Ride Her Hard (The Hard Boys Book 1)

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Ride Her Hard (The Hard Boys Book 1) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  With them gone, he cleaned the plates, left them to drain, and grabbed his keys. He poured them both a coffee in the two travel mugs he owned. While he waited by the front door, Eliza came down, wearing a pair of his sweatpants and shirt.

  “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. You look beautiful.”

  She blushed. “I don’t think I can get used to that.”

  “What? Me calling you beautiful.”

  “Yeah, it’s kind of weird.”

  “You need to get used to it. I think you are.”

  “I don’t know if your brothers like me.”

  “They like you. They’re just being a big pain in the ass.” He pulled her into his arms, but he still held the drinks so he had to be careful. Taking possession of her lips, he kissed her. She ran her hands up his chest and sank her fingers into his hair.

  She was the first one to pull away. “I really enjoyed last night.”

  “Let’s do it again tonight.”

  “Won’t I be stealing you away from the other girls?” she asked.

  “There is no other girl. Remember what I said last night. You know what it means.”

  She averted her gaze and he hated that.

  “I … I don’t know for certain … you want me?”

  “Yeah, I want all of you and not for just some fun either. I’m not saying that I haven’t had my fair share of women, but I won’t take another woman. I want you, Eliza. Just you.”

  “Okay, then another date.”

  “And I promise to get my locks completely changed between now and then. Tonight, there will be no interference from my brothers.”

  “It’s fine. They’re your family. It must be nice.”

  He saw her cheeks go a deeper shade of red. “You’ve got Aunt Betty.”

  “I know. I know I’ve got her and I don’t mean to be unkind, but, you know what, it’s nothing.”

  “It’s something,” he said, not letting this go.

  She pushed some hair off her face. He loved the blonde locks especially like this, a little messy, giving her that just-fucked look. She belonged in his bed.

  He just loved Eliza and there was no point in pretending. She owned a part of him without even trying. If she wanted to, she could crush his heart, and he’d give her the fucking key to do it, just so long as she’d be his.

  “There has only ever been my aunt and me. I guess I always thought about, you know, having a family of my own one day. A big family, so there’s no chance of ever being alone. Wow, I have just dumped a whole load of issues on this without even trying.”

  He smiled. “I can share my family. I’ve got no problems with that.”

  “Still want to go on a date with me?”

  “Hell, yeah, you’re not getting away from me that easily.”


  “I guess it’s good I didn’t wait up to see what time you came in,” Aunt Betty said from where she stood at the counter. The shop had yet to open, but from the smile on her face, Eliza knew her aunt wasn’t mad.

  “You did say you weren’t going to stay up.”

  “And I didn’t, so you have no reason to worry. So, how was it?”

  She smiled.

  “I know that look.”

  “He wants to go out again. I think that’s a good thing. I didn’t put him off.” She winced, recalling what they talked about. Staring at her aunt, she was suddenly overcome with a huge amount of guilt.

  “Of course you’re not going to put him off. Why would you? You’re a beautiful woman and if you’d given me chance all those years ago, I would have dealt with him the way a guy who promises to ask you to the prom should have been dealt with.”

  She laughed. “It was all just rumor.”

  “I know but even rumors have a certain level of truth to them.”

  “They do?”


  “So you and the principal once got it on?” she asked. Aunt Betty and the high school principal had gone on multiple dates and they’d suddenly come to a stop. Eliza remembered some of the kids being complete dicks about it, saying she would only pass because her aunt was fucking her way to get a decent mark.

  She’d never said anything to Aunt Betty about it as she didn’t want to worry her, but now she had to wonder.

  “No, me and the principal never got it on. He wanted me to try and find your mother. He didn’t think it was right that I was taking the responsibility of you, and seeing as he was questioning my very own life, I ended what we had. He never got past a nice little peck on the cheek, thank you very much.”

  “I got in the way of so many dates,” she said. That puddle of guilt deep in the pit of her stomach multiplied into a lake, making her feel like shit.

  “No,” Aunt Betty said, moving from behind the counter. “You never cost me anything.” She came to her, stroking her hair back from her face.

  “But you could have been happily married now. A couple of kids of your own. You know, happy. Instead, you’ve got me.”

  “Now, I don’t know when I raised an insecure girl, but I want you to listen to me. Yes, there were men who couldn’t handle that I was taking care of my niece, but you know what? I don’t care. The reason I’m single is because I want to be. If a man cannot handle that I’m happy with you, and helping you, being there for you, then I don’t want them in my life. It’s as simple as that, Eliza. For me, it has been a pleasure and will continue to be so, helping you, seeing you grow. Even making a few mistakes along the way. I’ll be here for you.”

  “I don’t want to make mistakes.”

  “It’s always there, honey. You’ve got to make mistakes, to learn from them. It’s what you’ve got to do.”

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” she said. There was no way she could live with this kind of guilt anymore. “I don’t want to hurt you, and I wasn’t going to tell you, but, I think you need to know. When I was in the city, I went to go and find my mom. The one who gave birth to me.”

  Aunt Betty didn’t pull away.

  “I found her and she was still using, and … I realized something. She wasn’t my mom. She gave birth to me and can claim to be my mom but she’s not. You’re my mom and I love you.”

  “I know,” she said. “And I know that you went to see her. I also know she passed away not long after. I got a call from a police officer. My contact information was all they had.”

  “Wait, you knew I’d gone to see her?”

  “Yes. After your visit with her, she called me. She told me that I did a good job with you. That my calling was to look after kids after all.” She smiled. “It was the first time your mother said anything even remotely nice to me.”

  She pressed her lips together. “Were you angry?”

  “No. I knew you’d go and find your answers. I hope it made you realize that you’re nothing like her.”

  “Look at me, Aunt Betty. I’m thirty years old and I’ve achieved nothing.”

  She sighed. “You’re still alive. You’re entering a relationship with a guy who is pretty damn amazing, I’m going to guess. He comes from a good family and I know he will only want what’s best for you. Of course this is going to come with the talk. I will be having a strict talk with this boy.”

  “Aunt Betty,” she said, groaning.

  “I didn’t get to make many talks when you were growing up, but I think it’s my right and I am going to see it through. That boy will know to keep his hands to himself by the time I’m through with him.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you too. Now, go and wipe your face. I don’t need you crying into the flowers. We’ve got a big order to fill and even if you hate it, I still need your help.” Her aunt kissed her cheek, and Eliza disappeared into the back of the shop.

  After closing the bathroom door, she splashed some cold water onto her face. Lifting her head up, she stared at her reflection. Since meeting her mother, one of her biggest
fears was turning out like her. Even though she’d worked her ass off through high school, college had been a complete bust. Then moving from job to job, she’d gotten a couple of boyfriends as well. Her life wasn’t exactly pleasing in the city.

  Shaking all of the fears from her mind, she ran a brush through her hair, pulling it up into a ponytail before joining her aunt to prepare one of their biggest orders.

  “So, was James a gentleman?” Aunt Betty asked.

  The feel of his hands gripping her waist as he pounded inside her flashed through her mind, and she smiled. “The perfect one.”

  Her aunt would love him because he was the polite man who held doors, made breakfast, but in the bedroom, he became something else. Her body hummed to life.

  “Good. He was always a good kid. I know he and his brothers have a reputation, but you can’t let that put you off.”

  She chuckled. “I know.”

  “Don’t be smart with me, sweetie. You know what I mean. Be careful of the thorns on the roses. They have a serious bite today.”

  “Didn’t she want any daisies or something?”

  “Nope. Roses and tulips for some reason. I don’t judge what a woman wants on her wedding day. A lot of women dream of their wedding for a lot of years.”

  “You know I never did,” Eliza said. “I never had a booklet with dresses or ideas.”

  “I know. You rather enjoyed playing happy family instead.”

  Eliza paused. “I did.”

  “Yep. I got you one of those kitchen things, you know with the stove and oven. Some pretend food. You would spend hours pretending to vacuum, cook a meal. It was a big thing for you. I often felt guilty that you were trying to tell me you wanted a big family, but I wasn’t able to give one to you.”

  Eliza had forgotten about that. It seemed so long ago and in a way, it was. A big, happy family. Something she always wanted. There was no point trying to imagine it though.

  She worked with the flowers, humming to herself as she did. There was no music to be heard as her aunt liked to work without the interference of the radio, and also, she liked the conversation with the customers.

  The doorbell rang and she turned to see it was James, complete with coffee and lunch. “I thought you’d be way too busy to remember lunch and I thought I’d drop by.”

  “Wow, you are a man after my own heart,” Aunt Betty said. She got to her feet, taking the offered coffee and food. “I have a phone call to make that is suddenly just happening right now.”

  “My aunt doesn’t know tact,” Eliza said, smiling at her aunt’s obvious lies. “This is nice, thank you.”

  James put the food and coffee down and grasped her waist, pulling her in tight. “It was an excuse to do this.” He claimed her lips for his own, and Eliza knew there was so much more she could be losing right now.

  Her heart being one of them.

  Chapter Eight

  “I can’t believe you finally caved and are going to take her to an actual bar,” Caleb said, smirking.

  “It doesn’t change the fact you’re not sticking around. Remember. This isn’t your place to crash tonight or to hook up with some random woman, got it?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’ve told me a million times already.”

  “And I’m going to have to keep telling you as it seems to have escaped your notice that I’m being serious about this.”

  “I get it. You don’t want any of us to ruin your precious date with Eliza.”

  “You’ve crashed my house the past three times she’s been here,” he said. The last time he was supposed to be with Eliza, he had to cancel as he got a call out to a boiler that wasn’t working. The small family had a couple of young kids and he refused to leave them without hot water, or even warmth in case the weather took a drastic turn. It was rare for it to happen as it was the height of summer, but it couldn’t be ruled out, and he took his job seriously.

  “I know and she hasn’t been worried or upset about it. I think you’re getting your pants in a bunch over nothing.”

  “I mean it, Caleb. You and Rome are not coming here.”

  “Fine. Fine. We’re not coming to hang out. I get it. You want this place all to yourself.”

  “This is my house. Why can’t you head home?” he asked. He knew he was being an ass, but some mornings, he wanted Eliza to himself, and he’d ended up with his brothers invading their moment. So much so they hadn’t even talked about why they were.

  “You know she doesn’t mind, right? If you’re trying to impress the girl, then you don’t have to freak out or worry about having your brothers around. She likes us, both of us.”

  James had seen that Eliza found his brothers charming, but he didn’t need to know what she thought of them, only that they weren’t around in the morning. He was trying to make their relationship serious and his brothers were interrupting any chance they got.

  He finished getting ready, grabbing his keys, and followed Caleb out of his home, locking the door. After sliding behind the wheel, he drove toward her aunt Betty’s house. Caleb had taken his own car and would probably either crash with Rome or not drink.

  Caleb was a rebel but he wasn’t stupid either. He’d earned his license and wouldn’t dream of fucking it up by drunk driving.

  Eliza opened the door when she caught sight of him. She wore a pair of jeans and a shirt that clung to her curves and made his dick ache for her.

  After climbing out of his car, he made his way up the driveway to her house. Aunt Betty smiled. “I want a picture.”

  “Aunt Betty,” she said, groaning.

  He laughed. “It’s kind of like prom.”

  “Exactly,” Aunt Betty said. “I just wish she could have worn the dress. Anyway, enough. Come on, hold her, James. Don’t be shy. I know you really want to hold her.”

  He had no problems holding this woman close to him.

  Aunt Betty snapped a picture, or three. “You two have fun. Again, I won’t wait up.”

  “I’m really sorry about that. She doesn’t know how to, you know, not be excited.”

  “I like it. She loves you and wants what’s best for you.”

  “That she does.”

  He took her hand, leading her back to the car. “I hope this is okay. I know you said we were going to the bar, and well, I didn’t want to overdress.”

  “You’re going to be the sexiest woman there.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he would spank her ass for that later. Actually, he’d probably ended up kissing the rounded globes and teasing her anus, but he wouldn’t go too deeply into that.

  Once again behind the wheel, he drove toward the bar, making small talk. He knew it had been a busy week for Eliza and Aunt Betty with the deliveries, and he’d even offered to help, which had been declined.

  His truck wasn’t designed to keep flowers in their peak condition.

  “I thought your brothers were tagging along,” she said.

  “They’re going to be there. They wouldn’t miss an opportunity to party. Believe me.”

  “You don’t sound happy about that, at all.”

  “It’s fine.”

  She chuckled. “You know I don’t mind them being at your place. I think it’s really sweet that you’re this amazing big brother.”

  He glanced over at her.

  “Kind of sexy as well.”

  “Really?” he asked.


  “Well, you see, Eliza, I figured you might be a little embarrassed. I like to hear my woman scream my name when I’m fucking her, so I’ve been toning it down. You know, playing it safe.”

  “Oh, so you’re saying that when it comes to sex, I haven’t seen you at your best?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “Then I guess it’s good your brothers aren’t going to be there tonight.”

  “I will kick their asses if they even for a second think to crash my place. My home is mine tonight, and so will you.” He pulled into the heaving p
arking lot. It was always busy on a Friday night. It’d been a long time since he last went out, but he was determined to show her a good time.

  He climbed out of the car, rushed to her side, and took a hold of her hand, locking his car. Anyone who wanted to make a quick escape would pick any car.

  Together, they walked toward the music. The sound blasted out. Part of him just wanted to take her back home, but instead, he kept on moving toward the heavy beat. Hand at her back, they entered the bar.

  His brothers were already there, playing a game of pool.

  “If you want, we can leave. It’s kind of loud.”

  “James, I worked at bars and clubs three times the size of this, with people pretty much getting it on on the dance floor. You don’t have to worry about my sensibilities. Trust me.” She took his hand, leading him to the bar. She tapped on the counter for some service.

  A woman with long black hair and blue eyes came toward them. He recognized her.

  “Lilly?” Eliza asked. “Is that you?”

  “Eliza. Wow, I heard you were back in town. I hadn’t had a chance to come and see you.”

  “I know. I hadn’t seen you either.”

  He looked between the two women. “You two were close?” he asked.

  “I used to babysit her, when her mother … well,” Eliza said, to which Lilly’s face got hot.

  “What can I get you to drink? I did hear the rumor about you and James. I guess it wasn’t so much as a rumor but real.” Lilly winked at her.

  He ordered them both a beer. Eliza didn’t complain.

  “We’ll catch up. Have dinner,” Eliza said.

  He pulled her away from her friend, and they found a private booth.

  “I didn’t know you babysat her.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. She’s eight years younger than us, and I tried to take care of her. Her mother isn’t exactly … and her sister… You know what, let’s not talk about it.”

  He knew of Lilly’s mom and sister. Her mom was known as a whore and the sister had a reputation for spreading her legs for money as well. Not a very nice family from what he’d heard, but he tried not to listen to gossip since most of the time they were lies.


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