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Ember Island

Page 39

by Kimberley Freeman


  1. Nina says of the reporter Elizabeth Parrish, “Maybe I had been angry with Elizabeth Parrish because she revealed the truth: I wasn’t an artist. I’d always known that.” Discuss what art is with your book club. Do you think that Nina’s bestselling Widow Wayland series can be classified as art?

  2. After reading Nell’s diary, Nina thinks, “These were my ancestors. This was my family history. . . . Do we honor the past by projecting ourselves forward into the future? By carrying on genes and traits and family stories?” Discuss Nina’s statement. How do you honor your own family history? Share your own photos and stories with your book club.

  3. Nell is fascinated with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Read it with your book club and discuss why you think the story appeals to Nell.

  4. Nell’s companion is her wooden cat, Pangur Ban, whose name is taken from an Old Irish poem. Read “Pangur Ban” as a book club. What does the poem say about writing and inspiration? Discuss how it relates to Nina’s writing or your own creative process.

  5. To learn more about Kimberley Freeman or Ember Island, read her blog at


  KIMBERLEY FREEMAN was born in London and her family moved back to Australia when she was three years old. She grew up in Queensland, where she currently lives.

  Kimberley has written for as long as she can remember and is proud to write in many genres. She is an award-winning writer in children’s, historical, and speculative fiction under her birth name, Kim Wilkins. She adopted the pen name Kimberley Freeman for her commercial women’s fiction novels, Duet, Gold Dust, Wildflower Hill, and Lighthouse Bay, to honor her maternal grandmother and to try to capture the spirit of the page-turning novels she has always loved to read. Kim has an honors degree, a masters degree, and a Ph.D. from The University of Queensland, where she is also a lecturer.



  Also by Kimberley Freeman

  Wildflower Hill

  Lighthouse Bay

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  A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 by Kimberley Freeman

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Touchstone Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

  First Touchstone trade paperback edition April 2014

  Originally published in 2013 by Hachette Australia

  Cover Photographs: Woman © Yolande De Kort/Trevillion

  Images; Background © Lisa Howarth/Trevillion Images

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  Interior design by Aline Pace

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Freeman, Kimberley, 1970–

   Ember Island : a novel / Kimberley Freeman.—First Touchstone edition.

    pages cm

   1. Women novelists—Fiction. 2. Great-grandmothers—Fiction. 3. Diaries—Fiction. 4. Family secrets—Fiction. 5. Moreton Bay (Qld.)—Fiction. I. Title.

   PR9619.4.F75E48 2014



  ISBN 978-1-4767-4350-9

  ISBN 978-1-4767-4353-0 (ebook)



  Chapter One: A Summer Wedding

  Chapter Two: The Broken Chimney

  Chapter Three: The Deep Quiet

  Chapter Four: Stories in the Walls

  Chapter Five: Waiting on a Letter

  Chapter Six: Lumière sur la Mer

  Chapter Seven: Imagining Things

  Chapter Eight: Figures in the Distance

  Chapter Nine: The Sable-trimmed Coat

  Chapter Ten: A New Woman

  Chapter Eleven: She Is Not My Mother

  Chapter Twelve: This Is the Life

  Chapter Thirteen: Another Island

  Chapter Fourteen: An English Garden

  Chapter Fifteen: Evening Conversation

  Chapter Sixteen: The Truth Fixes Everything

  Chapter Seventeen: A Rescue

  Chapter Eighteen: Inside the Stockade

  Chapter Nineteen: A Single-Minded Man

  Chapter Twenty: Fields of Fire

  Chapter Twenty-One: Come Together, Fall Apart

  Chapter Twenty-Two: The Boat Shed

  Chapter Twenty-Three: A Letter from the Past

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Back to the Island

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Watching the Water

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Blood and Ash

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Truth Fixes Everything

  Chapter Twenty-Eight: Finding Tilly


  Touchstone Reading Group Guide

  Topics and Questions for Discussion

  Enhance Your Book Club

  About Kimberley Freeman


  Kimberley was born in London and her family moved back to Australia when she was three years old. She grew up in Queensland, where she currently lives.

  Kimberley has written for as long as she can remember and is proud to write in many genres. She is an award-winning writer in children’s, historical, and speculative fiction under her birth name, Kim Wilkins. She adopted the pen name Kimberley Freeman for her commercial women’s fiction novels, Duet, Gold Dust, Wildflower Hill, and Lighthouse Bay, to honor her maternal grandmother and to try to capture the spirit of the page-turning novels she has always loved to read. Kim has an honors degree, a masters degree, and a Ph.D. from The University of Queensland, where she is also a lecturer.




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