Ride Her Hard (The Hard Boys Book 1)

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Ride Her Hard (The Hard Boys Book 1) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Eliza, it’s not my secret to tell. It’s yours.”

  They finished their meal and their wine. He didn’t take another glass but Eliza did.

  “Dessert?” he asked.

  “I think this has to be the worst date you’ve ever been on.”

  “Nah, it’s not the worst date. This is probably the best date. There isn’t a single moment I would change about this.”

  They shared some cheesecake and a chocolate torte. By the end of the evening, he had her laughing about some of his and his brothers’ antics.

  “I bet you love them, really,” she said.

  “I do, most of the time. You know, Rome is having a hard time with women and dating.”

  “He is?”

  “Yeah, he doesn’t know how to get them to eat when he’s on a date with them.”

  She laughed. “What does eating have to do with it?”

  “He’s got a healthy appetite. He likes to eat and the women he dates love salad.”

  “I don’t know if I should be embarrassed by what I ate,” she said.

  He paid for the bill and they left the restaurant, walking back to his car. He opened the passenger door, cupped her waist, and leaned in close. “Do you want me to take you home?”

  “Are you asking me back to your place for a nightcap?”

  “I’m asking you what you want.” He stroked her cheek. “I want you to know, Eliza, that this is the first date of many.”

  She smiled. “Are you trying to tell me you want to date me?”

  “Yeah, I want you to be mine.”

  “Well, a guy has to ask first. He can’t just assume.”

  “Eliza Reid, will you be mine?”

  She tilted her head to the side and smiled. “I’d like that. Let’s go to your place.”

  He helped her into the car, leaning in to buckle her seat belt, grazing across her breasts as he did.

  His cock was already rock-hard, standing at attention, and he wanted to be inside her more than anything.

  James didn’t know how he got behind the wheel without running. After pulling out of the parking lot, he drove home, painfully aware of her.

  Once he was parked, he got out of the car, and together, they walked inside his home. He closed the door and pressed her up against it, sinking his fingers inside her hair, kissing her hard, and plunging into her mouth.

  She ran her hands down his back, cupping his ass, and moaned as he broke from the kiss, trailing his lips to her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  He reached for the clasp to her dress and pulled it down, wanting her naked. Needing her body pressed against his. Together, they tore at each other’s clothes until they only had on their underwear. Picking her up in his arms, he cupped her ass and walked upstairs, heading toward his bedroom.

  “You need to stop carrying me.”

  “I’ve got no problem with you in my arms.” He gave her ass another squeeze. They made it past the stairs and he heard a male throat clear.

  Eliza let out a gasp and buried her head against his chest.

  “Rome, is that you?” James asked.

  “Yep, I decided to crash here.”

  “And it’s me,” Caleb said.

  “Caleb and Rome.” He felt Eliza laughing against his chest. “Well, you know where everything is so, go about your business.”

  He walked into his room, kicked his door closed, and dropped her to the bed, falling on top of her, but making sure she didn’t take all of his weight. She was laughing as he stared down at her.

  “As you can see, there’s a problem with having brothers. They invade your space all the time.”

  “I can see that.” She kissed him.

  “Do you want me to take you home?” he asked.


  There was no denying Eliza was a little embarrassed by what had just happened. It wasn’t every day you were carried to bed in your underwear, about to have wild hot sex, and you encounter your date’s brothers. It would be easy to go home, but she didn’t want to.

  “Your brothers aren’t gossips, are they?”

  “No. I’d kill them if they even breathed a word.”

  “This is your home.”


  “And I’ve had a really good night.” She ran her hand down his body, cupping his dick through his boxer briefs.

  “So have I.”

  “I don’t have a problem with them. I won’t be thinking about them with you inside me, James. It will all be you.”

  “Good answer.”

  He took possession of her mouth and she moaned his name, gasping for more as he spread her thighs open. She tugged his underwear out of the way to hold his thick length. He was so hard and she wanted him inside her.

  James pulled away first, pushing her hands so she wasn’t touching him. He flicked the catch of her bra and it burst open. She took it off her arms, and then he tugged on her panties, and she slid right out of them.

  He removed his boxer briefs and then he was on her. His mouth kissing her, moving down to suck on both of her nipples, working her body.

  She pushed him back, though. He’d been the one to lick and suck her to release. Now it was her turn to have some fun. With him on his back, she straddled his body. He cupped her hips.

  Leaning down, she kissed him, but she caressed down his chest. Flicking his nipples, she went to his cock. After wrapping her fingers around his length, she pumped him within her fist, licking the tip before taking the entire length in her mouth until he hit the back of her throat.

  “Oh, fuck me,” he said.

  “Not yet, but close.” She bobbed her head on his length, not wanting to stop as she liked the taste of his pre-cum and wanting him to come in her mouth, to taste him.

  He pulled off her, though, and pushed her to the bed. It was a little fight, but he got her legs open and slid inside her with ease.

  She gasped his name. “Condom!”


  James quickly pulled out of her and she watched as he looked for a condom. With his focus on protection, she spread her legs open and started to touch herself while watching him.

  He tore into the condom packet and slid the latex over his length.

  “You are everything,” he said. He took her ankle, kissing her and working his way up her body until he got to her pussy. She was still stroking herself, and he pressed his face against her. His tongue lapped between her fingers and she moaned for more. Gliding his tongue down to her entrance, he pressed forward, fucking her, wanting to have his cock balls-deep inside her once again. She cried out his name as he moved back to her clit, sucking the nub into his mouth, working her up and down, around, and then biting down, creating just enough pain to make her beg for more.

  She rubbed her pussy with her fingers at the same time. When he pushed two of his within her walls, he knew she was close, but he wasn’t going to let her come, not without his dick inside her.

  Pulling away, he moved between her spread legs, wrapping his fingers around his latex-covered cock and placing the tip at her cunt. She stared into his eyes as he pushed forward and gasped as he worked inside her. Taking his time, he didn’t seem to be in any kind of rush. She didn’t want this to be over too fast either. He pressed forward and pulled back, rocking back and forth, creating just the right amount of pleasure to keep her at the peak but not truly allowing her to come over.

  She cried his name and he pushed her hand away, locking it above her head as he held her in place. Taking possession of her in a way she never had been before. She liked it and arched for more.

  He broke the kiss, long enough to take one of her nipples into his mouth as he fucked her hard, driving into her deep, shocking her with the force of his thrusts. James was the one in control, not her, and she relished every second of it, begging for more.

  After she rocked her hips against him, he suddenly pulled out. Without asking her to move, he flipped her over, getting her to her knees, and then he was back inside her again.r />
  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about this?” he asked. His hands cupped both of her tits, holding them as if they were the ones to control him.

  She couldn’t get enough as he trailed kisses along her shoulders. From this angle, he seemed to go deeper.

  He grabbed the cheeks of her ass, spreading them wide, and she heard him moan. “You’re so fucking pretty. Even with the condom on, I can see how wet you are.” Over and over, he slammed inside her.

  She had no choice but to hold the headboard as he powered into her, fucking her harder.

  His hand ran down from her tit to cup her pussy. His fingers working between her slit, stroking her clit, driving her orgasm even higher than before. She screamed his name, over and over. This time, when she came hard, he didn’t stop. He held her still. She felt the pulse of his arousal and was a little lost that he’d used the condom, but she had to stay sane. Whatever this was with James, she had to keep her head. They had only agreed to date and she wasn’t going to allow herself to fall into any kind of trap. She’d seen it happen, and had promised herself long ago that she wouldn’t end up with a man just because she was pregnant.

  She knew the last time they were together, they hadn’t used a condom, but there had to be a low risk, or she hoped there was.

  Collapsing to the bed, James panted in her ear. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his arms wrapped around her. “So, do you think this is how prom would have gone?” she asked.

  “Nah, I would have been way too nervous.”

  She chuckled. “This is so much better.”

  “Much, much better.” He kissed her neck. “Did you always intend to come back home?”

  The sudden change of topic surprised her. Glancing back at him, she saw him watching her. “Yeah, I always wanted to come back here, you know. This place is my home.”

  “It’s odd because most people want to get out.”

  She covered his hands with her own. “Is that what you want?”

  “Nah, I was a weird one. I liked it here. I took a couple of courses at the local college to qualify as a plumber and electrician. A few business courses, you know, that kind of thing. I know it’s a small town, and to a lot of people, it’s not for them, but for me, this is my home. My family is here and when I make one for myself, I want them to have the same upbringing as me.”

  She smiled. “You make it all sound so easy.”

  “It can be easy, so long as you give yourself a chance to dream.”

  She sighed, snuggling against him. “I need to go home.”

  “You don’t need to go anywhere.”

  “Your brothers can hear,” she said, remembering Caleb and Rome were still in the house.

  “Let them. Believe me, don’t be embarrassed.”

  “Do you bring women back here all the time?” Eliza didn’t really know if she wanted to hear the truth or not. Was it really important to know if he had a different woman here every single day of the week?

  It wasn’t like she’d been home for too long.

  “No, I don’t.”

  She looked behind her to see he looked close to falling asleep. “You don’t?”

  “No. This is my place and when you bring a woman back, they start to get ideas.”


  “Yeah, like this is forever.” He kissed her neck.

  She frowned. Did he even realize what he was saying? “James, you brought me back here.” Not just once either, but a couple of times.

  “Yeah, imagine that.”

  What did that mean? Did he see them together for forever? His words, not hers.

  “Close your eyes, go to sleep, Eliza. You can analyze in the morning.”

  Chapter Seven

  “You’re making pancakes?” Caleb asked, coming downstairs in only a pair of boxer briefs with Rome not too far behind.

  James ignored his brother’s puzzled look as he flipped the last three. He’d been making pancakes for the last hour. He’d put them in a low oven to keep warm. The coffee was brewing, and all he needed to do was heat the syrup, and most of the breakfast would be done. He’d also cooked his brothers some sausage and hash browns.

  There really wasn’t anything else to do.

  Running fingers through his hair, he saw Caleb was still staring at him like he was a foreign being.


  “You really, really, really like this woman,” Caleb said, sitting at the counter.

  “I told you and Rome that I was going out on a date last night and you both decided to crash. Why?”

  “You’re our big brother. I need to make sure the woman you’re fawning over is worth it.”

  “Seriously? You’re going to do this to me?” James asked. When he’d woken up with Eliza still fast asleep in his arms, he’d felt overwhelming love for her. He couldn’t recall another time he’d been this fucking happy. Only remembering his brothers were here could spoil the moment with him.

  “We’re taking care of you,” Rome said. “You know, how little brothers are supposed to. That kind of thing.”

  He shook his head. “No, I want you both out. I don’t want you here when Eliza wakes up.”

  “Why not?” Eliza asked, coming into the kitchen. She walked right up to him, wearing one of his shirts that came to her knees. Her hair was a mess, and she wore no makeup, but she looked like a goddess. She put her hands on his chest, going to her tiptoes and kissing him. “Morning.”

  “Morning, beautiful.” His cock ached and he wanted to be inside her again.

  “So why can’t your brothers be here while I am?” she asked, looking back to the coffee.

  “It’ll be ready in a minute.”

  She smiled, resting her head against his chest.

  He closed his eyes, breathing in her scent, and just basked in her closeness. He felt like a fucking kid who had just gotten all the candy.

  His brothers watched him with a smirk on their faces that made him want to murder them.

  “Do you really want to see their ugly faces first thing in the morning?” he said by way of response when he realized she was still waiting for an answer to her question.

  “I don’t mind. They’re your brothers. I think you’re being a little mean, but if that’s what you’re all used to…” she said.

  “Don’t let him think for a second he should call us those names, Eliza. He’s being a mean, nasty man. You shouldn’t put up with him.”

  She chuckled. “I’m not going to allow myself to come between siblings. Do you guys have a problem with me being here with your brother?”

  “Babe, you don’t need to ask them that.”

  “What are your intentions?” Caleb asked, looking way too smug.

  There would come a day when he’d make his brother pay.

  “My intentions?” She looked back at James. “I don’t know. I think James and I are having a good time.”

  “James, is this true?” Rome asked.

  He put his hands on Eliza’s shoulders. “Eliza and I will figure this out on our own. I don’t need my brothers attempting to embarrass me by pretending to protect me. Coffee is done. I’ve made breakfast. Are you hungry?”


  James poured her a cup and then went about serving her some food before taking care of his brothers. Once again, he caught sight of Rome watching her eat and he made a motion for him to cut it out.

  “This is really good.” She grabbed his arm and looked at the time, wincing. “I need to go help my aunt today. She’s got one of the biggest deliveries. She’s catering to a wedding and we need to arrange them all to perfection.”

  “We’ll finish up breakfast and I’ll take you.”

  “Thanks.” She rested her head on his shoulder again. It was an action he really could get used to. He had to gain his composure around her or he was really going to fucking lose it. Did she even remember what he’d said to her? Did she want to talk about it?

  “Do you like working
for your aunt?” Caleb asked.

  “Of course.”

  “You want to be a florist for the rest of your life?” Rome asked.

  “You guys don’t know tact, do you?”

  “It’s a simple question,” Caleb said.

  “One you don’t have to answer.” He really was going to kill his brothers. Since when were they so protective of him? He couldn’t recall a time they cared this much about a woman he was with.

  In fact, in the past, he and Caleb used to go trawling the bars in a couple of towns to chase women. Why did they care now?

  “I love working with my aunt. She’s always been there for me and if she ever left me the shop, I’d take care of it, but it’s not where my passion is. To be honest, I don’t know where my passion really is. I know I like to work hard and make a living, but that’s about it. Are you making sure I’m not after whatever family fortune you guys have?” she asked.

  “We don’t have any fortune.”

  “But if we did, would it help your decision?” Rome asked.

  She laughed. “It must have been fun to have you two as brothers. I get the feeling you’re both troublemakers.” She finished her pancakes and coffee. “I’m going to get dressed.” She kissed him again on the cheek.

  The moment she was gone, he grabbed his brothers’ half-finished plates. “Out.”

  “James, come on.”

  “I mean it. Get the fuck out.”

  “We were only having a little fun.”

  “Yeah, and you both know how I feel about her, so you can continue to have your fun elsewhere. I don’t even want to hear any excuse.”

  He knew he was being harsh, but he really liked this woman and there was no way he was going to allow them to mess it up.


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