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A Promise of Passion

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  It was a journey Vivien had wanted to take ever since learning about the train that traveled under the English channel, but it was a trip she’d wanted to share with someone special. When she’d received an unexpected message from Ben that she had to return to London for a meeting, and Dominic did not want her to be alone, she’d jumped at the chance to finally ride the famous train. As they settled into their first class seats, Vivien looked across at him, a sparkle in her eye.

  “What?” he grinned, tilting his head as the train began to chug out of the station.

  “I’m so excited to be doing this. Thank you so much for coming with me. It wouldn’t be the same by myself.”

  “You know I would not let you return to London by yourself. I do not trust Robson, and I want to be with you until you are out of London again.”

  “About that,” she began, “I’ve been thinking…”

  “You have?”

  “I talked to my mother, and it would be great to relax at home before I start working for Gustav again. I’ve been told I’ve got about four weeks.”

  “Oui, it would be good for you to go,” he replied. “I will miss you, I will hate to see you leave, but your farm would be very safe.”

  “I still want to go to Hesperange, and spend some time in the cottage,” she said hastily. “I could even do that first.”

  “I know you have to stay in your flat for the next couple of days, but after you have done your business, we can go to the cottage until you decide what to do. I think it best,” he said firmly. “Ne me comprenez-vous?”

  “Yes, I understand you,” she smiled, rolling her eyes.

  “Do not look like that, this is serious,” he scolded.

  “I’m sorry, I know you’re worried, but I really don’t think Robson will do anything to me. I never saw him violent or nasty, except on the phone when I told him about Gustav, and he’d just see the photos from the shoot, so that’s understandable.”

  “I think you do not know him as you believe,” Dominic insisted.

  “You know something more about him, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. He has an ugly past, and maybe I should tell you. Do you want to know about it?”

  Do I want to know? It’s over, I’m excited and happy right now. Do I want to hear about some nasty history from Robson’s past?


  “Sorry, no, don’t tell me,” she said, shaking her head. “I do want to know at some point, but it can wait. I’m really happy right now. I want to focus on all the good stuff.”

  “Then I will tell you another time, when you ask,” he nodded.

  The train was moving through the outskirts of the city, and she shifted her eyes to the changing landscape. Sighing heavily, she felt her stomach twirl at the memory of their time in the dungeon, and the wonderful sleep she’d had as they’d shared her hotel suite for her last night in Paris. They’d woken up late, and made glorious love until her phone had jangled, telling her she had to return to London.

  A deep, warm, dizzy, intoxicating feeling had taken up residence deep within her, and as an epiphany began to wash over her, she slowly turned to face him.

  “You were right,” she murmured.

  “About what?”

  Her face was serious, but not unhappy, and he leaned across, sensing she was about to share something important.

  “I made a promise to my father that I would have passion in my life. I have passion for my work, and my family, but I have never had the passion I feel when I am with you,” she said softly. “It’s not the things you do to me, but how I feel when you’re doing them. You’ve shown me what passion is. It’s not sex, sex isn’t passion. I know what it is now.”

  “And what is it?” he pressed, his voice low, his eyes narrowing as they locked on hers.

  “I’m not sure how to say it. I think,” she continued, searching for the words, “passion is a feeling, an indescribable feeling, a magical connection that happens with one special person. It’s in me for the first time.”

  “Vivien, yes, this is what we have,” he breathed, taking her hands, “what is so rare, so special, we have passion for one another. Rare, yes, impossible to describe, yes, but you did a good job,” he smiled, “and we must protect it as if it were gold.”

  She leaned forward to meet his lips, and as they touched, her realization flooded their kiss, filling them with a deep, intimate closeness. Her hands traveled to the sides of his face, holding him gently as her mouth lingered, then pressed, then moved again. Her heart thumped against her chest, and when her mouth finally moved from his, she nuzzled his neck.

  “My sweet girl,” he purred. “I wish these trains had compartments.”

  “Me too,” she whispered.

  “Let’s move to a double seat,” he suggested. “There are plenty left.”

  Picking up their things, they moved across the aisle so they could sit next to each other.

  “Ah, this is better,” he smiled, and as his arms enveloped her, she curled against him, closing her eyes.


  The two hour and twenty minute channel crossing passed swiftly. A meal was served during the underwater portion of the trip, making the time fly by even faster, and because they arrived in the evening, they didn’t have to worry about the traffic on their way through the city.

  “I love your flat,” he grinned, taking off his coat as he walked in the door. “Modern but not crazy modern, and cozy, like you.”

  “I’m cozy?” she smiled.

  “Yes, you are, and you are also naughty,” he scolded, shaking his finger.

  “Why? What did I do?”

  “You know exactly what you did, and now I’m going to spank you.”

  She burst out laughing, and abruptly spun around, bolting towards her bedroom. Dominic chased her down the hallway, managing to slide his foot in the door just as she was about to slam it shut.

  “Aaaargh,” she squealed running to the bed, and grabbing her pillows, she began to throw them at him as he advanced.

  “No, no,” he laughed, “that will only make me smack you harder.”

  Dodging the cushions, he lunged forward, grabbing her hand, and in a flash had her over his knee as he flopped on the edge of the mattress.

  “Okay, naughty Vivien, confess,” he demanded, slapping her bottom.

  “I’m sorry,” she giggled, “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “You couldn’t help yourself to torment me?” he asked, slapping her again.

  “It was just a bit of fun!”

  “Putting your hand on me when the waiter brought our dinner was one thing, but leaving it there, and rubbing me the whole time he was serving us, that was naughty, very naughty. I should have spanked you on the train.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “Because I knew I would have you here, and I would be able to spank you properly,” he replied, and raising his hand, he spanked her rapidly, with significant force.

  “Whoa,” she yelled, “are you saying you, ow, ow, don’t like me, ow, touching you?”

  “I love you touching me, but I told you several times to stop, and you didn’t.”

  “OWWW,” she wailed, as he landed a volley of hot smacks, “stop, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”

  “You know what I think?” he said, pausing to pull up her long skirt and slide off her knickers.

  “What?” she bleated, squirming as her backside was bared.

  “I think you were testing me,” he declared, pausing to move his hand across her cheeks. “Were you testing me? Tell me the truth.”

  “Maybe a little bit,” she bleated.

  “Uh-huh, I knew this, and now I won’t disappoint you,” he exclaimed. “If you test me I will always make sure you know I will pass the silly test.”

  “That sentence doesn’t even make sense.”

  “You know what I am saying,” he said firmly, and lifting his hand, he began spanking her in earnest.

  She squirme
d, kicking out, and lifting his leg he placed it over the back of her knees.

  “If you do not stop all this nonsense I will spank you harder. You stay still and take your punishment, you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, “I’ll behave, I’m sorry.”

  “Cheeky Vivien is not here now?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Then I won’t spank you so hard.”

  Bouncing his hand from cheek to cheek, moving his palm in an upwards, sweeping motion, he made sure he turned her skin a blushing pink before letting her up.

  “Now you will go and stand in the corner, holding up your skirt until I tell you to come back here.”

  “Stand in the corner?” she frowned, her hands clasped against her burning cheeks.

  “This is not okay with you? I can spank you more if you want, until it is okay with you. Is this what you want?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “N-no,” she stammered. “I just didn’t expect it.”

  “You were childish, so…you go to the corner like the child,” he said firmly. “Go now, before I spank you more, and make sure you hold up your skirt.”

  Her face as red as her burnt behind, she shuffled to the corner of the room, but as embarrassed as she was, the butterflies in her stomach were alive and fluttering.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this, and why is it turning me on so much? Why do I love it so much?

  Dominic pulled down the covers of the bed, then slowly undressed. His instruction to stand in the corner had taken her by surprise, just as he knew it would, and she’d look ten years old when she’d dropped her head and padded across the room.

  You are too adorable, Vivien McKay, too adorable for any words.

  Grabbing a condom, he settled on the bed, and leaning back on the tufted headboard, moving his eyes to stare at his handiwork, he sheathed his hardness.

  “Keep your skirt up and come over here.”

  Turning around, she saw him naked and waiting for her, and as she moved towards him, a small smile crossed her lips.

  “Stop right there,” he said, as she reached the side of the bed, “and spread your legs.”

  As she shuffled her feet apart, he placed his hand against her sex and began to explore.

  “Ready for me?” he mumbled, staring up at her.

  Her eyes closed as his fingers continued, and she thrust her pelvis forward, sighing heavily.

  “So ready.”

  “Sit on me.”

  “With my skirt on?” she frowned, opening her eyes.

  Instantly his hand left her pussy and slapped her hot bottom, extracting a sharp cry.

  “Sit on me,” he repeated.

  Holding the folds of material in her hands, she climbed on the bed, straddling him, and as he held his cock, she lowered herself down.

  “Now you will drop your skirt and move,” he said softly. “Close your eyes, feel me, pleasure yourself on my cock.”

  Drifting into a warm, rhythmic flow, she rocked back and forth, then dropping her hands on his chest, she began to pump her hips, angling herself to achieve the utmost from his stiff, upright member. She could feel his fingers popping the buttons of her shirt, then snapping open the front fastener of her bra.

  As her breasts felt the air, puckering her nipples, and his fingers toyed and played and pinched, she drew in a deep breath, throwing back her head. That he was naked, and she was dressed, was providing an odd, sultry thrill, and the touch of his hands on her exposed tits, amplified the feeling.

  “Fuck me more,” he crooned, squeezing her flesh. “Fuck me and climax on me.”

  Thrusting upwards, he met her pumping, and moving his hands from her breasts he reached behind her, pulled up her skirt and grabbed her seat cheeks. She cried out as his fingers gripped her stinging, scratchy skin, but the pain sent a new wave of pleasure through her sex, transforming her cry of pain into a moan of pleasure.

  Dominic was nearing the edge. Her lascivious play on the train had taken him to almost bursting, and now, with her luscious breasts hanging voluptuously before him, her naked, spanked bottom in his hands while her skirt flowed around him, he could barely stand another minute.

  “Bring yourself to the end,” he purred, “come for me, Vivien, show me, come for me or I will tie you up with a cock gag in your mouth, and a butt plug in your-”

  Before he could finish his licentious threat, she tumbled into her release, the suddenness of it startling him, but as her pussy clutched him, and her orgasmic groans filled the room, his cock spewed its cream, shooting it forward with a joyous jerking.

  A short time later, her clothes removed and laying next to him, she shivered with the cold, and pulled the bedcovers over them.

  “Tired my angel?” he asked, loving the feel of her soft body snuggled against him.

  “Tired, happy, relieved, so many wonderful things,” she yawned.

  “What time is your meeting tomorrow?”

  “Late, around eleven, and I’ll grab a taxi. I know where I’m going and the parking is awful.”

  “I have to visit the Ambassador, so I will leave when you do. I will only be about an hour. How long will the meeting last?”

  “Probably about the same, an hour, and now that Ben knows the engagement is off, he’s drumming up work again.”

  “It’s good you didn’t tell Robson you were working for Gustav when you first got the job. He would have forbidden it.”

  “And I would have let him,” she sighed.

  “So, to sleep for us now I think, and after your meeting, we will drive out to the cottage. You will be safe there, and you can decide what you want to do. Is this a plan?”

  “Definitely,” she mumbled, feeling herself drifting away.

  He turned off the bedside lamp, and as she fell asleep in his arms, he pondered more than his visit to Lukas. It was the meeting that came after he left the embassy, the meeting that was supposed to insure Vivien’s safety, that was forefront in his mind. Life had taught him that even the best laid plans could sometimes go awry.

  Chess, that’s what this is. I am in a chess game, and I must put the King in checkmate.


  The following morning, Dominic saw Vivien into her taxi and immediately flagged down his own. Slung over his shoulder was a worn leather satchel. As well as having carried important documents during two wars, over many decades it had delivered tidings of joy, sorrow and love. Dominic had replaced the buckles, and though somewhat battered, the bag was just as it had been when it was handed from his grandfather, to his father, and then to him. It was one of his most precious possessions, and he used it only for important matters.

  Lukas was expecting him, and when the taxi deposited Dominic at the portico, Lukas was at the door before Dominic had barely rung the bell.

  “My friend, how are you. Please, come into my study. I have some Viennese coffee waiting.”

  “My favorite, so kind of you,” Dominic smiled.

  Kirsten waltzed by, Valentina at her side.

  “We’re going shopping, Lukas. Can I pick anything up for you?”

  “Surprise me,” he grinned, walking up to her and pecking her on the cheek. “I’m in the mood for a surprise today.”

  “It’s chilly out there,” Dominic offered. “I would suggest a warm coat.”

  “Thank you, I’m so glad you told us. I plan to walk Valentina up and down Oxford Street until she is exhausted.”

  “And I’m looking forward to this shopping exhaustion,” Valentina smiled.

  They said their goodbyes, and Dominic followed Lukas into his study.

  “I almost feel as if this room is my second home,” Dominic remarked.

  “It has now become by favorite room in the house,” Lukas grinned as he poured the coffee. “I shall miss it when I return home. It is just two more weeks, and I shall be gone.”

  “You’ll have to find a room in your house back in Austria to become your new spanking study,” Dominic sugges

  “Ah, what a brilliant suggestion,” Lukas beamed. “A spanking study. Yes, yes, I must. Now, what is this very important matter?”

  “May we sit?” Dominic asked, taking the mug of coffee.

  “Of course,” Lukas replied, gesturing to the couch near the fireplace.

  “Fires, they are important in life,” Dominic remarked as he took the couch, while Lukas settled into the armchair.

  “They are,” Lukas agreed.

  Though deeply curious, Lukas politely waited while Dominic took a long drink of the rich coffee, before lifting the well-worn satchel from where he’d placed it at the side of his chair.

  “I didn’t want to risk spilling my drink,” he explained as he unbuckled the straps. “I don’t care if I get it on me, but this bag is a family treasure, and it would be very bad if I poured hot coffee all over the old leather.”

  “It has been well loved,” Lukas remarked.

  “Oui, it has quite a remarkable history,” Dominic replied, then his face grew serious, and he stared across at his friend. “This is a matter of some gravity. I am not one to accuse another of something without proof I had heard about this story, but only after I made inquiries, and obtained these, did I discover it was true. Before I hand you this envelope, I will tell you that story.”

  “My goodness, you have me completely curious,” Lukas remarked. “What is this all about?”

  “Apparently our mutual friend, the Viscount, has a liking for prostitutes, though I understand it is a liking he rarely indulges. A few years ago he had a girl at his house, and he found her snooping through his office. When he emptied her bag, he discovered she was attempting to sneak away with some small, valuable items.”

  “I don’t think I like where this might be going,” Lukas frowned.

  “It’s not pleasant, but because of Valentina I felt you should know, otherwise I would have kept this to myself. Anyway, Dominic lost his temper, and this was the result,” he said quietly, handing Lukas the envelope.

  Taking it from Dominic’s hand, Lukas opened it and pulled out three photographs of a young woman; she had a cut on her lip and a black eye.

  “This is extremely upsetting,” Lukas remarked, shaking his head. “Evidently the girl was paid off,” Robson said, “but even if she had pressed charges…”


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