The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus

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The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus Page 11

by Jeanette Lynn

  My arm wrenched in its socket as I fought, but that was about all that happened. His grip was like iron.

  My skin broke out in a cold sweat I wasn't sure was from the pain of his bites or the dread creeping up my spine.

  Right into the middle of a pit of fuzzy wuzzy evilness, he dragged me, giving me a look when I shrieked and some of them began to stir that told me he was warning me to be quiet.

  Beasts moved as we passed, grumbling and rolling to their left or right groggily, to go back to sleep. I was in the den of the beasts, right in the heart of it. Oh god. This was bad, really, really bad… I was going to be eaten alive.

  Once we were directly in the middle, my kidnapper turned and climbed right over me, settling himself backwards next to me. His clawed feet came on either side of my head and he locked me in, his arms wrapping around my legs to snuggle them like I was his personal body pillow. I wanted to scream. My mouth opened on a soft sound but nothing else came out. I was too terrified to scream.

  He’d seen me trembling and thought I was cold? Was that it? And this was his solution?

  Something at my back moved and a small whimper escaped me. My body gave a jolt as something pressed to my back and a nose bumped my neck, bending to lean in for a good sniff. A sneeze and a grunt followed, then more snuffling. A hand slapped to my hair, petting it. A deep rumble vibrated my back. A hand came over me to shove the foot on my face off and Ded complied. The beast at my back reached around for my face. A garbled noise left me as he cupped my mouth with his hand. Sharp, long teeth sank deep into the meaty part of my shoulder and I cried out. He bit down harder until I clamped my teeth down on his thick palm and a sob left me. Tears freely flowed down my cheeks at this point. I was in my own living nightmare.

  As if that was all he wished, his hand slid from my mouth, dragging the blood on my lips, in my mouth, down my chin. A spicy tomato-y taste hit the back of my throat I recognized as I swallowed, lingering on my tongue. That hand slid to my lower belly and he jerked me flush against him. The beast at my back felt enormous. The biting sting was there but subsiding instantly at my shoulder, along with the ones from Ded. I’d drunken enough blood during this odd bite debacle the nausea threatening had bile rising in my throat. Yet nothing happened.

  It was disgustingly warm with all these bodies around us. More beasts moved closer, sniffing, snuffling at the scent of the newcomer.

  The beast at my back pillowed my head on a thick, furry bicep. He kept nuzzling my hair, doing some weird thing with his lips that made me wonder if he was desperate enough to try and eat my hair.

  Whatever the reason, or whether I’d wake up bald or not, he started to hum and a strange lethargy took over as the adrenaline pumping through me gave way to a Krampus-hum-induced false sense of comfort. Ded joined him, and others around us, until I was surrounded by the soft, vibrating sound, like a lullaby for the cursed. Blinking to try and keep my eyes open, I soon found it next to impossible.

  Mumbling a protest, I drifted off to sleep, wondering absently if I’d even wake up, and if I did, what kind of nightmare would I wake up to?


  The heavy rumbles vibrating against me drew me from a wonderful dream where Shnikel and I were curled up drinking cocoa in front of a fire, eating sugar cookies shaped like snowmen. The hand sliding up my leg, the long tongue following, had my eyes popping open to stare down into dark eyes. My sex pulsed, throbbing with an unfulfilled ache even a lurid dream I could kind of remember before the cookie one about a bearskin rug, a bottle of caramel syrup, and a very happy Elkfen with a creative streak a mile wide couldn’t cure.

  Ded, turned around and licking his way up my length, paused at the apex of my thighs and inhaled deeply. The beast who’d been cuddled up to my back let out a bone jarring, chest rattling rumble and shifted. One glimpse of the enormous male was enough to quell the rising ache threatening to tempt me into making the first move with one of these two, wily beasts or not.

  Fat, curling, gnarled horns, black with swirls of purple on the thick rings curled up them, one horn was cracked straight down the middle, almost all the way to the base, the other scratched up as if he’d used it in many of the Krampus displays of dominance. Small, beady black eyes zeroed in on my breasts, the swollen mounds full once more with something to offer. Flat nostrils on a thin, long nose flared and he licked his dark lips.

  Sitting up on my elbows, pushing my chest out as if in offering, I waited. My hair, the roots long ago having grown out to expose the brown of my natural hair color, the blue a soft, faded cotton candy, never failed to draw their notice. Leaning in, one hand went to my hair to bury his fingers in it while a wide mouth full of sharp teeth latched onto my breast and he began to work it. If his size was any indication, I’d rather have to deal with Ded Krampus than Behemoth Krampus.

  Fighting not to wince even though I really wanted to at Behemoth’s gruff actions as he tugged and pulled roughly, like it just wasn’t coming fast enough, Ded took full advantage of the buffet before him and buried his face in my pussy. Lips found what they sought, hungry noises leaving him as Ded’s tongue plunged deep. My hips jerked, the startled noise I made soon replaced with a soft moan as he growled and the sound vibrated my clit.

  As if all the commotion was drawing others, a third Krampus just shoved his way in and helped himself, shoving Behemoth Krampus to make room for him so he could take advantage of the breast milk filled globe no one was partaking of. Smaller than Behemoth but bigger than Ded, this Krampus had red in his stubs for horns, the cracked ends sticking straight up, rings of fur surrounding his face that tickled my abdomen as it brushed it. Stubby Krampus, I thought, wondering between choked out moans as Ded worked me right up to an intense orgasm with his mouth, how the hell I was supposed to extract myself from this situation.

  Once Behemoth had helped finish off my breast, he struck, hard and fast, biting my breast hard enough the orgasm Ded sent me spiraling towards jerked to a halt. Shoving off Stubby Krampus, grabbing Ded by a horn to lift him off of me and toss him away like he was nothing, he sat up, grabbing me by the arm to jerk me into a sitting position, and the hand still in my hair forced me forward. The self-masturbating monster he was sporting, his muscled foreskin working that fat length, had me wanting to squirm away from him. His hand in my hair fisted, twisted. The second my lips parted on a shocked cry and my hands slapped to his, nails digging in, he tried to stuff his cock in my mouth. Eyes wide, I complied, though not taking him further than his head. If he thought this forced nutritional cum drinking shtick was going to be for his benefit, he could go get one of the female Krampus to suck him off. After the shit he was pulling, I didn’t care what, I had no intentions of finishing him off with my mouth.

  The hands that came at me from behind were Ded’s. He was tall but physically thinner than all the rest of them, his fingers like sticks. I knew what he was doing as his fingers caressed my bottom. My legs shifted, allowing him room to come up behind me. Ded didn’t waste another moment, his cock finding my honeyhole to ram home. A grunt left me as I jolted, jerking as he impaled me.

  Creamy sweet cum filled my mouth, pepperminty with a hint of mocha. Behemoth released another steady stream, his eyes focused on Ded as the male began to pound into me.

  Stubby found my breast again, and another Krampus joined the orgy, going for my unoccupied teat. And then a third worked his way in to lap his way down my belly, closing over my clit, then lap at the cream at the seam of my lips as Ded stuffed me beyond full. It was a pile of furry bodies, all vying for a spot.

  It wasn’t until long, clawed hands spread my cheeks and a long tongue began to lap at my back passage that I had to call my limit.

  Behemoth, if by poor timing or because maybe he liked watching someone get their ass rimmed, burst then, nearly choking me on a thick wad of salty cum. Coughing, gagging, I almost vomited as he quickly pulled his cock free to spill his seed just about freaking everywhere. Turning my head, I wasn’t happy about gettin
g my hair cream conditioned by the massive male but it was better than my face.

  The tongue getting friendly with my asshole plunged deep. A squeak left me and I tensed up. Ded came then, grunting as his body locked deep inside of mine.

  As the back passage trespasser began to try and go to town on places I wasn’t ready to have explored, I tried to wriggle away. It was pointless. “No,” I called out plaintively. “I don’t- Stop.”

  Ded growled softly as I winced, the fattest part of Ass Krampus’ tongue forcing its way in.

  “I don’t- I don’t want this… Stop!” I called out louder.

  Ded snarled and the sound of flesh hitting flesh reached my ears, and then the Krampus eating out my ass slipped free to tumble backwards.

  Not to be deterred, Ass-Krampus came rushing back, ramming Ded. The only problem with that was that Ded and I were still deeply interlocked. A shriek that echoed throughout the cavern left me, the two Krampus attacking my breast’s teeth scraping them as they were detached, my vagina burning with the tight pull on it.

  “Stop! Stop it now!” I screamed as they continued to fight like Ded wasn’t balls deep inside me. My screams were so loud they carried over the wild snarls starting to fill the room. Behemoth, as if oblivious to the fight and my predicament, or perhaps he didn’t care, took up Ass-Krampus’ mantle and since he couldn’t get his jollies off in the front door, he too would check out the log ride.

  “Get off of me!” I bellowed, slapping at him as he tried to angle himself behind me to mount me over the fighting pair.

  I was screaming so loud my ears rang. The males just snarled over me. It was no surprise we were drawing attention. Sick of trying to croon me into complying, Behemoth forced my face into the cave floor, slamming it down into it. My screams turned to pleading sobs as he tried to breach me.

  An insane roar issued from the back of the caverns, like an ancient being had just been awoken from a thousand years slumber.

  The Krampus fighting with Ded, along with Behemoth, froze. “Baumbel,” Ass-Krampus whispered. Ded used Ass’ distraction to dispatch of him, grabbing him by his scalp-fur to jerk his head back and tear his throat right out in one swift move. Blood spurted everywhere, warmth splattering all of us in a macabre mess.

  Ded’s cock finally let up, allowing him to slip free off me. Behemoth grabbed him by the throat and chucked him like a rag doll. Ded’s head made a horrible cracking noise as he landed, skidding to a stop to still. His head rested at an odd angle. Ded’s eyes remained closed. He didn’t get back up.

  Oh god. Ded...

  Kicking Ass’ lifeless corpse away like a dirty tissue with a careless, fat hoofed kick, Behemoth’s hand clapped to my ass. I jumped hard, the action as my rump stung sending the fat knob trying to pop past that tight ring pressing harder.

  “No,” I howled. Something snapped inside of me. It was fight or flight and I had nowhere to run. Kicking out at him, he snarled and slapped his paw of a mitt down on my ass again. Baumbel momentarily forgotten, he slammed his claws into my side and began to rake them down my lower back. Growling angrily in his throat, he pulled out a little, legs tensing, hips shifting. He was going to tear me forcing me to take him like this. I didn’t want this, sure as hell didn’t want him. I continued to fight him, fruitless as it was. I’d go down fighting. And the first chance I got, he was dead.

  Thick thighs forced mine apart, he was preparing to ram right home, but right as he started to proceed, a snarl on his hiss-clenched lips, another almighty roar echoed throughout the cavern, so close a mad case of tinnitus that shook me overtook me. One moment Behemoth was there, ready to rape me to death, the next he was gone, like his ass had been plucked clean up.

  Scrambling to turn around, shoving my bum down onto the ground to hover in place, my arms wrapping around my middle, I whipped around just in time to watch a larger than life Baumbel lift Behemoth up in a fat paw, six fat fingers with short but sharp claws digging into Behemoth’s throat. Dragging his body closer to him as it dangled in his grip, green eyes lit, began to glow.

  Those sharp eyes narrowed, heavy, heavily furred brow drawing down into a fierce scowl. His insanely thick, wide chest puffed up. A long tail that split into two at the end flicked angrily behind him. There wasn’t a single part of the beast that didn't give me pause, from the long hair at his back that lifted, his fur properly ruffled, the short fur covering his body fluffed up and puffed out with the rest of him, to his impossibly thick neck and large head, and last but not least, a lower jaw that jutted, supporting two thick tusks that hugged the corners of his wide jaw.

  And then the Baumbel opened his mouth, exposing a wide, fat, flat purple tongue with two smaller ones on either side that moved with it in tandem. Baumbel went from Snow Orc to straight up alien when his jaw separated, the skin of his cheeks pulled back to puff up, his tusks jutting straight forward instead of up. A triangular flap of flesh his tongues rested on, coming to a point, rattled in an ungodly sound, the filled flaps at his cheeks shaking along with it. Upper fangs slid free, row after long, sharp row of them all at once.

  I could only sit there and gape and watch.

  Behemoth, tiny in comparison, shrieked, choked splutters leaving him as he kicked uselessly. My, how the tables have turned, I thought with no small amount of satisfaction as Baumbel just bit Behemoth’s head clean off and spat it out towards the other Krampus cowering over near the small alcove with a pool of water they drank from.

  Snarling at Behemoth’s headless corpse as it continued to spurt blood and twitch, he tossed it aside. Turning, tail slapping at the ground, he lifted one of his wide, four toed feet, thick claws scraping the ground, and kicked cave floor dirt at the decapitated corpse.

  When green eyes found me and held, he dropped down to all fours, wide shoulders popping up. He gracefully prowled closer, like a large alien cat. A weird churring sound hit my ears. His jaw was back to tusks jutting up. His throat trembled as he made the noise. It was the alien coo of a deadly beast. He was churring at me?

  Holy shit, I was next!

  I couldn’t move, didn’t dare to breathe. When he was right over me, he got as close as he could, pausing when I flinched as his fur brushed me. Thick whiskers tickled my cheek as he leaned in, until we were almost nose to nose, his button of a nose’s nostrils flaring. Instead of biting my head off, he leaned in, churring loud and erratic, and then he gently brushed the side of his cheek along mine. His cheek bones covered in fur were the hardest part of his face. His cheeks were as soft as the fur on them, loose cheek skin rippling gently against mine as he began rubbing up all on my head. When I relaxed a little, he scooted closer. When his thick arms braced on either side of me and I jumped, his churring garbled to a halt to start up again.

  Again he waited until the tension left me to advance. The back of his hand lifted, brushing over my hip and lower. When his fingers came away bloody from the damage Behemoth’s clawing had done, his churring gave way to a low growl.

  My breath left me in a whoosh. This was it.

  “Please don’t bite my head off,” I burst out, then squeezed my eyes shut tight. I wanted to throw my arms up over my head but I was afraid I’d startle him.

  Thick arms came around me instead of a mouth closing over my head. A squawk left me as he scooped me up, cuddling me close to his chest, spun around, and began to lope off towards the back caverns.

  Stealing peeks through my slitted eyelids, I jounced in his hold, his bouncing steps jarring. The deeper he went into the back caverns, the more my eyes widened.

  My first surprise was the colors of the mountain walls this deep in, swirls of brown, blue, white, in vibrant stripes of color. Crystal blue stalactites and stalagmites hugged the floors and ceilings. The walls, alien Neapolitan ice cream came to mind. The sound of running water grew closer, and with it warmth.

  A shiver enveloped me. The chill in the air fought the warmth wafting towards us.

  Too many twists and turns past an indoor waterfall w
ith a lagoon, large, furry beasts with greyish black beaks and mouths full of insanely large teeth lazing about like giant oversized, bleach white polar cats lounged about. A few of their younglings frolicked in the shallow end of the water. At a soft chirrup from the Baumbel holding me, a medium sized beast creature popped up, stretched, and bounded closer to fall in line next to its master.

  Baumbels had pets? Attack animals? Would it attack me?

  Shifting a little, spying a tuft of spiked fur as the beast calmly strode alongside us, it barely spared me a second glance. Apparently, I wasn’t on its radar. Yet.

  Baumbel made a noise that had me glancing up. I assumed by the thick stack of pelts on a platform looking chunk of rock, a section carved out of it about the size to possibly fit the needs of a Baumbel and his pet, guard beast?, just up ahead. There was an enormous fireplace looking pit filled with glowing orange and green rocks that gave off heat warming the place. I spied a steaming mini pool of water, passageway after passageway leading elsewhere surrounding their heat source, which seemed to be the center of Baumbel-ville, with the Baumbel guy who’d taken me hanging at the main entrance.

  Maybe he was their guardian? Along with the beaked creature walking over to a large bone near a single pelt near the platform bed to settle and begin gnawing at his treat.

  Gulping audibly, I stared at the creature sharpening its teeth on the largest bone I’d ever seen.

  “Hun-man,” the Baumbel rumbled.

  My gaze jerked up to find him staring at me. “Human?” I guessed, gaping. My jaw flapped, swinging there uselessly. “You- You can talk?”

  Walking over to the bed, he set me down at the end of it. I flinched, cringing and jerking back as his large, double thumbed hands came at me. No. Four thumbs, I corrected, cracking my eyelids opened when nothing happened to find two opposable thumbs on both ends of his hands curling and uncurling, hesitating to touch me.


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