Storm Front

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Storm Front Page 27

by Thomas A. Watson

As Matt took the bar, Sean let it go and watched Matt push out the reps. “Well, we heard they were still fighting in Iowa,” Sean said and saw Matt was struggling and helped with the last two reps.

  “That, I don’t understand,” Nelson said, moving to take Sean’s place as Sean climbed under the bar.

  “They need to hurry and take Missouri before the feds start pushing more troops here,” Matt said, wiping sweat off his face. “We’re hearing too many people on the radio talking about units moving around.”

  Helping Sean squeeze out his last rep, Nelson took the bar and racked it. “Matt, lone vehicles scouting isn’t a troop presence. The feds have their hands full just keeping up with moving dead bodies and keeping the cities from burning down from riots,” Nelson said, crawling under the bar.

  When Nelson was done with his warm up, they started piling the weight on. “Are we joining with the Republic when they roll in?” Matt asked.

  “I’m not joining anyone’s army. Been there and done that,” Nelson said as Matt lifted the bar. “I’ll fight the same war, but I’ll do it on my own terms and on my own timeline.”

  “Can’t argue that,” Sean said, racking the bar for Matt.

  Moving over to the dumbbells, “So, you don’t trust the Republic?” Matt asked.

  “Haven’t decided yet,” Nelson answered, dropping the dumbbells. “They seem to be fighting the good fight and they are not the draconian government the feds are, but I’ve followed blindly once, I won’t do it again. I love my country, but families with money bought Washington D.C. like I’m sure they are trying to buy those in the Republic.”

  Dropping his dumbbells, Sean chuckled, “And I thought I didn’t like politicians.”

  Picking his dumbbells up and racking them, Nelson turned to Sean. “Let’s get something straight, a politician is a whore. Instead of fucking for money, they fuck people over for money. How can you take an oath from the people who elected you and then take money from small groups and screw your voters over?”

  “Hey, don’t think I’m going to disagree with you,” Sean said as Nelson grabbed heavier dumbbells and started pumping out reps. “I like your idea of not joining but fighting the fight.”

  Dropping the dumbbells, Nelson nodded. “We attack and defend what we choose and by our own rules,” he said.

  “What if the Republic just stays where they are?” Matt asked, finishing his set. “California is reporting over twenty million dead. Hell, even the UN isn’t sending more troops there.”

  “They can’t afford to send troops there after sending a quarter of a million to Mexico. The videos Nancy played of the battles across Mexico blow my mind. The cartels are fighting the UN and both are killing the population in wholesale slaughter. If we think we have it bad, the people down there have the golden wiener. They’ve never been allowed to have guns, so they can’t fight back against anyone and they were already poor. That one report said there were only two million people left in the Greater Mexico City area. There used to be over twenty million people there.”

  “Most of the UN troops down there are Muslim. You think that plays a part?” Matt asked.

  Finishing his set, Nelson racked the dumbbells. “Matt, Mexico is Catholic, plain and simple, yes I do,” Nelson said.

  “The last we heard from Europe wasn’t that great, why are they sending troops here?” Matt asked as they moved to another machine.

  “Matt, what can their people do?” Nelson laughed. “They gave up their rights long ago. A citizen with a vote means nothing more than a slave that can use sign language. A citizen with a gun and vote has a voice and is harder to rule. He may not need the gun, but those at the top know he has it.”

  They finished their workout when the kids started showing up and headed outside. Nelson and the others were shocked to see Ronald and Gerald come out with them. Gerald did bring Devin and his walker. Rolling a large truck tire over with some effort, Gerald looked at it.

  “I’m playing with this one,” Gerald said proudly.

  Grabbing a one-inch rope that was ten feet long, Nelson walked over. “Grab a rope and show the tire who the boss is,” Nelson said, looping the rope through the massive tractor tire. Turning, Nelson gave a grunt and dragged the three-hundred-and-fifty-pound tire across the yard.

  “Let me beat up this tire, bubble warrior,” Gerald said, grabbing a length of rope and Devin squealed, clapping his hands.

  As Gerald pulled the tire across the yard to the driveway fifty yards away, he met Nelson. Nelson dropped the rope, grabbing his tire and flipped it end over end back toward the group. “I wonder if Wilma can still have kids?” Ronald said, wiping his face off.

  “If she can’t, they better adopt,” Matt said, shaking his hands out as Nelson got closer. “This one is mine,” Matt declared. “I already told Ashley.”

  Ronald laughed as Nelson struggled to flip the tire one last time and Matt ran over, yelling encouragement. With his face changing colors, Nelson flipped the tire, sending out a puff of dust as it landed. Slapping Nelson’s back, Matt grabbed the rope and took off at a jog passing Gerald who was halfway back, flipping the tire end over end.

  “Still going out with Curtis and them today?” Ronald asked Nelson.

  Panting hard, Nelson nodded. “They’ve improved tenfold since that attack and all I could do was watch them as I taught them,” Nelson said, gulping air.

  “If you need me, I’ll go out with ya,” Ronald said, shaking his hands as Gerald got closer.

  “Nah, you’re going on that long-range patrol with Gerald in a few days,” Nelson said, concentrating on slowing his breathing down.

  “Just don’t like you going out with four cherries,” Ronald said as Gerald let out a yell, struggling to flip the hundred-and-fifty-pound tire over.

  Impressed with the effort Gerald was using, Nelson shouted encouragement and the others joined in. Even Devin yelled as Gerald struggled to lift the tire. When he flipped it over, Gerald stumbled back gasping for air. “Holy shit,” he panted, looking at the tire. “Glad I started with that one.”

  “All right, Gerald!” Sean shouted and Nelson turned to Ronald.

  “They used to be cherries, but they’ve seen the beast,” Nelson said as Ronald moved over to the tire.

  “That was a set battle. You are going on a patrol. Big difference,” Ronald said, grabbing the rope.

  “War is war. If I had doubts about them, I wouldn’t be going,” Nelson said. Ronald gave a nod and started pulling the tire across the yard.

  Gerald walked over, picking Devin’s walker up. “You see me beat up that tire?” Gerald asked, grinning at Devin. Letting out a squeal, Devin clapped his hands and Gerald carried him back in the gym.

  “Yep, the next one is mine,” Nelson said.

  “Nelson, I asked Michelle and she cleared me to go out with you today,” Sean said, walking over as Matt flipped the tire over for the last time, almost picking it up off the ground.

  Nelson looked up at Sean with a serious face. “If I have to carry your ass again, I get to keep Lucy for Olivia’s sister,” Nelson said with a straight face.

  Sean laughed while walking over to the tire. “Deal,” he said, grabbing the rope.

  “Almost done, babe?” Michelle asked, walking up with the other women.

  “Just going to soak,” he answered, kissing her and rubbing her wet hair. Michelle’s and Ashley’s workouts weren’t as dynamic as they once were. “You still teaching class today?” he asked smiling.

  “Hell, yeah,” Michelle declared. “Teaching more people medical care means Nikki and I won’t be spread so thin.”

  Pulling her wet body to his, Nelson hugged her tight. “That’s my girl,” he said, kissing her again.

  “You better spend some time with Olivia before leaving,” Michelle said, letting him go. “Let her help you check your gear.”

  “Sounds good,” Nelson said, watching the women walk off.

  After soaking, Nelson wrestled Devin away from Gerald an
d headed to the cabin. Changing out of his workout clothes, Nelson carried Devin to the house and Gerald met him at the door. Watching Gerald walk off with Devin, Nelson shook his head as Wilma walked over, grabbing plates.

  “He really does love Devin,” Wilma smiled.

  Turning to Wilma, Nelson returned the smile. “I know. Devin was the first kid Gerald ever had anything to do with,” Nelson said.

  Pulling the plates to her chest, “I wish I would’ve met Gerald sooner,” Wilma sighed.

  Because Michelle had talked to Wilma, Nelson knew the only reason she’d been with Steven was because of the kids. For the last three years of their marriage, they’d slept in separate bedrooms. That was supported by the fact that Wilma tried to kill Steven the day he’d tried to turn his own kids over to the feds. Nelson was happy for both of them, and Nancy seemed to be the happiest. The small office she’d had in their cabin, Nancy turned into a bedroom for Wilma’s kids, Vance and Emily.

  Reaching over, Nelson grabbed Wilma’s shoulder. “I’m glad you wrestled him down,” Nelson grinned.

  Looking at Nelson with a big grin, “Me too,” Wilma said and then headed to the table as sweaty kids started coming in.

  When Lucy came in carrying Olivia, Nelson stepped in front of them. “My princess is working out?” Nelson cried in feigned shock.

  “I’m getting muscles, Daddy!” Olivia cried out, bending her small arm to show Nelson her nonexistent bicep.

  “Whew, that’s big,” Nelson said, clapping his hands and Olivia leaped over. He looked down at Lucy. “Thank you for all the help,” Nelson smiled.

  “Help? They are fun!” Lucy said laughing and Nelson hugged her and the laugh caught in Lucy’s throat.

  “If you’re determined to stay at the house, I’ll find you your own bed because I know Olivia can beat you to death,” Nelson said, letting Lucy go.

  Lucy looked down at the floor, hiding her blush. “That’s okay. Olivia likes me sleeping with her and compared to my brothers and sister, sleeping in the bed with her is easy,” Lucy said and Nelson kissed the top of her blonde, sweaty head.

  “Just let me or Michelle know,” Nelson said, heading for the table.

  Holding her head down, Lucy headed for the den with the other kids. “Ewww,” Kim said, laughing at Lucy. “Is little Lucy blushing.”

  Lifting her head up with a cold glare, “Shut up, Kim, or I’ll knock your teeth out!” Lucy shouted, balling her fist up.

  A thunderous smack sounded beside Nelson and he cradled Olivia in his arms as he dove to the floor. “Girls!” Sean bellowed, after clapping his hands together. Both girls turned to Sean and saw the ‘daddy look’. They both turned and ran to the table in the den.

  Slowly, Nelson lifted his head up until his eyes were above the tabletop. Cradling Olivia to his chest, “Is it safe to come out?” he asked timidly.

  Sean turned from the girls and locked Nelson in his gaze. “You want her now?” Sean snapped. “I’ll pay ya.”

  “Pfft,” Dianna huffed, waving her hand at Sean. “That’ll be the day. I thought you and I were going to fight after I spanked the girls last year.”

  Bernard looked over at Nellie, laughing, “I know this is bad to say, but I’m so glad this happened and we have a house full of family.”

  Setting down a platter, Nellie walked over to Bernard and hugged him hard as she laughed with him. “I know, it’s what we always wanted,” Nellie said, kissing Bernard’s head.

  Feeling left out, Olivia held her arms out. “Nanna, I want some love,” she cried out.

  “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry,” Nellie said, moving over and hugging Olivia. When Nellie let Olivia go, Bernard got up and came over to hug Olivia.

  “Pappy,” Olivia sang out as she hugged Bernard back.

  Rolling his head, Nelson turned to see Michelle sitting beside him with a smart-ass smirk on her face. “Okay, she might,” he stressed hard, “be a little spoiled.”

  “Whatever,” Michelle snorted as Bernard let Olivia go and sat back down.

  “You want to eat with daddy?” Nelson asked, hugging Olivia tight. Olivia looked at the table with the other kids with longing and then turned to look up at Nelson.

  “I’ll sit with you, Daddy, if you want me to,” Olivia said and then hugged him tight.

  Returning the hug, Nelson kissed her head. “You can go sit with them and I’ll brush your hair and you can help me get ready,” Nelson said.

  “Daddy,” Olivia whispered with a serious face. “Will you show Lucy how to brush my hair? Sometimes she pulls too hard,” Olivia said. “I don’t cry, though,” she added quickly.

  Smiling, “You bet, pumpkin,” Nelson said and Olivia jumped down and ran to the den.

  “I pity the poor boys in Olivia’s future,” Michelle said, grabbing Nelson’s hand.

  “Why? Bernard has an excavator and I know he’ll never talk when they disappear,” Nelson chortled.

  “Know a good spot, too,” Bernard nodded with a serious face.

  Closing her eyes, Michelle shook her head. “Nellie, you will help me keep them reigned in, won’t you?” Michelle asked in a pleading voice.

  “Of course,” Nellie said, sitting down. “I’ll feed any boy they kill through the wood chipper first, so we don’t have to bury them deep.”

  Opening her eyes, “I give up,” Michelle sighed as everyone chuckled and they held hands as Bernard said grace.

  Chapter 24

  After breakfast, Nelson carried Olivia to the cabin with Lucy following. Gerald wouldn’t give up Devin. Setting Olivia on a stool, he showed Lucy how Olivia liked her hair brushed. Then, she watched in awe as Nelson braided Olivia’s hair. “You braid hair better than mom,” Lucy said when he was done.

  Olivia looked over her shoulder at Lucy as Michelle walked in. “Daddy’s better than Momma brushing hair,” Olivia said.

  “If you would stay still, I wouldn’t pull your hair when I brush it,” Michelle said, walking into the kitchen.

  “I move because you pull my hair,” Olivia whined and Michelle came over and kissed her.

  “That’s why I like daddy to brush my hair,” Michelle said, then looked up at Nelson. “You check your gear?”

  “Olivia’s about to help me do that now,” Nelson said, picking Olivia up.

  Turning to Lucy, “Will you help me carry stuff to the house for class today? Some of it’s heavy and Nelson would spank me,” Michelle said and Lucy gasped.

  Looking up at Nelson, “You can’t spank Michelle, she’s gonna have a baby,” Lucy said.

  “She lifts something heavy and I’ll spank her ass,” Nelson said, spinning around and walking down the hall.

  Setting Olivia on the bed, Nelson started pulling his gear out. After the last outing, Nelson had to go back to his old plate carrier vest. But this time, he would be wearing the concealable vest that Matt had taken from the agents Nelson had killed in Springfield what seemed like two lifetimes ago, instead of months.

  “Daddy, when are you coming home?” Olivia asked, spreading his camouflage top out on the bed.

  “Late tonight or early tomorrow,” Nelson said, grabbing his boots.

  She looked up at him with a serious expression that didn’t fit her now six-year-old pixie face. “Don’t get hurt, please,” she said softly.

  “I’ll do my best,” Nelson said, picking her up and nuzzling her neck.

  When he put her down, Nelson checked his vest and both drop platforms. “Can’t you just stay here?” she asked, looking at his rucksack.

  “No, baby. I have to make sure the bad people don’t find us,” Nelson said.

  “Why are you taking the big backpack?” she asked, looking at the two small ones. “If you’re not going to be gone long, you can use them.”

  “Just in case I have to stay out longer,” Nelson said, pulling his camouflaged tactical pants on. “Now, you’ll have to help momma and Lucy take care of Devin.”

  “I will,” Olivia said in a small voice, watching Nels
on get ready. “Zeus is going with you, right?”

  Grabbing the concealable vest, “Yes, baby,” Nelson said, putting it on.

  Hearing that, Olivia perked up. “He eats bad people,” Olivia said cheerfully.

  Not able to argue that, “He sure does,” Nelson said as Michelle walked in with Lucy.

  “Glad to see you are wearing that,” Michelle said, patting the vest.

  “Hey, after last time, I’m a firm believer in ballistic protection,” Nelson said, grabbing his top.

  “Hey, Tinker Bell, want to help me carry stuff over to the house, so Michelle can teach us doctor stuff?” Lucy said, looking at Olivia.

  “I don’t want a shot,” Olivia said with a serious face.

  “I’ll take your shot for you if we have to do that,” Lucy said with indifference. “Shots don’t hurt.”

  “I don’t like ‘em,” Olivia said.

  “Tinker Bell, you’re tough. I can’t believe you’re scared of a shot,” Lucy said in disbelief.

  “No shots,” Michelle said, coming out of the bathroom.

  As Nelson reached for his vest, Lucy hit his side hard as she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. “Nelson, you be careful,” Lucy said, then let him go and clapped her hands, turning to Olivia. Leaping off the bed, Olivia laughed as Lucy caught her. Putting Olivia on her hip, Lucy walked out.

  Michelle laughed as Nelson just stood there confused. “You listen to your girlfriend,” Michelle said, putting her boots on.

  “Felt like I got hit by a linebacker,” Nelson mumbled, pulling his vest on and strapping the sides tight. “Lucy is as pretty as can be but I swear, she’s made of lead.”

  Getting up, Michelle walked over and pulled his head down. “Be careful and call if you need anything,” she said, then kissed him.

  “I will,” he smiled, grabbing his rucksack. Lifting her shirt up, Nelson bent over and kissed her belly. “You be good, daddy will be home soon.”

  Michelle followed him out back as Nelson put his rucksack on. “The wives are coming over after we leave, right?” Nelson asked and then whistled.

  “Yeah, and until you and the others help them with some defenses, I want the wives here if all of their husbands are gone,” Michelle said as Zeus and Hera came running over. Holding Hera’s collar, “Please don’t attack anyone unless it’s worth the risk.”


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