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The Special Delivery: Complete Collection

Page 5

by Lillian Cordell

  He ignored her.

  ‘Anna, come here!’ Rachel shouted as she hurried after her daughter. Apologising she took Anna’s hand with a glance between Amy and Tom. ‘You can’t go running off like that,’ she scolded the child as she turned away.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Anna’s apologetic voice carried back to them. ‘I think I like Danny better.’

  ‘Me too,’ Rachel said slightly louder than necessary so that her voice drifted back to them.

  ‘Who was that kid?’ Amber demanded as she stared up at Tom. ‘She wasn’t-’

  ‘She’s my niece,’ Amy cut in before she could finish. ‘I wouldn’t worry, I doubt he could sleep with two different girls at the same time. Hell, I know for a fact that he can’t even manage one.’

  ‘Amy?’ Danny asked as he appeared at her side. ‘What’s going on? Wait, Amber?’

  ‘You know her?’ Amy asked as she rounded on him.

  ‘Yeah, she was my ex-girlfriend and he,’ Danny said, pointing at Tom. ‘He was the friend she left me for a year ago.’

  ‘Wait, a year ago?’ Amy asked. Slowly he nodded, his eyes still focused on Tom. ‘You were cheating on me all that time?’

  ‘I-I,’ he stammered as he looked around for a way out.

  ‘I knew it! You’re pathetic!’ Amy shouted as she slapped Tom as hard as she could. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Danny wince. Clearly he was remembering the time she had slapped him in her kitchen.

  ‘Hey, don’t touch him,’ Amber said angrily as she jumped towards Amy.

  In a flash Frank appeared in front of her, blocking Amber’s path. ‘Alright, break it up,’ he said calmly as he stood between them. ‘I think it’s best if you go now,’ he added gruffly as he looked at Tom.

  ‘Come on,’ he muttered, pulling Amber after him while she complained loudly.

  ‘Are you alright,’ Frank asked as he turned to Amy, seeing the tears in her eyes.

  ‘I’m fine. Thank you,’ she said as she felt Danny wrap his arm around her waist. Grateful for the gestures, Amy leant her head against his shoulder.

  ‘You take care of her,’ Frank said as he looked Danny up and down. ‘Don’t think just because you won her that pumpkin you get off lightly if you ever hurt her like that guy.’

  Swallowing, Danny nodded. ‘I won’t.’

  ‘Good man,’ Frank replied before turning back to his stall, coaxing away several people who had been watching the scene.

  ‘Amy are you alright?’ Rachel asked as she bundled over to her, husband and children in tow.

  ‘I’m fine,’ she insisted as she tried to fight back the tears. In truth she was far from fine. ‘I think I might head home though.’

  ‘Alright,’ Rachel said with a weak smile.

  Without another word Amy slipped Danny’s arm from round her waist and walked away, heading for the exit.

  Why did he have to show up? Why did she have to bump into him of all the people at the fair? Why did he have to turn up with that insufferable girl hanging off his arm? She was dressed as a cat for Christ’s sake, Amy thought as she kicked a paper cup out of her way venomously.

  She had managed to make it out the gate and across the road before the tears finally began to roll down her cheeks. Just as they did she heard footsteps running after her. Great, Rachel was coming to check on her, just what she needed.

  Turning to tell her to leave her alone she froze as Danny skidded to a halt in front of her. He must have seen the tears, she though as he opened his arms to her. Without a second thought she fell into them.

  Amy had no idea how long they had stood in the street with her clinging on to his as she cried into his shoulder, the toy pumpkin crushed between them. All she knew was that when she had finally gathered herself and pulled away he had kept his arm around her as he walked her home. Without a word she had opened the door, letting them both in.

  Wiping her eyes on her sleeve, she sat down on the stairs. Resting her head on the giant pumpkin toy she took off her boots, tossing them aside with the assortment of other shoes that she owned while Danny disappeared in to the house.

  Just as she took her eyes of the heels she had warn to dinner with Danny, making to get up, he reappeared, a glass of wine in each hand. Sitting down on the step beside her he held one out to her.

  ‘Thanks,’ she murmured as she leant her head on his shoulder.

  For a while they both sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. ‘I should probably get going,’ Danny said, finally breaking the silence. ‘I’ve got work in the morning.’

  ‘Do you have to?’ Amy asked as she looked up. ‘Can’t you stay?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ he said hesitantly as he looked at her.

  ‘I’ll drop you off in the morning,’ she said, trying to sweeten the deal. ‘Please?’

  ‘Alright,’ he gave in with a sigh. ‘I guess it couldn’t hurt.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said kissing him on the cheek. ‘I don’t really want to be on my own tonight.’

  ‘I know how you feel,’ he replied solemnly as he slipped his arm around her back, pulling her against him.

  ‘No offence but how did you date cat girl,’ Amy asked after a moment, refusing to use the name of the girl her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her with.

  ‘Honestly, she didn’t used to be like that,’ he said quietly. ‘She definitely didn’t make a good cat either.’

  ‘Maybe I should have just worn my cat costume,’ Amy said thoughtfully as she thought about the conversation they had had just before they had entered the fair. ‘At least then we wouldn’t have made it to the fair and bumped in to them.’

  ‘Cat costume? I thought you just had the ears?’ Danny said.

  ‘Well it isn’t really a costume,’ Amy admitted. ‘It was just a short skirt and a more than revealing top.’

  ‘You have a good memory for something you wore when you were eighteen,’ Danny laughed. ‘Do you want some more wine?’

  ‘Why not. I’ll be there in a minute,’ she replied as she handed her glass to him. Suddenly she had an idea forming in her head. One that involved a pair of cat ears. Standing up she turned and ran up the stairs, the giant pumpkin clutched to her chest.

  Darting into her room she shut the door behind her quietly as she turned on the light. Lying on the bed, in a heap where she had left it, was the cat costume she had tried on earlier, the ears poking out from amongst the bundle of fabric.

  Pulling the cape and witch’s hat off, she tossed them aside, putting the pumpkin down on the floor beside them. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she pulled off her tights, replacing them with the black thigh high socks when she had managed to untangle them. Deciding to stick with the skirt she was already wearing, she pulled the long sleeved shirt over her head, switching it for the low cut black tank top that, apart from earlier, she hadn’t worn in years.

  As she stood up she remembered why she never wore it. It was far tighter than it had been when she had worn it all those years ago. Shorter as well, she thought as she tried to pull it down to cover the small portion of her stomach that she could see in the mirror. In the end it became obvious that the top was just going to keep riding up as soon as she let go of it. Giving up on the top she grabbed the cat ears off the bed, slipping them on to her head.

  ‘Amy?’ she heard Danny call as he took a couple of steps up the stairs.

  ‘I’ll be down in a sec,’ she shouted back hurriedly, sighing with relief when he stopped climbing the stairs. Slowly his footsteps disappeared as he went back downstairs.

  Taking her hair out of its ponytail she pushed it over her shoulder, tucking a couple of loose strands behind her ear. With one final tweak of the cat ears she examined her reflection in the mirror. She had never been one to obsess over her looks but even she had to admit she looked good as she tugged the top down a little, revealing a little more of her cleavage.

  What on earth was she doing?

  Before she could change her mind she heard Danny calling h
er from downstairs again. How long had she been staring at her reflection?

  ‘Coming!’ she called back as she grabbed the black belt that lay on the bet. Wrapping it round her waist she fastened it, adjusting the fluffy black tail that she and Rachel had spent hours making and fixing to the belt all those years ago.

  Desperate not to let Danny have the chance to come and find her again she opened the bedroom door, checking that he wasn’t at the bottom of the stairs before she stepped out. When she was sure that the coast was clear she slipped out, hurrying down the stairs.

  As she reached the bottom she heard the sound of a glass being placed on the work surface in the kitchen. Quietly she tiptoed through to the kitchen. He was standing with his back to her reading the label on the wine bottle he was holding.

  Darting forwards she placed her hands over his eyes from behind him. ‘Trick or treat?’ she whispered in his ear.

  ‘Treat?’ he replied uncertainly.

  ‘The truth is I didn’t remember the costume from when I was eighteen,’ she said slowly as she took her hands away. ‘I remembered it because I tried it on earlier.’

  As he turned round she saw his eyes fall on the ears that were perched on top of her head. Suddenly she became very self-aware as she watched his eyes slip from the ears to the tank top that was too small for her before dropping to somewhere between the bottom of her skirt and the tops of the thigh high socks.

  ‘Danny?’ she asked nervously when he didn’t say anything. Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea after all.

  ‘Sorry,’ he said, shaking himself out of his thoughts as his gaze returned to her face. ‘Wow.’

  Wow, just wow, she thought, annoyed that she hadn’t got a better reaction. ‘Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,’ she sighed as she reached for the ears. She was just about to take them off when his hand appeared on hers, stopping it. Slowly he pulled her hand away from her head, lowering it to her side.

  Without a word he wrapped his arms around her, picking her up suddenly. In an instinctive reaction she wrapped her legs around him, her arms quickly looping around his neck.

  Adjusting his grip she felt his hands settle dangerously close to the bottom of her skirt. ‘It wasn’t a bad idea,’ he said quietly. ‘You make a very good cat. A very sexy cat as well.’

  ‘That’s better she said appreciatively. ‘I was beginning to think you didn’t want me being a cat.’

  ‘No, I want you more than ever right now,’ he said. It became obvious to her that he knew exactly how close his hands were to the bottom of her skirt when she felt one of his fingers brush against her skin gently, deliberately.

  ‘Good. Bedroom, now,’ she commanded, leaning forwards and pulling the fangs out of his mouth and tossing them on to the side behind him.

  Without a moment’s hesitation he set off through the house, carrying her up the stairs with ease. All the while Amy occupied herself with kissing his neck.

  She was so caught up with kissing his neck that she didn’t realise that they had even made it to her bedroom until he dropped her unceremoniously on to the bed. Bouncing slightly on the mattress she opened her eyes just as Danny appeared above her.

  Reaching up she pushed his Dracula cloak off, her hands making straight for the button on the jeans he had been wearing underneath.

  ‘Someone’s eager,’ Danny laughed as she pushed at the top of his jeans, driving them down.

  ‘Shut up vampire boy,’ she muttered as she hooked an arm around his neck, pulling her closer so that she could kiss him.

  With one arm hooked around his neck, she ran the other hand down his stomach, pushing his boxers down so that they joined his jeans. He was already hard, she smiled as she took him in her hand, running her fingers along his length teasingly.

  ‘Jesus Amy!’ Danny groaned as he broke the kiss breathing heavily. ‘Slow down.’

  Reluctantly she listened to him. Letting go of him she grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. Without it hanging down in front of her she caught sight of his boxers. They were bright red with, what looked like, tiny black bats on them.

  ‘Bat boxers, really?’ she asked as she pulled away slightly.

  ‘What?’ he said defensively. ‘You’re the one dressed as a cat.’

  ‘Yeah, but you like that,’ she purred as she ran a hand across his chest. ‘Don’t you?’

  Silently he nodded.

  ‘The bat boxers have to go though,’ she insisted as she ran her hand lower. ‘Unless you have to get home because you have work tomorrow?’

  ‘What’s wrong with them?’ he whined.

  At first Amy didn’t reply. Instead she threw all her weight to one side, flipping them over so that she was straddling him. Shuffling back she pulled the boxers off along with his jeans, throwing them aside. ‘You were wearing them,’ she whispered teasingly as she crawled back up him, making sure she brushed against him as lightly as possible.

  ‘Amy,’ he moaned so quietly that she almost missed it.

  ‘Yes Danny?’ she asked innocently. Taking one of his hands in her own, she slid it up her thigh and under her skirt. With the other, she took him in her hand, stroking him gently.

  ‘You’re killing me here,’ he whispered as he tried to push her hand away.

  ‘You’re killing me too,’ she replied with a moan as she pushed his hand under her panties.

  Without any encouragement he curled a finger, slipping it inside her, a second joining it soon after. Taking her hand, that had been guiding his, she ran it through her hair, knocking the cat ears askew as she did so. Arching her back, she felt his calloused thumb start to rub small circles as his fingers pushed further into her.

  Pulling the tank top over her head she threw it aside carelessly as she collapsed forwards on to his chest, her breathing getting heavier by the second. Kissing his neck she moaned his name when his fingers began to move faster.

  Leaning down, he trailed kisses along the top edge of the black bra she had been wearing under the tank top. With one hand he managed to unclasp it as the other continued its work under her skirt.

  As the bra sailed past her head she moved forwards, his fingers slipping out of her. Rolling off of him she pulled him over so that he was on top of her again.

  Batting away his hand as it made to return to what it had been doing she looked up at him. ‘No, I want you inside me,’ she whispered desperately.

  ‘What?’ he muttered caught off guard.

  ‘I want you to fuck me, Danny,’ she demanded.

  ‘What?’ he repeated. She couldn’t blame him for taking a second glance. She rarely swore as a matter of course, he had probably been caught off guard.

  ‘Fuck me,’ she repeated slowly as she took him in her hand, moving him in the right direction.

  Fortunately he seemed to regain his senses before she had to do everything for him. Shuffling back he pushed her skirt up, whipping her lacy black panties off so quickly that they barely touched her legs.

  Where they ended up she neither knew nor cared as she pulled him to her, kissing him desperately as his fingers found their way inside her again. Moaning, she felt his tongue flick against hers.

  Pushing the skirt up over her belt, he shuffled between her legs, sliding himself in to her quickly when his fingers disappeared from her again. Gasping at the sudden change she dug her finger into his back as he pushed deeper, filling her completely.

  Unlike the other times they had been together he didn’t take things slowly. This time he was rougher, more desperate for her. Not that she minded, she thought to herself. Moaning loudly, she squeaked as his arms appeared around her, lifting her off the bed and on to his lap as he lay back. Pulling her down as far as possible as he buried himself inside her. With his hands on her hips he managed to keep the same, blisteringly fast pace he had set as he kissed her hungrily.

  ‘Danny!’ she screamed, breaking the kiss as she arched her back, feeling the pleasure inside her explode. W
ith her eyes shut tightly she saw stars as he thrust in to her half a dozen more times before she felt him tense, spilling in to her.

  Trembling, she collapsed on to his chest, their heavy breathing combining to fill the otherwise silent room.

  ‘Wow. That was…’ she trailed off as she leant her head against his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat. One which she was sure she was matching at that moment.

  ‘Yeah,’ he replied breathlessly. Slowly he slid his arms around her, rolling her sideways so that they lay side by side. Reaching up with one hand he adjusted the wonky cat ears on her head slightly. Smiling he looked down at the skirt that was rolled up around her stomach. ‘Nice tail,’ he commented as he spotted the furry black strip that was attached to her belt wrapped around one of her legs.

  Mortified, Amy looked down. ‘I forgot about that,’ she said, blushing as she tried to untangle it under his gaze. In the end she settled for taking off the belt and tossing it on the floor.

  For several minutes they lay there in silence as their breathing evened out slowly. Absentmindedly, Amy traced a finger across his chest. What had nearly been a disaster of an evening hadn’t been so bad, she concluded as she looked up at his face. Nudging him gently, he opened his eyes.

  ‘Thanks for staying with me tonight,’ she said quietly.

  ‘It’s okay,’ he replied, closing his eyes again.

  ‘You’re always there when I need someone,’ she said, propping herself up on her elbow.

  Slowly one of his eyes cracked open again, watching her closely.

  ‘I-I would kind of like it if you know…’ she said nervously as she scrutinised his face for any hint of what he might be thinking. ‘If you were there all the time.’

  Slowly his other eye opened. For a moment he considered her.

  Just as Amy opened her mouth to apologise he placed a finger on her lips. ‘I think I would like that too.’

  Tonight had been far from a disaster, she thought with a sigh as she leant down, kissing him deeply.

  Breaking the kiss he wrapped an arm around her. ‘Give me ten minutes before you start trying that again,’ he said as he pulled her against him, brushing her hair out of her face.


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