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High Stakes

Page 12

by Pierce, Nicolette

  I nodded. I forgave him the moment I realized he’d stood me up. It wasn’t a pre-planned lunch, and we weren’t supposed to see each other for six months. So to even talk and hug him was more than I had asked for. How could I be mad?

  I caught him inspecting my face.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “You looked a little disheveled when you arrived. I was wondering if you’re okay.”

  “It’s a long story,” I said.

  I wanted to tell him what happened, but right now I just wanted him to hug me. And I needed time to reflect. Pieces of my memory were slipping away as if things had happened years ago and time was fading memories.

  “What’s with Sergio? He seems like a love-struck fan most of the time, and then he tells me the party needs to be moved because of Dagor. Is Dagor back in town? I wasn’t sure if I believed Sergio, but I didn’t want to take a chance either.”

  I nodded. “He’s back in town. You can believe Sergio; he’s only trying to help. At least I think he is.”

  “Have you seen him? Has he threatened you?” Greyson’s hands slipped; his face drew serious.

  Do I tell him now and possibly ruin the party? I wasn’t sure what Greyson’s reaction would be. I didn’t want to take the chance of him cancelling the party for something that couldn’t be changed.

  “I’ve seen him, and I’m fine. I’ll tell you everything after the party.”

  I could tell from the way Greyson shifted in my arms that he was not happy with my answer.

  “I have to leave in a few minutes. Tell me now so I know if I have to worry. What am I saying? I’m going to be worried either way, but I need to know.”

  “I said I’d tell you after the party. Do you want me to stop by the casino tomorrow? I have to play the tables, so it won’t be a problem.”

  “Has he threatened you?” Greyson’s eyes narrowed.

  His questions were wearing on me. I was tired, beaten, and I just wanted the party to end so I could go home and be alone. Snuggling with a quiet Greyson would be acceptable too. That scenario wasn’t playing out too well.

  “Greyson, I’ll explain everything to you later. I don’t want to get into it right now.”

  His jaw muscles twitched. I could see he wasn’t willing to let the subject drop. I let my arms drop in defeat. He followed suit but grasped at my hand. I winced at his touch.

  “What?” he asked, lifting my hand. “What happened to your hands . . . and your wrists?”

  “Please, I don’t want to talk about it. I can’t even form the words. Can I tell you tomorrow?”

  He glared at me. “Will you be safe until tomorrow?”

  “Yes, but can you reserve a room for Mya at the hotel? Dagor knows where she lives and has abducted her before. I don’t want to have to worry.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  I hadn’t thought about that. I guess my place wouldn’t be safe. I bit my lip thinking of an answer. The strawberry-blonde gazelle approached us.

  “Greyson, it’s time to leave if we want to stay on deadline,” she said in a sweet tone. But I had the suspicion it was fake from the way her eyes cut through me.

  Something about her made me instantly dislike her. I didn’t know if it was my jealousy of her perfect hair, her long eyelashes, or maybe it was her pouty lips and almond-shaped eyes. But one thing for sure, I could sense her mutual dislike for me rolling off her in waves. As she touched his arm again, I resisted the urge to slap it away.

  Greyson glanced at her. “I’ll be there in a moment. Find Remy and wait by the door.”

  She smiled at him, shot me a cutting glance, and turned to find Remy.

  “Who’s she?” I asked.

  “My new assistant director, Fiona Watkins. I hired her today, and she insisted on starting immediately. I agreed since I need the help. I’ve been briefing her all day. Listen, I do need to leave, but call if you need anything. I expect to see you in the casino tomorrow.”

  I nodded.

  He cupped the back of my neck, bringing his lips to my forehead. It was warm and tender. His fingertips touched mine as he turned to leave. Fiona was smiling and waiting for him at the door. As they strolled out, she turned her head to give me a slick grin, tucking her arm in his.

  So, he’d briefed her all day, I mused . . . and completely forgot about lunch. I hadn’t been angry about the forgotten lunch, but now I was bristling.

  What was as clear as glass . . . Fiona wanted Greyson, and I was in her way.

  Chapter 11

  I was supposed to talk to Greyson today, but I didn’t want to. I was still ruffled from my encounter with Fiona. I knew I’d end up making a fool of myself.

  I wondered if he was aware I’d stayed at the casino hotel with Mya. I might be able to slip out without either of them knowing. I’m sure Fiona was doing her utmost to keep Greyson occupied so he wouldn’t think of me. The venomous talons of jealousy were digging in and grabbing hold.

  Last night was a very long night and I didn’t get a good night’s sleep. My first priority should be to shake Dagor off my back. But I was tired, and frankly, scared to death I may have to face him again.

  I stretched and stifled my sigh. I didn’t want to wake Mya for fear we’d eat breakfast at the hotel and inevitably be caught by Greyson. Or she might drag me out shopping again. I shuddered. Shopping with Mya was torture of its own nature.

  I watched her sleep for a few moments while I gathered enough energy to lumber out of bed. She had her own unique beauty. Sure, the bouncy blonde hair and big blue eyes were classic and pretty, but her constant happy demeanor was beauty in itself. Since I met her, I’ve often wished I could be more like her and wondered at her secret. What makes her so outwardly happy?

  I slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. I’d shower and escape before anyone was the wiser. I turned the water on to let it warm up. My outfit from last night hung haphazardly on the hook. I’d have to wear it again until I could change at home.

  Stepping into the shower, I let the warm water flow over me. I had been able to scrub all Dagor remnants off last night, but the need was still there to scrub away bits of memory. Eventually my skin was raw, but the memories still adhered.

  I twisted the knob to shut the water off and used a white, fluffy towel to soak up the water beads on my skin. Greyson’s Lost City hotel was a step beyond comfortable. While the main casino’s theme was ancient lost cities under the sea, the guest rooms were more to the taste of a spa. Relaxation and serenity was the theme, with natural tones being accented by pale blues and greens. The bedding was the new style with a comforter tucked inside of crisp sheets. Large poufy pillows lined the headboard.

  I struggled into the tight-fitting outfit and slipped on my shoes. I didn’t have a brush. I dug an elastic hair band out of my purse. It would have to do. I gathered my wet, snarly hair in a twist and wrapped the hair band in place with a snap. I didn’t bother inspecting my work in the mirror; it would only lead to disappointment.

  I tiptoed out of the bathroom to see with relief that Mya was still peacefully asleep. I snatched the notepad and pen from the table and scribbled a note:

  Hi, Mya, I’m off to work. Thank you for a wonderful evening. Please speak to Greyson before you head home. – Nadia

  Greyson would hopefully stop her from returning home and keep her at the hotel. Slinging my purse over my shoulder, I slipped toward the door. I gently closed it behind me so only the latching-door click was audible.

  I tiptoed to the elevator. Pressing the elevator call button, I contemplated what I’d do if the door opened to reveal Greyson riding the elevator at the same time.


  I held my breath as the elevator door slid open. No Greyson. I stepped into the empty elevator and pressed the ground-floor button. If he wasn’t in the elevator, then he must be on the casino floor waiting to spring on me.


  The elevator slid open. I tentatively stepped out, waiting for my
name to be called. There was nothing but the dinging bells from slot machines. I could sense something was wrong. Greyson always snuck up on me and had his spies everywhere. I presumed at least Remy would attack me with a barrage of questioning. Today, I was able to walk freely out of the casino. Odd.

  A few taxis waited outside the hotel lobby. It wasn’t a peak hour so the drivers stood around shooting the breeze. The first taxi driver in line saw me approach and jogged the few paces back to his vehicle. I slid in the back as he started the engine.

  “Where to?” he asked.

  “All Celebrities Chapel.”

  He nodded and pulled from the curb.

  Sergio had urged me to stay at his place last night so he could keep an eye on me. I quickly declined. It was time for me to stop running and start taking action.

  It had all begun with the trophy, so that’s where I would start. I’ll grab the trophy from the apartment and head to the police. This could stir up a huge amount of anger from those wanting it, but it would also put an end to the trophy hunt. I didn’t want innocent people hurt.

  The taxi dropped me off at the door.

  “Will you wait here for a moment?” I asked the driver. “I just need to grab a few things.”

  “I’ll wait, but the meter is running.”

  “Okay,” I agreed, stepping out of the taxi and dashing inside.

  I’ll make a speedy exit with the trophy. I didn’t know who was lurking around. Dagor already knew the trophy location. He might have already broken in and stolen it.

  I stopped at Frankie’s door. I didn’t have to worry about waking him up. From the bickering resonating down the hall, he was awake and not happy.

  Frankie whipped open the door after the first knock. His hair was standing every which way and dark, droopy bags circled his eyes. It was a scary sight.

  “What do you want?” he barked.

  I was ready to ask him if he was okay, but the answer was obvious; Muffin was grating on exposed nerves, and he was ready to pop.

  “Can I have my money from the bachelor party gig?”

  “Since the lumberjack moved in, I’ve had about two hours of the most horrendous sleep. Her snoring could initiate an earthquake. I haven’t had time to do anything.” Frankie’s eyes bugged out. “I can’t take much more of this. I’m coming unglued. She’s taken over the bathroom and stretched out all my fine Italian leather shoes.” He whimpered. “My bed has a permanent sag in the middle from her.”

  “Can you write me a check?”

  “I could but she’s rearranged my things. I can’t find anything.” Frankie checked behind him to see if Muffin was hovering. He whispered, “I think she’s stolen my checkbook, but I can’t prove it.”

  My eyes widened. Muffin had taken over Frankie’s apartment. I was screwed with no money, no car, and a taxi waiting for me downstairs. I didn’t have time to straighten Frankie’s disastrous situation out . . . but Muffin might come in handy as a bodyguard. I was hesitant to enter my apartment alone. But with her at my side, I could focus on grabbing the trophy instead of watching my back.

  “I’ll give you five minutes to find your checkbook. Muffin can come upstairs with me.”

  “Perfect. Keep her upstairs.”

  I agreed. I didn’t know when it would be safe to return to my apartment. She could fend off attackers—maybe toss Dagor into the next county.

  Frankie’s brightness switched to maximum wattage. “Thank you! Now get her the hell out of here.”

  “Just find me a check. I need it.”

  “Hey, Godzilla woman!” Frankie hollered. “You’re staying at Nadia’s place.”

  She stomped out of the bedroom. “I don’t think so! I just got this place in order, and you haven’t made me my breakfast yet.”

  I could practically hear the taxi meter ticking and my remaining money flying out of my pocket.

  “Let me know when you’ve figured this out,” I said and bolted upstairs to my apartment. I didn’t have time to wait for Muffin.

  As I reached my door, I found it was already open. I listened for a moment, but all I could hear was Frankie and Muffin screeching at each other. I’ve never heard Frankie yell . . . at least not at this decibel. Even when he screams about finding a spider, it’s at half this decibel and more girly.

  I pushed the door open a little farther, stopping when I heard a man’s voice.

  “What makes you think you can trust them?”

  “I trust them with the information more than I trust any government.”

  The voices were familiar. I peeked around the door to see David and Sergio. They were face to face, pointing guns at each other. I stepped back from the door.


  I didn’t want either of them to hurt the other. And the trophy was sitting too close for me to snatch and run without them noticing.

  I was in a tangled mess, and my taxi was waiting. Either David or Sergio was bound to confiscate the trophy and run with it. I could leave them to battle it out, but again, I’d hate for either of them to get hurt. However, they had guns and money to back them up while I had no money, no weapons, and no help. I nodded. Hiding was the best option.

  I turned to head downstairs when Frankie barreled up the stairs.

  He was bellowing at Muffin as he made his way up. “You better collect the inheritance fast, woman! I’m ready to break. And next time, use your own damn tweezers to pluck out your nose hair!”

  “Shhh!” I whispered. I stared at my door, waiting for it to fling open.

  Frankie blew past me and into my apartment. “I’m staying at your place for a while,” he barked.

  My breath caught. He just stomped into my apartment while guns were drawn. I scurried in after him. Frankie stormed past David and Sergio. They watched him as he disappeared into my bedroom.

  “Crazy ass woman!” he yelled, slamming the door and shutting me out with David and Sergio.

  Their guns remained pointed at each other, but their eyes targeted me. I retreated slowly toward the front door.

  “Nadia, where are you going?” David asked.

  “Away from here,” I said, continuing my retreat.

  “You’re coming with me,” Sergio said. “Dagor is furious. He sent me to pick up the trophy and kill you. I have a safe place you can go.”

  “She’s not going with you!” David barked. “Do you think I’m going to trust a double agent to keep Nadia alive?”

  They both wanted me alive, and they both wanted the trophy. At least keeping me alive was a good thing. But the trophy needed to go because I wanted to keep both of them alive. This was getting out of hand.

  I crept toward the trophy on the coffee table. David’s back was to it, but Sergio could see me in his peripheral vision. A distraction would give me a split second to swipe it.

  “Where’s my coffee?” a voice boomed from the floor below. “And my magazine?”

  Vibrations of stomping feet carried to the outer hallway. The stairs groaned as she climbed them quicker than I conceived possible. Her eyes twitched and bulged as she barged and stomped into the apartment.

  “Come out here with the coffee!” Muffin growled. “You know I can’t start my day without it.”

  Frankie didn’t dare open the bedroom door. I could hear his voice strain. “Get your own damn coffee, woman! This is my special hand-roasted blend, and you drink a gallon of it.”

  “You know I need it to get my plumbing going. I need to stay regular.” She banged on the bedroom door.

  “You’ve taken over my apartment. You can’t have my coffee too.”

  David, Sergio, and I watched as Muffin charged at the door. It was as if a bizarre nature show was unfolding in my apartment. Would the hunter capture its prey? The bedroom door groaned under Muffin’s assault. The splintering door bent and cracked.

  “You break that door and you pay for it!” Frankie squealed.

  The door was about to give way. David and Sergio watched the scene with confusion, lin
ed with intrigue and amusement. They were briefly without thought as to why they had guns pointed at each other. I snuck up and confiscated the trophy.


  The wood by the door hinges splintered, and Muffin crashed into the bedroom.

  “Argh!” Frankie screamed as Muffin charged at him.

  David’s mouth dropped open. I wanted to see how this played out, but I had the trophy and the perfect distraction, so I ran. Racing to the bottom of the stairs, I clutched the trophy firmly.

  “Coffee, now!” Muffin bellowed.

  A distinct crash resonated through the building, followed by a high-pitched girly scream from Frankie.

  I dashed through the chapel and out the front door to the taxi. Flinging the back door open, I jumped in.

  “The police station, quickly,” I said.

  “I thought I’d have to come in and find you. You’re running up a big meter,” he said as he pulled out of the chapel’s parking lot.

  I glanced at the meter and gulped. He was right. I’d be able to pay for the ride to the police station, but I was stranded after that. I’d think about it later. Right now, I had a blob that held a secret in my hands. I didn’t care what the secret was. I just wanted it far away from me.

  I counted the money in my purse and watched the meter tick its way higher and higher. By the time the taxi reached the police station, I was tapped out. After I paid and tipped the taxi driver, I had two dollars left.

  I jogged up the police station walkway and entered the front doors. A man in uniform was at the front desk. He peered up and gave a nod of greeting.

  “Uh, I don’t know where to begin.” I stumbled with my thoughts.

  Perhaps coming to the police was a bad idea. He was going to think I was crazy. I had a blob of twisted substance in my hand, and I was going to tell him it was wanted by a lot of bad foreign men.

  “Tell me what kind of problem and I’ll direct you to the right person. Is it theft, vandalism, or maybe a domestic disturbance?”

  I shook my head no. “Do you have anyone to help with a foreign problem?”

  “Give me a little more to go on, please.”


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