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Djinn's Destiny

Page 2

by Kailin Gow

  I nodded, knowing he was right, but still clinging to the hurt child who’d wanted her daddy.

  “We both wanted to make sure you had fond memories of your childhood. To expose who we really were – who I was – would have meant exposing you to the truth about Arcadia. It would have meant exposing you to war, poverty and the ugliness outside Arcadia.”

  “Yet here you all are destroying Arcadia. If you were so intent on ensuring I had a good life, a promising future, why ruin it now?”

  “A promising future? Did you not receive an unpleasant surprise when you read your Life’s Plan? Your mother said you were distraught beyond consoling.”

  “All right,” I said with a conceding nod. “Maybe my promising future was bruised by the Committee, but it would still have been better than the impossible living conditions outside Arcadia. I know the hardships and suffering that greet those who leave here. Friends of mine have lived it firsthand. They returned to Arcadia – snuck back in – and were barely recognizable. They were skeletons.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “And what about all the other young adult Arcadians who are now ready to set out on their lives; those who received the Life’s Plan they expected? Arcadia is being destroyed beyond repair and so are their lives.”

  “Would you prefer the illusion of Arcadia’s perfection continue? And at what cost? There are Magical Ones who are being kept here against their will. Their lives aren’t much better than what your friends met outside Arcadia. It may all look neat and clean and pleasant, but they’re empty. They’re living shells. Yes, there are some Rogue Magical Ones who’ve abused their roles in Arcadia, but most are prisoners of their own powers. Most live sad and hopeless lives as they try to keep up with the constant demands of their enslavers. Is that what you want?”

  “No,” I said softly, casting my gaze to the floor. “Of course not.”

  “You have to trust, Kama, that we have no desire to destroy Arcadia nor the citizens who’ve been led to believe in the illusion that was created for them. We understand they are innocent in all this. Our only desire is to free all the enslaved djinns and to let Arcadia go on in a more sane, healthy and viable way. Is that unreasonable?”

  “No. It makes perfect sense. I’m sorry if I sounded ungrateful or lacking in compassion for the plight of the djinns.”

  “I know your only intention is to save your friends; I know you care very much for Liam, Pim’s son, and I know you want to save the many innocent citizens of Arcadia. That is our mission in addition to freeing djinns, and we believe it can all be done. We believe we can make Arcadia a truly ideal place… for everyone… equally.”

  “You know about Liam?”

  “He may be the son of my rival, my nemesis, if you will, but I know Liam to be a fine young man; a young man who loves you very much.”

  “He is, he does and I want to do what I can to help him, and the others.” I glanced up at him, feeling like a small child in light of his wisdom and power. “What can I do to help?”

  Before General Adon could answer, a new wave of shouting began from another group.

  I turned to see Rodin arrive with Matthew and Jocelyn. Having been imprisoned in one of the cells in the Coliseum for a while, they were emaciated, their eyes sunk in and the skin on their cheekbones pulled taunt. Thrilled to see them again, I ran to them and pulled their thin and fragile bodies into my arms, kissing their cheeks. “I can’t believe they were able to find you.”

  “And just in time, too,” Rodin said.

  I heard the dread in his voice and knew that not all was well. He’d found these two friends, but…

  “What about Torrid?” I said, my eyes boring through his, daring him to tell me he’d found him safe and sound.

  Rodin shifted his gaze to General Adon with momentary uncertainty then turned his resigned glance to me. “The Catchers got him,” he said in a blunt, matter of fact and official tone. “You haven’t heard from him because they caught him just as he was attempting to come save you.”

  I wanted to scream at him and slap the formal military stance out of him, but I just stared in disbelief. “What do we do now?” I mumbled, the urge to cry forcing its way up my throat and making it painful to talk.

  “We get him out,” Rodin said with the same military stance and firm conviction. “We simply go in and get him out.”

  Chapter 2

  General Adon straightened his shoulders, put on his best commanding face, and gave one final sweeping glance at the Coliseum. “We’ll have to start bringing the freed prisoners to our camp. Make sure they have plenty of food and water. See what you can do about getting them some warm clothing as well.”

  “Yes, General,” Rodin said.

  “And take good care of Kama’s friends. They’ve been through enough hardship for ones so young.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll get on it right away.” Rodin turned away and instantly started giving out orders to the soldiers around him. Without question and without hesitation the soldiers moved quickly to carry out every order.

  Rodin came to my side and put a gentle hand to my shoulder. “I’ve put my best men on the task of caring for your friends and giving them the best treatment.”

  “Thanks. That’s one less thing to worry about.” I turned to Matthew and Jocelyn. “Everything will be fine from now on. I’ll find you guys again once things calm down.”

  “Good luck, Kama,” Jocelyn said. “I hope you find both Torrid and Liam, and I hope you find them well.”

  “Thank you.”

  Nodding as they were escorted away, they both smiled, though weakly.

  In quick order the Coliseum was emptied of its innocent prisoners, leaving only the Rogue Magical Ones to battle with djinn soldiers. Around them the Coliseum walls began to give way.

  The balcony beneath our feet shook, promising its eminent crash to the arena floor

  “You’d better hurry, Rodin,” General Adon said as he inspected the thickening cracks in the walls around them. “We may have underestimated Kama’s magic. The Coliseum isn’t merely breaking open from the roof to let us in. It’s completely falling apart.”

  “What do you mean, my magic? I didn’t do this,” I argued.

  “But you did, dear daughter. Your desire to stop this insanity, to destroy the Coliseum made it happen. I can see you underestimate your capabilities, but your magical powers are much stronger than you think. I hope you’ll realize that now.”

  I looked around me through new eyes, seeing the destruction I’d brought on this arena of blood and death. “I didn’t even really consciously think of…”

  “Destroying it? It just as well that you did. By opening the roof you gave us access to something we never could have entered otherwise. And by going so far as to destroy the entire Coliseum, well, I don’t think anyone will miss it.”

  I let out a small snort of amusement. “I never would have thought…”

  “Well, you better think now,” General Adon said with pride. “I always imagined my daughter would have a degree of power, a certain capacity to do a little magic, and when I set out to have you shatter the field, I knew you’d succeed, but you’ve surpassed all my expectations, and I’m ecstatic.”

  “Does that mean that by merely desiring something, I can make it happen?” It seemed like a dangerous power to have.

  General Adon pointed to the large cement blocks that were falling from all around the Coliseum. Columns collapsed and the floors over the underbelly broke apart. “That is the result of your desire, Kama. It’s also the level of passion you felt for your desire. The more you have, the more power you give it.”

  “Then can I desire to have Torrid by my side, safe and sound, and he’ll appear.”

  Rodin and General Adon both looked at me, the answer clear in their regretful gazes.

  “I wish the power you have was that consistent and that predictable. Sometimes things are beyond our control, like my inability to enter the Coliseum despite my gr
eat powers. Evil can often be a formidable foe, and our greatest wishes simply can’t overcome it.”

  “Does that mean Torrid is doomed?”

  “No,” Rodin was quick to say. “It simply means that our magic has been curtailed. Catchers have the ability to paralyze our magic for a moment to capture us. There are limits to our magic, and unfortunately, Pim Seer and his Catchers and Magical Ones know how to block it, defend against it.” He looked at me fondly, “You, Kama, are different. It may be because you are half human that you may be able to resist their magic that limits djinns. That was why we believe you have the strength to shatter the dome. And we’ve yet discovered what your full strength would be.” I could see his eyes devouring me, wanting to hold and kiss me but holding back in front of my father. But his thoughts floated to me, full of yearning and desire.

  You would make a great queen, Kama. A fine ruler…one I would cherish and hold dear by my side, my beautiful and strong one.

  “Our reunion must come to an end, daughter,” General Adon said with sudden urgency. “The structure is about to yield under our feet.”

  Indeed it felt like the world itself was crumbling.

  “Rodin, I put my daughter’s life and wellbeing in your hands. Take her away from here. Bring her to the encampment and make sure her every need is tended to.”

  “Absolutely, sir.”

  General Adon turned to me. “My daughter, Kama, it’s unfortunate that our first encounter had to be surrounded by ugliness and destruction. With much afterthought, perhaps it would have been preferable to introduce myself when I was your drugstore clerk or school janitor, but, alas, I am just a man; a man with the quest to make the woman he loves happy, and my secrecy was what your mother wanted.”

  “I understand that now. I understand her need to protect me.”

  Pleased, he nodded. “I can only hope our next meeting will be under more pleasant circumstances.”

  “Somehow, I feel certain it will,” I said with assurance.

  He chuckled and cupped my cheek. “Good. I must leave you now. I’m needed south of here. Sanz is already gathering more Rogue djinns. He’s also trying to persuade honest Magical Ones to go Rogue and follow him. While I detest the man immensely, I have to give credit where credit is due. He is a very powerful and influential, if not manipulating little man. His tongue is his most powerful tool, always with a promise of better things to come for those who follow his lead.”

  “So I’ve noticed.”

  “I must stop him before too many good Magical Ones are turned.” He gave Rodin a final nod and warning. “Take good care of her.” He added. “I know you already care deeply for her as a man for a woman, and it was your destiny as the crowned prince to find my daughter and someday forge a family union between yours and ours. I already think of you as a son, Prince Rodin. So I trust you will protect her with your life.”

  “I’ll keep her at my side at all times, General,” Rodin said, taking my hands in his and looking into my eyes. “I’ll protect her with my life.”

  General Adon nodded, smiled, as though giving Rodin his approval and blessing, then soared away and was soon little more than a speck of gold in the darkening sky.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” Rodin said as he slipped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest. Immediately, I felt a deep desire for him that almost overwhelmed me. I loved two men already, but suddenly as though it could not be helped, as though it was destined…a magical pull between Rodin and I, I wanted him with a passion, like I’ve never wanted a man before. I moaned as we soared through the air while the earth thundered under the crumbling Coliseum.

  Rodin’s grip on me tightened as we flew faster, avoiding all the debris shattering around us. He glanced down briefly at my face as I rubbed my breasts against him. “Kama,” he muttered, his voice deeper and huskier, “keep doing that, then I’ll…”

  “You’ll break your prim and proper noble bearing?” I asked. “Show me a side of you that is you, and not just the proper prince or military officer…show me that you can be a passionate man…”

  “And lover?” Rodin growled. “I can show you that and more many times over, Kama. If you so desired.”

  Cries of the dying faded away, and the crashing concrete and shattering glass was soon a gentle but constant rumbling.

  When Rodin set me down in an enclave of trees near the same fields where Torrid had taught me lessons in magic, I looked at him, grateful, but longing for more than just his arms around me. I was enflamed with the need of having him devour me, having him overtake me, make me feel like a living breathing passionate being again after numbing myself in the prison walls for however long I was down there.

  “Make me feel alive again,” I said to Rodin. “Make me feel every part of my body again…help me wash away all the memories I have of that dark hellhole I was kept captive in…”

  “You want me to make love to you, Kama?” Rodin asked, his eyes roaming my face so gently yet so urgently. “I want to so much, but there’s…”

  “Don’t overthink it, Rodin,” I said. “I just need this, please. I need your physical touch. I need more from you.” I smiled. “Didn’t my father ordered you to give me whatever I desire?” I unbuttoned my shirt. “I want you to make love to me now. It is what I most desire.”

  Rodin’s face was conflicted for a second before he sighed. “I can’t deny you your desire, my beautiful Kama…my desired one. No longer can I hold back my own desire to have you.”

  He lifted his hand and spun it in the air.

  No longer were we in the enclave of trees, but in a splendid bedroom of white and gold.

  “Where are we?” I asked, looking around.

  “In my bedroom at my palace,” Rodin said. “I want our first time together to be special, to be at a place of comfort and beauty.”

  “Is this real? Are we really at your palace in your bedroom?” I asked.

  “It’s magic…it is as real as we want it, but no, we are not there. We are still in Arcadia.” He bent down to kiss me, a long and lingering kiss. “Do you still desire to have me make love to you, Kama?”

  I felt his body lean into me, his arousal hard against me.

  “Yes, Rodin. I desire it more than anything.”

  In a blink of an eye, I was now completely naked on a satin-covered bed, while Rodin was equally as naked as I was.

  He was magnificent. Muscles all over and hard. He was beautiful to look at with his clothes on, but now he was like a Greek statue with a strong broad chest, muscular arms, thick thighs and calves. “You’re beautiful,” I said in awe.

  Rodin chuckled. “Your father keeps us soldiers in shape. I’ve never thought it would come in handy pleasing his daughter and her unquenchable desires.” He bent down to take my breast in his mouth as his tongue licked and swirled on my nipples.

  “Oh Rodin,” I clenched my teeth while arching my back, pushing my breasts towards him. He licked and sucked one breasts then the other until I was moaning.

  “You like that?” Rodin asked, his hungry eyes on mine. His fingers trailed down my stomach to my folds before plunging in. “How about this, my sweet beauty?”

  Working his fingers in ways I haven’t experienced yet, even with Liam, I felt a shudder course down my body. “Yes,” I moaned. “Yes, I like this.”

  Rodin increased the speed of his fingers and lowered his head to taste me. His tongue swirling over and over my nub. I nearly jumped at how intense it was. “I have to confess, Kama, I desire this very much too,” Rodin growled, his mouth now covering me completely and devouring me like a starving man.

  I shuddered and tensed.

  “Don’t come yet, my sweetness,” he muttered. He pulled up and made his way to look at me face to face, his eyes full of love and passion. He kissed me, his mouth taking my lower lips into his before his tongue entered me. “Like how delicious you taste?” he asked. “A djinn can get lost in this taste forever.”

  “Yes,” I moaned, my
hand pulling him closer to me. “But I want more of you, Rodin. A lot more.”

  Rodin raised his eyebrow, making him so sexy, I felt another shudder go through me.

  He chuckled and said, “I’ll give you what you desired, my sweet one.” He kissed me again before the hard but soft crown of his pulsing flesh pushed into me, sending all the most pleasurable sensations in me.

  “Oh Rodin,” I cried. “Yes!”

  “Yes?” he smiled before thrusting deeply into me and rocking his hips with mine in a rhythm that had both of us panting and groaning. “My God, woman,” he groaned. “You are everything and more than I dreamed of. More than everything I’ve ever desired.”

  He put his strong hands against my head to brace himself on the bed as he rocked faster and harder into me in a frenzied pace, groaning and sweating until we both cried out in ecstasy.

  Then he collapsed on top of me, breathing hard. “I never thought it could happen, but I think I’m in love with you, Kama.”

  I looked at him and had to admit I felt deep emotions for him too. Love? Maybe. Magic and destiny? Maybe. The fact he looked so much like Torrid but older and wiser? Maybe.

  “Oh Torrid!” I cried out.

  Rodin frowned. “I hope you didn’t just wanted me to make love to you in place of Torrid.”

  “No,” I shook my head. “I didn’t. I wanted you, Rodin. I can’t deny I have a strong attraction to you and the feeling we are meant to be, but Torrid…we have to find him. I’m worried about him.”

  Rodin pulled up and got out of bed, his body glistening so deliciously from sweat and lovemaking. “As much as I want to keep making love to you all day and forever, I love my brother dearly and share the same concerns to bring him back.” He extended his hand to me and said, “Come, let’s go find my hapless brother.”

  In an instant, we were dressed as we were before, and back in the fields of Arcadia. I looked at Rodin. He was a painful reminder of Torrid. They looked so much alike, though Rodin was older by a few years. They both were incredibly handsome with that thick bluish-black hair and intense blue eyes that were bright enough to shine like sapphires. Torrid was powerfully built with strong muscular arms and a chiseled body, while Rodin was slightly taller and leaner, but as I could see from him naked, he was almost all muscles. He was the Crowned Prince, unlike Torrid, the Warrior Prince, and his bearing was more formal than Torrid’s. However, when Rodin smiled into my eyes with reassurance, his grin was wide and his eyes gentle, I instantly felt comfortable with him, an instant bond with him. “Wherever Torrid is, he would be glad you are finally safe and out of that hellhole of a place…the Coliseum.”


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