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Diamonds and Dragons: A High School NA Reverse Harem Dark Fantasy Bully Romance (Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy Book 1)

Page 9

by Rachel Angel

“Sure,” he said, neither taking his eyes off Ally, nor moving.

  “I mean, in private. How about you come back with me and teach me how to play billiards.”

  He didn’t want to go anywhere. He didn’t want to leave Ally alone with any of the Cruel Princes, especially Jasper. But he couldn’t say no to his sister. Hopefully, she would be quick about it and not ramble on.

  “Come on,” she said, tugging on his shirt.

  He followed her to the billiard room and idly rolled the cue ball back and forth under his palm.

  “What is it?” he said.

  “I know I’m not very experienced in things like this, but I got the sense that you’re very interested in this Ally girl.”

  He shrugged. “You saw her. She’s a very pretty girl.”

  “Yes, she certainly is. But need I remind you that you’re a prince and…”


  “Well, as lovely as she is, she’s not of noble blood, is she?”


  “Look, Razor. You know I don’t like to meddle in your affairs, but it’s clear that Tar, Flint and especially Jasper are all infatuated with this girl. Let them have her. As beautiful as she is, and I’m sure she’s a very pleasant girl to be with on top of that, you can’t allow yourself to become involved with her.”

  “What makes you think the guys are interested in her?” he said. Was it that obvious that even she could tell?

  “Oh, my God. Did you see the way they all looked at her? It’s as plain as day. My heavens, Razor. A blind man could see it.”

  Razor grunted. He had to get rid of them. He had to have a moment alone with Ally. Just enough time to show her she belonged with him; that she belonged to him.

  “And Razor,” Ruby went on. “It doesn’t help that you’re clearly jealous of Jasper. You know that can only lead to trouble.”

  “I’m not jealous of him,” Razor argued.

  “Really? I suppose you didn’t get a good look at your face when he approached Ally. You had daggers in your eyes, Razor. I’ve seen you angry like that before. I’ve seen you lose control. And you know that you can’t let that happen again. You’re the heir to the throne, even if I was born three minutes before you. As the male, you will rule one day.”

  He chuckled. It was funny how she could ramble on aimlessly at times and be so frivolous, and at other times she spoke with the true wisdom of a future queen.

  “Trust me,” he said. “I am in full control. I am not enraged. I just want…”

  “I know,” Ruby said softly. “You want to be alone with her.” She shook her head gently. “But I’ll remind you once more; you are the heir to the throne. Don’t make any silly mistakes you’ll regret later.”

  He shot the cue ball to the other end of the billiard table and watched it rebound and fall into the right corner pocket.

  “I won’t.” He turned away and hurried back to the group. “Hey, guys,” he said, waving them over. “Take my sister on a tour, will you. Show her around, you know. Show her all the rough and tough things we do out here. I don’t want her getting any idea that because Ally attends the Academy, she could too.”

  “Why don’t you show her around yourself?” Tar said.

  “Because, if I try to show her the hard side of life out here, she won’t believe me. But coming from you guys, each of you telling her your combat stories… it should be enough to scare her for a good long while.”

  Over Tar’s shoulder he saw Ruby heading their way.

  “Okay, guys?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Flint droned. “Whatever.”

  Chapter 14

  While Ally hated being bond up in the suffocating gown, she did enjoy visiting with another woman for a change. It was nice to hear talk of flowers and fashion instead of blood and gore.

  She hadn’t known what to expect when she’d been summoned to the Dragon’s Den. A prank had been her most probable conclusion. She hadn’t known Razor had a sister, much less a twin.

  “Any hopes of joining the Academy?” Ally said. The thought of having another girl at the Academy was exciting. If more girls came to the school, the boys would have no choice but to accept them as strong, competent students.

  Or, at the very least, Ally wouldn’t be alone in her misery.

  Ruby didn’t have the chance to respond. Razor, who’d been chatting with the others, suddenly loomed over her shoulder.

  “Ruby, the guys have been kind enough to offer to show you around. I think you might enjoy their perspective on life at the Academy.”

  “Oh,” Ruby chirped. She shot out of her chair once more. “Sounds like fun.”

  Razor smiled lovingly at his sister as he guided her to Tar, Flint and Jasper.

  As the foursome prepared to leave the den, Ally rose to leave as well.

  Razor turned to her as he closed the door behind his departing twin. “And where are you off to?” he said with a smile.

  “I visited with your sister, as you requested. The visit is over, and I have other classes to tend to.”

  “The classes can wait.”

  “Seeing how I am not of noble blood, I cannot simply slide by and rely on my good name to get me through class. I actually have to study, and work and get good grades.” She took a step toward the door.

  “Wait,” Razor said, putting his hand to the doorframe, blocking her path.

  She didn’t trust him. And she wasn’t about to make the same mistake with him as she’d done with Jasper. Though Razor had been kind and gentle to his sister, though he’d been a gentleman and considerably patient as Ruby had rambled on, she knew better than to think this was who he really was.

  No. The kindly gentleman was a façade, just as Jasper’s kindness had been a façade. Behind it, they were both wretches; scoundrels of the worst kind.

  She followed his gaze which had dropped to the glamorous gown she wore. She’d almost forgotten.

  “Oh,” she said. “I’d better get out of this dress before some clown decides to throw his lunch at me.”

  “Keep it on.”

  “I don’t think your sister would appreciate getting it back covered with tomato sauce and whipped cream.”

  “I’m sorry about that. It was…”

  “Please don’t try to tell me it was an accident.”

  He looked down a moment. “All right then. How about if I just said I regretted it.” He ran a finger from her temple down to her jaw, the same path his lunch had taken. “I’m just relieved to see you didn’t get burned.”

  “It’s not because you didn’t try.”

  “Look, I just thought we could have a moment together, have something to drink and talk about something other than the Academy and our classes. I can’t remember the last time I was in the company of a lady, and I want to enjoy the moment.”

  “Lady?” she said. “Since when do you consider me a lady?” She grabbed the skirts of her gown. “Just because I throw on a dress you suddenly think of me as a lady?” She spun around and walked away, her rainbow of hair flowing behind her.

  “No,” he said as he followed her toward the back of the den. “It’s not just the gown. It’s you.”

  “Nice try, Razor. Remember, Jasper’s been down this road already. He’s already played this sort of prank. You know what they say; fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

  “Okay, fine. You’re right. I haven’t been very welcoming.”

  She glared up at him.

  “Okay. I’ve been mean to you,” he corrected.

  She nodded in acceptance of his assessment.

  “Come, please. Sit down and I’ll tell you what’s really going on.”

  She hesitated. Sitting down seemed safe enough, but then what. What more did he have in mind?

  “All right,” she finally said and followed him to the leather sofa, sitting a safe distance from him.

  “You look parched. How about a cool glass of lemonade?”

  “No, thank you.”

��It’s strawberry lemonade,” he added as he poured her a glass.

  “I know. I had some, remember?”

  “I’ve added extra ice. The day has been so warm.”

  When she still refused to take the glass, he said. “Oh, I see. You think I put something in the drink. Well…” He took a big gulp of the lemonade.

  She stared at him and refused the drink. “I’ve had enough, thank you.”

  He took another big gulp, and when Ally tried to get up, he pinned her down and brought his lips over hers, transferring the lemonade to her. It was deliciously sweet, sweeter than before, and surprisingly cool, despite having been in his warm mouth.

  Razor smiled as he kept her lips prisoner to his, his smiling eyes focused on hers. His tongue played in her mouth, tasting her and bringing sensations that had her melting into him. His fingers raked through her hair, gripping her tightly and pulling her even closer.

  In a rush of passion, he pushed her back into the softness of the leather cushions. With the weight of his body partially over hers, he let his hands travel over her body. His fingers ran along the edge of the deep décolletage of the gown, riding over the swells of her breasts, and bringing them a tingle they’d never experienced before.

  And when he left her breasts to bring his hand to the skirt of her gown, slowly pulling the immense amount of fabric up to her hip, Ally bit her lip in anticipation.

  Where was he going? And what was he going to do once he got there?

  “I can’t believe how soft and silky your skin is,” he said as he ran his hand along her inner thigh.

  And I can’t believe how soft your hands are, she thought.

  Cradling her head, he looked into her eyes as his fingers played higher and higher along her thigh. Her breath caught in her throat when his hand ran lightly along her thin, threadbare undergarment.

  “Do you like that sensation?” he said.

  She couldn’t deny how wonderful it felt, and how desperately she wanted more. But words escaped her. She simply nodded.

  His finger then brushed the fabric of her undergarment aside.

  Oh my, she thought as his fingers ran along the most intimate part of her being.

  With gentle motions, his fingers ran up and down her moistening lips.

  “You’re already so wet,” Razor said, his voice hoarse and raspy with lust. “My God, what a wonderful creature you are.”

  His fingers delved deeper into the folds of moist skin, each stroke bringing with it a wave of pleasure that was so intense, Ally found herself gripping the edge of the sofa. What kind of magic was he playing?

  Just as she thought it couldn’t get any better, he left her side and traveled down until his face was between her legs. For an uncertain moment, she stiffened. What was he up to?

  But then… oh, then…

  He brought the warm moisture of his mouth against her and she let out cry of euphoria. His tongue played slowly and languidly in the folds of skin, repeatedly returning to one particularly sensitive portion of her anatomy.

  “You’re as delicious as you are beautiful,” he said between kisses to her thighs. “You are a true delight, Ally. A delight to revel in night after night. A lifetime of rapture.” He brought his lips back to that most tender and sensitive part of her and concentrated on it.

  Through her euphoric journey, she vaguely noticed his motions as he touched himself, his arousal just as strong, if not stronger than hers.

  Her breathing was heavier and heavier and she wanted to cry out. She wanted to scream her joy, scream to the world how much pleasure she felt.

  “Oh, my God. Oh my. Oh my.” She shuddered and her entire body stiffened, all the way down to her curled toes.

  Razor, too, shuddered as he pressed his hardness against her leg and groaned his satisfaction.

  “What spell have you put on me?” he asked when he regained his senses. He crawled back up to face her.

  “I think the same one you’ve put on me.”

  “I want you again… soon.”

  She shook her head. “You hate me.”

  “No. Never. I never hated you.” He looked down at his hand that had taken to idly playing with the lace of her bodice. “It’s nothing personal… the attacks on you.”

  “That doesn’t make them any less painful.”

  “I suppose.”

  “You pleasured me in a way that I will never forget, but you’ve hurt me even more. I don’t know that I will ever forget how badly you’ve treated me since my arrival at the Academy. And, as pleasurable as this moment has been, it doesn’t even begin to erase the pain of your incessant bullying.”

  “I could keep trying,” he said softly as he leaned in to kiss her.

  With her hand to his chest, she pushed him away.

  “Don’t you think it’s at least worth trying?” Once again he leaned in closer and lightly kissed her lips before backing away again. “What’s the worse that could happen?” Another light kiss. “We have fun?” Another kiss. “I thrill you to death?”

  Every kiss left her hungry for more, and she didn’t know what she would do if he stopped. Would she just let the moment pass, or reach out to kiss him herself?

  She didn’t have to worry. The next kiss came in soft and slow, lingering on her lips and tempting them apart.

  “I hate you,” she mumbled into his lips.

  “I know.”

  “You’re a despicable man.”

  “I’ll change.”

  “Damn, you smell good,” she sighed.

  He leaned in for a full embrace, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her tightly to him. “Forget about the others,” he whispered through his kiss. “I’ll make sure things change. I’ll protect you.”

  She kissed him back, her passion growing with every word he spoke, with every play of his tongue. And more than anything, she wanted to feel the warm sensations her brought her just moments earlier. More. All she wanted was more.

  Chapter 15

  The next morning, Ally met up with Razor to see Ruby off.

  “I see you’re back to that unflattering boy’s uniform again,” Ruby teased. “Well, you are still delightfully beautiful.”

  Though her rainbow hair was now free from the brown wig, it was pulled back into a long ponytail.

  “Yeah, but you could…” He pulled the rubber band out of her hair and let her colorful locks fall around her shoulders. “Soften the look up a bit,” he finished.

  Ruby laughed. “It is truly beautiful. It would be ashamed to keep it tucked away.”

  “Thank you,” Ally said.

  “Well… it was wonderful meeting you.” Ruby shook Ally’s hand. “Maybe you’ll come to Rose Cliff one day.”

  Ally nodded.

  “Bye, brother.” Ruby kissed Razor and got into the waiting carriage.

  “I’ve got to get to class.”

  “See you later?”

  “Maybe.” She ran off, hurrying to her arts class. The air around her seemed fresher and smelled sweeter. The boys oohed and aahed instead of hissing and spitting. Their eyes followed her everywhere she went and she marveled at how easy it was to mellow a guy out.

  The only real change was the loss of her wig, and now they all looked at her as a girl they could bring to bed instead of a girl they have to fight and get rid of.

  Perhaps she’d had the wrong idea in trying to hide her femininity. Perhaps she should just embrace what she really was; a hot-blooded woman who enjoyed the touch of a man.

  For the first time since arriving at the Academy, she had a pleasant time in class. The boys nodded their approval and winked their interest in her. It was a nice change of pace.

  Feeling more confident than ever, she even sensed that her body didn’t move the same way as before. She seemed to have a swing in her step, a sensual sway of her hips that hadn’t been there before.

  It was as if Razor had unlocked a part of her that had been stored away and kept hidden. But now that it’d been unleashed, there
was no way to put it back in. Passion burned inside her and it showed.

  “How about getting together tonight to study?” a student asked as class let out.

  She smiled, a sexy knowing smile. “Maybe.”

  She left him with that vague promise and headed to the dining hall for lunch. Despite her intimate encounter with Razor, she opted to sit at her regular table. In fact, she needed to sit alone.

  Though Razor shot her a few inquisitive glances, she had an important project to work on. Between bites of her chicken sandwich, she worked on a design she’d been perfecting in her head for the last while. Last night it’d finally come together, but she hadn’t had the chance to put it down on paper.

  Now, she drew up the armor that included a mechanism to fly. It included propellers designed to rise above her and extend to lift her off the ground. She added dense, but lightweight fabric that connected her arms to her side, giving her wings when she held her arms aloft.

  The metal for the actual armor would be a new alloy she’d been working on. It would be even more lightweight than previous armors, but stronger still, and it would be tight and close to her skin.

  Beside the main drawing, she began a smaller, more intricate drawing of a mechanism that would use steam to help propel her higher.

  Suddenly, a shadow loomed over her drawing. Quickly turning her pages over, she looked over her shoulder to see Jasper.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” he said solemnly. His voice was strained.

  “I’m kind of busy.” She gestured to her overturned pages.

  “Just a minute.”

  “I don’t think…”

  “It’s my grandmother,” he cut in.

  Ally looked at him with her full attention. “What’s wrong? Is she all right?”

  “The coughing attacks have come back. Mother sent word last night. She has asked if you could return to the Emerald Palace to try to remedy her.”

  “For your mother and grandmother, I would do anything.”

  He sighed his relief. “Thank you, Ally. Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me,” Ally said as she shoved her drawings into a folder and stood. “In no way am I doing this for you. You, I would let die in a ditch. This is strictly because of the respect and affection I have for the women in your life.”


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