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Watching Ember

Page 14

by J B Reding

  “Tell me.” I urge.

  She shakes her head.

  “Liz, you never talk to me about the shit that’s bothering you. I’m supposed to be your best friend, we're supposed to talk about these kinds of things.”

  “He… he wants a relationship. The wife, kids, and all that jazz. And I don't. I can’t. Seeing my parents' relationship has made me never want to get married. I won’t do that to myself, nor will I bring a child into this dreadful world full of hate. I won’t take the chance they’ll be subjected to the same shit I had to go through.”

  “You think Maddox would treat you the same way your father treated you and your mother?” I don’t believe that for a second.

  “I know he wouldn’t, but that’s the thing about fear, it's not rational.” She’s so defeated, as if she’s convinced she’ll never be rid of the fear that plagues her.

  “You’re right, but maybe one day Maddox can help diminish that fear. But until then, I'm here for you in any way you want me to be. Okay?”

  She nods. “I know. And I love you for never pushing me farther than I can take. I'm happy for you and Nixon, by the way. I don't want you to think that I'm not.”

  “I know you are. And I know you're struggling with being back here in the same city as your parents and then throw Maddox into the mix, it's a lot. I’m almost sorry I asked you to come back, I didn't know it would be this hard for you.”

  “No, I'm glad I came back. I think I would have stayed away forever if you didn't ask me when you did. I want to be here for you. I can put my stupid shit on hold.” She stands up and wraps her hands around my wrists and giving them a good shake to cement her point.

  “I love you, Liz.” I say, throwing my arms around her for a hug.

  “I love you too, Ember.” She squeezes me back harder.


  I knock on Charles’ study door and open it when he calls out, I may be Boss, but I’ll still give him the respect he deserves in his own home. When I enter, I'm struck with how sickly he’s become in the two days I’ve been gone.

  “You don't look too good.” I admit.

  “Ha, yeah, I’ve been feeling off recently.” He brushes away my concern with a flick of his hand.

  “You think—”

  “No.” He cuts me off, “I didn't call you in here to discuss my health.”

  “You want to talk about Ember.” I state, letting him get away with the show of disrespect, if only because I know he’s sick.

  “Yes. Now, is everything going according to plan?” He rubs his hands together with a gleam in his eyes despite the bags under them and his almost sunken cheeks.

  I chuckle. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning at the prospect of me and Ember finally getting our shit together.

  This man and my father always hoped that their children would end up together. I was honestly shocked they didn't try to arrange a marriage, but Charles wouldn't do that to his daughter. That's how his marriage with Ember's mom happened, and while yes, they loved each other, they weren't in love. Which in turn made her step out on him. With my father. I learned all this one night when Charles had a little too much to drink. He told me he can see now that Marcus and Mary truly loved each other. But back then he let his pride impede a lot of things. Which he regrets now. It’s one thing he’s instilled in me since my father died. Don’t let your pride lead you to make stupid decisions.

  “Yes, Ember and I are together now. But it's still new so don't expect any grandchildren just yet.”

  Charles sighs, and I can tell he's about to drop some more wisdom. “Life sometimes doesn't happen the way you want it to. Time shouldn't have a say in when things feel right. When it's right, it's right and you shouldn't let opportunities pass just because you don’t think it’s the right time. Because in reality there is no right time, you decide when it's right. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes. If I feel like I need to propose to Ember tomorrow, I should do it because it's what feels right. I shouldn't wait just because it’s what society says I should do.”

  “You and Ember have always danced around each other. So, your love has already developed more than some can ever hope for. It’s okay that you did things differently. You ended up here either way and that's all that matters.”

  I nod my head in agreement. “Just to clarify, I'm not proposing to her tomorrow.”

  He laughs weakly. “I would hope not, she deserves something special. Something meaningful between the two of you.”

  “I already have a plan.” I smile, thinking back to the special task I gave Anton.

  Silence envelopes us as I get lost in my head for a moment. I am brought back by his coughing. “Charles, are you sure you're doing okay?”

  “Yes, yes, just a little stressed is all. As soon as this whole thing with Samuel gets resolved, everything will be fine. Now go find that daughter of mine, I think it’s time we have our lunch.”

  I nod my head and leave, closing the door gently behind me. I peak my head into the kitchen to ask Maggie, our chef, to make a light lunch, then head to the library where Ember was, last I checked. And no, I don't feel bad monitoring her through the security app on my phone.

  I find her and Liz talking in the far corner and don’t waste time in announcing my presence. Made that mistake once and will never do it again. What I heard that day will haunt me forever. I shudder just thinking about it. “Hey, lunch should be ready soon.”

  They both jump at my voice, too enthralled with what they were talking about to notice my presence. I smirk at them. “What are you two gossiping about?”

  “Nothing.” They say at the same time. I chuckle and walk back out, giving Ember a meaningful glance before disappearing.

  Eventually, everyone arrives at the dining room for lunch, which it goes smoothly. Maddox and Liz’s tension has lessened. Or they just got better at hiding it. Anton is his usual self, but I can tell something is a little off with him. Charles is looking a tad better. Maggie is aware of his condition and made sure the food was something healthy. Everyone ate the same thing, so no one was suspicious, and Charles didn't feel left out. Though, I doubt he would ever admit to feeling such a thing.

  I’ll admit it was nice sitting down and spending time with everyone. Recently, there always seems to be someone missing and things going on. But being in a lull with Samuel has proved beneficial in some ways.

  Once everyone’s done eating, we disperse. Charles goes to take a nap, Liz runs off somewhere and Maddox goes to the security room, more than likely to watch her through the cameras. I can’t really judge. Anton leaves to go back to the club, however, he looks less excited about it than usual.

  I stop Ember with a hand on her arm as she goes to disappear, too. “Wait for me in my room. I want to talk.”

  She nods and heads up the stairs.

  I catch Anton right before he gets to his Aston Martin Vantage. I'll admit it's a sweet as hell car. “Hey, man.”

  He turns around to face me, plastering a fake smile to his face. “What's up?”

  “You don't have to hide shit from me, Anton. I can tell when something’s off with you.”

  He sighs, shaking his head. “I don’t know, dude. I just feel off. But it’s fine. I’ll get over it soon.”

  “Alright, but if you need a break from all of this just let me know.” It’s the most I can offer. Anything more would make me look weak.

  He nods and gets into his car.

  I watch as he pulls off. I have a feeling things are about to change for Anton. Hopefully, in a good way.

  I turn and make my way up to my room and Ember. When I get there, I find her staring out the window. I close the door gently and flip the lock.

  She turns around at hearing the lock engage. At one point in her life this would have sent her into a tailspin. But my sweet, brave Ember has learned to control her fear. She still doesn't close doors all the way and has to flip the lights on as soon as she enters the room, but the fact she doesn’t go into a
full-on panic attack shows, not only her growth, but her strength too. “So, what did you wanna talk about?”

  I smile at her as I walk closer, encroaching in on what’s mine. “You know you're mine, right?”

  She lets out a laugh. “Yes. You just love repeating it, don't you?”

  “Very much so. But, do you know what that entails?”

  “Being yours?” She looks up at me as I step up to her, our chests not quite touching.

  I nod.

  “No, why don't you tell me.” She smirks, running her hands up my chest, slowly unbuttoning my shirt as she goes.

  I lean down and press a quick kiss to her lips. “It means you are to stand by my side, helping me rule the empire your father created.”

  She looks at me confused. “Help?”

  “Yeah, I don't want you to keep your opinions to yourself or feel like you're being constrained into this person you're not. You are your father's daughter. You know how to lead, and I want you to lead with me.”

  “But… that's not how things are in our world.” Her confused look is adorable.

  “Not usually, but I'm boss and I can make a few changes.”

  “Like what?” She looks a little guarded, as if she's scared to get hopeful.

  “For instance, when it’s just us, or family, I don't mind you giving me attitude. You don't need to be conscious of your words or actions. But, when outside of the house, or when there're others from the business present, you need to be the perfect little princess that you are. Do you understand?”

  “So, how am I supposed to rule with you if I can’t speak out in front of your men?”

  “I’ll discuss things with you privately and take your opinion into account. I trust your instinct, especially with people. But my final word is law.” I grab her chin, so she knows this is serious. “But never, ever, put yourself in danger. Do you hear me?”

  She nods her head. “Yeah, but—”

  “No buts. Never, put yourself in danger. I trust you Ember more than anyone, so I need to know that I can trust you to keep yourself safe.”

  “Of course.” She smiles at me, letting me know that she understands the severity of my demand.

  “I love you.” I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead.

  “I love you, too.” She says, using my neck to pull me down and press a kiss to my lips. I let her lead for a minute before I take control, claiming her mouth as mine. I will never get enough of her taste. And I won’t have to because she will always be by my side and soon the entire world will know it.

  19. New Friends

  Nixon and I are lying in bed that night, both breathing a little heavy after another round of sex. I glance at the clock on his dresser and see it’s three in the morning. I smack the back of my hand against his stomach.

  He grunts, rubbing his rock-hard abs. “What was that for?”

  “It's three o’clock.” I inform him, poking him in the side.

  “Okay?” He questions, his eyes still closed.

  “Okay?!” I practically shout. “We can’t go to sleep when it's the devil’s hour.”

  “Ember…” he groans, probably knowing where I'm going with this.

  “Let's go raid the fridge.” I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. “Come on!”

  He chuckles and slips out of the bed to put some clothes on. A disadvantage to living here is actually having to wear clothes. I stare at his ass as he enters the closet. Once he's out of view, I get up and snag his shirt off the floor, taking a minute to smell it like the creep I am. I’m pulling it over my head when I hear a loud crash.

  I quickly pull the shirt down to find Nixon staring at the door.

  “You heard that, right?” I confirm.

  “Get in the bathroom.” He says, grabbing his gun off the bedside table and walking towards the door. I follow him. “Dammit, Ember. I told you to get in the bathroom.” He growls when he checks behind him and sees me standing there.

  This probably goes against the whole keeping myself safe thing, but fuck it. I’m not letting him go out there alone. Plus, what if it’s something exciting and I miss it? Or what if it’s a diversion to get me alone? Nope, I am definitely going with him.

  “I’m coming with you, so stop wasting time and go.” I give him a little push towards the door.

  “Stay behind me.” He barks.

  He swings the door open with his gun raised and checks the hall before stepping out, signaling for me to follow.

  I tip toe into the hallway and peak around him, but he shifts, keeping me out of sight. Another crash sounds from down my hall and we move faster, past Liz's room where Maddox is standing with the door open, his gun by his side. Shirtless. And damn, does he have a lot of tattoos. And muscles.

  I tuck that little tidbit away for later.

  Suddenly my door bursts open and a slight figure steps out. I hit the light switch that's conveniently by my face. When my eyes finally adjust, I see a woman standing there, seemingly unarmed.

  The tattoos ruining up and down her arms are on display thanks to her black tank top which blends in with her black skinny jeans and combat boots. She has short black hair with what looks like deep purple highlights. Apparently, she likes black. And black likes her too. Because damn, she looks hot. I'm female enough to admit hotness when I see it.

  Unconsciously, I step around Nixon to get a better look. A hand to my stomach stops me in my tracks. I smile internally and take the lead on this investigation.

  Knowing these two men, they’d probably take her down to the basement before even asking a single question. “So, who are you and why exactly are you breaking into my home?”

  “They call me Mercy.” She answers. The lack of accent and guarded tone doesn't escape me. Though, I think that’s mostly due to having guns aimed at her. Or maybe she's just a guarded person in general.

  Maddox and Nixon both curse under their breath at the mention of her name.


  “Samuel sent me.” She clarifies bluntly.

  Now that raises my defenses. “Really, now?”

  She takes a deep breath, a flash of vulnerability shines in her eyes, but it’s gone in an instant. I get the sense vulnerability is very uncharacteristic of her. Which makes me feel a little sorry for her, but not much considering she broke into my house. After a moment she finally speaks which I can tell is a struggle for her. “He kidnapped my kid sister.”

  “Are you kidding me?” This motherfucker will die. I feel rage vibrating through me. Nixon notices and gives my hand a squeeze. “How bout we take this little discussion downstairs, yeah?” I offer.

  Nixon eyes me, his brows lowering in confusion. I shake my head in exasperation. “To the kitchen. You owe me some ice cream.”

  I try to break the tension by smiling at her and nodding my head towards the stairs. She hesitates, and I can tell she knows that if she’s going to receive any help, which I'm pretty sure is the reason I'm not dead right now, then she'll have to show us her back and, in return, be exposed.

  Finally, she walks by me, keeping an eye on both Maddox and Nixon as she passes. I follow behind her as Nixon nods at Maddox in a silent command.

  Nixon falls into step with me and grabs my hand once again, this time squeezing it in reprimand to let me know I'm more than likely going to get an earful for that little stunt. But well, I saw something in her that called to me, and I'm not one to ignore my instincts. Why I believe her right off the bat is beyond me, but I had a feeling and I went with it. I trust Nixon to handle the fall out if I’m wrong. Which I doubt I am.

  Mercy stops at the bottom of the stairs and waits, which just adds another question to my growing list. I got the impression she’s a professional if the guys reaction had anything to say about it. And professionals do recon, but Mercy, which I doubt is her real name, doesn't seem to know her way around the house. That, or she's playing dumb. Like I said, I have questions.

  I lead her towards the kitchen while
Nixon follows behind us. Knowing him, he probably has his gun trained on her the whole time. I think it’s a little over kill but then again, I don’t know this chick so it's nice to have that insurance.

  I gesture towards the barstool with a nod of my head and she takes a seat. Nixon hangs back in the doorway and gives me a small nod, allowing me to take over. A little late if you ask me but whatever makes him feel better.

  My dad walks up behind Nixon with Maddox standing to his side. Now that we're all mostly here, lord knows where Anton is, and hopefully Liz is still asleep, I begin my questioning.

  “So, why don't you start from the beginning.” I ask, leaning against the counter opposite of her. I try to read her expression, but her mask is almost as good as Maddox’s. Almost. But not quiet. I see the cracks and I have a hunch that her sister is her weak spot.

  She takes a deep breath, as if fortifying herself to be open with me. “I was on a job when I got a text from some unknown number. I thought nothing of it until I saw my little sister’s picture in place of a normal target. Then a guy called me, introduced himself and told me I had to kill you if I wanted my sister back.”

  Nixon stiffens behind her. Mercy stiffens, as well, probably feeling the tension rolling off him.

  “So, you came here to kill me?” I don’t believe that.

  “No, I came here because no one threatens my family and gets away with it. I had a feeling you guys probably wanted him dead if he sent me to kill you. Thought maybe we could work together.” She shrugs, going for nonchalance but doesn’t quiet succeed.

  “I don't know who he has watching me, or you, so I had to make it believable. Also, I was going to see what type of people you were first. Most of my targets deserve what they get if I'm being honest.” She cuts off abruptly, like she's unsure why she said so much. I get the feeling she's not used to exposing so much of herself, let alone to a stranger she was sent to kill.

  “You’re right in the sense that we all want Samuel dead. But why didn't you just go after him yourself?”


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