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Grai's Game (First Wave)

Page 8

by Mikayla Lane

  Grai smiled at what seemed to be an easy camaraderie between the injured Valendran and Relian forces. He knew from experience how easily that could change though.

  “I promise that is not going to happen! He was referring to meditation techniques I was teaching him! This will remain PG rated since our son is in the room. I promise.” Tricia said with a giggle, glad that no one else but Grai could see the flaming red color her cheeks must be if the heat in them was any indication.

  Grai chuckled and hugged her close when next they heard exaggerated sighs and ‘thank God’ from the other side of the curtain.

  “I know that they have a room for us. But I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind if we stayed in here with Tristan tonight?” Grai asked, hoping that she would say yes. He didn’t want to worry her, but there was no way in hell; he was letting either one of them out of his sight until he knew for a certainty that they were safe here.

  It wasn’t the Valendrans he was concerned about; he trusted the word of the High Councilor. It was Dagog; he was worried about. He had expected a lot more of the dark ones than what had come to the warehouse earlier, and he wouldn’t take any chances that there may still be others out there waiting.

  “No, I don’t mind at all. I think he would be thrilled to know you stayed with him.” Tricia agreed, holding back her tears. No matter what anyone said, she would never believe that a man who loved his child as much as Grai did, was capable of ever being anything like the monster who sired him.

  “Thank you.” Grai said muffled against her neck. They ignored the whispering and shuffling they heard from the other side of the curtain, assuming it was just the others trying to get comfortable. Until they heard the chuckling, “Knock, knock!”

  Looking at Tricia in puzzlement, Grai shook his head when she just shrugged at him. Turning to the privacy curtain he peeked over the side of it and just stared for a moment confused, before pulling the curtain open the rest of the way.

  “We figured if you wanted to stay with your boy, you guys needed a better place to rest than a chair.” Grai didn’t know the name of the Valendran, who had spoken, but his heart clenched with emotion at the gesture they had all made.

  All the injured had changed the beds in order to free up two that they had secured together to make a big bed to fit Grai and Tricia.

  “We figured you could slide them up next to his, and you could cuddle the little guy in his sleep.” Saia offered. Grai knew she was one of Banatar’s gifted and was surprised at the thoughtfulness of all of them.

  “Thank you.” Grai choked out more gruffly than he intended, his emotions on a roller coaster over the kindness and acceptance of most of the Valendrans and Banatar’s people.

  “You are most welcome. Now keep it down in here. Some of us need our beauty sleep.” Saia teased before heading back to her own bed.

  As soon as Grai stood to move the beds, the Valendran limped to his feet and helped him push everything together and secure Tristan’s bed to their own. With a smile and brief nod, the Valendran moved the curtain back in place when they were done and left them alone.

  Grai lifted Tricia into his arms and placed her right next to their son before climbing into the bed behind her. Grabbing the blankets that were folded at the bottom of the bed, he pulled them up to cover Tricia and Tristan and placed a protective arm over both.

  “Now rest, my love. You’re exactly where you belong.” Tricia whispered against his mouth before giving him a long, deep kiss.

  “You rest.” Grai whispered back, feeling her tired body go limp as sleep overcame her.

  It was hours later before Grai could finally bring himself to drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Balduen found Dare in their room waiting for him, and he immediately walked over to ensure that she was indeed all right. His heart had stopped in his chest when Thorn had told him of the attack by the dark one when she had wandered to the MedLab, and he had to make sure for himself that she, and their son were unharmed.

  “Why did you go there?” Balduen asked satisfied that she was not hurt. He sat on the bed and pulled her into his arms, sitting her on his lap.

  “It’s hard to explain… somehow our beast knew. It could sense that its brother was nearby. I didn’t know that was what was calling me to the MedLab until I got there. Until I saw Tristan. Then I knew. Before I could really sort it all out the dark one came…” Dare left off her sentence, unsure what else there was to say.

  She was still trying to go through all the information that she had gotten from Balduen when he was in the meeting with Grai and what she had figured out on her own.

  “I understand, my love. I am just glad that you, and the little ones are unharmed. Do you want to talk about it? How you feel about it?” Balduen asked, a part of him hoping that she wouldn’t want to discuss it because he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it yet.

  “No baby. I don’t want to think about anything at all right now.” Dare said sliding out of his lap and scooting herself up to the top of the bed.

  “Do you realize that since the moment we met, we have been forced into one strange predicament after another? First, we were kidnapped and trapped with what we thought was a dangerous madman and constantly on video. Which understandably made trying to be intimate rather difficult.”

  “Then we get here and we’re immediately besieged by what we thought was the bad guy, dark ones, Relian’s, half-breeds and the real bad guys later, and we’re still trying to start a real relationship with a baby already on the way.” Dare said on a sigh, her thoughts and emotions in turmoil.

  “What is it that is bothering you? Talk to me.” Balduen encouraged scooting to the top of the bed to sit beside her.

  “I don’t know. There’s just too much going on right now. Too many uncertainties. Everything I thought I knew, was raised to know isn’t really the truth of what is going on. My heart is breaking for Tristan and Tricia… and even Grai. But I’m still pissed the hell off! At all of them. For the lies… what seemed like a betrayal.”

  “The girls I trained with, went on missions with… and find out they were lying to me too and working with Grai all along. So many lies, so many people pretending to be something they weren’t…” Dare trailed off not sure she really wanted to explain any further. Afraid of what she might hear from Balduen.

  Balduen knew immediately what Dare was saying and more importantly what she wasn’t saying to him. Reaching over, he pulled her back into his lap and buried his nose in the crook of her neck, inhaling the unique scent that was all Dare. His mate. His love.

  “You have every reason to be a little fearful of what you are learning. We all need to be wary. But we also need to trust in our own instincts. Do you love me Dare?” Balduen asked, surprising her. She didn’t expect him to go right for the heart of the issue.

  “Yes, I do. I can’t explain it and don’t understand it. But I know my heart beats for you. That you are the love of my life. And I love our son.” Dare said honestly, lowering her eyes, so she wouldn’t have to look at him, afraid of what she might see in his eyes.

  She didn’t think she could bear to find out that what she thought was his love was just another lie. And she was ashamed to admit that she was afraid.

  Balduen was not going to allow Dare to hide from him. If he was to convince her that she had nothing to fear from him, then she needed to look at him. Really look at him. Sliding a gentle hand under her chin, he applied just enough pressure until she lifted her eyes to his.

  “I have spent my whole life thinking that I would never find my mate. That I would be alone for all of my life. And then I saw you. And for the first time, I felt hope. When I looked into your eyes, I finally knew hope… and love. You are more than anything I could have ever hoped for, or wished for in my life.”

  “Your courage is an inspiration to me, your love the mediband that has healed wounds I didn’t know I had. Although it was difficult to show when our every move was being watched
, the need and desire to show that to you was there. And still is.”

  “Do not let the situation and the danger we are in, cloud the truth of our feelings for one another. Give us a chance to learn and grow together.” Balduen said, his eyes never leaving hers, hoping she could see the love shining in them.

  Dare’s eyes misted with tears, the next thing she knew was she was crying like a baby while Balduen stroked her back and held her close to his chest.

  “Shhh, it’s going to be all right, my love. I promise.” Balduen murmured, gently rocking Dare in his arms to soothe her.

  It took a few minutes, but Dare finally pulled herself together. Embarrassed that she fell apart so easily, she sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ever thought that way.”

  “Nonsense, you had every right to feel that way. Don’t think for a moment that everyone else here isn’t feeling equal amounts of what you are feeling. Including your father and brother.” Balduen assured her, understanding why she had felt the way she did.

  It was all a lot to take in. And he had no doubt that there would be many more revelations that would most likely cause more disbelief and shock. Not just for her, but them all. He just needed to make sure that she knew that he was there for her. That no matter what they found out, it would never impact the way he felt about her or their son.

  “How can you be so calm about all this?” Dare asked, curious why he seemed so reasonable about everything going on while she felt like she was falling apart at the emotional seams.

  “Well, I am not going through massive hormonal surges because I am carrying a precious little one. Scaden said that Cari went through these same episodes of crying and insecurity. It isn’t you, my love.”

  “It’s your body trying to make sure that you can give our son all the love, nutrition and emotional support, he needs to grow strong and happy.”

  “I would not miss a single moment of this with you. Not your crying, shouting, anger… I don’t care. I want to share every part of this with you. I want to take away your tears and put a smile back on your face, because your happiness is what I want.”

  “If you are happy, our son will be happy as well. I can’t think of anything more important to me as a mate and father.” Balduen told her honestly. She and their child were the most important things in his life, and he would do anything he needed to do in order to keep them safe, happy and loved.

  His words and the love and truth shining in his eyes made Dare feel like crying again. Here she was, a hormonal mess, and he was being so wonderful to her. She knew he was probably right; her hormones most likely were part of the problem. However, they both knew there was more to it than just that.

  Dare understood what he meant though. She needed to think about their love and their child, trust in that, the rest would work itself out. And Balduen would be there, by her side, through every bit of it. She wasn’t alone and never would be again, because he wouldn’t allow that to happen. Putting her head on his shoulder, Dare breathed out a calming breath.

  “I love you baby. Thank you for making me feel better.” Dare whispered against his neck, tickling his ear.

  “I love you too. Should you get some rest? Are you tired? Hungry?” Balduen asked, hoping the latest events hadn’t tired her too quickly.

  Dare chuckled softly at Balduen’s question and shook her head. He probably hadn’t meant hungry the way she was interpreting it. But in her own defense, she was hormonal, and they hadn’t had any time to be together. At least, she was trying to convince herself that was why she was feeling unbelievably aroused right now.

  “You are lying to me. What is wrong?” Balduen asked, fear running through him that something more was wrong with her than he thought. Pulling her back from him, he ran his hands and eyes over her to check her for himself.

  Dare chuckled and playfully smacked his hands off of her. “Stop that! There really is nothing wrong. I’m just… glad that no one can watch us now.” Dare said, ducking her head back to his shoulder, so he wouldn’t see her pink cheeks.

  She knew Balduen could easily figure out what she meant by that, but was unwilling and too embarrassed to just come right out and say anything. The relationship was still too new for Dare to have her usual confidence.

  Balduen had to physically put his hands on the bed to keep from grabbing Dare and throwing her onto her back on the bed. The only thing that had kept him from touching her when they were captive was the fear that someone would be watching.

  What kept him from it here had been that he thought she was going through too much at once to even want intimacy between them. If he had known she had been thinking about it, he would have damn sure made the time to encourage it. As it was, just her shy words had him rock hard and aching for her.

  Balduen chose his next words carefully, just to make sure he hadn’t misunderstood what she was saying. “I didn’t want to push something that you may not have felt ready for once we returned.”

  Dare smiled against his neck. Leave it to Balduen to think more about if she were ok with it, she thought to herself. “Hmmm, I think maybe you should ask next time, instead of assuming.” She teased, running her tongue along the shell of his ear.

  Balduen drew in his breath sharply at the feel of her tongue, his body reacting instantly to her teasing. He wanted her so badly, but didn’t want to take a chance that she wasn’t ready.

  “Are you sure?” Baldy asked huskily, pulling her away from him, so he could look into her eyes. What he saw in them made him growl with hunger. Her liquid amber eyes swirled with desire, by the time the smell of her arousal hit him, he was already too far gone.

  Putting his arms around her back, he easily held her while he flipped her over onto her back. Without another word, he took her lips in a soul searing kiss that let her know just how much he wanted and desired her.

  Dare kissed him back with every part of her being that loved him, her hands reaching up to tangle in his hair and pull him closer. She loved to feel his body so close to hers, his body heat making her feel warm and safe.

  Baldy couldn’t take much more, her touch, her smell and taste driving him over an edge he didn’t realize was there until he was running headlong over it. His hands became more insistent and began pulling at the buttons on the shirt she was wearing.

  Peeling back the edges of Dare’s shirt he sucked in a sharp breath when he saw it was the only thing she was wearing, her beautiful body on full display for him.

  Dare decided she wasn’t going to just lay there while Baldy just stared at her, and began pulling off his shirt until he finally got the hint and pulled it off himself. Crawling back into his lap, Dare kissed him again, her hands working at the belt on his tact pants. Once she had them undone, she reached inside and held the heat of him in her hand as he pulled away from the kiss and groaned into her shoulder.

  “I cannot take that my love. It’s been too long since we’ve been together.” Baldy groaned again, in embarrassment.

  “Good, I’m not in the mood to wait either. It’s been way too long for me as well. My guy is kind of shy.” Dare teased and laughed when Baldy just growled and threw her back onto the bed.

  “One of these days I will make love to my mate properly.” Balduen gritted out while he quickly removed his boots and his remaining clothes.

  “Good, we can think about that another day.” Dare said, leaning up to pull his naked body down on hers. She sighed at the feel of his body on hers. It felt more right than anything she had ever felt before. Her body came alive for him.

  Balduen groaned at her words, wishing that he could make that day today, but knowing it wasn’t what either one of them needed. Right now, they needed to celebrate survival, freedom and most of all their love for each other.

  Calling on their energy connection, the private one they shared only with each other, he moved to the side. Keeping his weight from crushing her, he ran a hand slowly up her body from her upper thigh to the area between her breasts.

shared feeling and emotion rocked them both. They hadn’t counted on the intensity of the feelings they could share through the bond that they had created coupled with their beast bonding.

  Dare was shocked that she could feel the wonder and awe that Balduen was feeling over the softness of her skin, the way the light cast shadows that undulated sexily along her breasts as if dying to tease her nipples.

  His love for her filled her soul in a way that she didn’t believe was possible, his arousal enhancing her own and setting her body off like lighting a match. Curious if she could do the same thing to him, she held the connection and reached up.

  Using her lightest touch, she trailed her fingers down his spine and over one hard, tight cheek. The effect was electric. Balduen shivered and groaned, almost panting to maintain control; his hands fisting into the sheets to keep from taking her right then. Her desire and arousal heightened his own, overwhelming him.

  “Wow… oh wow!” Dare breathed on a sigh, her mind and body rolling with the intense feelings.

  Taking advantage of her distraction, Balduen rolled gently on top of her. Running his hands up her arms in a gentle caress, he brought her hands above her head and clasped them in his own. He easily found her slick heat and slowly entered her, his body responding to the slight trembling of her own.

  The knowledge that she could feel his emotions made him intent on holding nothing back from her. He wanted her to know, to feel how much he loved, desired and needed her.

  Dare was almost breathless, her body on fire from the inside out. Baldy’s slow, steady strokes and his intense feelings for her combined with her own until she was cocooned in sensuality and love.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, Dare tried to encourage Baldy to pick up the pace, to end the building of pleasure that threatened to crash over the edge at any moment. She cried out when he immediately responded to her needs, driving deeper and harder until her head was spinning. Crying out she grabbed him to her, holding him close while he joined her over that blissful edge.


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