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Fallen (Dark God Saga)

Page 4

by Dubrinsky, Violette; Flowers, Renee


  “You’re not going?”

  Thanatos looked up from his Blackberry to the one person who’d never left his side since his “banishment.” While his parents and other siblings were never more than a summons away, Hypnos was almost always present. Sometimes it seemed as if he was serving Thanatos’s sentence with him.

  With one leg propped up against the other, Hypnos looked relaxed sitting in the large leather chair that faced Thanatos’s desk. On his brother’s face was a look so smug, Thanatos was curious. “Going where?”

  “The Ball, Cinderella. Where else?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Thanatos returned his attention to his Blackberry. Technology was one of the things at which the human race was successful. And they couldn’t even take all of the credit for that. Their not so human counterparts, vampires, werewolves and witches, still held the patents and copyrights to many of the technologically forward products. Cell phones, television, the internet, even the Blackberry in his hand...

  “So, are you going?”

  “Why should I?” Thanatos murmured, lifting his gaze to his brother. Hypnos was speaking of the Monster’s Ball, the event that had begun in the last years, and that usually housed an array of species of the paranormal, along with many unsuspecting human counterparts. It was humorous, that humans assumed everything at the Ball was an acted-out Halloween script. Every year since the event had begun, he’d received an invitation from Thoth, the warlock host. Thanatos had attended twice. Many of the immortal species who attended were cursed in some way, just as he was, but unlike him, they were looking for mates to either undo their curse or make it significantly better.

  As a god, Thanatos didn’t believe in the idea of a mate, well a mate for himself. He’d met enough werewolf couples to know that within their species existed the phenomenon, possibly because of their animal nature, but no two gods would ever uphold vows only to each other for eternity. His parents loved each other as much as any gods could, but Erebos had fathered children who did not belong to Nyx, and Nyx had taken gods to her bed that weren’t Erebos. Jealousy had ensued, but in the end, it was their way.

  “How long have we been brothers?”

  That question alerted him that whatever Hypnos was leading to would be important. The last time his twin had asked that question had been ages ago when Hypnos, learning to control his powers had unconsciously listened in on Cronus’s thoughts. It hadn’t helped that the all-powerful Titan had known it was one of the dark gods, and came demanding answers. In the end, Thanatos confessed to mischief--he couldn’t die after all--but Cronus had dismissed it as a ‘boon’ to the dark gods.

  Thanatos lowered his Blackberry to the smooth top of his office desk. His eyes wavered left, catching the Empire State building and surrounding buildings in the skyline. When he’d come to New York to expand his financial empire, he’d chosen this building particularly for that skyline. It was a shame the Towers were no longer there, that human hands had played a part in bringing down such magnificent buildings. On that fateful day, and although it was against the rules, he’d wished for his powers to have Death claim those who’d so callously orchestrated the taking of so many innocent lives.

  “What are you trying to tell me, Hypnos?”

  His twin looked ready to argue about Thanatos’s “get to the point” attitude, but then he shrugged and said, “Being human has made you more cranky.”

  When that response only got him a lifted brow, he clucked his tongue and said, “I have news that will cheer you up.” When he paused, waiting for a reaction, and got none, Hypnos’s eyes hardened, and he continued, “Let’s not all jump at once.”

  “Brother, I’ve been stuck in a human body for almost a century. I can’t practice my element, I can’t wield any of my powers, I am at a disadvantage, and as you know vulnerable to attacks from any god who knows of my whereabouts.” It was the truth, and Hypnos knew it about as well as Thanatos did. The only difference was his brother needed to be reminded at times.

  “I know, brother.” His voice had taken a sympathetic tone, and Thanatos nodded.

  When he’d first been cursed by Hera, Hypnos had come to Earth with him, and although he hadn’t said it, he’d been protecting him. His first years as a human, he’d glimpsed Aphrodite and her minions numerous times. The only reason they hadn’t stepped forward or attacked was because Hypnos had always been near. “Zeus is attending the Ball this year.”

  Thanatos’s eyes sharpened. What? Zeus at the Monster’s Ball? When had Zeus taken to coming to the human world? Ever since the creation of the druids, the god had all but given up on visiting or caring about the humans.


  Hypnos shrugged his shoulders and shook his blond head. “When has he ever done things that actually make sense?”

  But Thanatos wasn’t really listening. If Hypnos believed Zeus was going to be at the Monster’s Ball, then he’d had to have learned it from a good source. And if Zeus was going to be at the Ball, then Thanatos could ask him to review his case. Unless...

  “What about Hera?”

  A large and cool smile appeared on Hypnos’s lips. “That’s the beauty of it. Zeus and Hera have been feuding these past few months.”


  “It seems our great leader has been enjoying the marvels of the human flesh. Particularly one human’s flesh. Hera is not pleased.”

  Thanatos absorbed it all. Zeus would be at the Ball without Hera, and they were currently feuding. That was as perfect as it would get for him.

  “So, I’m guessing by that look in your eye that we’re both going to need something more apropos for the Ball?”


  His twin unfurled himself from the chair, brushing out the wrinkles in the light blue suit that he wore. In the past years, Hypnos had really become a fan of that particular color. Almost everything he wore had something of the shade inside.

  “Of course, we. You didn’t think I’d let you have all the fun, did you?”

  A small, appreciative smile cracked Thanatos’s lips. “Of course not. When have you ever?”

  “Good. When you’re finished playing billionaire human executive, summon me. And have that personal shopper of yours pick me out something that has my color in it. Oh, and something that brings out my eyes. I’m told they are one of my best features.”

  Thanatos lifted a brow, and shook his head. Hypnos could easily wish himself into a suit, so why he insisted on having the image consultant Thanatos used find him clothes, Thanatos did not know, nor did he truly care to find out.


  After placing a call to Janet to remind her friend to feed Misty during the days that she’d be gone, Simone took a shower, dressed and stepped from her hotel room.

  She’d arrived in Virginia last night, and after checking into the suite that the Traveler had requested for her, had proceeded to pass out. From the moment that the Traveler found out about her Monster’s Ball invitation, they’d been prepping her on her wiretaps, what types of quotes she should get and from whom, what types of pictures, etc. Essentially, the Traveler had seemed to forget one little—big thing: she was a journalist with years of experience. And that had just been one part of the ordeal. The other part had been dress shopping. With two personal shoppers hacking each other to bits about what would look better on her body, Simone had finally decided on a deep violet dress that was as classy as it was sexy. Janet would be proud. About the sexy part. What did her friend care about class?

  Taking the elevator down to the lobby, she approached the concierge. She was going to do a bit of research before she left for the Ball tonight.

  “May I help you, ma’am?” He was an older man of wiry build, with dark, astute eyes.

  Smiling, Simone nodded. “I was just wondering if you house many of the guests who attend the Monster’s Ball?”

  The man nodded once. “Yes, ma’am, many of the attendees request suites in our establishment months in advance.”<
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  Simone nodded. “And what about the town? How do they respond to the Monster’s Ball?” She’d done her research and found out the history of the Whitman plantation, and the slaves who’d been massacred there by their mistress. Google had revealed some far-fetched possibilities dealing with evil witches, but Simone wanted the story from a townie. That way, she’d have more to write in her article.

  The concierge gave her a tight lipped smile, but his eyes were curious, if not a bit cautious.

  “Stranton was not known until the Monster’s Ball. The people who live here love it because every Halloween our tourism increases. Invitees, and people who just want to see the glamour that is the Ball, come here and give business to our residents.”

  Simone nodded, and was just about to thank him and ask for a map of the town so she could do her very own exploring when something else occurred to her. “Is this the only hotel in this town?”

  The concierge nodded, and then explained, “We are the only major hotel chain in town, but there are also numerous smaller hotels and bed and breakfasts.”

  “So the guests are always accommodated?”

  He nodded, and then his eyes went behind her and lingered. Without turning, Simone knew another customer had stepped into the establishment. Deciding the concierge had given her enough information for now, she asked for a map of the town, stepping aside to browse the contents upon receiving it.

  “Good morning, sir. Do you have reservations?”

  “Yes. Reservations under Aeron. Thanatos Aeron.”

  Compliments of Mr. Aeron, the gentleman sitting by the window.

  Simone froze. Even the blood in her body seemed to still. She shook her head. It couldn’t be. Aeron was a common name, wasn’t it? Seriously, what were the chances that this Mr. Aeron was the same Mr. Aeron who sent her the chocolate dessert days ago?

  Slowly, Simone turned, and caught her breath. As if expecting her reaction, the man gave her a startlingly beautiful smile, pearly whites proudly on display. Okay, so it wasn’t her Mr. Aeron. He’d had dark hair, and if she remembered correctly, which she was positive she had, he’d been more tanned. This man had silky golden-blond hair that was pulled away from a pale, almost luminescent face. But that seemed to be the only difference between the two. She hadn’t gotten a good look at Mr. Aeron’s eyes, but they could have been the startling sky blue of the man before her, couldn’t they? It had been dim in the restaurant and he’d been across from her...

  “Here are your keys, Mr. Aeron. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask any of our staff,” the concierge was saying.

  Simone expected the blond Mr. Aeron to turn back to the concierge and was surprised to hear another voice, a deep and rich timber baritone, say, “Thank you.”

  It was then that she recognized something. There were two of them. Although the blond man was tall enough to block her vision of many things behind him, she could make out the dark head of someone speaking with the concierge. A brother perhaps. They were both so tall, over six feet.


  Blinking, she looked back to the beautiful blond, who’d extended a hand to her. His smile never faltered, even when she looked at the hand suspiciously before looking over his shoulder once more.

  “I promise that you will only receive pleasure from giving me your name,” he said in a slow, compelling voice unlike any she’d heard before.

  Simone extended her own hand, and was about to give him her name, when the dark-haired man turned to them. Eyes so grey they seemed liquidized focused on her, and Simone froze as Mr. Aeron—her Mr. Aeron—stared back at her.

  As if sensing something, Hypnos looked over his shoulder, and lifted a brow.

  “You know each other?” He seemed amused.

  The dark-haired Mr. Aeron stepped forward until he was next to his brother. His twin. Simone felt the urge to pinch herself. Just to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming. She bit the inside of her cheek, and when she felt pain, sighed.

  No man—men—should be this gorgeous. She could just imagine Janet fainting if she saw them, especially standing next to each other as they currently were, one dark, one fair, one who looked like Lucifer prior to his casting out of the pearly gates, the other Gabriel.

  After long seconds of silence, Simone cleared her throat and rushed out, “Thanks for the dessert.”

  Hypnos’s brows lowered, and a little smirk touched his lips. He passed a quick glance at his brother, sighed in an overly dramatic fashion, and easily took one of the keys from his brother’s hand.

  “A pleasure,” he murmured, those captivating eyes holding hers, before he turned and headed for the elevators.

  “Thanatos Aeron.” When he extended his hand, Simone didn’t hesitate to take it. His hand was large, his palm big and warm. There was an innate strength, power, in that grip. She resisted the urge to shiver and tried to remember her name. “Simone—er—Simone Randall.”

  He didn’t release her hand, but smiled instead. Unlike his brother, Thanatos’s smile was beautiful in a more deviant sort of way. As if he had a number of wicked thoughts running through his head that inspired it. God, what she would do to know some of those thoughts.

  “I’m guessing you’re either here for the Monster’s Ball or you’ve taken to stalking me?”

  That drew a startled chuckle from her, and his hand seemed to tighten ever so slightly against her own. A gorgeous man with a sense of humor. She might start stalking him just for that.

  “Not that I wouldn’t stalk you—you give out exquisite desserts—but I’m here for the Ball.” Although he’d implied that he was as well, she wanted certainty. “Are you?”

  He nodded, and released her hand.

  The journalist in her reared its head. “Is this your first time attending?”

  Thanatos shook his head. “No. You?”

  Simone nodded. She was thinking of something else to say to him, just to keep him talking in that rich, masculine voice, when her cell phone rang.

  Taking a step back, Thanatos inclined his head. “I’ll see you tonight, Simone.”

  After watching him walk off for the second time, and thinking that the man certainly knew how to fill out a suit, Simone found the phone. Her boss. Right. Why wasn’t she surprised? Because he’d called her every day since he’d learned of her invitation. And he hardly called during regular business hours. It was as if he had everything riding on her story. One positive of the Ball being tonight was that after today, Mr. Johnson would no longer be ringing her phone.

  With a sigh, she answered the call.


  By the time she was wired, dressed and bedazzled in jewelry, Simone looked the part of a princess attending a ball. And damn if she didn’t feel a little bit like Cinderella, without the wicked stepmother, stepsisters, and of course prince charming, although it was possible for her to meet prince charming at the Ball. Thanatos immediately came to mind, and a little smile touched her lips at her silly girlhood fantasy.

  The hotel had reserved cars for the evening so that their guests could be toted to and from the Whitman Plantation. Making sure that she had her invitation, Simone walked down to the lobby, and waited for the next car.

  She arrived at the Plantation slightly after nine. Hoping that she didn’t look the part of a nervous, wired journalist, she pasted on a smile, stepped from the car, and approached a man dressed as a cross between an angel and something else. So, it was a costume party? And here she thought it was semi-formal. Oh well...

  Eyeing his “wings” Simone approached.

  “Welcome to the Whitman Plantation. May I have your invitation please?”

  As she handed the invitation over to him, he scanned it with sharp, dark eyes, before placing it into a dark bag beside him. His eyes lifted to her, and his gaze slowly lowered, pausing on her belly, where the wires were pasted.

  Simone felt her palms grow sweaty. He couldn’t know that she was wearing wires, could he? No, of course not. But what if he
found out that she was?

  “Ms. Randall—.”

  The double door behind him suddenly opened and out walked a tall man with a friendly smile who was too damned gorgeous for his own good. Simone had just dismissed him as a guest leaving early, when he stopped directly before her and took her clammy hand.

  “Can’t you see the lady is cold? Where is your shawl, Simone? It may not be too cold yet, but it certainly warrants a shawl.”

  Simone gaped. How did he know her name? Was he one of the townies she’d met today?

  “I-I don’t—.”

  “Know me? I apologize. My name is Thoth. I am the host of this little event. I also hand delivered that invitation you received. Sadly, you were not home, so I left it with your doorman.”

  “Oh.” Simone found herself even more confused. How did he know to invite her? She couldn’t remember meeting him, and she wasn’t a member of any club that would get her invited to an event like this. At least, she wasn’t aware of being one.

  “I see you have more questions? Come inside. I’ll show you around as I explain.” Turning his body, Thoth indicated the opened doors. From what she could make out, there were dimly lit red and gold lights inside.

  Nodding, she stepped by him and entered the huge double doors.


  Thanatos lifted a dark brow as he watched the tall, impressive-looking blond man flirt shamelessly with a slender, dark-skinned woman who, while she could not match him in height, stood at least five eleven, which was considerably taller than most women here tonight. Observing them from the shadows, he could make out the possessive way in which the man’s hand lingered on the woman’s back, the way he kept touching her as if wanting to make sure that she was always there. He guessed it would be considered infatuation or love by humans. But there was one problem.

  The man before him was a god. Not just a god, the current ruler on Mount Olympus: Zeus, the sometimes over-eager thrower of the lightning bolt himself.

  The woman said something, and Zeus threw back his head and laughed before reaching forward to capture her lips in a quick, passionate kiss. It was at that moment that Thanatos saw Zeus’s body stiffen, and felt the pulse of power that rippled through the room. Zeus had just become aware of him. He was getting slow.


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