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A Promise of Passion

Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter

  “This is none of my business,” he said hastily, “and I’m sorry, I should not have-”

  “It’s fine, really,” she interjected. “I’m glad you told me, very glad.”

  “You know, Vivien, you have a naughty habit,” he declared, raising his eyebrows.

  “I do?” she breathed, unable to prevent the hot flush from creeping up her neck.

  “You interrupt.”

  “Sorry,” she apologized, dropping her eyes.

  “Let’s change the subject, tell me about your home and the farm, where you come from.”

  The distant sound of thunder rumbled around them, and Vivien smiled.

  “That sounds like home,” she said wistfully, gazing at the windows. “Except we have to worry about tornadoes.”

  “Ah yes,” he replied, seeing the homesickness cross her face. “This must be scary.”

  “Very,” she nodded, and as the rain began slapping the windows, she looked back at him. “Dominic, I have a small favor to ask.”


  “If it’s too much, that’s okay. You can say no.”

  “Ask me.”

  “Would it be possible to lay down together, on a bed, and just listen to the rain?”

  “Of course, but this will be all we will do,” he said firmly.


  Walking across to her, he took her hand and led her up the stairs to the main bedroom. As he opened the door she smiled happily; it was like the rest of the house, charming and quaint. Pulling back the thick, down comforter, he lit the fire, as she unzipped her boots and laid down. When he settled next to her, she laid her head on his chest, and as his arms curled around her, holding her tightly, she closed her eyes.

  This is what it should have been like last night. I could stay here forever. Why did Robson always leave me? Why doesn’t he like to do this?

  Dominic could not recall the last time he had simply held a woman in his arms, the fire blazing, the wind and rain their music. He sighed, closing his eyes, relishing the feel of her.

  You are so warm, Vivien McKay, and you are warm in your heart. I will figure out this puzzle, why you are with such a man. Then we will see where we are.


  The afternoon rolled by in a haze of soft conversation as Dominic shared stories of his rise in the art world. Fascinated by the many famous names that had sat in front of his easel, Vivien listened attentively, but when dusk began to fall, it was time to head back to the city.

  “Before we leave, I must ask you,” Dominic said somberly, “perhaps I’m wrong about this, but it seems you have not had many men in your life. Is that right?”

  Still curled up beside him, she moved to prop herself up on an elbow.

  “I went through a kind of crazy stage a few years back, when I first started traveling.”

  “Ah, yes, this is common,” he smiled, “but a man never did those things I talked about?” he asked, amazed that no-one had ever introduced her to the joys of bondage and discipline.

  “No, not exactly, I mean, I’ve had guys hold my wrists down, but that’s about it.”

  “So, after this, as you say, crazy stage, is that when you met the Viscount?”

  “No, not right after, it was a year or so later. I think I went through the promiscuous stage because I grew up in such a sheltered environment, but one day I woke up and thought, why am I sleeping with strangers, and I just stopped and decided to wait until I met someone special.”

  “Robson was that someone special?”

  “I didn’t think so at first. It was weird. He barely kissed me for ages, and only after he’d proposed did he, did we, uh, go to bed. Sorry, I don’t know why I’m suddenly feeling so shy.”

  “This doesn’t matter,” he smiled. “It’s very sweet, how you can be shy sometimes.”

  “We went out so much, we sort, of fell into being a couple. We attended all kinds of dinners and parties and things. It began to feel natural.”

  Dominic nodded his head. It all made sense. Robson had thrown the line baited with glamorous social events, hooked her with an artful courtship, and masterfully reeled her in with what Dominic assumed, was an elaborate marriage proposal.

  “Do you like Indian food?” he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

  “Love it, why?”

  “Between here and the city there is a small town that has an excellent Indian restaurant. Would you like to have dinner there?”

  “Absolutely,” she beamed, then gazing at him, she added, “Dominic, this has been the best day I’ve had in a very long time. Thank you.”

  “For me too, Vivien,” he replied softly.

  Her eyes were twinkling down at him, and he longed pull her into him and kiss her, but he knew if he did he would be hard-pressed not to lay her on her back, slowly undress her, and devour every inch of her body.

  “I think we should make a move,” he declared, fighting the almost irresistible urge.

  “I think you’re right,” she agreed, seeing the need in his eyes and feeling the same intense ache.

  “Right then, as the English say.”

  “Yes, right then,” she laughed, and both fighting the acute attraction, they rose from the bed and readied themselves to leave the fairytale cottage.

  The rain had remained steady throughout the afternoon, and having no umbrella, they scurried out to the car holding their coats over their heads.

  “Lord, I wonder how many messages I have waiting for me,” she panted as she settled into her seat. “I don’t think I’ve ever been out of touch for this long in my life.”

  “Yes, I’m thinking the same,” Dominic remarked, turning the car around to head down to the highway. “We’ll have mobile service soon.”

  Driving slowly through the muddied track, he reached the road that would take them to the motorway, and pulled over and parked.

  “We will have a signal here,” he declared, retrieving his phone from his pocket.

  Vivien pulled hers from her bag and saw five voicemails; one from Ben Marshall, and four from Robson.

  “Oops,” she grimaced. “Guess who’s been calling all day?” but when she glanced up at him, she saw a frown. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, but please excuse me,” he replied soberly. “I have an urgent message from the Ambassador.”

  “Should I take a walk, or something?” she asked, not wanting to intrude on his privacy.

  “No, and it’s raining!” he exclaimed as he placed the called to Lukas. Not sure what to do, she busied herself texting Robson, apologizing for being out of touch.


  “Ah, Dominic,” the Ambassador said with relief in his voice, “I’m so happy to hear from you. I hate to impose, but might you be free later tonight? I have a problem.”

  “Is it the same issue we’ve been dealing with for the last few months?” Dominic asked.


  “I’m just guessing, but I’m going to text you a suggestion. There’s something I think you should buy, and have it wrapped as a present. I’ll be back at the Embassy around nine. We can talk then.”

  “Dominic, this is excellent.”

  “I can’t promise anything but I think I know what you need. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “See you when you get here.”

  Ending the call, he turned to Vivien and smiled.

  “What is the famous saying, for every problem there is a solution?”

  “Einstein,” she smiled back.

  “So it is.”

  After a delicious, spicy Indian meal in a tiny, family run restaurant, Dominic dropped Vivien off at her flat, and indulged himself by kissing her lightly on the lips at her doorstep.

  “I will call you tomorrow, and maybe I will harass you with texts and voicemails as well,” he threatened with a smile.

  “Please do, but, uh, something just occurred to me.”

  “What is it? Why do you look worried?”

�Aren’t you leaving tomorrow?”

  “This was my plan, but now it seems there is reason for me to stay a bit longer, and not just because something has come up with the Ambassador.”

  “Is it okay for me to say that I’m very happy to hear it?”

  “It is very okay,” he winked. “Now I must go. Sleep well.”

  As he ambled back to his car and settled behind the wheel, he sat for a moment, considering the challenge he faced.

  How can I tell you what I’ve heard about your fiancee? How can you learn about him except from me? I don’t want to be the one to tell you.

  “For every problem,” he muttered, starting the car.

  Carefully navigating through the wet, city streets, he soon found himself pulling into the gates of the Embassy compound. As he walked under the portico and entered the elegant foyer, he saw Lukas striding quickly towards him with a scowl on his face.

  “Dominic, I’m so relieved to see you, let’s go to my study.”

  Dominic fell into step beside him, and once inside the office, Lukas dropped into the couch and let out a heavy sigh.

  “Has Kirsten been difficult again?” Dominic asked, sitting in the armchair across from him.

  “She is good and wonderful for a few weeks, and then she does something just to make me mad. Why, and each time the thing she does is worse?”

  “This is not unusual,” Dominic remarked. “She tests you, and you discipline her, and she tests you even more. It becomes a…there’s a saying…ah yes, a vicious cycle.”

  “I do not want this, vicious cycle.”

  “No promises, but I believe I may have the solution. Did you make the purchase and have it gift-wrapped?”

  “Yes,” Lukas replied, “a wooden hairbrush. I assume you want me to wallop her bottom with it, and I shall do so, happily, but gift wrapped? Am I to give it to her as a present?”

  “Let me explain how you do it, and what happens after you do.”

  “Already I’m feeling better,” Lukas sighed. “Some cognac perhaps, as we talk?”

  “That would be most welcome,” Dominic nodded.

  Lukas rose from the dark leather couch and moved to the bar, pouring generous portions of the golden liquid into large crystal snifters.

  “Dominic, I am indebted to you. If there is any problem you might have,” Lukas frowned, “I do hope you will give me the honor of helping you resolve it.”

  “After we discuss your situation, perhaps we could talk about one that has just surfaced in my life.”

  “It would be my enormous pleasure,” Lukas replied, nodding his head.

  “Kirsten!” Dominic declared. “She is still manipulating you, and that must stop. I believe a regular spanking schedule will end it.”

  “A spanking schedule? I can see how that might work.”

  “Take a drink, sit back, relax, and I’ll explain how to go about this,” Dominic grinned.

  Not far away, Vivien was soaking in a hot tub surrounded by soothing foam, the events of the afternoon and early evening playing in her head. It had been a magical day, a day of smiles and comfort, of tingling sexual sparks and warm friendship, but it had left her head swimming.

  I’ve spent a long time with Robson, and I’m not going to throw it all way because of one kiss and the promises of a man I’ve just met, but, damn, it was a helluva kiss. I’ve never felt like that from a kiss, and the thought of being tied up and blindfolded, maybe even spanked. I want to experience all of it. I can’t see Robson tomorrow. I need time to process all this.

  Later that night, as she laid in the dark, her fingers toying with her clit, visions of Dominic leaning over her holding a length of cord sent sparks through her sex. She imagined him deftly tying her wrists together, rolling her on to her stomach, lifting her dress, lowering her panties and smacking her bottom. Her climax was upon her in minutes, and breathlessly tingling, she fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.

  As she had indulged in her fantasy, Dominic was laying on his bed at the Embassy gently massaging himself to a powerful orgasm, thoughts of having her across his lap, her lovely backside turning pink under the smacks of his hand. Slipping into sleep, he thought about how wrong it was, that she was engaged to a facade. Robson was not the man she thought.


  The following morning, after lolling in bed and consuming a full breakfast, Vivien called Robson to make her excuses. He didn’t take last minute changes very well, and as she dialed his number she prayed he wouldn’t give her a hard time.

  “I’m sorry, Robson, I can feel a migraine coming on. I just need to nap and take it easy today. I can’t risk anything interfering with my shoot in Paris on Monday morning.”

  “Sounds as if you did too much running around with Dubois yesterday,” he remarked, a reprimanding tone in his voice.

  “No, I’m sure it’s the stress of the wedding preparations,” she said hastily, and my time with Dominic was the most relaxing I’ve had in ages. “I just need a day to kick back.”

  “All right, my beauty, though I’m not quite sure why planning the happiest day of your life would be so stressful.”

  She knew being defensive would only made things worse so she didn’t respond, and a moment later she heard him sigh.

  “If you need anything let me know. I did talk to Alfred about using his plane for your trip home, and he was very happy to make it available, so that’s taken care of.”

  “Wonderful, thank you, Robson.”

  “I’ll call you later and see how you’re feeling,” he said quietly.

  “Okay, talk to you then.”

  Ending the call, she leaned back her head and let out a sigh. He could be very difficult, but to her relief he’d taken it in stride, and grateful the call was over, she decided to make herself a second pot of tea.

  The happiest day of my life? Funny, I hadn’t thought about it like that. I guess I should. Huh! That’s how I should see it, as the happiest day of my life. She knew exactly how she was going to spend the wonderfully empty hours looming in front of her. If the weather held she was going to wander through the park, something she’d not done in many weeks, at some point she would call her mother, and she was determined to tackle her closet. Nothing uncluttered her mind better than organizing her clothes and accessories.

  At the Embassy, the usual business of the day had taken a surprising turn. Much to the delight of the staff, the Ambassador had given everyone two hours off, beginning at noon. Kirsten was dumbfounded, but Lukas had been adamant, and when he was sure the house was empty he asked his wife to meet him in his study.

  It had been Dominic’s suggestion that this particular scene play itself out in Lukas’s office. Reeking of masculinity and the man’s power, the room possessed the psychological backdrop Dominic felt was needed.

  “What is it?” Kirsten demanded as she bustled in. “Why is it so dark in here? Why don’t you open the shutters, let the light in? It’s dreary enough outside, why have it so dreary in here?”

  “Are you quite finished,” Lukas asked, walking behind her and locking the door.

  Kirsten, a smart, sharp woman, immediately sensed her husband was about to take charge, and the thrill shivered between her legs. Her plan had worked. She had frustrated him, and now he would warm her bottom.

  “Quite finished,” she quipped, hiding her satisfied smile.

  “I have a gift for you,” he said amiably.

  “You do?”

  A gift was the last thing she expected. She assumed she would be over his knee, her bottom being tanned by his hot spanking hand, followed by a rousing roll between the sheets, or on the couch, since they were in his study.

  “Yes, here you are, my dear. I selected it for you personally.”

  The oblong box was wrapped in pink tissue with a dramatic black bow. Excitedly she untied the ribbon, tore apart the paper, then dropping the mess on his desk, she lifted the lid and stared inside.

  “I don’t understand?” she declared. “A h

  “Indeed,” he smiled, reaching around her and picking up the ribbon. “It has become apparent that my hand no longer has the desired effect.”

  Kirsten felt the color drain from her face. Her friend, Brigette, had told her being spanked with a hairbrush was an experience best avoided.

  “Lukas, there’s no need,” Kirsten said softly, looking up at him with her most apologetic gaze. “I didn’t realize my misbehavior had upset you so much. I’ll be better, I promise.”

  “No, Kirsten” he said firmly, taking the hairbrush from her hand and placing it on the desk, “I’m afraid your apology is too late, and I’m not sure I believe it in any case.”

  “Lukas, surely we can-”

  “Hush,” he interrupted, wrapping the black ribbon around her wrists and tying it off. “You need proper discipline. You may be sorry, but not as sorry as you should be, or will be. I’ve been far too lenient, and that’s about to change.”

  “Lukas, we have the dinner tonight!” she exclaimed, her pleading eyes staring at him.

  “I am fully aware of that, and it gives me great pleasure to know you will have a very sore bottom under your dress, a naked bottom I might add. You will not be wearing any underwear.”

  “What? Surely you can’t mean that?”

  “I most certainly do. Turn around and bend over the desk, I have something else to tell you.”

  “There’s more?” she whimpered. “What more could there be?”

  “Now,” he barked.

  Kirsten turned around, and as she stretched across his desk, she realized she had pushed her husband too far. He’d never been so stern, he’d always put her over his knee, and he used his hand, not some implement.

  “You have developed a pattern, Kirsten, and that pattern is going to be broken right here and right now,” he declared. “You misbehave, I spank you, you’re a good girl for a while, then you misbehave again, only worse.”

  “You’re right, Lukas, and I’m sorry. I won’t do that anymore, I swear,” she stammered. “Please don’t use that hairbrush.”


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