The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus

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The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus Page 10

by Jeanette Lynn

  Settling himself atop me, sliding his legs between mine, nestling his cock where we both wanted it most, he slid his arms beneath my shoulders, reaching up to cup the back of my head as his head began to dip. “I can try, Christmas spirit willing, but we both know I’m just not enough for you like this, not here, maybe not ever if I can’t smuggle us out of Hinter.” Before I could argue, he kissed me. This wasn’t a gentle peck of the lips, it was hard, heady, full of hunger and need.

  One of his hands slid to my hip, slipping lower to grip an ass cheek and tilt my hips. He was hot and hard, adjusting his cock so it was lined up with the mouth of my sex. I was already ready to go, wiggling to help this all along. Reaching between us, I slid the thickly furred foreskin protecting his now completely Elkfen looking cock back. Green. Elkfen dicks were a deep, forest green with reddish brown fur surrounding the underside of their testicles. A thick bulge followed along the underside of his shaft, swelling when he came. He had fat vein that curled around his cock like a candy cane stripe, red along the sides and a thick white section in the middle. It gave his penis more of an edible Christmas treat presence than functional junk. It literally vibrated when he came.

  Shnikel groaned as he began to breach my channel. Unlike all the other times we had fun, taking it slow, there was something hurried to his actions. I gasped as he slowly began to pump in, to pull right back out, and then suddenly sink balls deep.

  Grunting with the effort, he began thrusting into me with gusto. Sliding my hands up his wide shoulders, hooking my ankles at his lower back, I held on and ground back against him. His urgency grew, until his kisses matched the intensity.

  Soon I was cresting that wave, my channel rippling around him taking him along with me. It all happened so fast my head was spinning. Continuing to slowly pump into me, Shnikel cupped my face, groaning as he stole a few more kisses. My hands slid over his, entwining our fingers.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked again, for what felt like the millionth time the last few days.

  “What’s gotten into you?” I demanded. My eyebrows arched, lifting questioningly.

  “You didn’t answer.” His tan brow lifted, matching mine.

  “Tell me what you’re up to and perhaps I will,” I quipped.

  “I’d like to show you,” he murmured.

  “That sounds ominous.” A frown tugged at my brow. One of his fingers went to smooth it out but this crinkled brow wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  “Not ominous…” he replied cryptically. “More… something that has to be done.” Clasping one of my icy hands in his, a frown pulled at his face now as he tried to rub some warmth back into my fingertips. His head dipped and he nuzzled his face into my palm.

  “I’m not going to like this.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked again, to which I flat out scowled.

  “You’re going to leave me.” I was close to something to that when he didn’t argue.

  My heart dropped.

  Cupping his face, I peppered kisses over his furry mug. “Take me with you. I don’t care.”

  “It’s not that simple,” he sputtered. “And we both know you’re safest here. I can’t bring you back.”

  I paused at that. Back-back, he was saying, as in, “You’re going back to the village?” My hands slid from his face and my head flopped back. I flat out gaped up at him.

  He tried to smile but it was wobbly. “It won’t be forever.” Glancing away, he mumbled, “I knew you’d get upset.”

  I blinked, stared. “Why wouldn’t I?” I sputtered.

  “Lumi…” he whispered. Groaning, he dropped down, pressing his face into my shoulder to inhale my scent at my nape. He said I carried our mixed scents strongest there. “I don’t really have a choice.” His voice was muffled, a mangled mumble.

  “I- I understand,” I said slowly. I didn’t, but I was trying. While I wanted to rally against the idea, get loud or cry, beg him to stay, his mind sounded made up.

  I was on the birth control shot and had some time until it wore off, possibly a month or more, maybe two or three, perhaps less... I was horrible at keeping track of the time in here and had all but given up trying to. By my shit calculations, that meant there was time to find a way out of here by myself before I had to worry about possibly spawning a new generation of Krampus babies.

  “Tomorrow is the day,” he whispered. When he said the day, I knew he meant The Day, the big C event.

  “You’re leaving tomorrow,” I responded flatly, resigned to his decision. I wouldn’t keep a male that didn't want to stay.

  “After the culling,” he admitted hesitantly.

  If my heart dipped any farther it would sink right down into the mountain cave floor. “I- I suppose we should make tonight count then.” I couldn’t meet his gaze. He’d see it and then I’d lose it.

  “I love you,” he said, out of all of the things he could have said. Lips pressed to my forehead.

  “I know,” I said simply, closing my eyes and tipping my face up to meet his eager mouth.

  A groan left him as I put everything I had, every bit of emotion I felt for him into that simple action.

  One night. Tonight. That’s all we had left.

  I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to make the best of it.


  Nestled in the cubby compartment hidey-hole once more, the same series of disturbing noises issuing from elsewhere in the caves as they had a short couple of months ago, my Elkfen lover stared at the dirt above us, listening. Snuggled in his arms, my ear pressed over his heart, I focused on the steady thump-thump, trying to tune out whatever horrors might be occurring right over our heads.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him when he had to leave, obviously after the Krampus removal services were done culling the herd once more. As many Krampus as they’d taken last time, a quarter of their numbers were already replenished. This Krampus sickness was sounding like some kind of Elkfen pandemic. So many had fallen to this sickness with no known cause?

  When I’d jokingly suggested maybe it was because they’d given in to their naughty sides, he’d admitted he’d lied when the big guy had asked him if he knew what Bels had been doing in the archives. Bels had been looking for Krampus information after Tinstel, a fellow Elkfen teammate, had fallen ill, an act that was forbidden. He didn’t doubt Bels had talked Ded into doing something wicked as well. Elkfen were not inherently naughty, so much as naive, from what he was explaining. Well, Shnikel had gotten a crash course on the real world really quick.

  He wanted to go back, knowing what he did now… Could he even go back to that now?

  Even after the noises above had long ago left, we laid there. I wanted this moment to last forever. “You still haven’t shifted for me yet,” I whispered, placing a kiss between two thick pecs.

  “I can’t anymore,” he admitted.

  And you want to go back? I wanted to shout at him. I didn’t. I did none of the things I wanted to, hoping to change his mind. If you have to force it, it’s probably shit.

  Sitting up, staring down at him, I slid my legs on either side of him. The pelt I was snuggled up in fell off my shoulders, pooling at my hips. Reaching for him, I grasped his shaft. He was at half-mast and quickly thickening as I began to work my hand up and down his length. A soft groan left him and he began to shift restlessly beneath me, even as his hands lifted the pelt and tried to bring it back around my shoulders.

  He lost the pelt, a sharp gasp leaving him as I pulled his thick foreskin back, exposing that sucker to the chilly air, lifting up, lining us up, to start to sink down on him, and then let gravity do its thing.

  There was a pinch of discomfort with my pleasure riding him like this. It tempered my movements as I began to ride him.

  Thick, three fingered hands gripped my hips, kneading them as I ground down into him, swiveling my hips. The action pressed on my clit. My skin broke out in gooseflesh.

  Sliding his hands up my b
ack, one staying for the other to grab a handful of ass, he sat up. Dumping me backwards as he shifted in the small space. He was loath to disconnect us but wanted to lead the show. Maneuvering us so he could stand, he pressed my back into the wall. I moaned as my channel clenched around him and his cock jerked.

  “Not yet,” he muttered, to smash his mouth into mine and begin pistoning into me hard enough my butt was going to be bruised come morning.

  “Harder,” I whispered, egging him on.

  “Mine,” he muttered, shoving his face into my nape to bury it in the side of my throat. “Mine-mine-mine.” He muttered his mantra as I came hard on his cock, creaming all over that fat thickness until he burst along with me several punishing thrusts later.

  “I love you, too,” I said finally, breathlessly.

  I felt him grin against my skin, and then he kissed the mark he’d made on my shoulder when he was a Krampus.

  The moment was bittersweet. Though sadness filled me at the thought of losing him, I hugged him to me close and urged him to make love to me again. He said he was leaving tonight, he didn't necessarily say when tonight exactly.

  After we’d exhausted ourselves, he set up the fire in our cell again and denned down with me as we did every night. Falling asleep wrapped around each other, I hoped he decided to change his mind.

  My head said he might, just maybe, but my heart knew better.

  Chapter 14

  He was gone. I felt the absence of his presence as if he’d taken a piece of me along with him, a longing emptiness left in its place.

  Frowning, a funny, sweet smell in the air, I woke up to find while Shnik was gone I was not alone. The cell door was open and a Krampus I’d never seen before stood hunched over me. Dead eyes stared back at me, an odd, hungry look to him. Grunting, glancing at something to my left, he snatched up whatever was laid out around me and stuffed it into his mouth. As his cheek puffed and crumbs fell, I realized it was fruitcake. There was something so oddly familiar about him. I couldn’t put my finger on it but... My gaze lifted to his horns, the one with the crack in the end of one of his left antler points.

  “Ded?” I blurt.

  Sharp eyes snapped towards me.

  He growled, very un-Ded like. The Ded I knew was sweet, if a bit odd and insta-crush creepy. Krampus Ded had me freezing, waiting, hoping he was only half feral.

  My gaze met his once more and our eyes locked. We stared for so long his eyes were starting to look glazed, but there was a spark of something there, or so I was inclined to believe.

  As we stared, a piece of fruitcake clump caught my eye. Spotting me glancing at it, Ded snatched it up and made to pop it into his mouth. Hesitating at the last moment, he paused, pulling it away from his lips with no small amount of reluctance. Dark eyes darted from the clump of fruitcake to me. He kept this up, his gaze ping-ponging between the two, until eventually, slowly, he held it out to me in offering.

  Reluctantly, hand shaking as I reached out, I took it. His dark eyes gleamed with an unholy light as I took a nibble of it, and then he rushed me. A horn scraped my forehead as we collided. I cried out, throwing my arm up reflexively. The action blocked him, but he got his hooves dug in and began snapping his jaws, snarling viciously. Before I realized what was happening, he was sinking his teeth into my forearm. A scream tore from my throat. Clawed hands scrabbled for purchase, tearing at the pelt covering me, digging into the fat of my underarms.

  Thrashing, screaming, tears streaming down my cheeks, I tried to call out for Shnikel but it was pointless. Settling down, as it only seemed to incite his anger, a muffled shriek then left me as he renewed his grip. I assumed he was going to tear a chunk from me—he was acting stark raving mad. He was not Ded anymore. Ded was gone.

  My arms screamed painfully, a burning throb that wouldn’t let up. Compared to a Krampus’ bite, the bite was a bee sting that let up, his claws marking up my flesh akin to being jabbed repeatedly with a hot poker.

  Pinned beneath him, he panted heavily atop me, his natural animalesque aroma pungent this close up. Calling out for Shnikel again, my voice barely above a croak, I didn’t understand why I even bothered. I had no doubt he was long gone by now but I wanted him in this moment, wanted him more than ever.

  The teeth buried in my flesh dug in harder and he gave a jerk, jostling me. Stilling, clamping my mouth shut, I shivered as a sob caught in my throat. Salty tears blurred my vision, obscuring the beast tearing at my arm.

  Soon enough I found myself feeling a tad woozy. Nausea roiled in my gut. It occurred to me, as I laid there muffling my screams, trembling beneath him but not fighting him, he was slowly loosening his hold, his growls softening.

  Forcing myself to relax, he did as well. Eventually, his mouth opened and my arm was free. With a cry of relief, I brought my arm to my chest, cradling it against me protectively.

  Staring down at me, studying me with a strange look, like he was trying to figure the trembling woman beneath him out, he leaned forward, sniffing at me carefully.

  Compliance, I was loath to admit, was the way with this one. Squeezing my eyes shut, I slumped beneath him. A part of me hoped he’d think I was dead, another wondering if he meant to tear my throat out once I submitted, the third wishing he’d just get whatever he aimed to do over and done with already and put me out of my misery.

  A squeak left me as his hot breath fanned over me. A nose bumped my chin, sliding along my jaw. My shoulders hunched a little but I froze at his soft warning growl. A clawed hand clasped my wrist, placing it to my side. Down he nuzzled, until he’d reached my neck. Over my collarbone he snuffled, nuzzling the pelt I’d pulled back over me aside. Lower he went, his clawed hand lifting to the fur blanket over my belly. Cool air hit my skin as he parted the material.

  I was trembling so hard I was spasming involuntarily.

  His hand was warm, long fingers gliding up my sternum, settling between my breasts, for the rest of him to follow. His head lifted, briefly, and he garbled something out on a breathy sigh. Scooting down my length, his head dipped, forcing me to turn my face away or risk getting facially impaled on one of the ends of his massive horns—and this guy had a set on him. His face was so gaunt he looked like living death. His belly looked like his stomach had already eaten itself, a concave shell, his ribs appearing as if about to stab free of his protruding sternum.

  His hand was like a hot brand as he cupped one of my breasts, my quickly cooling flesh to his hot warmth. His thumb brushed my nipple, the bud instantly hardening, before laving the tip with an impossibly long forked tongue and suckling the puckered peak into his mouth.

  My body jolted as his teeth scraped over it, and then he really began to suckle. His mouth changed angles, lips latching on in different ways. He was just going to town on my tit while I laid here, stunned, gaping down at him. This Krampus milk buffet had dried up shortly after Shnikel’s dude juice had stopped offering belly filling nutrients and his teeth had completely gone blunt.

  There was nothing sexual about what Ded Krampus was doing. The male was desperate, starved. A soft growl left him when he suckled harder, pissed at being denied what he wanted, the sound vibrating my breast.

  Biting my lip to keep from crying out, I tensed. What would he do when he realized this chick had tig ol’ bitties, yes, but this heifer wasn’t full of milk?

  His teeth nipped my breast lightly, as if to punish it for not giving up the goods. That familiar burn shot through me and I jackknifed up, back bowing, dislodging the half crazed, malnourished beast.

  Grimacing, I hunched, my hand cradling my breast. At the spot of blood on my palm as I pulled it away slightly, a sudden sharp and aching throb overtaking my breast, I gasped at the nasty looking teeth marks puncturing my rounded flesh. Hunching forward as that stinging burn grew, I bent my head, the bite marks he’d peppered me with still burning, the heating sensation they left behind climbing up my bicep. It was all too much. I didn’t want this, any of it. I wanted Shnikel. Sniffling loudly, I
softly began to cry.

  My hair dropped forward with the movement, obscuring the beast’s view of me. Dropping my breast, I yanked the halves of my pelt blanket wrap over me, shivering against the cold threatening to seep into my bones.

  I kept thinking it over and over but it was true—I’d never wanted Shnikel or even oddball Elkfen Ded and his weird looks and strange comments more than I did now.

  A loud grunt and a chuffing harrumph had me stealing a peek at the beast who’d yet to come at me again to find him hunched close but offering me a small semblance of space. He was staring at me with such a puzzled look. His eyes kept darting from the vicinity of my chest to my head. Obsidian eyes darted to my face, meeting my gaze, and he scuttled closer on bent legs.

  When I tensed, he stilled. His head cocked to the left, then, slowly, to the right. Closer he moved, his gaze gluing to my blunt tipped fingers, tremoring as I clutched the pelt.

  Snatching up my hand, wrenching it free from my knee, where I’d just huddled up and rested it on it, curled into a ball, he jerked me towards him.

  When I tumbled, he frowned, eyeing me, then the floor. With a grunt, he jerked my arm again. He wanted me to get up. Terrified of where he’d expect me to follow him if I did, I played stupid, gaping up at him with a wild-eyed look.

  Another grunt sounded, and as I feared, as if that meant, Eh, fuck it, she’s coming along one way or another, he began to drag me toward the back of the caves. The back of the caves where the others denned down.

  “NO! NO!’ I started to shriek, fight, kick, my free hand trying to clutch my pelt to keep it with me and failing. None of it fazed him. It didn’t matter.


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