearing, Kara helped herself to the bun. She couldn’t take her eyes off it, heavily topped with thick icing, and juicy raisins in the middle. She savoured every bite, allowing the sugary topping to melt in her mouth.

  Rocky looked at Kara out of the corner of his eye. He smiled, and Vic turned to see what he was grinning at, only to find Kara in a world of her own, thoroughly enjoying the cake. ‘Aw, bless her, she’s craving sugar, eating all our chocolate rations, she is.’

  Kara stopped and chuckled. ‘Oh, yes, sorry.’

  ‘Me skin and blister tells me you saved her life, and, well, I’m glad I’ve got to meet ya, because, my sweetness, Vic ’ere means a lot to me.’

  Kara waved her hand. ‘I only helped.’

  He stared for a moment, and a full smile crossed his mouth, before he winked slowly, causing Kara to blush once more. Her heart rate climbed a notch, and she felt an attraction, but then again, she was locked away with women. It was probably just the fact that he was a handsome man, there was no denying it, and that he’d given her a smouldering wink.

  ‘So, Kara, now that’s a pretty name. Vic told me you burned your home down.’

  Kara nodded, and the smile left her face. ‘Yes, I did, and it looks as though I will have to face my fate next week. I can only hope they don’t throw away the key.’

  He unexpectedly reached for her hand. ‘I can’t do much for you whilst you’re in here, but …’ he looked at his sister and smiled ‘… I’ve just got meself well and truly on the straight and narrow, and I have a flat you can have. It ain’t much, but it’ll help you to get back on ya feet with ya baby.’

  Kara’s eyes were wide; she never imagined in her wildest dreams that anyone would offer her a flat. She assumed she would end up in a hostel on some endless council waiting list. Then she had an uneasy feeling. What would he want from her? ‘Um, that’s very kind of you, but I’ll be fine, honestly. Besides, I think your other sister Julie might be needing that.’

  Vic threw her head back and laughed. She guessed right away what Kara was thinking, just by the sheer panic written on her face. Rocky, though, was bemused. ‘What’s so funny?’

  ‘Oh dear.’ She chuckled, trying to get her breath. ‘Kara knows you looked after Deni’s girls and we told her you are a bit of a naughty boy.’

  Rocky gave Kara another wink. ‘Treacle, that’s a world I live in, not you. The flat was just to help ya out. Ya see, me big sis, ’ere, never asks nuffin from me, so when she does, I’m all ears and will help if I can. ’Cos, sweetness, my Vic brought me up and made sure I was looked after, and so I’m returning the favour, that’s all.’ His voice oozed conviction, and once again, Kara blushed.

  ‘I’m sorry. As you say, this is a world very different from the one I’m used to. Please forgive me.’

  Rocky soaked in her innocence. She was unwittingly playing with his emotions, and he had to remove his gaze and look back at Vic. ‘As for Julie, well, the day she decides to ditch that fat bastard Billy is the day she can have her own place, but I won’t help her. I’ve done it too many times. All she does is go running back to him. Talking of which, our Sharon is playing the incident down. She don’t want Jue inside.’

  Kara picked up the other bun and devoured it in minutes, unaware that Rocky was casually watching her. Vic noticed, though, and raised her eyebrow; he responded, with one of his infamous winks.

  Kara listened to their conversation and soon realised that Rocky was as Vic said, a bit of a bad boy. He’d all sorts of scams running, and although Kara was whiter than white except for the fire, she felt somewhat excited. It was also very apparent that he looked to Vic for advice; they shared a very close bond that Kara admired, and she wished that she’d had a brother. She lowered her eyes and swallowed hard. She had no one, except for her unborn baby and these new villainous friends.

  Rocky noticed her downturned expression, and as if she were his girlfriend, he reached across and grabbed her hand. ‘’Ere, sweetness, what’s the matter?’ His face was so full of concern.

  His eyes drew her in, and she allowed him to hold her hand. ‘Nothing, I just wished in some ways I had a family like you have.’

  She realised she sounded pathetic and tried to laugh it off, but Rocky grabbed her other hand. ‘Well, Vic tells me you are like family. Besides, having a doctor in the family can only be a bleedin’ good thing.’

  Vic placed her arm around Kara’s shoulders. ‘Course you’re our family. I thought you’d have guessed that, by now.’

  ‘Oh no, sorry, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. It’s just, when we all get out of here, you will go your way, and me, well, I’ll go somewhere and …’

  Vic hugged her closely. ‘Nah, Kara, you’re special to me, mate, and as for Deni, the silly ol’ gal, she thinks she’s ya adoptive muvver.’

  ‘See, treacle, we don’t drop people like hot bricks. Anyway, you just remember, you have a place as soon as you get out, and Rocky will look out for ya. Any good at bookkeeping?’

  Kara knitted her brows. ‘Er, I can use spreadsheets.’

  ‘Good, ’cos I will have a job for you too. I’m getting a right bashing from the taxman, so I need to keep me books up to date, now I’m sort of going straight.’

  Vic laughed and slapped his arm. ‘Get on with ya, you straight – and bears don’t shit in the woods.’

  ‘No, seriously, Sis, I’ve got the c
lub all above board. It has to be, ’cos the poxy taxman drinks in there, the cheeky fucker. So, are ya up for it, then, Kara?’

  She nodded enthusiastically. ‘Gosh, how can I thank you?’

  He winked again and replied in a very seductive tone, ‘By letting me visit you again and giving you a little peck on the lips, should do it.’

  Kara’s heart was beating faster again. Kissing this gorgeous man was not such a bad idea; in fact, she quite liked the thought of it.

  ‘If I’m not mistaken, Rocky, I would say you have a little crush on our Kara.’ Vic laughed.

  He leaned back on his chair and ran his hand through his thick mop of black hair. ‘Who wouldn’t? She is beautiful.’ He grinned in Kara’s direction. He meant it. To him Kara was a breath of fresh air, a natural beauty, with such innocence and sweetness about her. He was pleased that his sister saw fit to look out for the girl or she would never survive inside.

  As the visit came to an end, Rocky hugged his sister and then put out his arms to hold Kara. She didn’t resist or stiffen up; instead, she gently hugged him back, the embrace being a little longer than she expected, but she wasn’t going to complain. The sweet aftershave and the warm breath on her neck gave her butterflies, and as he gently pulled away, he stared into her eyes, and for a second, she really did want to kiss him.

  Vic nodded to him and waltzed away, but Rocky was still holding both of Kara’s arms; he wasn’t ready for her to follow. Barbara, the officer by the door, called out to tell everyone visiting was over, but it was as if there was a magnet clamping Kara and Rocky together. She didn’t want to read too much into it; even so, his eyes bored into hers, as if the two of them were meant for each other. He rubbed her nose with his, and then, as her heart beat faster, he brushed his lips against hers. She didn’t move but her breathing quickened.

  He could clearly feel her getting nervous and wasted no time in pulling her closer and giving her a long passionate kiss. The officer screamed, and as Kara reluctantly pulled away, she realised they were the only ones left.

  He looked over at the prison officer and grinned, mumbling under his breath, ‘She’s got a face like a smacked arse, ol’ fucking vinegar tits, the jealous bitch.’ Kara nervously giggled.

  ‘I’ll see you soon, sweetness, if you want me to?’

  Her cheeks were pink, and her eyes lit up. Shyly, she nodded.

  As she was escorted away, Kara waved back at him. He responded by giving her a last sexy wink and left, feeling upbeat and yet blown away. Vic had said that Kara was a lovely person, although she didn’t add that she possessed such natural beauty and was so fresh and untainted. Once outside, he headed to his latest top-of-the-range car. He sat inside, staring out of the window, his thoughts all over the place. Kara had really knocked him sideways; he’d had a fair few women in his time, but he just couldn’t get Kara off his mind.

  A deep sigh left his mouth. What was he thinking? She could be inside for several years and was expecting a baby. He had no time for kids and never even contemplated having any. He laughed out loud. It was ludicrous; he’d only met the girl once, and she was a doctor, all posh and clean, not forgetting the fact that she was up the duff. As he pulled away, he tried to clear the image of her out of his mind, but that was proving to be quite difficult.

  * * *

  Kara walked back to her cell with a fixed grin on her face. Vic was already there with Deni; they both smiled with raised eyebrows when she arrived.

  ‘Well, fuck me, he didn’t eat you, then?’

  Kara looked at Vic with a puzzled expression. ‘What?’

  ‘I saw you two. I thought he was fucking eating ya face.’ She turned to Deni. ‘I’ve never known an attraction like it. Me brother was salivating over her.’ She laughed again. ‘And you, kiddo, you can’t tell me ya didn’t fancy the fucking pants off him. I felt like a bleedin’ gooseberry.’

  ‘Well, no matter, it’s put some colour in her cheeks and a smile back on her face,’ said Deni.

  Plonking herself on the bed, Kara blushed. ‘He is gorgeous, and it was a lovely kiss.’ She raised a cocky eyebrow. ‘And, you are right, it has put a smile on my face. Gosh, I feel all giddy and silly, but, yes, Deni, he was very flattering, and after being stuck in here all day, every day, he has lifted my spirits. I can’t deny it.’

  Vic’s face took on a serious expression. ‘I’ve known me brother all his life, and I’ve never seen him like that. He’s usually cold with people he doesn’t know. I mean, he’s never really shown a lot of public affection.’

  Kara could feel her butterflies back again; at least she had something to take her mind off the awful situation of the court case and the possibility of having to give up her baby. Then her smile turned to a solemn pout. What was she thinking? Her mother’s death should have been at the forefront of her mind, and here she was, acting like a kid and snatching a minute of excitement with a stranger.

  * * *

  The morning arrived. It was bleak for April, and a chill in the air made Lucy curse. Her dress was beautiful, but with her arms bare as well as her neckline, she was freezing.

  Justin was fiddling with his red tie and not in the best of moods. He looked in the mirror and noticed the few grey strands of hair and the bags under his eyes. He stepped back and looked himself up and down. The weight had fallen off him and his trousers were loose. He took a deep breath and looked again at his own sorrowful expression. He knew he was a wimp, but whether it was because he was going along with the wedding arrangements to make his relationship with Lucy more manageable, or he just wanted an easy life was debatable.

  He shuddered. It didn’t matter either way now. Kara would never have him back, and there was his and Lucy’s little baby to think of. That’s really what was keeping him going.

  ‘The car’s here, love,’ Lucy called up the stairs.

  He was halfway down the stairs when he stopped abruptly at the sight of her: he had to admit to himself she did look beautiful. Her hair was piled up like a Grecian goddess and she only wore a small amount of make-up. As the light poured in through the hallway window, it struck her face and she looked angelic. She smiled sweetly and lowered her gaze, as if she really was a virgin bride.

  He held her hand, as they walked down the steps to the awaiting chauffeur. The Bentley was white with a red ribbon tied in a V across the bonnet. She tottered along, careful not to crease her dress, and placed her neat small posy of red roses in the footwell.

  ‘Oh, Justin, I cannot wait, and to think our baby will not be born out of wedlock.’ She knew throwing that nugget in again would lighten his mood. For him, it was all about that fucking moral code. In matters of honesty and sincerity, they were worlds apart.

  ‘You look beautiful.’

  She tried her best to look the shy, apprehensive bride.

  He turned away and looked out of the window. A sick feeling gripped him. But his thoughts were interrupted by the postman, a friendly chap who always had time for pleasantries, and who was now tapping on the window, just before they drove away. Justin smiled and before Lucy could stop him, he jumped out. The postman handed him a letter, waved, smiled at Lucy, and went on his way. Justin climbed back into the car and laughed. ‘Ahh, the postie just offered his congratulations.’

  Lucy was clearly annoyed and glared at the franked envelope, seeing it was from Justin’s solicitor, and in a quick effort to stop him reading it before the wedding, she snatched it and tried to shove it into her small vintage bag. But he grabbed it back. ‘Don’t be silly, I can leave it in the car.’ But as he looked at the letter, his eyes widened.

  ‘Justin, please don’t bog yourself down with things now. We have a wedding to get to. Don’t let this spoil our day.’

  He contemplated the notion for a few seconds and agreed, placing the letter on the back shelf.

  The registry office building looked grand enough, but it wasn’t Justin’s idea of a perfect wedding. Still, he didn’t want to dampen Lucy’s enthusiasm, and so he
forced his mouth to smile every time she looked his way.

  They walked together through the main doors and were escorted to the ceremony room where two of his mechanics were waiting, having agreed to get dressed up and be the witnesses. The small room was already laid out with a few rows of chairs, each one tied with cream bows. He guessed they were having another ceremony soon after. Griff and Lee, both in their early twenties, nodded in his direction and made their way towards him, whilst the lady who would be conducting the service escorted Lucy into a side room.

  As soon as she was out of sight, Griff grabbed Justin’s shoulder. ‘Boss, you look like you’re going to a fucking funeral not your own wedding. Are you sure about this? I mean, I don’t want to cause offence but …’ He looked around the room. ‘No one’s turned up, Boss. Is anyone else coming or what?’

  Justin fidgeted, now a complete bag of nerves. He needed to get a grip. Glancing down at his shiny black patent shoes, he replied, ‘No, Griff, it’s just a formality really, you know, to get married before the baby arrives.’

  Lee, the taller, slimmer of the two young men, coughed discreetly as the registrar walked in. She hurried over to the men. ‘Right, if you will take your places, we’ll play the music.’ She was assertive and seemed to be in a hurry. Justin shadowed her to the table whilst Griff and Lee followed with their heads down, as if they were standing before the headmaster.

  As soon as the music began to play Adele’s ‘Make You Feel My Love’, Griff nudged Justin. ‘You don’t have to go through with it, you know,’ he mumbled under his breath but received a nasty sneer from the registrar for his boldness.


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