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Gender Swapped Volume Two

Page 6

by Sophie Pert

  I knew just what it was.

  I felt it to, a palpable and urgent burning need deep inside of me. I strong pressure threatening to explode.

  Like a volcano on the floor of the deep deep ocean it was going to erupt and cover us both.

  His head drew away from my breasts, our eyes locking as we panted and communicated in unspoken words. When our lips connected with urgent desire we both knew what came next. We both knew where we were heading.

  The sensation was overwhelming, overpowering. A blackout as we both cried loudly out in the room. I felt the tension build, both of our bodies vibrating in time to each other as we clenched and then released in great roaring torrents of passion.

  I felt the heat of him as he buried his thick cock between my thighs and exploded again and again, coating my insides with the fruit of our combined work. I felt him tense and release again and again as he exploded inside of me, filling me to the very brim as I shuddered in his arms.

  We lost control, both of our bodies working of their own accord.

  They kissed, hard and rough presses of flesh on flesh.

  They touched, hands grapsing and pulling at each other.

  They tensed, and then released as relaxation washed over us and everything became confused.


  Until it wasn’t clear who was who, where one body started and another ended.

  When I opened my eyes and pulled away I saw her face staring back at me. Her pretty and watchable face. Her big eyes were looking at me, taking all of me in as if for the first time and I know that I was doing the same.

  She was beautiful in that moment, as she was in all moments.

  When we kissed once more there was something deep and unspoken between the two of us, something that would likely remain unspoken for a long time.

  We were back, back in our own bodies and back in our own lives and though we had no evidence of what had happened here between us this was an event that would have far reaching consequences in our lives. We were inextricably tied together now and in that moment, as we embraced and enjoyed the bliss of each other's bodies, we were both perfectly happy.

  Becoming the Criminal: Dirty Cop Body Swapped with a Sexy Thief

  Being a cop is a dangerous job and I really don’t think most people fully realize that.

  I’m not saying everyone doesn’t, I’m just saying that it is a lot more dangerous than people realize. If they knew just what we had to deal with on a day to day basis then I really think no one would ever crack those jokes about cops being pigs or eating donuts or any of that.

  Because it’s dangerous, which is why getting a little something on the side just makes sense.

  I like to think of it as an investment in the future. There are so many little things that can throw you for a loop and then next thing you know you’re living out of a job and under investigation. You still need to be able to pay your bills though, and frankly the salary of a cop only goes so far.

  So you take a little for yourself, not much but just enough to get by with a little bit of comfort.

  I mean if you think about it I’m not really doing anything wrong.

  Cops offer protection, they protect the average citizen from harm.

  Problem is there are so many citizens who take advantage. I mean everyone does in their own way.

  You jaywalk, you speed, you lie, you skimp on your taxes. All of those things are taking advantage, every single one.

  As cops, we let a lot of stuff slide. I could ticket you for jaywalking, or for littering or spitting even. But I don’t and it’s because I’m a good guy.

  But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting.

  Because it does. Because each time someone takes it a little further it’s like taking a bit of money out of my pocket.

  The fines you pay for tickets, they pay for all of the services that everyone enjoys. The taxes you pay, they do the same thing.

  Everything we like about a civilized society is tied back to that little mutual pool of money we all pay into.

  Including my salary.

  So the funny thing is, each time I’m a good guy and don’t ticket you for something small I’m literally taking money out of my pocket.

  Money that I deserve to make up, because I do one of the most dangerous jobs and I do it for little enough pay already.

  So I figured out a system that I think is fair, and I figured it out a while ago. I take a bit off the top from the people who make the most and who need to be protected the most.

  They also happen to be the ones who take the most advantage of the system.

  I mean if you had a bunch of people, and one of them had way more money than the others, stole way more money than the others, and demanded way more attention than the others, then that person would be a bit of an asshole. Which most of these people are.

  Business owners.

  They’re the fucking worst.

  Entitled little assholes who think they’re worth more than the average person. The number of shitty things I’ve seen them done in my time.

  You don’t even want to get me started.

  So I made an arrangement with them. Since they’re drawing so much of my attention I’ll give it to them and even give them a little bit extra, but that they have to pay for.

  I come cheap, because I’m a good guy. They pay me a little bit every month and I make sure nothing bad happens.

  And you know what, I do a good job. My beat is one of the best in the city and no one complains.

  Well almost no one.

  Some people don’t like to pay up, but they always come around. There is something about the uniform that always makes them come around to my way of thinking.

  Oh yeah, I make these deals in uniform. I think it really helps seal everything up nice and neat and the best part of it is that I can take care of this all right along with my shift.

  Like today. Today I’m just collecting on debts.

  Patrol day.

  It’s a beautiful day too, nice and sunny and bright and warm which is why my partner and I decided to park the car off in a back alley and just walk the beat on foot.

  Though that took some convincing.

  Not the parking, my partner was fine with that. No he had issue with where we were parking it. I had a place I knew, a little back alley where nothing would be disturbed. Problem is that it is well hidden and doesn’t look like the best place to leave a car. But I knew nothing would happen, I knew no one would come down that alley.

  It was a special place for me. No windows, no witnesses. Great place to conduct business.

  I could work undisturbed.

  But apparently it wasn’t ‘by the books’ to park the patrol car somewhere like that.

  My partner was… interesting.

  The old guy I used to work with, we got along just fine. He was winding time down and getting ready for retirement so half the time he was content to wait in the patrol car and read a book or take a nap. He called it ‘monitoring the radio’ and I think he spent about 80% of his time doing just that.

  This new kid was just that though, a kid.

  Fresh out of the academy and ready to save the world. Everything was supposed to be by the book and on the up and up. There was no cutting corners with him and no skirting the letter of the law.

  So I kept him out of the additional business I had to conduct.

  I shouldn’t be too hard on him, most cops are like that when they first start out. But eventually they see the light, they see exactly what the people they are protecting are really like and they come around to my kind of way of thinking.

  He’ll learn eventually, but until then he’s just being a pain in the ass. Constantly being a kiss ass and asking questions. So eager to do his best.

  Almost laughable if it wasn’t so heartbreaking and annoying.

  There is only so often you can really have someone be ‘on’ around you before it starts to be too much. This kid never takes a break.

; Even his name, always call him Nathan, never Nate. No short forms. Everything fully fleshed out and done the right and hard way.


  So I had taken to sending him on errands every time I had to conduct my business. I had no doubt in my mind that he would not approve of what I was doing and I could do without the hassle of him trying to report me to my superiors. So, after struggling to get him to do something by himself he finally relented and went off on his own.

  Peace and quiet and the ability to get things done, that is all I ask for.

  Problem was I had to come up with something new every time. Today it was a wellness check on a witness, just to see if they were doing okay. Nevermind that the case had closed and was already through the courts well over a year ago. He needed to go and double check that she hadn’t heard from the perp since the last wellness check last week.

  It would keep him occupied for a while.

  I’d paid the witness to keep him occupied for a while.

  She could talk a mile a minute and it was hard to stop her when she got started so I figured she was my best choice. Slip her some cash and she’ll keep him there for as long as she can, which knowing her meant I had plenty of time to go shop to shop and collect my rewards.

  Today was looking fantastic, not least because I didn’t have that eager beaver chirping in my ear about rules and regulations every five seconds.

  So far all of my stops had been real nice, no problems whatsoever. I had a good selection of envelopes tucked into the little bag I was carrying and it looked like I would have a good day ahead of me.

  And then I remembered which store I had next.

  This little antique shop always gave me trouble. The owner, this older woman, wasn’t real easy to convince. She required a bit of motivation to get her on the same page.

  Seems she had trouble understanding what I was saying, had trouble believing that a cop would put the pressure on like this.

  She didn’t live in the real world.

  Eventually she came around, they all do eventually, and she started up with the regular payments. Things were fine for months and months but then it started to go a bit sideways.

  She was pushing boundaries, seeing what she could get away with. Missed or late payments started becoming a thing and more and more she would mouth off each time I brought it up.

  It’s frustrating you know, I mean we both are just trying to get our job done but she doesn’t see it that way.

  She would complain that my fees were too high or that her shop wasn’t making enough money to justify the expense. As if any of that was my problem.

  Right now she was a month behind, and it was only through the grace of my good nature that she still enjoyed the protection I offered. But that good will expired today the moment I stepped into her store.

  As I pushed open the door of that little antique shop I knew there would be trouble, but I didn’t quite expect this.

  Right after the tinkling bell the first sound I heard was the sounds of a struggle. You get a sense for that noise as a cop, it's such a uniquely telling sound.

  Most people would just hear grunts and shuffling, but as a cop you get a real sense of who it is. I can tell just from listening how many people, their fitness level, hell even usually their age and gender too.

  In this case, without laying eyes on the scene, I could pretty much tell it was two individuals, both female. One was older, you could tell from the slight wheeze to her breathing. The other was younger, her breathing was harsher and more ragged but she was obviously panicked rather than breathing heavily out of exertion.

  My guess is the older party was the shop owner, and she had caught someone trying to steal from her. The shop owner was spry and spirited, so it didn’t shock me at all that she would try to stop the criminal herself.

  So even though I was relatively sure the situation was nothing to be concerned about I still proceeded with caution. One hand was on my holster, ready to draw if need be, and I walked quietly and with cautious steps as I stalked towards the noises.

  The old lady noticed me as soon as I came around the corner and her eyes flew open with relief at the sight of me, then she caught my face and realized who I was and her eyebrows narrowed with suspicion.

  My guess was right, the old woman had a younger woman by the arm. This criminal was a bit dishevelled and a quick glance told me that wasn’t just on account of the struggle.

  She had the look of someone who was newly homeless. Her clothing was still rather nice, and she still was keeping herself clean and her hair neat. She looked to be maybe early 20s and didn’t have the strung out look of a junkie, hell she actually looked healthy which made me guess she was probably just down on her luck rather than homeless because of bad decisions.

  Her face was pretty, or at least it looked like it would be if it didn’t have the panicked look of a trapped animal plastered across it. She was struggling for all it was worth and at glimpses of her body under her layers of clothing I guessed she was actually pretty fit. If she wasn’t homeless she would’ve more than likely turned my head when she passed on the street.

  Her hair was long and brown, pulled into a messy ponytail, and her face had a sort of mousy look to her. Her eyes were big and her lips were plump, even pursed together in concentration like they were now. She looked tired and about ready to give up before I even got within distance to do anything and when she saw me she stopped sharp and she got a new look, glancing between the old woman and me like she was trying to figure out a way out of this new situation.

  The owner shouted towards me, her grip on the girl still quite firm, “I caught her stealing. Arrest her!”

  Imagine the sense of entitlement, she knew exactly what day it was, knew that she didn’t have a leg to stand on for her demands but still she was trying.

  I looked at her, and then at the woman she caught. I took my time taking in the whole scene and then leaned up against one of the shelves, pulled out a pack of gum and slipped a piece out into my hand.

  I took my time unwrapping it, eyes on the two of them while my fingers worked slowly and deliberately, as I unwrapped it I spoke, “So we’re on the same page here, you and I. We both know what day it is and we both know the arrangement made here. You have passed a deadline, and so while I would ordinarily be more than happy to assist you here there is a certain level of assistance I need from you. I need you to meet your end of the bargain.”

  “Arrest her first,” the owner shouted, “You cuff her and then we can talk about that.”

  “No no no,” I said, slowly as if speaking to a dim-witted and slow individual, “I have no guarantees you are going to keep up your end of this deal. I am sticking to the letter of what we arranged last month, which is that from today, the moment I step through that door I am no longer willing or able to assist you unless you fulfill your end of the bargain. I am through the door, my hand is empty, so it is tied as well. I cannot act unless you do.”

  The owner shot a glance my way, cold and hard and ruthless I could tell whatever she was thinking it was not kind.

  I had to chuckle. It was clear she thought she was intimidating me, but the truth was I had all the power here and she knew it.

  Still I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

  “Do you have my envelope ready?” I asked.

  Still she remained silent.

  “Do you at least have the ability to pay your debt this month?” I shook my head slightly, sighing.

  Her jaw tensed and she forced out the single syllable, “No.”

  “Well then,” I stood up off the shelf and crossed the room towards the two of them.

  Both women tensed as I approached and all eyes were on my hand as I reached out. When I grasped the wrist of the shop owner I sensed the thief relax slightly, still wary but judging that things were starting to turn in her favor so maybe if she just kept quiet she’d soon be out of this mess.

  She was smart.

  “Let her go,” I
said, my voice firm and authoritative. It was my cop voice, the voice I used when I was trying to get someone to do what I wanted or needed them to. It usually never failed, but this time the woman held firm in her grip.

  “She stole from me,” she uttered, the anger making her voice tremble slightly.

  “Ma’am,” I said in my deep voice, “You’re holding someone against their will. Let her go now. I don’t want to have to take you in.”

  The shop owner twitched lightly, her eyes narrowed as she looked at me and then at the girl.

  She tensed once more, her whole body seeming to vibrate. She looked like a cat about to pounce, like a spring wound too tight. When she released her movement was so fast it was almost hard to detect.

  Her hands were a blur and after they were still again all I could sense was the slight burn of a scratch across the back of my hand. The hand that was holding her.

  I released her arm and she released the girl and both of us blinked trying to figure out what had just happened. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me and I looked at the girl as my vision went slightly blurry and then snapped back into focus.

  The girl seemed to struggle slightly too, shaking her head as if she was trying to clear the cobwebs and then realization dawned over her that there was no one holding her there and her eyes went wide. She turned and bolted for the door, her steps quick and unsure.

  She got maybe halfway there before the door darkened with the figure of someone entering the shop.

  Her momentum kept her going as she barrelled right into the figure and I heard a smack of two bodies running into each other. Then the figure stepped forward and I saw my goody two shoes partner step into the shop with this girl held firmly in his grip.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Nathan shouted, his voice taking on the same authoritative tone mine had.

  I opened my mouth to say something and it felt like the whole thing was filled with cotton. My tongue felt heavy and my chest did too, like I wearing a lead vest just about to be x rayed at the dentist. I felt tired, and sluggish and it was so hard to even keep my eyes open.

  Everything came at me through a fog as I tried to push through it only to wind up stumbling back. I wasn’t moving though, all of it was in my head, a feeling of dizziness like my whole self was swirling in a sink, draining out the bottom.


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