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Marry Me under the Mistletoe

Page 11

by Rebecca Winters

  On a groan he reached for her. After wrapping his arms around her, he rocked her for a long time, never wanting to let her go. But slowly she eased away from him and wiped her eyes.

  “I’ve had enough of death and the pain of worrying. Meeting you has proven to me there are other men out there who can attract me. Perhaps one will become special, but he won’t do any of those thirteen most dangerous jobs you talked about, maybe not even the first thirty.

  “When I see how well Tessa handles your work, I marvel. Maybe being born into a firefighter’s family makes all the difference. More important, she knows she comes first in your heart and is loved beyond everything. She’s very lucky. I’m quite crazy about her. That makes this extra hard, because she’s at the age where she wants and needs a mommy, but I can’t allow her to become attached to me.

  “So, as much as I’d like to lie in your arms and feel alive again, I know of the terrible price that will have to be paid the first time I learn you’re off to another fire. I simply wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

  He shook her gently. “There has to be a way for us to work this out, Andrea.” Rick couldn’t conceive of not being with her. After hearing about her father, all he wanted to do was love her.

  She shook her head. “You know there isn’t. Admit that having felt the sparks with me, you’ll meet another woman out there who makes you happy again. She’ll love you without fear of how you make your living and she’ll love your daughter. Best of all, she’ll give you more children.”

  Rick moaned, trying like the devil to process everything she was telling him, but something still wasn’t connecting.

  “I happen to know she’ll consider it a privilege to be loved by you. You’re a remarkable man, Captain Jenner. Fearless. Honorable.”

  “Don’t set me up to be something I’m not.”

  She laughed sadly. “Tell that to the birds. I’m going to try to forget you, but it may not be possible. Nevertheless I intend to go my own way once Chase Hayward is caught in the act. Now I’m going to slip out your front door and meet Mother at the house. You need to eat and sleep. Tell Tessa my mommy needs me and I had to leave. She’ll understand that.”

  Andrea kissed his jaw and left the den. He followed her to the front door and watched her drive away. Rick could have gone after her, but knew this wasn’t the right moment. There was a fight going on inside her. He needed to give her more time, but one thing was certain. No way was he going to let her walk out of his life.

  Hours later he put Tessa to bed, then lay down on his own waiting for Benton to phone and tell him that the Hansel and Gretel shop had a nocturnal visitor. But the call never came. It meant Chase had something else in mind. For the rest of the night Rick wrestled with his thoughts, wondering what his next move might be.

  The man had hated Rick for years. For him to go to the shop and ask Andrea on a date was a premeditated move on his part to bait Rick. The lowlife had probably been stalking her every move.

  Rick’s gut told him Chase meant to harm her. Maybe he didn’t plan to set the shop on fire, but this night would have given him the perfect opportunity. He’d been in the cubicle of the E.R. when the doctor had told Rick he wouldn’t be able to go back to work for a couple of days.

  Armed with that knowledge, Chase probably had something much more evil in mind while he assumed Rick was still out of commission. The fear of what he might be planning brought him to his feet in a cold sweat.

  He checked his watch. Five-thirty a.m. Without hesitation he phoned Benton with his newest suspicions. After they made a plan, he hung up and got dressed, opting for his hiking boots and parka. He left Sharon the message that he’d had to leave early for work.

  One way or another he was going to beat Chase at his own game. It was only a matter of time.... He’d promised Andrea he would protect her and her mother. He wouldn’t be able to breathe until Chase had been caught and put away.

  Instinct prompted him to drive over to Mrs. Bernard’s home, but he parked alongside a group of cars three blocks away at an all-night shopping center. The streets were dry. Armed with his licensed concealed weapon and binoculars, he stole through a series of people’s backyards, some with snow, others where the snow had melted.

  He climbed a leafless tree in order to keep watch without being detected. Someone intentionally looking for him might see him, but that was a chance he had to take. Rick braced himself against a sturdy limb and ate a couple of granola bars while he waited.

  * * *

  After a nearly sleepless night, Andrea and her mom left the house at nine in her mom’s car. Andrea left hers in the garage. Since she would be putting on a parcel service uniform later, she’d dressed in jeans and a sweater she could wear under it without problem.

  She knew that if Chase Hayward had tried to get into the shop last night, Rick would have notified her by now. She was thankful he hadn’t yet tried to burn their business down.

  En route they stopped for bagels and coffee before they let themselves in the back door. Over breakfast Andrea eyed her mother through tears. “If anything happened to you...” She couldn’t finish the thought. “You’re the bravest person I know, Mom. I’m practically falling apart over this situation, but you remain fearless. How do you do it?”

  “I’m as nervous as you are deep down.”

  “To think that firefighter would hate Rick enough to want him dead.” Her voice shook. “I can’t bear it.”

  “Chase’s jealousy of Rick is a terrible thing now that it’s out of control. But the police and the fire department are all working on this case. I have faith he’ll be caught. Don’t you?”

  Andrea couldn’t swallow the rest of her bagel. “Yes, but it’s all so hideous. Rick risks his life every day, and now he has to worry that someone’s after him with a vengeance. Now it’s put him and the shop in danger, including my mother.”

  “We’re being protected, honey, but none of us is exempt from the ugliness of this world.”

  “I know, but this must be so awful for him. I don’t know how he goes on.” She jumped up from her chair. “What if he dies?”

  Her mother stood and put an arm around her. “I have a feeling you’re remembering that agonizing time when you were in the accident. Such deep-seated pain can color your emotions for a long time. Just remember you’re not in that situation now and Rick is very much alive. Hold on to that thought.”

  “I’m trying.” She sniffed. “Tell me about Rex.”

  “We’re going to dinner and the ballet tonight.”

  “I know. I guess what I’m asking is, how do you feel about him?”

  Her mom smiled at her. “I like him a lot. We’re going out tomorrow night, too.”

  “And Saturday night?”


  “I’m so pleased for you, Mom,” Andrea said with a slight glistening in her eyes.

  “Oh, darling, it will happen for you, too,” replied her mom.

  * * *

  Minute by minute the neighborhood came to life—people leaving for work, other people out walking their dogs, kids headed to school. By eight-thirty he noticed more traffic. Several vans for satellite TV, a moving van.

  His pulse raced the moment he saw Andrea and her mother leave the house by the front door. The binoculars hanging around his neck gave him a close-up of the woman who’d turned his life upside down over the past week. This morning she’d dressed in a parka over her jeans. Her gilt hair gleamed in the sun.

  Andrea’s mother backed them out of the driveway and they drove down the street. Once they were gone, he figured Chase would come now if he was going to. But if Rick was wrong, then he’d revert to plan B and start stalking him.

  When ten more minutes had passed, Rick decided he’d made a miscalculation. After tucking the binoculars inside his parka he was getting ready to desc
end when he saw a work truck pull up in the driveway. His adrenaline kicked in and he pulled out his field glasses. “Bailey’s Garage Door Service.”

  A man in a work uniform and a blue cap got out with a satchel, but Rick recognized his height and build immediately. I’ve got you, Hayward. His profile met the criteria of the sociopath, particularly in the areas of no remorse and illusions of grandeur.

  While he got busy opening the garage door, Rick made his descent. When he’d disappeared inside, Rick sprinted across the yard and over a fence. With stealth he approached the small window on the side of the garage.

  Chase was hunkered down by the driver’s side of the car. Sure enough, he was planting an explosive device that would kill the person who opened the car door. He’d left the garage door open so he could get out fast and then close it before driving off.

  Rick stole to the opening, then crept up behind him. Close enough now, he put an arm around his neck and squeezed until Chase was forced to let go of the device. The next thing Rick knew it detonated in a burst of flame. At that point the garage filled with police and he was hauled into an ambulance, where the paramedics got to work checking him out.

  Benton climbed inside and rode to the hospital with him. “Hey, buddy. Nice work. You’ve caught our firebug, who took the hit with his own bomb. Thank goodness you got off light. Just some hair was singed.”

  “What about Chase?”

  “I’d say he was burned over a third of his body, including his hands. If he’d been farther inside the car, there’d be nothing left of him.”

  Thank goodness. He’d never be able to hurt Andrea again.

  * * *

  Andrea and her mother both heard the Christmas chimes at the same time, cutting off further conversation.

  “I’ll go wait on our customer while you watch for the truck. It should be here any minute. Are you still nervous?”

  “I’m more angry than anything else right now. I want Chase in jail.”

  Andrea felt a moment of shock when she realized the man coming into the shop was Benton. Alarm bells went off in her head and her heart began to race. Something must have gone wrong, and Andrea found she could barely draw breath.

  “What’s happened? Is Rick all right?”

  “He’s fine. Our arsonist made his near fatal move.”

  Andrea gasped. “Where? You mean he’s been caught?”

  “Caught and in the hospital under guard. He broke in to your mother’s garage after the two of you left for work this morning. He was planting a bomb in your car when Rick surprised him. In the struggle, it detonated too soon and Chase received burns over a third of his body.”

  Her mind reeled. For a minute she couldn’t breathe. “But Rick was supposed to be home resting under doctor’s orders!” she cried. “How could he be at my mom’s?”

  “I’ll let him explain after he’s released from the hospital.”

  “He’s in the hospital, too?” she cried in absolute panic.

  “Not in the way you’re imagining. He’s only there to be checked out and give our team information.”

  Tears had pooled in her eyes. “How bad is he, Benton? I want the truth!”

  “A little singed hair and eyelashes. He’s fine, Andrea. I promise you.”

  She groaned aloud. “He’s still supposed to be in bed recovering from smoke inhalation!”

  “Let’s be thankful he followed his instincts and figured out what Chase had in mind before it was too late. Rick is never wrong. He’ll receive another citation for this.”

  “I’m not surprised, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that he could have died!”

  “But he didn’t—you can’t think that way, Andrea. Between you and me I’m thankful things turned out as they did. Otherwise I shudder to imagine what would have happened to you the next time you got in your car.”

  Rick... He’d put himself in jeopardy to save her life. It was too much.

  “Our city of Providence is safe from who knows how many fires he would have set off until he was caught.”

  “C-can I go visit him?” Her teeth had started to chatter.

  “Rick’s at an undisclosed hospital with police officials while they wind up this arson case. He’ll phone you later. You and your mother can go home at any time, but the garage is still a crime scene. Your mother will have to park out in front.

  “When all the damages are assessed, we’ll let you know how soon your car can be restored to you. I’m sure your insurance company will give you a loaner car.”

  “Thank you for telling me that,” she said, but her mind was on someone else. “What about Tessa?”

  “She doesn’t have any idea what’s gone on. My wife will be driving her and Julie to school and picking her up at the end of the day. Stop worrying.”

  Benton could say that because he was a man who, according to Rick, had been a firefighter first. Men thought differently than women, especially these heroic men. “I wish I could.”

  He put a hand on her shoulder. “The menace is over, and I happen to know Rick’s fine, because I’ve seen him and I’ve been on the phone with him.”

  “You have?”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you. He’ll get in touch with you when he can. We’re all breathing a sigh of relief that you and your shop are safe.”

  “You’re very kind, Benton. I appreciate everything you’ve done to keep us safe.” She looked over to her mother.

  “Oh, Andrea—” Her mother hugged her hard. “Thank heaven Rick stopped that horrible man before he could hurt anyone else.”

  She shook her head. “I can hardly comprehend it. He doesn’t care about himself.”

  “Of course he does! But it’s his job!”

  Andrea’s anger suddenly got the better of her. “He could have died this morning, Mom!”

  “You might have died if Rick hadn’t intervened when he did.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s get back to work. We have a lot to do.”

  * * *

  Rick was finishing a cup of coffee in the loft’s kitchen when he heard Andrea’s footsteps on the stairs. Benton would have apprised her of the facts. In order not to alarm her, Rick walked over to the doorway so she’d notice him right away.

  But maybe his surprise visit hadn’t been such a good idea, he thought. The second those soulful blue eyes saw him, the color left her face. He knew about her fear. Because of that, he’d driven his car straight here from the hospital to reassure her nothing was wrong with him.

  “Easy, Andrea.”

  Before she fainted, he picked her up in his arms and carried her through to the bedroom, where he laid her on the bed. She stared up at him. “I—I thought you were still at the hospital,” she whispered.

  He leaned over her, smoothing some gold strands from her forehead. “Just long enough to be checked out and released.” She was so enticing, he found her mouth and kissed her until she clung to him because she couldn’t help herself.

  When they came up for air, one of her hands strayed to his face. “Benton said the fire singed your hair and eyelashes, but it’s not nearly as bad as I had imagined.”

  Rick kissed the palm. “I’m glad to hear it. You think Tessa will notice?”

  “Yes. She notices everything. Little girls who love their fathers are like that.” Tears trickled out of the corners of her eyes. “Thank goodness you weren’t killed, Rick.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers in a gentler kiss. “It didn’t come to that.”

  “How did you know what Chase was going to do?”

  “Instead of dragging you back into the house and my bed last night, I used all my energy to concentrate on that devious mind of his. By coming to your shop, he made it too obvious he planned to set it on fire. Since he knew I was home recovering,
what better time for him to do something to throw us off the track and plant a device in your car? Firebugs like to set cars on fire.”

  She clutched his hand. “You saved my life.” Her voice shook. “How can I ever repay you?”

  He studied the mouth he’d been devouring. This was where he wanted to stay for the rest of his life. “By stopping your worry. I’ve been told I can’t report to work until Thursday, so I’ve decided a mini vacation is in order. Do you think the Gingerbread Inn would have rooms for us?”

  Andrea sat up looking totally shocked. “It has a lot of rooms, but I couldn’t possibly go there with you.”

  “Why not? Tessa can miss a day of school. Do you think your mother could spare you for that long? With the sun shining, we should take advantage of it and celebrate the good news about Chase’s capture. We’ll take turns driving to give both of us a rest. Along the way we’ll stop for meals and return tomorrow.”

  When she averted her eyes, he got off the bed. “I know you planned never to see me again once this business was over. But I don’t think going on a little outing with Tessa will do irreparable damage.”

  Andrea rolled onto her side and slid off the bed. “You’re wrong, Rick. No one is more thrilled than I that you’re safe, but I never plan to go through this experience again, and you know why.”

  There was still something she hadn’t told him—his instincts sensed it.

  “Obviously your answer is no, but that isn’t a problem. It was just an idea. I can see your fear is debilitating and I put you on the spot without meaning to, so I’ll say merry Christmas to you now and wish you a wonderful trip.”

  “What trip?”

  “The one you’re going to take to the south of Spain after Christmas. I hear it’s warm and beautiful there this time of year.”

  “Mom told you?”

  “She happened to be on the phone with your sister-in-law when I entered the shop. I understand you’ve been invited to join her and her husband after Christmas. After you’ve gone, I have relatives coming for New Year’s. Tessa’s world will be full of excitement with her cousins. I promise you she’ll be fine whether you come with us today or not. It’s your call.”


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