Storm Front

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Storm Front Page 26

by Thomas A. Watson

  “You found that out questioning the wounded?” Ronald asked and Nelson nodded. “You find out how many were there?”

  “None of them knew, but I had Tim walk around and count the bodies. Three hundred and twenty-seven bodies were at the school,” Nelson said.

  “Knew there was more than a hundred and fifty,” Sean mumbled.

  “Shit, a force that size could’ve been a whole lot of trouble,” Bernard gasped.

  “What do you mean ‘could’ve’? They were a pain in my ass!” Gerald popped off.

  Nelson looked over at Bernard. “That wasn’t all of them,” Nelson said and everyone gasped. “The two gangs that came to talk only brought half of their strength.”

  “They work for the feds and got equipment. Why would they want to attack them?” Gerald asked.

  Shaking his head, “The feds may give them equipment, but not much. The only thing they gave them in abundance were Stingers, so the gang could help take out Republic aircraft. The feds only gave equipment in payment for the gang following orders,” Nelson said.

  “Like attacking people,” Sean said and Nelson nodded.

  “We missed a hundred captives by a few hours. The gang traded them to the feds for fuel,” Nelson said.

  “You mean that fuel truck was payment for a hundred American citizens?” Sean cried out.

  Nodding, “Yeah, it was all men. The feds are using them as forced labor. Wish we would’ve got that fuel,” Nelson said.

  “Dallas did,” Gerald said and Nelson turned to look at Gerald. “It took them two days, but they got everything. I did tell them no motorcycles because it won’t be long before people will just shoot anyone on a motorcycle.”

  Closing his eyes, Nelson sighed. “That was a risk we didn’t need to take with so many of us down.”

  “Nelson, I told Dallas it was worth the risk,” Gerald said and Nelson’s eyes snapped open. “That gang was our local threat. What you just told me proved it. Two other gangs came here. Now there might be small bands, but nothing of size will be close.”

  “Well, it’s done,” Nelson said with a groan.

  “Nelson, everyone has to share the load,” Bernard said. “Besides, Dallas is a big boy.”

  Throwing his head back, Nelson laughed and stopped quickly, grabbing his abdomen and bending over, giving a groan. Wilma jumped up, moving to Nelson quickly. “You okay?” she asked, bending over and putting a hand on Nelson’s back.

  “Yeah, still sore,” Nelson said, slowly sitting back up. “How many Stingers they get?”

  “Forty-one, and sixteen Javelins,” Gerald said, watching Nelson slowly sit up. “Let me help you back to the cabin.”

  “Gerald, I’m sick of my cabin. If I have to sit anywhere, I’m sitting here,” Nelson whined. “I never thought I would say this… I’m tired of watching the Star Wars saga.”

  Gerald jumped and pointed at Nelson. “That’s sacrilege!” he shouted.

  Nodding, “I know, that’s why I don’t want to sit in my cabin,” Nelson said as the back door opened and Nellie came out with Dianna.

  She walked over holding a plate, shoving it in Nelson’s face. “I made you some breakfast,” Nellie said smiling.

  “Not really hungry now after trying to laugh,” Nelson said, looking at the plate and still holding his stomach.

  “That’s okay, dear,” Nellie said as Bernard got up and brought a chair over, setting it in front of Nelson. Nellie sat down and grabbed a spoon while Dianna came over holding a glass of tea.

  “Drink,” Dianna said, putting the glass to his mouth. Seeing the look in Dianna’s eye that she would make him drink, Nelson took a drink. When the glass moved away, Nellie shoved a spoonful in his mouth.

  As he chewed, Nelson looked around and the only one smiling was Wilma. “Yes, Nelson, we’ve all been fed,” Ronald said. “You would think my kids would listen to me, I’m the dad. But when I didn’t want to eat and they tried to feed me, I told them no and they went and tattled. Nellie fed me every meal for three days, then the kids fed me another two.”

  “Nellie didn’t come at you with a bat,” Sean mumbled and Dianna turned, looking at him with a scowl.

  “The bat is still beside the bed,” Dianna said.

  Sean looked up at her with a sad expression. “I was going to take my medicine this morning, I just wanted to use the bathroom first,” he whined.

  “And that’s why you will take your medicine when you’re supposed to,” Dianna said, giving Nelson another drink.

  Looking up at Dianna, Nelson smiled. “Thank you for letting Lucy help with the kids,” he said, hoping it was okay.

  Dianna smiled as Nellie fed Nelson. “No, I should say that, and that I’m sorry. Lucy treats Olivia like a little doll. I think she changes Olivia’s clothes like four times a day and I don’t think Devin has been put down in two weeks,” Dianna sighed and Wilma leaned over to Gerald as he opened his mouth.

  “Don’t,” Wilma said softly but sternly.

  Giving Nelson another drink between bites, “I’m just thankful Matt and Ashley have kids,” Dianna said. “Lucy and Kim got in an argument because Kim wanted to help.”

  “Argument, my behind,” Bernard mumbled.

  “Well, I told Kim she had to take care of Brittany and Mike, so she’s happy,” Dianna said smiling. “And Lucy didn’t kill her.”

  “There,” Nellie said smiling, putting the last spoonful in Nelson’s mouth. “See? You were hungry,” Nellie said, getting up and Dianna poured the rest of the tea down. Nelson just smiled, feeling like he just ate an elephant.

  Hearing a low rumble, Nelson looked up and saw Nikki and Jana riding four-wheelers around the house. “Who made their ATVs quiet?” Nelson asked.

  “Justin. He took a peek at ours and copied them,” Gerald said as the two pulled up and turned off the engines. “Seems he’s been studying to be a machinist.”

  Nodding, Nelson watched the two climb off and noticed both seemed very excited. “You’re early,” Nellie said, putting the plate on the table.

  “Where’s Michelle?” Nikki asked smiling.

  “Asleep,” Nelson said.

  “I need to tell her something,” Nikki said, turning.

  “Nikki, can it wait?” Nellie asked and Nelson sighed with relief that he didn’t have to.

  Turning back to Nellie, Nikki shook her head. “No,” she said.

  “Come on, it’s the first day she got to sleep late,” Nelson whined.

  The smile fell off Nikki’s face and Nellie popped Nelson’s shoulder lightly. “Nikki knows that, Nelson, so she knows if it’s important enough,” Nellie said.

  Looking over at Gerald, “Nancy find anything around us?” Nelson asked as Nikki and Jana walked to the cabin.

  “Not that we don’t know about, but a UAV finally flew over us a few days back. Nancy was certain it flew down to check on the gang because it dropped down to five thousand feet, making a pass over Dallas’s and the two cabins we hit them at,” Gerald said.

  “Any news on the war?” Nelson asked, still holding his belly.

  “Oh, yeah,” Gerald grinned. “Arizona joined the Republic and the Republic helped free South Dakota and Nebraska three days ago. They are fighting hard in Kansas, trying to keep it open so they can supply Colorado. But it’s a lost cause.”

  “Any idea on how many UN troops are here?” Nelson asked and the grin fell off Gerald’s face.

  “Yeah,” Gerald sighed. “Over three million and still counting, but they can’t field many of them in the fight because of all the riots and attacks. Death tolls that the Republic put out predicts eighty million people here in US are already dead. They can’t get rid of the bodies fast enough and disease is running rampant. Then, when you throw in no food or clean drinking water, it’s bad.”

  “We knew it would be,” Nelson said.

  “Yeah-,” Gerald stopped as a squeal sounded from Nelson’s cabin. One second, Nelson was sitting in front of him and the next, Nelson was up jumpin
g over the handrail on the back of the deck and running full bore to the cabin.

  “Nelson!” Nellie shouted, but Nelson charged into the cabin, almost knocking the door off its hinges.

  “What’s wrong?” Nelson shouted, seeing the three jumping up and down. They all stopped and turned to Nelson.

  “Did you run over here?” Michelle asked, smiling and walking over.

  “Um, I don’t know,” Nelson said, thinking about it as he calmed down and his body informed him, his behavior was unacceptable. “Shit,” Nelson groaned, stumbling and feeling his legs tremble.

  Michelle moved over to guide Nelson to the recliner. “Will you two tell Ashley while I make sure Nelson didn’t mess up my hard work?” Michelle said.

  “Want me to come back and help?” Nikki asked giggling.

  “No, just make sure neither of them acts like Nelson,” Michelle said, taking his boots off.

  When they left, Nelson looked at her and grimaced. “I’m sorry, but I thought something was wrong,” he protested with a moan.

  Pulling down Nelson’s pants, Michelle groaned at seeing some blood on the dressings on both thighs. “It was my fault,” she said, dropping his pants to the floor. Wondering if she should get Nikki to take care of it, Michelle headed into the kitchen.

  “And just how is my stupidity your fault?” Nelson yapped with attitude.

  Carrying supplies in, Michelle set them on the coffee table and pulled it closer to the recliner. She looked up at him with utter love. “Because papa bear loves his momma bear,” she said beaming.

  “Duh,” Nelson sang out. “That doesn’t make my acting stupid your fault in any way. I should’ve known better than that,” he huffed.

  Reaching up, she caressed his cheek. “That’s what I mean. You put me on a pedestal few will ever know,” she smiled and then leaned over, kissing him.

  Nelson looked down at the bandages. “I’ve seen you do this quite a few times, let me do this,” he said. The smile fell off Michelle’s face and Nelson looked away. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  Slowly pulling the bandage off, Michelle sighed with relief to see the wound still intact. Nelson had only dislodged the scab. “At least you’re learning,” she said, going to work.

  “What was so important that Nikki had to wake you up?” Nelson asked, laying his head back.

  “Oh, thank you for covering the windows,” Michelle said, looking up but not smiling. “But that doesn’t excuse you for climbing on the dresser to do it.”

  “I couldn’t reach over my head without my belly driving me to my knees,” Nelson said. “I wanted you to get some rest.”

  Cleaning the wounds, “I know. Papa bear was taking care of mamma bear,” Michelle said.

  “So, what was so important?” Nelson asked, trying to relax.

  Looking up at Nelson with a grin, “Ashley’s pregnant,” Michelle said.

  Lifting his head up, Nelson looked down at her. “Is the baby okay?” he asked.

  “When I’m done, I’ll take the ultrasound over and check, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be,” she told him.

  “How did Nikki know before you?”

  Going back to work, “Remember, this was the year I was going to start to buy basic lab equipment, so we would have more than dipsticks. Nikki didn’t buy medications like I did, so she bought lab equipment. They cleared out a small room and just got it set up a few days ago, and Nikki grabbed some blood from everyone to test the equipment,” Michelle said and then grabbed new bandages.

  Putting his head back down, “I’m happy for them,” Nelson said. “Mike will almost be two, that’s good spacing. Have to say, I’m a little jealous.”

  “Yeah,” Michelle said, putting the dressings on. When she was done, Michelle took his shirt off to examine him and found he was alright. “Can you stand?”

  “Of course, just not fast,” Nelson said, slowly getting up. When he stood up, Michelle led him to the bedroom. “I’m tired of lying in the bed,” Nelson wailed, wanting to stomp his foot but knew that would hurt.

  Leading him to the bed, Michelle just pointed. “In,” she said. Dropping his head as he pouted, Nelson slowly climbed into the bed. As Nelson got comfortable, Michelle went to the bathroom. She stepped to the bathroom door and looked at Nelson as she brushed her teeth.

  “I’m in the bed,” he said with a long sigh.

  Moving back in the bathroom, Michelle rinsed her mouth out. Walking out, she climbed up on the bed and carefully straddled Nelson’s waist and put her hands on his shoulder. “Babe, um, I don’t know how to say this but, um, I really don’t want sex,” Nelson said shamefully.

  “I’m not surprised, but I should record you saying that,” Michelle giggled. “I don’t want you to move.”

  “So, you’re going to hold me down?” Nelson gasped.

  “Nelson,” Michelle said smiling. “I’m pregnant.”

  Michelle stared at Nelson for several seconds and noticed the lights were on, but nobody was home. “Nelson,” she said, dropping the smile.

  Slowly, Nelson blinked his eyes, “Is the baby okay?” he asked, looking at the bandages on her. “You’ve been pushing yourself hard,” he said, starting to pant.

  “Babe, you’re getting worked up,” Michelle said, feeling his heart rate speed up. “I’m going to show Nikki how to ultrasound Ashley and then she’s going to come over here, so you can see our baby.”

  Nelson tried to lunge up, but Michelle held him down. “That’s why you’re here, now stop,” she said smiling and leaned over carefully and hugged him. “Seems Ashley and I will be pregnant together again. Seems this time, she got pregnant first,” she chuckled as Nelson hugged her tight.

  “If I promise to slow down, will you? You’re working too hard,” Nelson said, squeezing her tight. The pain his body told him about meant nothing.

  “Yes, I will, baby,” Michelle said, lifting her head and kissing him. “That’s why I had to brush my teeth.”

  “I love you, hot stuff,” Nelson grinned.

  Rubbing the tip of her nose across Nelson’s, “Momma bear knows,” she smiled.

  Chapter 23

  Three months later, Nelson stepped out of the cabin into the nippy morning air. They were well into fall now with winter just around the corner. Standing in front of the cabin and looking around, he waited while holding Devin. Pointing up at the stars, Devin babbled. “Stars,” Nelson said, nuzzling into Devin’s neck and making him squeal.

  Holding Devin at arm’s length, “I can’t believe you walked for Lucy,” Nelson said with his face in scowl and Devin jabbered, clapping his hands. Pulling Devin back to his chest, Nelson hugged him hard, making Devin squeal again. “That’s right, I’ll squish you,” Nelson laughed as Devin squealed.

  Hearing a door open, Nelson turned to see Gerald step out of his cabin. Seeing Nelson standing outside, Gerald took off running and holding out his arms. “You beat me outside, bubble warrior!” Gerald yelled out.

  Devin clapped, holding out his hands and Gerald pulled him from Nelson’s grasp. “Excuse me,” Nelson said as Gerald loved on Devin.

  Glancing over at Nelson, “You’re making another one,” Gerald said, turning around and walking away.

  “You better be glad, too,” Nelson said, seeing Wilma walk out of Gerald’s cabin.

  “At least you get to hold him sometimes,” Matt said from behind Nelson. Turning around, Nelson saw Matt and Ashley walking from their cabin. “Between Kim, Nancy, and Ashley, I barely get to hold Mike.”

  Walking out of the cabin, Michelle was pulling her hair up into a ponytail. “Nelson wrestled Lucy last night to hold Devin,” Michelle chuckled.

  “Damn girl is stout. I had to use muscle to win,” Nelson mumbled.

  Looking down at Ashley, “I’m going to do that,” Matt said and Ashley popped his arm.

  “You leave Kim alone,” Ashley grinned.

  The four walked around the house and looked at the now tall grass covering the berm. Walking out the f
ront, they saw the grass covering the shroud they’d put over the moat. Unless you knew it was there, it was easy to miss. Afraid of just that, Bernard had made wooden stakes and placed them around the moat so the kids would remember. Wisely, nobody told Bernard not to do it.

  “We’re here,” Sean said, coming up behind them and they turned to see Dianna holding his hand. It was agreed that the adults got to use the gym first, then the kids went. The only ones that complained were Nellie and Bernard. They didn’t get Brittany and Olivia in the mornings. Lucy slept in Olivia’s room and Kim slept in Brittany’s.

  As the group walked past the row of tires, the women all sighed. For the last month, Matt, Nelson, and Sean, finally cleared by Michelle to workout hard, did just that. Seeing the regular car tires, Michelle couldn’t help but smile. Gavin had asked Nelson if he could workout with a tire like Nelson. The next day, there was a range of tires for the kids to choose from.

  That first morning, Michelle had run to the cabin and come back with a video recorder to film Gavin dragging a car tire as Nelson dragged that huge tractor tire with a length of rope. Then, they’d flipped them end over end back across the yard.

  Walking into the gym, they saw Ronald and Gerald already working out, “Where’s Mike?” Nancy asked, walking over.

  “Kim had him in the bed with her and Brittany,” Ashley said with a yawn.

  Spinning around and walking off, “Kim and I are going to have a talk,” Nancy snapped.

  “I got twenty on Kim,” Matt said, putting his rifle up.

  “I’ll take that bet,” Nelson said, hanging his rifle up.

  The three moved off and started their brutal workout. Unlike before the attack, there was no music being played in the gym. When Michelle had told them they could start light workouts, Nancy had turned the radio on and Michelle was with everyone else for breaking the stereo.

  Nancy had unplugged the radio and hidden it.

  “Think the Republic is going to push into Missouri this winter?” Matt asked, climbing under the bar.

  “No, I think taking Kansas and Colorado put a hurt on both sides,” Nelson said as Sean helped Matt lift the bar off.


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