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A Promise of Passion

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

“This job in Paris, Vivien, it’s to be your last. You need to focus solely on me and our life together. Understood?”

  “Yes, Robson, I agree,” she lied. “I’m sure what happened last night was just last minute wedding jitters.”

  “Whatever it was it can’t happen again,” he scolded. “Now you can go, but when you get back from Paris you’re to come straight here.”

  “I’ll see you later then.”

  “Call me from Paris,” he directed, noticing again the dark circles around her eyes.

  “I will, when I can,” she promised, and pecking him on the cheek, she grabbed her coat and bag and headed out.

  He stood in the doorway for minute, watching her scurry down the hallway in her tennis shoes and jeans, still stupefied by what had just happened, then turning back into the room a fresh frown crossed his brow. The drawers of her dresser were still open, there were items of lingerie hanging out, and other pieces laying on the floor.

  “What’s all this?” he muttered, moving across the room to pick up after her. “Going on a bender, taking some strange man home. I will most certainly stripe her bottom, but I must move forward carefully. This marriage cannot be a mistake.”



  The Vivien McKay who boarded her flight for Paris bared little resemblance to the Vivien McKay who had appeared at Robson’s home earlier that day. The dark circles and pale complexion had been makeup, and Dominic’s artistic skill.

  Her lustrous eyes were shining, and her skin resembled the fine bone china for which it was famous. The tatty jeans, sneakers, and oversized sweat shirt had been replaced with black Prada pants, high-heeled suede ankle boots, and a red shirt under a black chenille jacket. Her long hair flowing, she’d stepped off the plane at De Gaulle airport, and the press was there to capture the moment, but not wanting to be caught in any photographs, Dominic stayed in the background. A car was waiting for her, and she was whisked away to the George Sank, Four Seasons Hotel, while Dominic took a taxi to his apartment.

  Keeping up the charade, Vivien called Robson once she was settled. He was cool, but the conversation cut was short when Gustav swung by to discuss the following day’s shoot. Dominic waited a while before knocking on her door, and when she answered, she flew into his arms.

  “Yay,” she laughed, beaming at him.

  “Yay for me too, how are you? Did you order us something wonderful to eat? I’m starving.”

  “I did, it should be arriving shortly.”

  “This is a beautiful suite,” he remarked, eyeing the luxurious decor.

  “Every room is gorgeous in this place.”

  “You deserve nothing but the best,” he declared, picking her up and spinning her around. “How is your bottom? Still tender I hope?”

  “Um, not so much.”

  “I can fix this,” he grinned, depositing her on the couch.

  “That’s okay,” she giggled, “my gosh, what a day. I can’t believe we’re here. It’s so nice to be away.”

  “I’m sorry we couldn’t talk on the plane. Too many ears, but I am eager to hear, how was it with Robson?”

  “Like you said it would be. It went so fast, but when I said those really awful words…wow…I don’t think I’ve ever used language like that in my life, but I have to be honest, it felt good. I didn’t realize how much I resented him until that moment.”

  “He was controlling you in a very bad way?” Dominic said grimly.

  “Yes, he was, and I barely knew it, it was kind of, insidious. There were moments when I felt close to him, very close, but they were short-lived. Whenever they happened, he’d leave, or made a phone call. It was really starting to bother me.”

  “Ah, there was a reason, and now you no longer wish to be with him, I can tell you about it,” he said solemnly.

  “It sounds serious. What’s the big mystery?”

  “The Viscount has an almost phobic fear of being physically close to people, especially a woman.”

  A strange feeling rippled through her, and standing up, she began to walk around the suite.

  “But, we had sex. I don’t understand. How do you know, and why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

  “I couldn’t,” Dominic said calmly. “You had to find your own path away from him. I don’t know if I’m explaining this right. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I do,” she replied quietly.

  “I have been painting the famous and wealthy for years, and I have learned more secrets than I ever wanted to know. I worked for a man whose daughter almost became engaged to Robson. This man told me that Robson was extremely aloof. When she needed affection, he would back off almost as soon as she touched him.”

  “He did with me too,” she said thoughtfully, “and now I know why we dated for weeks before he even kissed me. I thought he was being an English gentleman. That old saying kept running through my head, no sex please, we’re British.”

  “I think, making love to you was very difficult for him.”

  “That’s why he never wanted to stay with me overnight, he never want to cuddle, and he was always so tentative. This is just incredible news. So, for him, it was just about having babies and a presentable wife.”

  “Oui. I’m sorry, but there it is. This is why it is so important that you are leaving him. Once you had his children, I believe he would have been a very cold man to you.”

  “My gosh, it would have been the marriage from hell,” she exclaimed. “Holy crap, what did I almost do?”

  “That’s not all, Vivien, this man told me that Robson is a narcissist, and can be very cruel. This is why he had to control you, because everything in the world is about him. Narcissists can be dangerous, and he is a determined man with many powerful people around him. We must continue with our plan so he lets you go, not the other way around. A narcissist will not accept rejection, and he will…what is the word…come back at you.”

  “Retaliate,” she sighed. “All this makes sense. He told me I have to move in with him the minute I get back so he can keep an eye on me. Given everything you’ve just told me, the shoot with Gustav will be the last straw for Robson, I’m sure it will.”

  “I have something else as well, a Plan B.”

  “You do? What is it?”

  “It’s something I’m still working on, and when things are in place I will tell you.”

  “Why wait?”

  “It is better,” he said softly. “Can you trust me about this?”

  “Of course I can, and I do,” she sighed. “What an unbelievably narrow escape,” she added, shaking her head. “I still can’t believe it.”

  “Come here, you need me to hold you.”

  “Yes, I do,” she murmured, moving into his arms. “You have saved me. You have absolutely saved me.”

  “Fate stepped in,” he mumbled, breathing in the scent of her hair, “but as the wedding came closer, you may have pulled away of your own accord.”

  “I’m not sure I would have had the strength, he’s so…”

  “It is hard to put into words,” Dominic said quietly. “As if he had an invisible hold on you.”

  “Yes, exactly, that’s how it felt.”

  A knock signaled room service had arrived, and Vivien broke away to answer the door. The young waiter rolled the cart across the room to the round dining table against the French doors, set it up quickly, and after a generous tip, he nodded respectfully and left the room.

  “What do we have?” Dominic asked, sitting down opposite her.

  “Sole in champagne sauce, asparagus spears, rice pilaf, and for dessert, can you guess?”

  “Ah, Chocolate Soufflé?”

  “Close, Grand Marnier Soufflé,” she answered. “I’m ravenous, I haven’t had anything since breakfast.”

  “Yes, I am too, but what a wonderful breakfast it was,” he winked. “No wine?”

  “There’s some in the bar if you want, but I have to be up at six, so not for me.”

, I know. I have spoken to Gustav and I will meet you at the shoot. You must sleep well tonight, without any interference from me,” he said firmly.

  “You’re not staying?”

  “No, for two reasons. The first I just told you, the second, we do not know about Robson. If he knocked on that door it would be very bad.”

  “I hadn’t even thought of that,” she nodded. “You’re right.”

  “Remember, Vivien, the story I gave you about sleeping with a stranger from the bar was because I was worried you were being watched,” Dominic reminded her. “We must play things safe for now.”

  “You’re right again,” she sighed, as she devoured her meal. “I just can’t wait for all this to be over.”

  “It will be soon,” he promised. “Let’s talk about the shoot. I know Gustav has been here, but I had some other thoughts.”

  As they sat and chatted, and enjoyed the rich dessert, Vivien thought back to her dinners with Robson. Without exception, they had been stiff and formal. They may have shared an anecdote or two, but it was all very civilized, and rarely did they eat alone. On the odd occasion they dined at his house, the servants were present, and he was at one end of the long dining table, she at the other. She’d complained about it once, and he had scolded her.

  “This is my family’s tradition,” he’d declared. “Other great families have allowed such formalities to fall by the wayside, but we have not. We dress for dinner, and we dine as our tradition dictates. It has been this way, in this house, for centuries, and it shall remain so. Do not question such things again, Vivien.”

  As the memory flitted through her head, she shook her head.

  “I don’t know what I was thinking, allowing myself to be roped into that relationship. I feel like a new person. I feel free, free at last.”

  “Oui, you are free, and we will talk about that later, but now I must go. Dinner was superb, you are superb, and tomorrow will be spectacular,” he grinned, rising from the table.

  “Thank you so much for everything,” she sighed, walking him to the door. “What can I do for you?”

  “Ah, you are doing it by being with me like this, but you will remember, no touching yourself,” he warned, cupping his hand between her legs.

  “Really?” she breathed, the order sending a fresh fever through her loins.

  “Well, you can, but then I will have to spank you. If we are seeing each other, it must be this way. Your pussy is under my control, isn’t it?” he asked, pressing his palm against her.

  “Yes,” she sighed, leaning her head against her shoulder.

  “We are in early days, we don’t know what will happen between us, but I see us together. If you see us this way, then, no touching here,” he repeated, squeezing again.

  “Yes, Dominic, no touching, but it won’t be easy.”

  “Your choice, touch and be spanked, don’t touch and be rewarded, and now I will go. I’ll see you in the morning,” he promised, and as he kissed her softly, he lingered his hand.

  Closing the door behind him, his words echoed in her head.

  We are in early days, we don’t know what will happen between us, but I see us together.

  “I don’t want to be foolish, to jump from one thing into another,” she murmured, “but yes, I see us together as well, I really do.”


  Early the following morning, one of Gustav’s assistants, collected Vivien from the hotel to take her to the set. Maxine was young, bubbly, with pink hair and full of enthusiasm.

  “This is going to be one very big campaign,” she declared, her slightly cockney accent sounding incongruous driving through the Parisian streets. “Big is the wrong word, it is going to make everyone talk.”

  “I’m sure it will,” Vivien agreed. “Where are we shooting?”

  “You’ll see, it’s not far. I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Gustav is thrilled. It was such short notice to find a place, and luckily Dominic knew someone. Being a Monday helped, the place is closed on Mondays.”

  “I still don’t know who the photographer is,” she yawned. “Someone I know?”

  “I’m sure, it’s Raphael.”

  “Fantastic, I love him. He barely says a word, just lets me do what I do,” she remarked, “and please, let there be coffee.”

  The last few days had been a whirlwind, and though she’d slept well, she still felt a bit weary.

  “There’s plenty, and all the bad stuff as well, you know, croissants, donuts, all the things we shouldn’t eat.”

  The fiat pulled through a wrought iron gate and into a subterranean garage, but as they walked through the stark concrete towards the elevator, Vivien felt an uncomfortable chill slide down her spine.

  “You okay,” the young assistant asked.

  “Just a bit cold I guess.”

  Trying to shake off a feeling of foreboding, she followed Maxine into the elevator. It whisked them up a few floors, and she found herself walking towards double doors at the end of a carpeted hallway. They entered what appeared to be an office suite, and she was thrilled to see that Dominic was already there.

  “You’re here,” Dominic grinned, walking briskly towards her. “How are you? Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, considering how much I was wishing you were with me,” she whispered.

  “Me too,” he whispered back.

  “My gorgeous, Vivien, you are lovelier than ever, how can this be?” Gustav gushed as he joined them.

  “And you are the same charmer as always.”

  “Come, we will take you to the wonders through the scarlet door,” he declared dramatically.

  With Gustav on one side, and Dominic on the other, they walked across the reception area, and Gustav opened a bright red door. The space they entered was dark, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. It was large, with chocolate brown carpet and walls, cream moldings highlighting the high ceilings, and at first glance she thought she was in a gym, then she realized what she was looking at wasn’t gym equipment, but BDSM furniture.

  “This is incredible,” she breathed, “absolutely incredible.”

  Stepping forward, she paused a moment, then moved around the room, touching the various implements, running her fingers through the leather tendrils of the floggers, picking up the shackles, gazing at the bondage chairs, then stood staring up at a length of chain hanging from the ceiling.

  “So, what do you think?” Gustav murmured.

  “I think you’re really going to get some press with this!”

  “So are you. Are you still game?”

  “You bet,” she nodded, and I want to come back here with Dominic, alone, late at night, for hours upon hours.

  Watching her closely, Dominic had witnessed the reverent manner with which she had inspected the implements, and how she had stood, silently gazing at the furniture. It was obvious she was mesmerized by the dungeon and all it offered. Ambling over to her, he put his arm around her shoulder and pecked her on the cheek.

  “Are you Impressed, ma chérie?”

  “Very,” she smiled.

  “I’ll leave you to get ready,” he said warmly, “and I can’t wait to watch you work.”

  Gustav had always been on the cutting edge. His clothes were rebellious and flamboyant, but infused with chic style, and as he led Vivien to the room that had been set up as the wardrobe and makeup area, she saw his new line of jeans and jackets were just as unique as his previous designs.

  “You’re amazing, Gustav. Why has no-one done this before?”

  “Because they do not have my genius,” he grinned.

  The denim had been integrated with both lace and leather, some sported chains, others braided leather tassels looped through the waistband, and as she held up a pair that sported pink lace targets on the seat, she burst out laughing.


  “After speaking with Dominic, I have been inspired. This line was going to be called, Spanking Great Jeans, by Gustav, but I am goin
g bolder. Now it will be called, Spank Me Now, Naughty Jeans For Naughty Girls.

  “You’ve got to be kidding!”

  “No, and already I have made my marketing person crazy,” he laughed. “It was Dominic who pushed me that wee bit more,” he added, winking at her.

  Vivien felt herself blush, but she was suddenly very happy. The shoot was a perfect validation of her new found self.

  “I really love it,” she beamed, “and it will definitely make the tongues wag, but let them. These clothes are terrific, and they’re going to be hugely successful.”

  Dominic’s original plan had involved a scandalous photo shoot for the purposes of sending the sinful pictures to Robson, but when Gustav heard Dominic’s ideas, he’d thought they were brilliant, and decided that the BDSM photos would be at the center of the marketing for his new clothing line. Gustav was sure the controversy would mean big sales.

  “For the first picture, I want a naked back, okay, Vivien?” Gustav asked.

  “Sure, just as long as I can take off my top when my back is to everyone.”

  “Oui, this is no problem. Your wrists will be shackled, pulled above your head in the chains, and you will look over your shoulder. Do you know the model, Franco Vincenzi?”

  “Franco, of course, we’ve worked together before,” she nodded, though Gustav’s description of her pose was distracting her.

  Your wrists will be shackled, pulled above your head in the chains.

  “He is my Master of the Dungeon,” Gustav grinned. “He will have his hand on your back. We will start with this pose and see where it takes us. Charmaine is here of course, she will be working with us.”

  “Charmaine, fabulous,” Vivien remarked. “There’s no-one better when it comes to shoes and jewelry.”

  “Please get ready now, and I will see you in the dungeon. Raphael is setting up the lights and I must be there.”

  The woman in charge of wardrobe approached, introduced herself as Patty, and handed her the first pair of jeans she was to wear. Vivien took them behind the screen and pulled them on. They fit like the proverbial glove, and the black leather running down the outside flattered her already shapely, slim legs. Pulling off her shirt but leaving on her bra, walked out and waited for Patty’s approval.


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