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High Stakes

Page 8

by Pierce, Nicolette

  “Ow, owww!” I yelped. I jumped off the couch and danced in a circle, letting the circulation flow to my legs. “Gus, this is your fault!”

  He didn’t move a muscle as I pranced in a circle, cussing.

  “Is this a new dance move?” a deep voice asked.

  I swung around to find David.

  Chapter 8

  “It’s not a new dance move!” I danced around more. “Why the hell do you always sneak up behind me?”

  “While this is amusing, I’m not here for entertainment. And I didn’t sneak. I’ve been here for a while.”

  I sank into the couch, though my foot kept tapping. “Are you friend or foe?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Greyson and Remy said you’re up to no good and I shouldn’t help or talk to you. So, what is it? What’s the deep, dark secret?”

  “This isn’t my secret, so I can’t share it.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I’m on the hunt for something a lot of unfriendly people are looking for. Dagor is back in town. He was going to hide in Panama but heard he could make money by returning. Have you seen him?”

  “I saw him on the plane to Panama. I think I heard him outside of my hotel.”

  “He wouldn’t have known about the money at that point. Maybe he was outside your hotel waiting to get even. Either way, watch out for him. He doesn’t have his hired thugs like he used to, but he’ll still have some friends that’ll help him.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “I’m not sure who the other people are. For right now, don’t trust anyone and make sure to always watch your back.”

  “Why would I have to? Do I have the object?”

  “That’s why I’m here. People are sniffing around Caleb’s place and yours. I can’t figure out the connection yet, other than you were at the tournament together.”

  “So, I may or may not have something because Caleb and I were in a tournament together?”

  “Yes, in a nutshell.”

  “I think you all came from a nutshell. I’m not going to help you. Greyson said you could be playing for the wrong team.”

  David rubbed his forehead with his fingertips. “For the lack of a better explanation, there’s a good team, a bad team, and a neutral team. I’m part of the neutral team. My job is to find this object and make sure nothing happens to it.”

  “What if the good team finds it first?”

  “I want it. I will find it first.”

  “What is it?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “Then how do I know if I have it? Caleb’s apartment has been searched. I think they got into Frankie’s apartment too.”

  “But not yours?”

  “I think my place was searched, but they left it the way it was. It wasn’t trashed, but I could tell it was searched because things were moved out of place. My place was searched first, so maybe they’re getting desperate and trashing the places.”

  “It’s possible. Did you bring anything home with you?”

  “Other than a foul smell? No. I was knocked out of the tournament and had to catch a plane with Sergio’s uncle, which I’ll never do again. I didn’t take anything with me because I didn’t have any luggage. My few remaining items I left at the hotel for Caleb to bring back. They were here waiting for me when I returned.”

  “What kind of things?”

  “Just a few articles of clothing. I don’t think he would have kept my toothbrush or personal products.”

  David leaned against the wall. “Okay, so we know you don’t have anything. I guess the only reason they’re watching you is because you were staying with Caleb. Maybe they thought he gave you something.”

  “I guess. If you figure out who they are, can you tell them I don’t have it?”

  “I’ll make sure they know. Did anything happen with Caleb? Did he get his weekend with you yet?”

  “No. Nothing happened, nor will it.” I said confidently, even though I was still mulling over Caleb’s latest wager. There was no way I was going to confide in David. I didn’t know if he’d hurt Caleb or tie me up with a big red bow and place me on Caleb’s front door step.

  David smiled. “That’s because you like Greyson.”

  “Yes, I like him, but nothing more.”

  David chuckled. “I’ll give you a break.”

  “I’m glad you aren’t the bad guy.”

  “How do you know I’m not?”

  “Would you hurt Mya if she had the mystery object and you had to take it by force?”

  “No. I’d show her a shiny new credit card and take it while she was busy shopping.”

  “And what if your brother had it?”

  “I would create a scandal or project for him so he’d forget about it.”

  “And what if I had it?”

  “I’d ask you nicely for it.”

  “And if I said no?”

  “I would fix your car in exchange for the item.”

  I smiled. “I’d take the shiny new credit card too, but I need my car fixed. See, you’re not a bad guy. You give so you can hide that you’re taking. Are you going back to Mya once this is over?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Then how can I help?”

  “By giving me a place to sleep.”

  “You’ll have to fight for it. Frankie married the Queen of the Amazons, and she’s staying at my place. Right now it’s filled with green toxic fumes.”

  “I saw her earlier when I came to see you. I was about to go into your apartment but thought twice about it. Can I sleep on the couch with you?”

  “No! I barely fit with Gus. If you want to breathe in toxic fumes, then use my apartment.”

  “I have a gas mask in the car. I’ll use that.”

  “Be my guest. If you find what you’re looking for, then take it. Nothing in my apartment is worth anything anyway.”

  “Should I worry about the queen coming back?”

  “Muffin? No, I wouldn’t worry about her tonight. She’s making pie, and she’s wedged her foot in Frankie’s door. I’m sure she’s good for the night.”

  “By the way, here’s your phone,” David said, tossing me a cell phone.

  I caught it. “How did you get it?”

  “I intercepted it so I could monitor any incoming calls.”

  “Did anyone call me?”

  “No, I think the number is too new. I’m sure only Greyson knows it. Maybe he passed the number on to Mya and Remy too.”

  “I could have dealt with it myself.”

  “I didn’t want you to worry.”

  “I’m an adult. I can handle a little bit of worry.”

  “Not while I’m on the job. Now go to bed so I can too.”

  “Good night, David.”

  “Good night, knucklehead.”

  My cell phone rang and vibrated in my hand. It was morning, and I was groggy with sleep. Gus and I were lying on the foyer couch, summoning the strength to make it upstairs.

  Gus grunted and nudged me with his nose.

  “Hang on, Gus. Let me answer the phone first. Hello?”

  “Are you excited?” From the perkiness at this hour, it could only be Mya.

  “For what?”

  “Your Nadia revival party, silly!”

  “Will you be mad if I say no?”

  “I’ll be sad.”

  “Then yes, I’m super excited,” I said dryly.

  “Great! I can’t wait. I want to give you all the information. Can you be at my house at five o’clock? I know it’s early, but then you’re prepared and we can talk.”

  “I can be there. You’re not going to dress me again, are you?”

  “I was thinking about it, but you can come as you are. Tonight is about Nadia.”

  “How many people are coming?”

  “Oh, everyone wants to come! This is going to be the best party I’ve ever thrown. At least fifty people said yes and fifty more will get back to me.”

��Uh, Mya, I don’t know a hundred people. Who are they?”

  “You’re a website celebrity. Frankie gave me a list of everyone who should be there. I added a few names as well.”

  “Ah. All I had to hear was ‘Frankie’ and the message is understood.”

  “He’s not so bad. He’s looking out for your well-being and trying to make a name for you.”

  “Please, whatever you do, don’t help him with any of his projects or gigs. I can’t control him, and if you’re helping him, it would be scary. My life is already a mess.”

  “Your life is only a little messy, and I’m not scary.”

  “Not normally, but you both have the same problem.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re unstoppable once you get an idea into your head.”

  “That’s a good trait to have.”

  “For you. But not for me.”

  I knocked on Frankie’s door. I had already baited Gus to lumber his way up the two flights of steps and into my apartment. The smoke was gone, but the burnt chemical smell remained. The windows were still open. David was long gone.

  “Frankie?” I asked, knocking on the door again.

  The door swung open, and Muffin filled the frame.

  “He’s sleeping. He’s a busy man today. He’s got the party tonight and the chapel after.”

  “I want to see him about my gig money. I have to fix my car.”

  “Come back when he wakes up.”

  “I just want money, and then I’ll leave him alone.”

  “If you can get past me, you can see him.”

  I eyed her. She completely filled the doorframe. There was no inch of space I could squeeze past. Who was I kidding? I’d need a lot more than an inch to squeeze past anything.

  “Give me his car keys so I can borrow Lucille. I’m only going to the casino, and I’ll be back before he needs it.”

  “No. I’m his wife now. It’s my job to protect his property.”

  A creepy-crawly alarm warned me about Muffin. Something wasn’t right.

  “You mean his temporary wife. You’re leaving once you get your inheritance, right?”

  “Oh, yeah. But until then, his property belongs to me, and I’m protecting it.”

  “Fine. I’ll take a taxi.”

  “Can you pick up a dozen donuts while you’re out?”

  “Frankie doesn’t eat donuts. He says they’re bad for his complexion and waistline.”

  “Who said anything about Frankie? I want the donuts. I especially like the Boston cream ones. Get me lots of those.”

  I turned to leave.

  “Hang on. I think I might want a dozen Boston creams and also a dozen assorted.”

  I rolled my eyes and jogged down the stairs. As I stepped outside, I found Sergio waiting at the curb with a powder-blue moped.

  “My goddess! I have been waiting for you,” he said as he scurried over to my side. “Today is your day; the day of Nadia’s revival!”

  I groaned. “It’s not my day. It’s just a party.”

  “Your humble words give you astonishing beauty, my Nadia.”

  “Don’t you have something to do besides follow me?”

  “Why, yes. I’m in search of one million dollars for my goddess.”

  “You know I was kidding, right?”

  “What makes my Nadia happy makes Sergio happy.”

  “Yeah, well, I have to get to the casino to earn a living.”

  “Your chariot awaits you!” Sergio gestured with wide arms to his moped. “It’s a two-seater with central air.”

  “How could a moped have central air?”

  “When we take off, the air will move all around us.”

  “I think you have a screw loose, but I’ll take you up on your offer. I’m running out of money to pay for taxis.”

  Sergio jumped onto his scooter and motioned for me to follow. “Hop on and hug your Sergio.”

  I rolled my eyes and straddled the moped behind him. My fingertips lightly grazed his shoulders for a moment, but I wasn’t about to leave them there. I think I’d rather fall off the moped than hold on to Sergio for support.

  “Where does my goddess desire to go?”

  “Can you take me to the Lost City Casino?”

  “As you wish,” Sergio said in a slightly lower-pitched voice with deep resonance.

  “Are you okay? You sounded a bit odd.”

  “I am quoting from my new favorite American movie, The Princess Bride. I’m going to make a T-shirt that is worthy of naming my Nadia as my princess bride.”

  “Please don’t think too hard about it. In fact, don’t think of it at all. You have enough T-shirts. Plus, that movie is from the eighties.”

  He sped down the roasting Vegas roads as fast as the moped would take us. The sun glinted on his hair, making it sparkle. In fact, his hair sparkled so much I wished I’d brought my sunglasses.

  “Sergio, what do you have in your hair?”

  “Oh, that Frankie of yours has some amazing ideas. He said to add glitter to my hair oil and girls will dig the shine and allure. Do you dig it?”

  “No, I don’t dig sparkly hair on men. When did you talk to Frankie?”

  “We talk all the time while I’m waiting for you to make your grand entrance. He’s becoming my new American BBF.”

  “I think you mean BFF.”

  “No, Frankie told me BBF.”

  “What does that stand for?”

  “He said he calls himself BBF because he’s bronze, beautiful and fabulous.”

  I chuckled. “I wouldn’t take everything you hear from Frankie as truth.”

  Minutes later, Sergio pulled up to the Lost City Casino. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Remy leaning against the limo. Even when leaning he appeared way too tall and muscular to be able to fit into the driver’s seat properly. And he wasn’t holding back his disapproving scowl at the moped and the shiny-haired man driving it. His dark eyes surveyed the man intensely while his olive skin grew rigid under the strain of his fierce frown.

  I couldn’t recall ever seeing Remy with such a fierce face and was completely confused at what would cause such a reaction. Especially since it was directed at Sergio, who was a powder puff compared to Remy.

  I quickly thanked Sergio for the ride, shooing him away while keeping my eye on Remy. Sergio didn’t take the hint that I wanted him to leave, so I ended up promising him he could pick me up at the casino later to escort me to the party. He was so excited when he left he used too much throttle on the moped and popped a wheelie, jumping the curb a couple of times before he headed down the road and out of sight.

  Remy was next to me before I could head into the casino.

  “Who was that?” Remy demanded.

  “Sergio. What’s with the evil stares?”

  “You’re supposed to be playing it safe and watching your back, not hopping on the back of a stranger’s scooter.”

  “How do you know he’s a stranger?”

  “You don’t have a very long list of people you know.”

  “I think I should be insulted, but I’m too hot from standing outside.”

  Remy seized my arm and ushered me up the walkway to the front entrance.

  “Remy, you have serious issues!” I growled, snatching my arm free. I rubbed the tenderness away from his iron grip.

  “I’ve been hearing about some dangerous men showing up in Las Vegas. They all have the same agenda. You’re being watched and followed, and you don’t even have a clue. You need to get smart and quick.”

  “Aren’t you being a little overdramatic? My house was already searched, and nothing was taken. If I had whatever they wanted, they would have taken it.”

  “Exactly. They’d take it and leave the country. But they didn’t get it and will be more anxious to find it. Which means every day they don’t find it you’re more at risk.”

  I sighed. It made sense. But, at the same time, I didn’t even know what the people were searching for, nor did I
understand why they thought I had it.

  “I’ll try to be more careful. I have to work. Don’t you have to babysit Greyson?”

  “I heard that!” warned a familiar, warm voice.

  I jumped and turned to see Greyson. My pulse kicked up a notch, and sweat instantly beaded on my skin. Thankfully, the hot sun could be blamed for the noticeable change.

  He was always gorgeous with cologne-model features and a smile that could give me instant hiccups due to forgetting to breathe. His tailored suits fit him to perfection and made my mouth water at the treasures lying beneath the clothed surface. His intense gray eyes made me forget my name.

  “Are you okay?” Greyson asked me. He reached his hand up, and his thumb grazed the surface of my neck and shoulder. “You’re all sweaty. You should be inside in the air conditioning.”

  I shook my head to clear it of Greyson-filled thoughts. It didn’t work as I thought it should. I was hoping to shake my head clear like one could do with an Etch A Sketch.

  “I’m fine. Just too warm.” Which was completely his fault.

  Greyson’s hand found the small of my back and steered me effortlessly into the casino. My skin was in a tingly fit from his touch and close proximity. It wasn’t fair. How can he light up my insides with sparklers when I can’t even get a flint spark into him?

  “I’m heading to a meeting. Will you be here for a while? Maybe we can have lunch together?”

  “I’ll be around. I’m not planning on leaving until late.”

  Greyson’s eyes danced with mischief. “Not so late as to miss your revival party, right?”

  “No, Mya would be upset if I missed my own party. But I want it on record that I think the party is completely ridiculous, and I’m only going because I don’t want to disappoint Mya.”

  His lips curved into his stop-me-in-my-tracks smile. “I’m glad Mya has a friend like you.”

  I smirked. “You’re just happy because she’s temporarily out of your hair and into mine.”

  “Yes, that’s true. She can be overwhelming at times,” he admitted with a laugh. “I’ll be relieved when David comes back and she can resume giving her attention to him.”

  “He said that once the item is found, he can return to Mya. Hopefully he can figure it out soon.”


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