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Society's Collapse: The Bug Out

Page 4

by Jeremy Lock

  Jeff wasn’t thrilled but grudgingly agreed to Jason’s reasoning. Looting probably wouldn’t start for a few days and his weapons and ammo were in a nearly impenetrable safe. They both headed inside and explained the plan to Jessica. She was happy with the plan. They all went to bed hoping to enjoy the last goodnight sleep for quite a while. None slept well.

  Chapter 6

  It was time for the 9pm meeting. The group met secretly in the underground bunker system that they had been in for the past three days. The bunker system was vast; it spaciously handled the 10 families plus service personnel without feeling cramped in the least. Every “apartment” contained the highest end finishes, large bedrooms, kitchens and family rooms as well as offices where work could get done safely. The 10 men in the meeting room now were some of the most powerful men in the country and even the world. They had gained massive fortunes due to their superior intellect, as well as their unscrupulous business practices. Generally these men were competitors but 10 years prior they had formed a very odd alliance. The group didn’t have a name, didn’t have minions in any real sense, nor did they have a true political agenda. They had one simple aspiration, power. These men wanted full and complete control of the US government and therefore the world and its resources and they had the money, influence and power to manipulate nearly anything they wanted, particularly together. They wanted the power, wealth and control while the rest of the people lived with what these men decided what was best. It was a lofty goal and these men knew it would not be a quick process. First they began supporting political candidates and in return requiring government contracts and “stimulus” money. From there they began investing in mainstream media companies and making sure their hand chosen personnel were placed in critical positions. Bribes were paid and men were placed in high reaching political and judicial positions. Two of the current Supreme Court justices were loyal, well over 200 congressmen and over 30 senators of both parties were beholden, although they didn’t really know it. Laws were passed, executive orders written and judicial findings proclaimed that eliminated many of the freedoms and protections of the average US citizen. But the people didn’t pay any attention. The news, if any, that they watched was the main stream news outlets that carefully filtered the news for the “sheeple”. A few saw what was happening but they didn’t know it was a true conspiracy. The conservative right wing blamed the Democrats and the liberal left wing blamed the Republicans, in truth it was both parties. Things had gone very smoothly as of yet but the group was prepared for problems. Long ago they had a developed a plan and this morning it had been implemented.

  Nearly 100 environmental extremists, anti-government militia members and extreme anarchists had been recruited secretly and given a job which they had all dreamed of, revolution. These men were given military identification and a military target. All were major military installations that were crucial to any major military response. The men were disguised as soldiers from a transportation unit and each were given a very special load to deliver to their target. Every detail was thoroughly planned out and made as fool proof as possible. The men thought they were delivering simple but deadly fertilizer bombs but that was only a cover. Behind the fertilizer bomb was a sophisticated fuel air explosive that would destroy nearly a ¾ mile radius around the bomb. The destruction was devastating. Upon detonation of these explosions they would await the evacuation of the President who would be flown to a secure military bunker in the mid-west. The men knew the exact evacuation plans as they had influenced them. When the Presidents plane, Air Force One, reached it cruising altitude of 25000 feet and supposed safety they would then detonate the nuclear warhead high in the atmosphere taking down the highly protected Air Force One and most all electronics in the continental US.

  It wasn’t that the President was an enemy. In truth he was a close ally to these men and had enacted many of the laws and executive orders the men had needed. In truth the President was a pawn for these men however he thought himself their leader. After the loss of the election the soon to be former president had lost it. He demanded that the group do something and keep him in power. When they had declined the mad man had threatened to expose the plot. The president had not been seen publicly since that day and all public statements were made by his Chief of Staff; A man being paid very well by “the group”.

  During the meeting all elements of the plan and its initial stages were discussed. Everything was going according to plan. All but one of the bombs had been properly delivered and detonated so the military would be seriously hampered in any response. The men adjourned the meeting after an hour and all returned back to their apartments.

  Chapter 7

  Jason was the first awake. It had been a fitful night’s sleep and once the sun was shining thru the window he decided to get up. He stoked the woodstove in the living room and decided to pull out his camping percolator to make coffee instead of using the generator or little power left in the solar batteries. He went down into the storage room in the basement with his flashlight and quickly found the proper box. While he let the coffee percolate he went outside to have a cigarette and think about the past day. Normally he would be reading the news on his smartphone, but today there was no news. Today was the beginning of a new day in America. It was a day he had planned for but dreaded. The day when the house of cards came crashing down. He hoped he was prepared enough.

  He went out to feed the chickens while he finished his cigarette. It was cold this morning and looked to be a perfect morning to bow hunt. Which is what he and Jeff would have been doing had this been a normal day. Instead he went back down to the bunker and pulled out his surveillance equipment. The plan was to set up 4 remote surveillance cameras that ran off 6volt rechargeable batteries which had a small solar panel charger for each. One went above the front door, one off the back door, one went near the road and the last went off the back of the garage over the open field in the back. They were all wireless and were capable of 180 degree movement and could zoom to 10x. Additionally he had several wireless motion sensors and trip wire sensors which all sent wireless data back to the laptop kept in the house. He had worked with his grandfather to design and make the units and had enough supplies left over to make several more. The trip wires were to be setup on an interior perimeter about 500 meters away from the house. The motion sensors would be set in several places which were natural paths through the woods around the property. Each unit had its own signature and its placement was mapped out. When they were placed properly the computer would display exactly where the perimeter was breached. They hoped this would even out the deficit in manpower for watches and patrol. It wasn’t ideal but he hadn’t found anyone else who showed any interest in prepping whom he trusted. He had approached both of his neighbors who were both avid hunters but neither had any apparent interest. A couple guys at work showed some signs but after loaning them a couple books about doomsday topics the both said it was crazy. So here they were 4 ordinary people who were going to try and survive in a world that was soon to be turned upside down.

  Jason went back inside and poured himself a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. He would enjoy the cream while it lasted, then it was either evaporated milk or powdered milk. Hopefully he could trade for a cow to milk before that ran out. Jason knew they would be ok for at least 9 months on the food he had stored; it could be stretched for a year if they had a good hunting season and the garden performed well next spring. Jason started cooking breakfast, eggs and bacon, and a few minutes later Jeff was on his way down as expected. When the food was ready he went and woke Jessica and Allie. It was 8am and neither were thrilled to be awake, but only Allie really complained. After breakfast showers were taken and the plans for the day were set. After a few minutes of argument it was decided that everyone would “go tactical” as they had dubbed it. Everyone would have their weapons in close proximity and would always carry their handguns everywhere outside of the house.

  Jason grabbed his tactical vest an
d belt with his drop holster for his Glock19. He also placed his SHERIFF emblems on the tactical vest since they would be carrying in public and he didn’t want to frighten people. He loaned Jeff a SHERIFF T-shirt and his clip on belt badge until they were able to get his equipment. Jason also loaned him his Remington 870 shotgun. He would also carry the Glock 26 on his waist and the Kimber in his waistband. Jason and Jeff would head to Jeff’s apartment first and get his gear, and then they would hit up the gun shop and find an open supermarket hopefully. Jason went to his safe and pulled out a significant stack of cash. Jason noticed that Allie seemed different today, she wasn’t the normal defiant teenager, and she seemed scared.

  “How’s Allie taking it?” Jason asked Jessica when they were alone.

  “She’s scared. I think the guns coming out made her realize this was actually real.” Jessica said.

  “We will be ok here, were pretty well prepared.” Jason tried to reassure Jessica.

  “I know, but it’s still scary. Please be careful out there today, we can’t afford to lose you.” Jessica said clearly nervous.

  “I’ll be careful, things aren’t going to be dangerous yet and we have to do this trip.” Jason said.

  “I know, just be careful” Jessica said kissing him.

  “I love you” Jason said.

  “I love you too” Jessica replied.

  Jason headed outside to see Jeff and Allie screwing off in the front yard. Allie was running around laughing. It was nice to see. Jeff and Allie always got along very well, almost like siblings without the serious fighting. They would pick on each other all the time.

  “What are you two doing?” Jason yelled with a chuckle.

  “He pinched me!” Allie yelled.

  “She did it first!” Jeff yelled back.

  Jason chuckled.

  “Alright, time for us to go, Allie go see what your mom needs done. I think you guys are going to inventory the food in the storage room.” Jason said.

  “Oooo…” Allie said disappointed

  “Can’t I come with you?” she continued.

  “No, no room in the truck, Jeff has too much junk to bring over here.” Jason said.

  Allie look disappointed but didn’t fight the point, she headed inside.

  Chapter 8

  Jason drove and Jeff rode shotgun. They kept off the major roads as a precaution. Knowing how many cars would be disabled on the highway he figured that while most people would have walked to some kind of civilization others may have stayed behind. He had driven about 10 of the 18 miles to Jeff’s place and had seen several abandoned cars but no people with them, he saw several people in their yards but none looked overly suspiciously at them but they all looked. These people probably hadn’t seen a moving car in over 24 hours so they all looked. Jeff lived on the outskirts of the largest town in the county. With 25,000 residents in just over 3 square miles the town wasn’t packed but it was fairly busy. Most days the main roads through the town were gripped in heavy traffic. They approached an intersection with one of the main roads that headed into town. Jason saw several cars in the intersection and he wasn’t sure if it would be passable. Jason and Jeff both kept their eyes peeled for people. After watching the intersection for a moment they were both pretty sure that no one was there so they slowly approached. Jeff had the shotgun ready but kept it low and out of sight. As they rolled up to the intersection Jason stopped. The road was blocked with cars. The Suburban was just a little too big to sneak through. Jason and Jeff both got out of the truck to move one of the cars forward. They only needed to move it 2 or 3 feet and they would have a clear path. It was a brand new Toyota Prius which still had its temporary tags. Jason opened the door and hoped that the car still had its keys in it. He didn’t want to have to break the transmission in order to get the car out of park.

  “Damn, no keys” Jason said looking though the car. Just then they heard a man yelling.

  “Hey! Get out of my car!” the man yelled running up to them.

  He was dressed in a gray pin striped suit, pink shirt and red tie. His clothing looked very expensive. Jason pulled his head out of the car and looked at the man running towards him. Jeff already had the man in the sights of his shotgun but then had lowered it. He kept it at the ready but the man did not appear to be armed. Jason turned towards the man.

  “Sir, I’m with the Sheriff’s Dept. and I need to clear this intersection.” Jason said coolly.

  “You cannot enter my car without permission or a warrant” the man screamed condescendingly.

  “Sir, I’m not trying to steal from you I’m just trying to clear the intersection so traffic can pass.” Jason said.

  “Do you have a warrant?” the man said mockingly “Because I didn’t give you permission, so you are breaking and entering right now.”

  Jason was getting annoyed. Jason was not an intimidating presence. Standing only 5’7” and weighing 180 lbs. most people weren’t intimidated just by looking, particularly when he was dressed in long sleeve clothing. But Jason was solidly built and more importantly Jason was well trained and an experienced fighter. He had studied Jujitsu, Muy Tia and general MMA style fighting for several years after starting at the jail. But Jason didn’t like to get physical. He knew his mouth and brain were his most valuable resource. He had a fairly high IQ and a voice that was able to get anyone’s attention when he wanted to. Jason was trying to stay professional but this asshole was really starting to piss him off.

  “Sir, let me make myself clear to you. I am going to clear this intersection which means moving your car. Now you can either assist me by giving me your keys or I will do it the hard way and detain you and then take your keys, it’s your choice.” Jason said firmly.

  “Detain me?” The man said in a mocking tone. “On what probable cause?!” the tone was confident and condescending.

  “Sir, this is a national emergency and you left your vehicle in a public roadway. So hand over your keys so I can move your vehicle right now.” Jason replied, he was clearly mad.

  “Has a national emergency been declared? No radios work so how do you know! Get your hands off of my car before I sue you and your department and take your job.” The man said with a smirk on his face.

  Jason grabbed the man by his arm and threw him over the front of his own car. He roughly pulled his hands behind his back and placed him in handcuffs. Jason began searching him for his keys and any weapons as he had done thousands of times. He placed the keys on the hood of the car and continued to search but came up with nothing but a couple of pens and a wallet. The man was yelling through the entire search but Jason and Jeff both ignored him. Jeff got in the Suburban and Jason used the keys to put the Prius in neutral. Jeff pulled the Suburban’s brush guard to the back bumper of the car while Jason grabbed the man and pulled him away. Jason waved Jeff forward and he began pushing. Jason continued to wave even after the Prius struck the car in front and began pushing that car too. After the car was moved about 5’ Jason waved Jeff back. The lawyer man was extremely angry and still kept screaming and was almost in tears. Jason pulled the man to his feet and got in his face.

  “Are you going to snap out of it or am I going to have to leave you here handcuffed and crying like a baby?” Jason asked.

  “You destroyed my car! I’m going to take your badge!” the man spit.

  Jason smacked the man firmly with his open hand across his face. “Wake up! There is no more court, there are no more cops. It’s everyone for themselves and the quicker you get that the better your chances are. So do you want some advice or do you want to continue to yell and scream like a total idiot? I’m leaving in one minute so make up your mind.” Jason ordered.

  The man was taken aback, clearly his days as a lawyer had made him feel untouchable and was almost never put in his place. The man just looked shocked and was speechless.

  “Go get yourself some food and water and go find someplace to hunker down. Things are going to get dangerous out here very soon. If you can g
et home on foot then do it, if not go find a farm and offer to work for food and shelter. Life as you have always known it has ended for years. Now if you aren’t self-sufficient you are going to have to find another way to live. Grocery stores will no longer be stocked, gas stations will never be refilled and 99% of vehicles will never drive again.” Jason said as he walked back to his truck.

  “Give me a ride!” the man yelled looking desperate.

  “Not gonna happen.” Jason laughed as he and Jeff got in the truck.

  “You destroyed my car, now I demand a ride!” the man spat.

  “Why on earth would I give you a ride? You have been nothing but a conceded selfish prick for our entire conversation.” Jason replied

  . “But you’re a cop, you serve the public, you have to give me a ride!”

  “Wake up buddy, there are no cops anymore! It’s everyone for themselves” Jason replied as he started the big truck and drove away as the man continued to yell. A minute later Jeff asked


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