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Have My Baby

Page 13

by Stella Adeyemi

  Jordyn heaved a heavy breath and cast a longing look into her house. Then, she looked back at him.

  “Look. I believe you, Kane. Your story sounds plausible enough. I mean, I’ve been in Colorado my whole life and not once have I heard you get involved in any scandal. Why now? Besides, anyone with two eyes only has to see the way you look at her to know that you are crazy about her. Now, that Rachel girl is crazy and you have to do something about her. But as for Keisha, I’ll have to talk to her. She’s the one who’s in love with you and she’s in a bad place right now. Her judgment will be clouded by her emotions and she might not take your word for it so easily. So, I suggest you go get that evidence and come right back. I’ll look after her and the baby, make sure they’re fine.”

  It was understandable. Completely. Yet, why did he feel as though his heart had been broken in two?

  “I’ll be back… but, could you please tell her that arrests were finally made today? We’ve caught all the culprits and they will be arraigned in court before the month runs out. She deserves to know.”

  Jordyn’s delight was obvious. “Oh really? That’s great news, Kane! I’m happy for you. I hope you get the goods and money back.”

  “Thanks, J.D. I hope so too. I’ll… I’ll call you and I hope to be back soon.”

  Broken, sad, torn apart, he turned around to leave.


  Jordyn jumped outta her skin as she turned around, to find Keisha behind her.

  “Jesus Christ! What the fuck was that for? You almost scared me.”

  “I’m sorry. Is he gone?” Keisha asked, peering behind her friend. Right on cue, the sound of the engine revving to life filled the air, and a few minutes later, the sound of a car driving away followed.

  “Well, he is now. How long have you been standing there?”

  “Not long. I was just behind the hallway, before.” It had been impossible to stay away.

  “Right. So, I’m guessing you heard everything.”

  She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “Maybe. You believe him?”

  She ached for him, craved him. Hearing his voice, hearing it break as he spoke, hearing the pain in them had been her undoing. She had almost run to him, but wouldn’t that have made her foolish?

  Jordyn looked at her as though she was speaking gibberish. “You don’t?”

  “I don’t know. It all sounds too reasonable. Like a well-thought-out lie.”

  “And when did you become the pessimist? Girl, don’t get me started. That man was telling the truth, and we both know it. However, if you need proof to believe the man you claim to love, then that’s alright. But where I’m from, that’s not how love works. You see, there’s something called trust. You know, a situation where you beliieevvee your partner, irrespective of what some tramp has to say? You know why? Because you know your partner, you know what he’s capable of and most importantly, you love him.”

  “What if he’s lying, and I end up looking like a fool?”

  “Baby, are you even in love if you don’t look like a fool every now and then? Besides, you and I both know that man more than deserves the benefit the of doubt. So? Why not give it to him? He’s never given you any reason to suspect him so far. Don’t give up on him the first time. Y’all just starting.”

  Jordyn was speaking a lot of sense, Keisha knew it. If she hadn’t heard him talk, she might have actually had cause to doubt him. But she had heard him talk. And to think that he had flown all the way down just to see her, without even knowing the gravity of the issue on the ground.

  Eyeing Jordyn, she grumbled. “When did you get so smart? And whose side are you on, anyway?”

  Jordyn giggled as she threw her arm around her friend.

  “It’s all these books Chris has been making me read. And you know I’ll always have your back, baby, but part of being your best friend is being able to call your bullshit straight to your face.”

  The breath came from deep within, and as she let it go, she felt the sadness that had plagued her flow out of her.

  “I’m being stupid, aren’t I?”

  “Hardheaded is more like it. Don’t punish yourself anymore, babe. Go get your man.”

  Now that she had let go of her sadness, she held on to the ribbon of happiness and let it begin to build inside of her, once more.

  “It’s a good thing I hadn’t gotten around to unpacking. Take me home, J.D”

  “Aye Aye, capt’n.”

  When J.D threw a salute, they ended up bursting into laughter.

  She met him on the bed. Their wedding photo album laid open by his side and his eyes fixated on the ring he had spinning in his hand, her ring.

  He must have felt her presence, for the moment she entered, he looked up and rose to his feet.

  “Hey…” he said, his voice low, his shoulders tensed.

  “Hey,” she responded.

  His eyes flew to her luggage and she saw the light of hope creep back into them. They fluttered back to her.

  “You’re back.”

  She took one step forward. “Yeah.”

  “For good?”

  She nodded, taking another step forward. “Yeah.”

  “So, you’re never leaving again?” He too started to walk towards her.

  She shook her head. Another step. “Never.”

  One more step. “Good.”

  They were standing toe to toe now. And she saw it, she saw how she had hurt him. He had been crying. There were smudges on his cheeks, his eyes were slightly puffed up, and they looked more tired than usual. He had gone to great lengths to hide it, but she saw it still. A large hand closed around her heart and squeezed.

  She should have known. Christ, she should have known better! The first two women he had ever loved had left him in one way or the other… and what had she done? Gone and left just the same, at the first sign of trouble. Jordyn had been right. That wasn’t what love was all about.

  Reaching out to cup his face, she searched his eyes. “Oh, Kane. I’m so sorry. I never should have left. I should have trusted you.”

  “Shhh. There is no need for an apology. None. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. Look at you. You’ve been crying. I hurt you.”

  “But you didn’t do anything wrong. No, Rachel tried to ruin what we have, but I should have given you the benefit of the doubt.”

  “And I never should have kept the fact that she’s been coming on to me these past few months, away from you.”

  She smiled. He was so sweet. How could she have believed this man could ever hurt her? “We both didn’t know better. I’m guessing this marriage thing will take a while to figure out?”

  His lips spread, mirroring the smile on her face. “Good thing we have the rest of our lives. All we have to do is keep communicating, baby. We have to communicate. Most importantly, we have to trust.”

  “I trust you.”

  “And I trust you. And I love you, Mrs. Wells.”

  “I love you too, Mr. Wells.”

  “Christ. I almost ran mad thinking I would never hear that again. You know how many speeding tickets I racked up today? And the heartache and headache? You have a lot to make up for, Mrs. Wells.”

  The implication of his words achieved the effect she knew he must have been aiming for. Her body charged up instantly as his arms went around her, drawing him into her.

  “Seems to me like you have a lot to make up for yourself, Mr. Wells. All those long nights I had to spend alone.”

  “Well, the day is still young and we have all night.”

  When their lips touched, fireworks exploded once more. As his mouth began to move against hers, exploring all that she had and owned, a sense of urgency filled her, spreading through her body until it found its way down to her crown jewels and made them start to throb with desire.

  Wanting more, needing more, her hands got lost in his hair and she dragged him closer, drinking hungrily from his lips. Teeth grazed flesh, teeth nibbled flesh, and tongue clashed with tong

  Before they knew it, they were on the bed, tearing at each other’s clothes, eager to get naked as soon as possible.

  All over her body burned and she ached for his touch. So long, it had been so fucking long. She had wanted him every night since he left, and now, she could not wait. She just couldn’t.

  Soon. They were both naked and she turned so that she could ride him. Their breaths heavy, gaze locked, she rose and slid down on his rock hard length. Something became unhinged inside of her. Her head fell, her eyes rolled to the back and she saw stars. Fucking glorious stars.

  “Christ, Keisha!” He cried just as a low growl left her lips. He fit perfectly. He felt like home. And her pussy, drenched and ready for him, quickly adjusted to the intrusion. She began to move almost immediately, rocking them both, fast, to the height of ecstasy.

  He held her hips after the umpteenth stroke and took control. Holding her in place, he began to pump into her, taking them both higher and higher until they both came, hard.

  Their loud cries echoed through the walls, and when the waves subsided, she crashed to his side.

  “That was amazing.”

  “It was something, wasn’t it?”

  Snuggling closer into him, she found her spot in the crest of his shoulder.

  “The best.”


  Kane found himself having a mad man race from the airport yet again, for the second time that year. The amusement in this did not elude him, and of course, he could not help but remember the first time he had made this race. Only, this time, he wasn’t going to get his wife back… he was trying to make it in time to watch his baby come into the world.

  That morning, Wells Holdings had recovered their losses, the judge had pronounced his judgment on the criminals and the case was finally, to his greatest relief, settled and closed.

  It had turned out that the people involved in the theft had been five managers and three members of the board. Each person had shocked him, but the one who had shocked him the most had been Blackwell. His most trusted employee had masterminded the entire thing.

  You could guess his shock when he had found out a month ago. He was still trying to get over it. Their sentences had ranged from five to fifteen years, without the chance of parole. Wells had also recovered most of the stolen goods in a warehouse in Alabama, thanks to their confession.

  Also, the company had been able to recover about fifteen million dollars from their various offshore accounts. It had taken a whole year to get to the bottom of it all, but the entire year had been worth it. And he was glad that he had never given up.

  Looking on the bright side, it was their criminal activities that had thrown himself and Keisha together. It was also the disappointment that had given them the blessing that was his daughter. So, definitely, he was grateful.

  They had just finished in court when he had received the call from Keisha. Five words…

  “My water just broke. Hurry!”

  And here he was, racking up more speeding tickets in a bid to make it in time to see his child be born. As soon as Mountain Hill Hospital came into view, he increased his speed and made it into the parking lot in two minutes.

  In another three minutes, he was scrubbing into overalls and joining his wife in the labor room. Jordyn was already there. Her parents and his mother were right outside. He had barely been able to spare them a decent greeting.

  There she was, his beautiful, beautiful, woman. The panic he had been feeling got suppressed by his overwhelming love for a moment. Then, as her contraction hit her, causing her to scream out aloud, panic mode got activated in full force once again.

  He was by her side in the next instant.

  “You! You did this to me.”

  “Really, babe? That’s quite cliche, don’t you think?”

  “Three hours. I’ve been here, three hours! About twenty-five contractions. And my back feels like it’s going to break any time from now.” She went back to breathing heavily as soon as she finished speaking and he looked up at Jordyn who simply shrugged.

  Speaking to the doctor, he asked, “How are we doing, Bruce?”

  The elderly OB/GYN, Dr. Bruce Palms, had a knowing smile on his face.“We are good. Your woman is strong. She’s holding her own quite well. Everything’s good. Vitals are stable. Heart rate normal. We can still hear the baby. Your girl is just taking her time. They’ll be fine, Mr. Wells.”

  Slightly relieved by the doctor’s assurance. He took his wife’s hands and began to rub her back.

  “I’m so sorry baby, I can’t imagine what you’re going through and I wish I could take the pain away, but it’s going to be over soon. You’ll see. Just…”

  Her cry drowned out his words. But the next words that were said made everyone smile.

  “The baby’s crowning. I can see her head. Get ready, Mrs. Wells. Here comes the hard part. It’s time to push.”

  The doctor looked at Kane with that same smile. “Seems like your daughter has been waiting for you.”

  It did seem so, didn’t it?

  “Okay, baby. You heard the doctor. Let’s do this together, shall we?”

  She nodded, tightening her grip on his hand.

  To the doctor, he said, “Bruce, we are ready when you are.”

  “Then, let’s do this. On the count of three. One. Two…”

  Keisha pushed on Two. And as her scream echoed through the hospital walls, Kane found himself screaming along with her. Suddenly, she stopped, heaving a sigh from the pit of her stomach. That was when Kane stopped too, and that was when they heard it.

  The cry of the baby, their baby.

  Awe washed over him. As he turned to see Doctor Palm cutting the umbilical cord, he thought of how he had never beheld anything so little, yet, so precious.

  As the nurses cleaned her, he turned to Keisha and kissed her sweaty brows. She was still panting, regaining her breath, slowly.

  Magic. It was nothing short of magic.

  “You did good, baby. You did so good. I’m so proud of you. I love you.”

  She would have replied but the baby was brought around then, wrapped in a clean towel and placed in Keisha’s arms.

  Fresh tears flowed from her eyes, and he found himself joining in the show of water works.

  “My goodness, Kane. She’s so pretty. She’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, just take a look at her.”

  She was small. So small it scared and delighted Kane at the same time. He was a father. A father. Himself and Keisha had created this little human and they had brought her to life.

  Her skin was soft, creamy, beautiful caramel and her hair was a mass of long, thick, black curls. Her lashes went on forever and that nose, he had only ever seen it on one other woman.

  Daring to, he reached out a finger, and fit it into one tiny grip. Her eyes came open then and when those familiar hazelnut orbs stared back at him, he knew he was in trouble.

  Just like her hand held his finger, she already had his heart, wrapped around her. He was going to love her for eternity, just like her mother.

  “She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, Keisha, just like her mother.”

  She looked up at him then, and brought his head down for a kiss.

  “Oh Kane, you’re so sweet. I’m so glad you made it.”

  “Me too. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

  Their gazes held for a moment longer and when the baby began to stir, they both looked down at her.

  “Arya,” Keisha whispered. Named after her favorite character in the TV series, Game of Thrones.

  He chuckled. “Sounds like she’s gonna be a handful.”

  “It’s gonna be a lot of work,”

  “Well, it’s a good thing we work well together now, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, I love you so much, you corny, goofy, mushy ass.”

  He touched his forehead to hers, a mad grin on his face.

  “I believe the right term you’re looking for is
playboy sweetheart.”

  Her laughter rang loud and happy as the rest of their family started to troop in, and as he joined in her joy, he hoped that it would remain in their hearts and in their home, forever.

  The end... but wait:

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