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The Breath Between Waves

Page 11

by Charlotte Anne Hamilton

  Everything suddenly made sense then; all those odd little looks Victoria had sent Penelope’s way, and the silent conversations that seemed to have passed between the sisters. “So, I should really be thanking Victoria for bringing us together?” She laughed as Ruby nodded her head, looking just a little bit bashful. “I’ll bear that in mind.”

  Ruby rolled her eyes, and she and Penelope fell into silence, allowing the familiar upbeat ragtime music to filter down the hallway as they moved towards the room. The closer they got, the more Penelope felt dizzy with the onslaught of feelings that coursed through her.

  Her heart raced from the excitement of spending such a time with Ruby, getting to drink and dance with her once more; her legs trembled with each step from fear that someone would find her there.

  She wanted more occasions like this—three more days didn’t seem enough.

  By the time they reached the room, she felt ready to pass out, and her first instinct was to run. But she buried that deep down, instead reaching for one of the bottles of beer on the table, opening it, and taking a long swig.

  She then handed it to Ruby as she swallowed, wincing. She really hated the taste of the damn stuff. Ruby took a drink as well, only her face remained neutral as she handed the bottle back to Penelope.

  The music was loud and lively, and as Penelope looked over to the musicians, she found that they were different from those who had been there the previous night.

  So many couples were already dancing around the wooden benches, and Penelope felt her heart soar when she noticed that the couples weren’t just men and women, but women dancing with women and men dancing with men. She even saw Mr. Daniel Lee dancing with another man, which made her heart soar.

  Whether they were lovers or not Penelope had no idea, but no one was looking twice at them, which was all that mattered.

  After taking another drink, Penelope sat the now empty bottle back on the table and then turned to Ruby. She extended her hand out towards her, already feeling her excitement mix with the alcohol, and she couldn’t stop smiling.

  She bowed as she asked, “May I have this dance, m’lady?” Even to her own ears, her Scottish accent sounded more pronounced.

  Ruby giggled as she slid her hand into Penelope’s. “You may, m’lady.”

  Penelope drew Ruby close—perhaps a little too close—but she didn’t care. No one was looking at them. Everyone was much too focused on having their own fun.

  She then started to lead Ruby into a rather lively Turkey Trot, laughter falling freely from her mouth with every hop and bounce.

  Her heart hammered out a wild beat as they danced, moving from dance style to dance style, whether it was the Grizzly Bear, Bunny Hug, or a simple one-step, only stopping to pick up another bottle of beer to share when they needed a break.

  The room swam around Penelope as they started a quadrille with three other couples—Daniel and his partner, Albert and Betsy, and two women they had just met that night.

  As she and Daniel joined in the centre, he grinned at her. “I knew you and Ruby were together,” he announced as they turned in a circle.

  Too drunk and overjoyed to think clearly, Penelope laughed. “I wish I could say the same for you and your partner. I have no instinct for this.”

  They parted ways for a moment, returning to their original positions. It took only a few minutes before the dance brought them together again. “Have no fear, when I get to New York, I plan on opening a club just for the likes of us. A safe haven where no one will feel judged or fear repercussions for being themselves.”

  Penelope beamed at him. “I can’t wait to visit such a fine establishment, Mr. Lee.”

  As she once more returned to Ruby’s arms, she allowed the music to wash over her. The heat pressed in on her, causing sweat to slide down her back. Her body started to ache from the constant movement. She focused only on dancing, filled completely and utterly with joy every time she and Ruby rejoined after parting to perform the steps.

  I never want to leave this room, this moment, she thought as she spun with Ruby, one arm draped around her back and the other across her front, their fingers entwined and sure, even as the slippery satin of their gloves threatened to tear them apart.

  When they finally finished their latest quadrille and said farewell to the other couples—Daniel reminding her of their plans—Penelope and Ruby collapsed into the first free seats on one of the benches. Their chests heaved, and their bodies were flushed and covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

  Penelope looked at Ruby as she fanned herself with her hand.

  She was the most beautiful person in the room. Penelope wanted nothing more than to touch her, to caress her face and kiss her lips—to make her way down her body and worship her, to know that the reason for the salt on her skin was what Penelope was doing to her.

  But she couldn’t do any of that here.

  She couldn’t touch her in any way that would raise suspicions.

  Dancing together was one thing; they didn’t know anyone else here. They had no chaperone, so it was natural. She refused to push their luck and believe that everyone packed into this small room would be understanding—this wasn’t Daniel’s safe haven.

  Swallowing, Penelope reached out and placed her hand on Ruby’s knee for just a moment. She heard Ruby’s breath catch in her throat as she leaned over, bringing her lips to her ear so that she could whisper, “Do you want to go back to our room? Now?”

  When Penelope pulled away, she watched as Ruby swallowed heavily, her breath coming in short, sharp pants—and she knew it wasn’t due to the exertion from the dancing.

  Ruby nodded. “Yes,” she whispered softly, barely audible.

  With a giddy smile, Penelope stood, reaching for Ruby’s hand. She then dragged Ruby through the crowd, pushing the two of them onwards towards the door and bursting through it with a loud laugh that echoed down the corridor.

  Ruby raised her finger to her own lips, shushing Penelope, even as she giggled along with her.

  Trying her hardest to swallow the passion and happiness in her veins, Penelope bit her lip and led Ruby back to their room.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The moment they crossed the threshold, Ruby pushed Penelope up against the door, her lips on Penelope’s hot and insistent. Her hands fumbled with the lock as she made sure that no one would walk in on them.

  Penelope pushed herself forwards as she kissed her back with renewed fervour. Her hands found Ruby’s waist, clawing at the delicate fabric of her blouse.

  Ruby’s hands couldn’t seem to decide where to settle—one moment they were roaming Penelope’s back and down her hips, the next they were at the nape of her neck, loosening the pins in her hair. Most of the strands fell over Penelope’s shoulders and down her back, but several found their way into her face and tickled her nose.

  She pulled away from Ruby and combed her hair back with her fingers as she laughed breathlessly. Ruby watched her intently as she cast the remaining pins and the hair rat from her, uncaring where they landed.

  Ruby’s golden hair lay in soft curls over her shoulders, and her face was flushed with the prettiest of pinks, almost drowning the freckles spattered over her nose and cheeks.

  “God, but you are beautiful.” Penelope sighed as she cupped Ruby’s jaw, her thumbs pressing into the hollows of her cheek before stroking along her stunning cheekbones. Ruby smiled softly as she tilted her head into Penelope’s right hand and wrapped her own around Penelope’s wrist.

  “You’re one to talk, my dear.” Ruby smiled, a glorious thing. It was so soft and gentle and full of adoration that Penelope couldn’t help but lean forwards and taste it.

  She started to move them, walking away from the door and towards the bed. When Ruby’s back met the wood of the bunks, her hands reached for the fine buttons on the back of Penelope’s blouse. Penelope focused on t
he buttons at the side of Ruby’s skirt, smiling to herself when she felt the fabric slide down Ruby’s body and pool at her feet.

  It took no time at all for them to shed their many layers. The room probably looked like a war zone, with petticoats and corsets thrown aside and lacy and frilly garments scattered everywhere, but she didn’t care.

  Not right now, as her skin pressed against Ruby’s, sparking flames deep in her stomach.

  Her mouth eagerly sought out Ruby’s and when she had to break away to draw in ragged breaths, she latched on to her neck, nibbling with her teeth, alternating pressure from soft and teasing to hard and claiming. She moved her lips along her shoulder, to the soft curve as it moulded from shoulder to arm, before she moved a little lower, tracing the solid line of Ruby’s collarbone with her tongue.

  “My God,” Ruby groaned as her head fell backwards, landing against the solid wood of the upper bunk with a thud that resonated through the room. Penelope glanced up, ensuring that she was well, before she continued.

  Her lips, tongue, and teeth followed the natural curves of Ruby’s skin, working her way to her breasts. She took a nipple into her mouth as her hands moved up Ruby’s sides until they cupped her breasts.

  Her hands squeezed and rolled the flesh as her lips continued to tease the hardened nipple, feeling Ruby shiver in response to the spasms that rocketed through her body. She groaned as she pulled away for a moment, blowing over the wet skin and earning a surprised moan from Ruby.

  Ruby’s hand found its way into Penelope’s hair, and she tugged her head upwards, bringing their lips together once more. Penelope enjoyed the taste of Ruby on her tongue and the way their bodies slid against each other. She was on fire everywhere they touched, from their lips to her hands on Ruby’s hips, to her breasts caressing Ruby’s, to the way Ruby’s thigh kept brushing against the crease of her legs, determined to slide between them.

  “Get into bed,” Ruby growled when she pulled back, the words followed by a gentle slap to the side of Penelope’s thigh. Though the initial sting made her yelp breathlessly, the sensation sent pleasure through Penelope’s body, settling in the pit of her stomach.

  Penelope stepped around Ruby to crawl into the bottom bunk. She lay on her back, resting herself on her elbows, legs bent. When she had Ruby’s attention, she relaxed, inviting her into the space between her legs.

  With a low, guttural groan, Ruby eagerly pushed herself forwards.

  Her hands settled on Penelope’s knees, and their lips met. As they kissed, Penelope felt Ruby’s hands move up her thigh towards her hip and then veer sharply to the side.

  At the first touch of Ruby’s fingers against her centre, Penelope felt as though she were going to burst. She closed her eyes, throwing her head back in an attempt to focus on her breathing and settle herself down.

  Ruby’s initial touch had been gentle, teasing, but her second was anything but. She slipped two fingers inside, her thumb focusing on rubbing teasing circles on her clit.

  Penelope’s eyes flew open as her lungs ached, desperate to get more air. Her breath was ripped from her mouth and swallowed by Ruby, who pressed her lips back to Penelope’s with a groan of her own.

  “God, you are beautiful like this.”

  “You keep…taking the Lord’s name in vain…” Penelope breathed, words escaping through teeth clamped tightly on her lower lip. “You should be…ashamed.”

  Ruby laughed, her breath mingling with Penelope’s as her fingers continued to work in and out of her. Penelope felt the knowing tightening in her abdomen, felt flames flooding her veins as her lungs contracted and everything grew taut—until it suddenly snapped.

  Her legs clamped shut, stopping Ruby’s motions as her hips bucked and her back arched. She felt weightless, as though she had been flying and she couldn’t recall what it was like to be bound by gravity. There was a pleasant hum spreading through her body, setting nerves and veins alight and numbing her until it was all she could focus on.

  Just as she felt like her back was going to break, the tension broke.

  Her eyes were still clenched firmly shut, and her sensations came back in bits and pieces. At first it was the hammering of her heart against her ribcage and in her ears, followed quickly by the harsh gasps ripped from her lungs as the odd moan continued to fall from her lips. After that, it was the heaviness of her limbs, how impossible it seemed to move them even though she still felt utterly weightless.

  When Ruby’s lips pressed soft kisses against her shoulder and across her collarbone, she fully came back to herself and realised that Ruby’s hand was still trapped between her thighs.

  Penelope let her legs fall open, and Ruby pulled her hand back, moving her wrist in slow circles. With a snort, Penelope cupped the back of Ruby’s neck, grabbing a fistful of hair to tug Ruby forwards for a rough kiss.

  When she was certain Ruby was engrossed in the kiss, Penelope manoeuvred them so that she was on top of her with Ruby lying on her back.

  With a sly grin, Penelope began to press kisses to every inch of skin she could reach. She moved from her neck and cleavage across her shoulder and down her arm, noticing the way Ruby’s breath hitched whenever she got close to her neck, the inner crease of her elbow, or her wrist.

  She then worked her way back up, giving the other side the same attention before she started to work her way down Ruby’s body.

  Ruby’s skin was flushed a beautiful red, and knowing that she was the reason she looked so dishevelled filled Penelope with a primal sort of pride.

  Then Penelope decided to finish what she had started. She lowered her lips to Ruby’s chest again, letting her breath tease her skin, causing her hairs to stand on end in anticipation.

  Penelope lingered longer than she wanted to, mostly because she enjoyed the way Ruby squirmed, her body wiggling against the mattress and her hands fisting in the sheets as her hips kept bucking infinitesimally.

  It was only when Ruby ground out in an almost-whine, “Penelope! For the love of all that is holy—” that Penelope caved and sealed her lips over Ruby’s clit, causing her pleas to trail off into a deep moan. Her hips bucked, and Penelope wrapped her arms around her thighs to anchor her down and stop her from breaking her nose with her pubic bone.

  That wouldn’t be easily explained.

  With her hips firmly under control, Penelope focused on Ruby’s pleasure.

  Three times she felt the telltale signs of Ruby’s peak approaching, felt the way her thighs trembled and her entire body went taut, and each time Penelope pulled away, pressing her lips into her thighs or hip bone until her breathing eased.

  When it happened again, Penelope felt a hand wind in the hair at her crown. She smiled to herself as the grip tightened, holding her firm, not allowing her to lift her head or move even an inch.

  “If you…even think…” Ruby growled, but Penelope had no intention of stringing her along for a fourth time.

  She paired tongue and fingers, friction and suction, until Ruby was a whining mess, her hand still wound in Penelope’s hair.

  She had to remove one arm from around Ruby’s leg to bring her fingers into play, and Ruby’s free thigh clamped against Penelope’s face and refused to move. Penelope gave it a small slap, which didn’t seem to do anything but make Ruby moan again.

  When Ruby reached her peak—the muscles tightening to an almost unbearable level for Penelope before relaxing altogether— Penelope was finally able to move from between the tight embrace of Ruby’s thighs.

  She kissed her way back up Ruby’s body, capturing her lips and snorting when Ruby only responded after a delayed moment. She then flopped down beside her, throwing her arm across Ruby’s midriff as she pressed herself as close to her body as she could.

  “Wasn’t so horrible in the end, was it?” Penelope teased, when Ruby finally opened her eyes after five or so minutes had passed.

sp; Her words startled a laugh from Ruby, who rolled onto her side so she could face her, her arm draped around Penelope’s shoulders, hand pressed between her shoulder blades.

  “Don’t go getting cocky on me,” Ruby drawled, her voice sleepy as she shuffled down the bed to tuck her head under Penelope’s chin. She pressed a kiss to the hollow of Penelope’s throat before she snorted. “Who am I kidding? That was glorious—get as cocky as you want.”

  Penelope giggled as her fingers combed through the tangled mess of Ruby’s hair. She would no doubt have to spend another ten or fifteen minutes brushing it tomorrow morning.

  She didn’t want to think about how much she wanted that—not just tomorrow, but for the next few weeks, months…even years, if Ruby would have her. She knew better than to call it love—it had only been a few days—but so often people didn’t marry for love; they married for position or wealth. And it was usually after the marriage that the love came.

  Who was to say something similar couldn’t happen for them? That they were both women didn’t make a difference to her, but she knew it wasn’t only about what she wanted.

  Penelope took a deep breath and pressed her lips to Ruby’s forehead. Her breathing had already evened out. Maybe they wouldn’t get a life together, but they had another three days together, and Penelope wasn’t going to waste them.

  After pulling the thin sheets up and over their bodies, she wrapped her arms tighter around Ruby’s body and snuggled further into her, entangling their limbs until she wasn’t sure where she ended and Ruby began.

  And with Ruby’s breath even against her chest and her heart beating a solid rhythm, Penelope allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Penelope was awoken by Ruby moving in her arms.

  Her grip was so tight that really it was no surprise Ruby was struggling to roll over in her sleep. Penelope groaned and opened her eyes, letting her arms loosen.


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