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Daisy and the Dead (Book 6): Elijah and the End

Page 10

by Bale, Sarah

  He scooped me into his arms, carrying me from the shower, to the bedroom. I shivered when he placed me on the bed, but was quickly warmed as he covered my body with his own. He slid into me slowly, filling me to the brim. I moaned and he silenced me with a kiss that left me dripping between my legs. When he thrust, it was the most pleasurable thing I’d ever felt in my life.

  “Fuck. I’ve missed this,” he panted out.

  I rocked beneath him, seeking another orgasm. The sound of our bodies meeting thrust for thrust was the most beautiful thing. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him deeper. When he kissed my taunt nipple, I gasped in sweet agony.


  With a wicked grin, he showered my other breast with the same attention. Waves of ecstasy throbbed though me and I knew I was close. I was ready to yield to the searing need I had for him that had been building for months.

  “Daisy! Fuck!”

  The hot tide of passion raged through us as we shattered at the same time. My breaths came in long, surrendering moans that mixed with his cries of pleasure as we moved against each other until we were spent.

  When we were done, Elijah rolled off me, pulling me into his embrace.

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “Hi.”

  Smiling I replied, “Hi to you as well.”

  “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”

  I shook my head. “You were perfect.”

  We laid in each other’s arms for a while before his hardness pressed into my side. Grinning, I climbed onto of him, straddling him.

  “Ride me, dirty girl,” he said with a smile that made my heart melt.

  Leaning forward, I kissed him. His cock grew even harder inside of me until I had no choice but to ride him. Each thrust felt deeper than the next and I moaned, losing myself to pleasure. When I came, I cried out his name. He was right behind me, filling me to the brim with his seed.

  There was a fluttering in my stomach that I hadn’t felt before and I gasped.

  “What is it?”

  Reaching for his hand, I pressed it on my stomach. His dark eyes met mine as his face lit up in joy.

  “Is that-”

  I nodded, my eyes filling with tears. “That’s our baby saying hello.”

  His eyes misted over. “Hi there, little one. This is your daddy.”

  There was another flutter and we both laughed.

  “That right there is what kept me going. It gave me hope.”

  His expression turned somber and I shook my head.

  “No more of that, Elijah.” I pressed his hand harder against my stomach. “This right here is our new beginning. No more looking back. Instead, we’re going to look to our future as a family.”

  He nodded. “Guess I can’t argue with a pregnant woman still straddling me.”

  I laughed. “Damn right.”

  He leaned forward, kissing me. “You are right, Daisy. This is the start of our new life together. And I want to do it right. Will you marry me?”

  Grinning, I nodded. “Of course I will, Sir.”

  His eyes darkened, and I kissed him, letting my tongue lick and taste his mouth.

  “You fight dirty,” he whispered.

  “Just wait until I’ve rested.”


  “I plan on showing you just how dirty I can get.”

  His expression made me laugh and feel so much joy at the same time. In a million years, I never thought I’d find the love of my life during the zombie apocalypse. No matter what happened, we would always find a way to work through our problems and become closer in the process. And I couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

  “I love you, Daisy.”

  “And I love you, Elijah.”


  7 Months later


  Elijah came into the room, trying to be quiet. He smelled like fresh hay and sweat, a scent that reminded me that our little community was growing.

  “Is she sleeping?”

  I nodded, pulling the blanket back so he could see baby Dahlia nestled next to me. She was still small for being three months old, but Elijah assured me she was healthy. Still, sometimes I woke up at night just to make sure she was okay. I think it was something mothers had done since the beginning of time and would do until the end of time. I was just glad I didn’t wake up from nightmares anymore. Healing mentally had taken some time, but I knew I was on the right path.

  “She zonked out right after she ate.”

  He gave me a wicked grin. “Can’t say that I blame her. If I got to drink from your delectable tits, I’d fall asleep a happy man, too.”

  I glanced down at my full breasts and grinned. “Is that so?” Sitting, I motioned him over, so I could kiss him. “Mmm. I’ve missed you today.”

  He kissed me back, letting his hand trail to cup one of my breasts. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  “Now, don’t get any ideas. I’m under strict orders from my doctor not to be intimate for a few more weeks.”

  He made a face that looked pain stricken. “Is it really two more weeks? I think your doctor is an idiot.”

  “You’re my doctor, in case you’ve forgotten.” I snorted. “And you’ll be fine, big boy.”

  “What can I say? I’m just anxious to start working on my garden full of little flowers.”

  I swear my heart melted even more, if that was even possible.

  I replied, “I told you we don’t have to name every kid we have after flowers. Dahlia just fit her.”

  Jo was the one who had found the name Dahlia in a baby book Nancy had given her. According to the book, it meant inner strength. And that summed my baby girl up perfectly. She was a fighter, with her daddy’s eyes and my blonde hair.

  He kissed me again. “We’ll just have to wait and see, I guess.”

  I smiled and asked, “Are you already done for the day?” At his look, I said, “I didn’t think you’d be back until the sun went down.”

  “We have some visitors at the gate. It’s the four people I told you about who gave us the tank during the war.”

  The war seemed so long ago, but at the same time felt like it had happened just yesterday. Sometimes I would look for Noah or Marianne and remember they were gone.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “The woman, Paige, said they were on their way out of town when she convinced them to stop by and say goodbye. I think she’s hoping they can stay.”

  I said, “As long as they’re good people, then I think it’s great news.”

  “Me, too.”

  I sighed. “Guess that means I should get dressed and go greet them.”

  “That’s why I’m here, Madame President.”

  I crinkled my nose. “Now I know how you felt being called Boss all those years.”

  “There’s a big difference, Daisy. You were chosen by people to be our leader. I just kind of fell into the role.”

  I still couldn’t believe that our people had wanted me to be the leader, at least for the next four years. We were making a new democracy in the zombie apocalypse and I was honored to be the first leader in this new world.

  He wiggled his eyebrows, “Plus, it’s sexy as hell being married to the President.”

  “And I do love having such a sexy First Husband.”

  He flexed and I giggled, letting him help me from the bed. Dahlia didn’t even stir, which was a blessing. She also had her father’s cranky disposition upon waking, so I tried to let her wake on her own.

  Elijah handed me my shirt and pants.

  I asked, “What about the baby?”

  “Kat and Hilly are going to come sit with her while we’re out.”

  We made our way to the front lobby where a young woman and three older men stood. Elijah hadn’t been kidding – they were old enough to be her father, but I knew better than to judge a book by its cover. The way they stood around her was proof they wanted to protect her.

  “Good afternoon,” I said with a smile. “Welco
me to our community.”

  The young woman stepped forward and said, “I’m Paige. It’s so nice to meet you. When Elijah told us that you were okay, we were so relieved.”

  “Thank you.” I paused. “Elijah said you were leaving Oklahoma? Would you like a tour before you go?”

  Paige’s eyes twinkled. “I would love that.”

  Grey and Norm stepped forward, ready to show our guests around.

  As they left, one of the men with Paige whispered, “Holy shit! Isn’t that they guy from Jurassic Zombies?”

  I bit back a smile as the group left for their tour. Norm might not ever live down being on that show before the apocalypse began. It was amusing to see he still had fans even to this day.

  Elijah came to my side, pulling me into his embrace.

  “Today is going to be a damn good day.”

  1 year later

  Nikki tossed her bag into the truck and came over to me. The warm breeze blew around us and brought the scent of flowers from the gardens near the hospital. It was comforting and yet I knew nothing could stop the ache I felt in my chest.

  “Don’t cry. If you do, then I’m going to cry, too.”

  I blinked back tears. “I’m just sad to see you go. I feel like I’m losing my sister.”

  Her eyes misted over. “This isn’t forever. I just… I have to do this. It was his last wish.”

  Nikki had confided in me that right before dying, Noah had said he wanted to go back home, to California. He knew it was a longshot that his family was alive, but he had to see for himself. I think I understood that need better than anyone, but I still hated to see her leave.

  Over her shoulder, Dave and Elijah were embracing. This was going to be hard on everyone.

  “Well, hug me one more time,” I said, wiping my tears away, trying to smile.

  We hugged and then she hugged Jo and Kat.

  “We’ll be back before you know it,” she said with a watery smile.

  We all knew that might not be the case. This might be the last time we saw each other, but, as Jo liked to remind everyone, we had to have faith that things would work out.

  Nikki said to Jo, “Let me kiss baby Noah goodbye.”

  Jo pulled back the blanket and Nikki pressed her lips against little Noah’s forehead. Jo and Norm had both agreed it was only fitting to name their son after the man who had saved Norm.

  “Goodbye, little one.”

  Nikki turned and went to the truck, climbing in. Dave and Elijah hugged one last time before Dave joined her in the truck. Rocco, Hunter, and Jeff all waved as they got it. We all stayed outside until we couldn’t see them anymore.

  Inhaling, I said, “They’ll be back one day.”

  I had to believe that.

  1.5 years later

  Dahlia and Noah toddled around, following Hilly. She was just like her mother and loved telling the other kids what to do, red hair and all. There were other new children in our community, too, and once a week all the parents would get together to let the little ones play.

  Kat lounged next to me, rubbing her full stomach. “This one is going to be a boy. I know it.”

  I put my hand on her belly, where the baby was visibly kicking. “What makes you think that?”

  “He’s totally different than Hilly was. Always moving and kicking. I never get any rest at night, either.”

  I replied, “You know, Elijah can use the portable ultrasound and tell you for sure.”

  She shook her head. “I want to be surprised this time.”

  2 years later

  “Hilly! Stop trying to put bugs down your sisters’ pants!” Kat yelled next to me. She turned and said, “The twins already go through more laundry than the rest of us.”

  I smiled. “But look at those cute faces. Doesn’t that make it worth it?”

  We looked at little Lindsay and Maegan, who were covered in dirt.

  Kat let out a happy sigh. “Yeah. It does. I just hope the next one is a boy.”

  My eyes widened. “Are you?”

  She nodded and I leaned over, hugging her.

  “Well, maybe we’ll both have boys this time.”

  She gasped. “Daisy!”

  I grinned. “I told Elijah last night. He cried so hard he woke Dahlia.”

  But it had been happy tears. Because our little garden was growing.

  3.5 years later

  Elijah and I ate in the cafeteria, with Dahlia and baby Jared at our side. Elijah had gotten his wish by keeping up the flower theme in our children’s names, because Jared meant rose in Hebrew. I smiled. My mom would have been thrilled knowing one of her grandkids had become a namesake.

  Cooper and Theo had outdone themselves, making steaks, potatoes, and fresh greens. Just another sign that our community was thriving.

  Elijah asked, “Have you thought about it anymore?”

  “Having another baby or the other?”

  His eyes softened. “You don’t play fair. You know I want to have another baby. I meant had you thought about the election?”

  My first term as President was coming to an end, but no one wanted to run against me. I loved what I did, but some days were tougher than others, like when we had to make an example out of a group who had stolen from us. Those were the days I could live without. But, I was thankful to have Elijah at my side, ready to listen to me vent or cry.

  I replied, “If they will have me for another term, then I’m happy to be reelected.”

  He grinned. “I’ll let Grey know. He’s been pretty worried about it.”

  “Speaking of the devil, he’s headed this way.”

  Grey came toward us, carrying a baby girl in each arm, one in a sling around his chest, and little Hilly hanging onto his leg. It was as comical as it was precious seeing him with so many little daughters.

  “Madame President.”

  I laughed, “You don’t have to call me that, Grey.”

  “I do. Just like I have to call him Boss,” he said, jabbing a thumb in Elijah’s direction.

  Elijah winked at me, “Let him have this one.”


  Grey said, “I’m here on official business. There’s a small group at the gate. One woman and four guys.”

  My heart leapt. “Is it Nikki?”

  “No. Woman says her name is Ella. Says she’s related to Marianne.”

  Elijah and I exchanged glances.

  I said, “Bring the group to the lobby.” When Grey was gone, I asked Elijah, “Do you think it’s her half-sister?”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  I stood. “Let’s go welcome our new guests.”

  We left our kids with Theo and Cooper, who were the best uncles any kid could ask for. As we left, we passed so many familiar faces. Paige, Rhys, Austin, and Darren sat at a table playing cards. They all fit in nicely with our community and I was glad they had decided to stay for now. Jo, Norm, and little Noah were talking to Nancy and her new boyfriend. It made me happy that Nancy was finally allowing herself to be happy. That’s what Andrews would have wanted, after all.

  All around us, life was thriving. Over the years we had lost a handful to the Dead, but things felt like they were shifting, like maybe we would win this war after all. That the living would come out on top.

  We reached the lobby and I stopped. The woman sitting on the couch looked like a younger version of Marianne. Elijah and I exchanged glances.

  Smiling, I said, “Welcome to our community. I’m Daisy.”

  The woman stood. “I’m Ella. Is my sister, Marianne here?”

  “Let’s go talk,” I replied. “And hopefully we can answer any questions that you might have.”

  It was strange how little bits of our past could creep up on us like this. What had led Ella to us? Was it a coincidence or something else?

  Ella asked, “Can my friends come, too?”

  “Of course.”

  I knew that this might not be easy for Ella to hear, but hopefully we would be able
to provide her some answers and peace.

  Because, at the end of the day, that’s what we all deserved.

  Elijah stopped me outside of the conference room after the small group had gone inside.

  “How did I get so fortunate to have you in my life?”

  “I believe you pulled me from the loft of a barn, Sir.”

  We both grinned at each other.

  “Would you change any of it?”

  I thought back to all of our moments together; the good and the bad.

  “Hell no. You’re stuck with me, Elijah.”

  He kissed me. “No, not stuck with you, Daisy. Fucking lucky to have you.”

  Grinning, I said, “Just for that, you’re getting lucky tonight.”

  “My dirty girl,” he all but growled. “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for going on this journey with me. This is where Daisy and Elijah’s story ends, but you never know when you might see a familiar face.

  That being said, Nikki’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse 2 will be out this summer. You’ll get to see what happened to Nikki, Dave, Rocco, Harper, and Jeff when they left Oklahoma and if they made it to California.

  I also have short read planned to release soon that shows how Paige meets Rhys, Austin, and Darren. Believe me, it’s sexy and full of surprises.

  And, Ella and her friends have a story of their own to tell. The Debutante and the Dead will be out late summer/early fall.

  If you’ve enjoyed reading this world, please sign up for my newsletter, where you’ll get release dates, cover reveals, and other book news.

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