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Fated for Pitch Black (Inferno's Clutch MC Book 5)

Page 8

by E. C. Land

  “Thank you, Chains, now what can I help you with?” she asks, sitting up straighter on my lap. Her movements rub against my cock drawing his attention to the forefront. Shit, I need to get back between her legs, soon.

  “We need to know why you were transferring a majority of your paychecks to Bryce Callaghan,” Chains states being completely upfront with my woman.

  “Um, it was to keep Carson alive. He found out I didn’t get rid of my son as I told him I would while I was in school, so, he said if I pay for his life while I’m in school, he’ll decide whether or not I can keep him when it was time for me to come back to him,” she murmurs, glancing down at the table in embarrassment.

  “I didn’t want to see anything happen to Carson, and I knew my time was running short it’s why I moved back to Louisiana. I figured if something happened to me, he could get to his dad and be safe.” Fuck me if her words don’t gut me to the core.

  “Right, we don’t have to worry about that anymore, when you go back to work your money is yours no more sending it to fuckhead,” Chains commands.

  “Okay, is that all?” she asks.

  “One more thing, did you set up an account offshore giving Bryce access to get the money when needed?” This time it’s Fuse who asks the question.

  “No. I’m trying to stay away from them as much as possible. I didn’t want to take the chance with Carson’s life,” she whispers.

  A knock on the door stops all conversation. “Enter,” Chains yells.

  The door opens and in comes Finder holding the door for two well-dressed men. This must be O’Connell and MacDermott.

  “Gentlemen, and of course lass, if we could get on with this meeting, I do have other things to do,” MacDermott says.

  “Babe, go ahead and go back to doing what you were doing and stay away from the other strays, I’ll come find you when we’re done here,” I say placing a kiss to the side of her head.

  Nodding Angelina climbs off of my lap and none of us miss the way she holds her head down and takes the long way to get to the door so as to not pass too closely to the two newcomers.

  Soon as the door closes behind my woman, MacDermott shoots his glare to me. “May I ask what my sister’s daughter is doing on your lap?”

  What the fuck did he just say?

  Chapter Fourteen


  My stomach is in knots at the sight of both men. One of whom looks far too familiar. Something in the back of my mind doesn’t seem to want to connect with what it is.

  Heading into the kitchen, I decide to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Figuring I’d double the batch size due to the amount of people around here. Doesn’t take me long to get the batter mixed to the right texture.

  I’m starting to scoop the dough out on to a cookie sheet when Peirce enters the room. “Lina, babe, I need to talk to you about something,” he sighs.

  “What is it?” I ask, putting the spoon in the bowl.

  “Do you know either of the men who came into church before you left the room?” His question baffles me.

  “Um, the man our age, I’ve never seen before, but the older one there’s something about him that seems familiar. Like I’ve seen him around my parents’ house or something,” I say shrugging my shoulders.

  Nodding, Peirce moves to stand directly in front of me, his hip leaned against the counter. “That man you recognize is, Tomas MacDermott, your uncle.


  “Come again, neither of my parents had siblings,” I protest shaking my head.

  “Angelina, I’m speaking the truth, MacDermott just finished explaining about how his sister mysteriously died in a car accident and her daughter was missing. You are the spitting image of the woman. Fuse can show you a picture he found of her on the computer.”

  Stunned speechless, I shake my head.

  Why me?

  “Are you saying my parents kidnapped me?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure, babe, but we’ll find out. We have a meet to get to and need you to come with us.” Lifting a hand, he cups the back of my neck. “Not gonna lie to you, babe, the meet is with your dad and the Callaghans.”

  At the mention of their names, I stiffen. “No, Peirce, I can’t go. I don’t wanna face them.”

  Peirce’s one arm around my waist tightens slightly as he holds my neck more firmly. “Promise you, ma raison d’être, no harm will come to you, never again. No one will ever fuckin’ take you away from me again. My brothers will be there along with Dean and Tomas.”

  Holding Peirce’s gaze, I know without a doubt he means every word.

  Nodding my head, I relax into his embrace and place my forehead to his chest. “When do we have to leave? I was making cookies.”

  “We’re heading out in thirty minutes. Can someone else cook them?” he chuckles.

  At this obscene question I tilt my head back and give him a horrified expression. “I’m not about to let anyone else touch these cookies. These are homemade and have to be cooked just right.”

  “Babe.” He grins.

  “Don’t babe me. I’ll wrap the dough up and put it in the fridge for the time being,” I huff.

  “Sounds good, ma raison d’être,” he murmurs leaning down and pressing a kiss tenderly to my lips. “Now get it done so we can get out of here. Afterward, Tomas has asked to speak with you. I told him I’d ask.”

  “Let’s see how this whole meet you guys are going to goes, then we’ll see. I’m not trusting anyone else on their word until I hear what my father has to say,” I mutter.

  “You got it, babe, we’ll find out for you.” He nods, smiling in approval.

  Sucking in a breath, I release it. Here goes facing your fears.

  I only hope that it doesn’t bite me in the ass.

  “Car’s pulling in,” Throttle calls out from his spot near the door.

  “Thanks Throttle,” Chains mutters. “Alright brothers let’s get this shit done so we can get the fuck out of here.”

  “If they try to make a move for Angelina shoot ’em in the fuckin’ head,” Peirce states with Chains backing him.

  After we’d gotten to the warehouse that Peirce told me is where he goes for his fights, Tomas and Dean disappeared. I guess this was a part of their plan or whatnot.

  Silence descends upon the group as Peirce positions himself and me. From what I gather, I’m not to be seen at first.

  “We’re here, now where’s Angelina?” Deveaux demands, adjusting his suit jacket.

  “You’ll see her soon enough but first I want to know why you had your man try to kill her?” Chains sneers, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “That was not the plan as I told you on the phone, he was to bring Angelina to me. Where she’s supposed to have been all this time, but I’ve allowed her the time she needed to finish school. He was also supposed to put a bullet in that brat’s head.” I flinch at Bryce’s words.

  “You gave her all this time to finish school as well as made her pay all this time for Carson’s life, why?” Tyres growls.

  “Our reasons are our own,” Deveaux states nonchalantly.

  “I believe we deserve to know your reasons, considering it was my son you all intended to kill,” Peirce snarls, his body tensing in front of mine.

  “I thought that was you. I should shoot you now for causing the delays in our plans. Angelina was to marry Bryce and fix what her bitch of a mother fucked up.” This time I stiffen at what I’m hearing.

  Before another word is spoken from Peirce or his brothers Tomas speaks up. “And what exactly did my sister fuck up? By not marrying you as you demanded? She was to marry another man, yet you knocked her up dropping her worth to the man she was meant to be with.”

  “MacDermott.” I all but cringe at the sound of my father’s voice.

  If what Tomas says is true then this is my father and he killed my mother allowing another woman, who hated me growing up, to raise me.

  Again, what the hell did I do to deserve all o
f this?

  “She should have been mine,” my father sneers.

  “Doesn’t matter, you are not part of the family. Never were and using the Callagahans to do your dirty work isn’t going to work. As of now you’re all dead for what you’ve done to my niece.” A moment later, I scream into Peirce’s back as shots are fired.

  “Easy, babe, it’s okay. It’s done and over with,” Peirce says turning to face me.

  Lifting my gaze to him, I see the truth in his eyes, right before my knees give out and everything goes dark. The last thing to penetrate my brain is Peirce calling my name.


  Pitch Black

  “Are you sure about this?” Carson asks looking at me, uncomfortable in the dress shirt his mom put him in.

  “Yeah, kid, this should have happened twelve years ago,” I say, a grin in place.

  After that night when Tomas shot the men who had been hurting Angelina and she fainted in my arms, I made a decision right then and there. My woman was marrying me, and I was officially making Corbin her last name. I wasn’t about to take any chances and with her uncle’s blessing, I refused to waste any time.

  It’s why right now, my son was standing next to me as Angelina walks toward me in a beautiful cream sundress.

  Fuck she’s beautiful.

  Soon as she makes it to me, I wrap my arms around her waist. “You’re mine forever and always now, ma raison d’êtr. I’m never giving you up.”

  Smiling, Angelina wraps her arms around my neck. “Good, I never want you to let me go,” she murmurs.

  “Are you two going to be like this all the time?” Carson mutters.

  “Just you wait until you find the one and you’ll understand when fate puts something in your hands you cherish it always,” I state, releasing my woman enough to glance at our kid.

  “Should I just skip to the part where you say, ‘I do’. Seems you two have already given your vows,” the minister chuckles.

  Grinning at Angelina, I allow her to have the rest of the ceremony the way she wants it. Vows and all. Only when I say mine, I tell her she was always fated to be mine.

  Mine alone and that’s the way it’s going to stay.

  Fate never lies and when shit happens that bitch always finds a way to bring it back around to the ones who deserve it. Killing off the ones who abuse it. Giving second chances for those who need it most.

  My Lina and I are lucky enough to have fate on our side. Now let’s just hope it stays that way and nothing else goes wrong.

  Dear Readers,

  I truly hope you enjoyed Fated for Pitch Black. I’m sure you’re wondering, will these two have another book? The answer is, yes. Angelina’s Fate will be the next book for them. I know we all struggle with things in our lives, especially these days; however, I wanted to show that even through the rougher times like Pitch Black and Angelina went through, you can pull yourselves through it.

  If you’re wondering what Pitch Black meant about the things going on with Raven check it out in Carrying Blaze’s Mark.

  Now the next one to come to you all is Tiny’s Hope. That’s right, it’s almost time for Chains and Tiny second book. I personally cannot wait to give you this couple once again. Bonus you’ll find out more about what’s going on with Tyres.

  Keep on reading and being as awesome as you all are.



  Available Now

  By E.C.Land

  Devil’s Riot MC Series

  Horse’s Bride

  Thorn’s Revenge

  Twister’s Survival

  Reclaimed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 1 – 3)

  Cleo’s Rage

  Connors’ Devils

  Hades Pain

  Badger’s Claim

  Burner’s Absolution

  Redeemed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 4 – 6)

  Devil’s Riot MC Originals

  Stoney’s Property

  Owning Victoria

  Blaze’s Mark

  Taming Coyote

  Luna’s Shadow

  Choosing Nerd

  Ranger’s Fury

  Inferno’s Clutch MC

  Chains’ Trust

  Breaker’s Fuse

  Ryder’s Rush

  Axel’s Promise

  Fated for Pitch Black

  Dark Lullabies

  A Demon’s Sorrow

  A Demon’s Bliss

  A Demon’s Harmony

  A Demon’s Soul

  A Demon’s Song

  Royal Bastards MC (Elizabeth City Charter)

  Cyclone of Chaos


  Romanticizing the Gods By: Corrine Falls

  Available Now On Audible

  Devil’s Riot MC


  Cleo’s Rage

  Connors’ Devils

  Hades Pain

  Badger’s Claim

  Coming Soon

  By E.C. Land

  Devil’s Riot MC Originals

  Carrying Blaze’s Mark

  Neo’s Strength

  Cane’s Dominance

  Venom’s Prize

  Protecting Blaze’s Mark

  DRMC Southeast

  Hammer’s Pride

  Inferno’s Clutch MC

  Tiny’s Hope

  Their Redemption

  Fuse’s Hold

  Nora’s Outrage

  Their Redemption

  Tyre’s Wrath

  Brielle’s Nightmare

  Royal Bastards MC (Elizabeth City Charter)

  Spiral of Chaos

  Toxic Warriors MC








  Frozen Valentine

  Pins and Needles Series with Elizabeth Knox

  Blood and Agony

  Raiders of Valhalla MC with Elizabeth Knox


  Delancy Crime Family with Elizabeth Knox




  Santa’s Naughty Helpers

  Remembering Ryan

  Sweet Treats

  The Elites

  Twisted Steel: Second Edition

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  Corrine Falls



  Author Page

  Carrying Blaze’s Mark


  Never before did I think I would have this again. A family. Now I stand with my little bird and a child we’re raising as our own. Doesn’t matter how he came to us. He’s ours.

  Life is better than it has been in a long time.

  Or it was until the past comes knocking on the door leaving my woman haunted as she came face to face with demons who shouldn’t be around.

  Will Raven be able to handle the weight this will put on her and grasp hold of me as her anchor? Or will the fires of Tartarus reap upon us burning us all alive?

  Whichever it is I’ll make sure my bird and son are safe regardless of those we face.

  Neo’s Strength


  The day I found her crumpled and shut down from the world, I knew it was going to take a miracle to bring her back to me. It would take all my strength to pull her out of the dark abyss.

  But no war is won without fighting, winning the battles before.

  Little did I know it would take much more than only my strength to guide her through the dark. But rather my heart as well.

  As terror surrounds us, her demons refuse to leave her alone, leaving me crippled with one arm tied behind my back.

  Will I be able to save her in time, before the demons snatch her from my grasp?

  Vex’s Temptation

  Vex’s Temptation


  Life has been cruel to me over the last five years. Things happened back home which resulted in me deciding to move across the pond. Where do I call home? Queens, New York. I’m prospecting for the Iron Vex MC after meeting Iris at a pottery class I was taking at the local college. We quickly became friends, and one thing led to another.

  Now I’m a super bad bitch, or at least that’s what I think.

  I’m not from this life, but after everything with my family went south I decided I needed a change. I needed to live for my own happiness, not theirs. Coming out meant losing them forever, but I couldn’t hide who I was anymore. At least the club will accept me for who I am.

  So much has changed from my confidence, to even the color of my hair. I’ve become accustom to change, though. So, it wasn’t a big deal when Boss asked me to be the regent for the Iron Vex MC. Yet again, everything is changing. I had no problem getting down to Franklin. It was my job to be in Horse’s club, so I’d be there.

  Little did I know a ghost from my past would be walking through his front door.


  I knew there was going to be someone coming down from New York to be the regent for the Iron Vex MC. It seems a bit historical to me, using the word and whatever, but here I am. One of our own is supposed to be going up to New York as we speak. An even trade off, ensuring our alliance is smooth sailing.


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