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A Promise of Passion

Page 22

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I’ll remember,” she bleated.

  “I will start here, where you sit down,” he said, softening his voice as he trailed his fingers across the crease where her thighs met her bottom, “then here,” he continued, cupping her flesh on the lower third of her buttock, “and finish here.”

  His hand was resting on the center of her cheek, and he rubbed for a moment, lovingly traveling his caress over her backside.

  “That feels so good,” she murmured.

  “Yes, but now it is time for the finale,” he decreed.

  Placing his hand back on her sensitive sit spot, he landed a keen blow. She gasped, then wriggled, and he waited for her to settle before landing the second smack just above. She let out a squeal, but didn’t move, and wanting to draw out the last of the spanking he counted to ten before dispatching the third. She yelped as it landed, and clenched her fists to stop herself from moving her hands back.

  “Now to the other side,” he declared.

  “I will remain quiet and still,” she promised, looking over her shoulder. “Would that please you? I want to please you.”

  Dominic smiled down at her. A warm wave was ripping through his dominant being. She was swept up in his loving discipline, and wanted to show him that she was his.

  “Yes, that would please me,” he replied. “Let me see how obedient you can be.”

  Burying her head in the soft down pillow she grit her teeth and held her breath as he delivered the three stinging swats, but she didn’t make a sound, nor did she move.

  “My good girl,” he crooned, stroking her back before moving his palm to rub away the burn.

  “Thank you, Sir, thank you for everything.”

  She could feel the threat of tears, but they slipped away, like a dark grey cloud threatening to break but giving way to sunshine, and as he lovingly massaged her seared skin, there was nowhere else in the world she wanted to be, and no-one else she wanted to be with.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she whimpered. “I didn’t know how much until these last few hours, and especially right now.”

  “I feel the same,” he said warmly, helping her up to lay next to him on the bed. “I knew I cared for you very much. All the while we were apart I felt empty, my life felt empty, and being with you again, it is like, voila, I am happy again, so happy.”

  “I would go to bed and ache for you, Dominic, I would ache for your arms and your body against mine, and I would also ache to be over your lap. I understand the first two, but why do I need to be spanked?”

  “It is not something I can explain, or maybe not anyone can explain. If this need is in you, it is in you, and you must have it, otherwise it feels like something is wrong, something is missing.”

  “I think this has been the best twenty-four hours of my life,” she sighed, snuggling against him.

  “It is not over yet, ma cherie,” he said with a soft smile. “We will go to dinner, and we will talk about many things.”

  “I still don’t know what I’m going to wear.”

  “Ah, yes, that is still a mystery, but it won’t be a mystery before too much time goes by.”

  “You mean, it won’t be a mystery much longer,” she giggled.

  “Oui, it won’t be a mystery much longer,” he grinned. “I have brought a dress with me from Paris. I saw it, and I said, that dress is for my Vivien, and I went into the shop and bought it, and, of course, the shoes as well.”

  “Really? I can’t wait to see it.”

  “I must paint you in the dress. I must make it last forever. Do you know why I had to buy it for you?”

  “Tell me.”

  “Because I knew if I did, you would call me and tell me it was finally time for me to come here, and you did, that very night.”


  “So you see, it is a special dress, and must be worn only for special moments.”

  “I feel goosebumps,” she said with a shiver.

  “Things will work out. I feel it.”

  Not sure what to say, she simply mumbled his name as she curled closer to him.

  “We will take a short cuddle, then get ready for dinner.”

  “Oh, I forgot. I’d like to stop at a department store on the way to the restaurant, if that’s okay. I haven’t bought any makeup since I came back a year ago.”

  “Mon Dieu, most definitely,” he said firmly, “but, please, Vivien, wear just a little bit. You look so beautiful with a naked face.”

  “A naked face,” she sighed, “what an interesting phrase.”

  “So, just a little bit, yes?”

  “Yes, Sir, just a little bit.”

  “You’re right,” he mumbled, “a naked face. It is an interesting phrase. I am getting an idea.”

  “Tell me?”

  “When the idea is complete, but for now lay still and let me hold you. This is a precious moment.”


  It was time to dress for dinner, and Dominic had ordered Vivien to sit on the edge of the bed as he unzipped his garment bag. Completely intrigued, she watched, almost holding her breath, as he pulled out the dress he’d bought her. It was blue and grey, silk satin, with a tear drop neck, sculptured waist, and festooned with strategically placed silver sequins.

  “To match your eyes,” he announced.

  “Dominic, it’s gorgeous.”

  “I didn’t know when you would wear it, but this evening seems the right time.”

  “I honestly don’t know what to say.”

  “Your public is waiting, ma chérie. Put on the dress, fluff up your wonderful new hair, and wear just a little makeup.”

  A short time later as they waltzed through the lobby of the hotel, all the heads turned. To match Vivien’s outfit, Dominic was wearing a charcoal grey suit with a grey, black and white herringbone vest over a white shirt with a black tie.

  “You look like the model,” she whispered.

  “No, no, I am background noise next to you,” he winked.

  The car he had ordered was waiting for them, and as they climbed into the back seat, Vivien noticed the young doorman who had greeted them when they’d arrived was positively beaming. She smiled back, and blushing bright red he touched his hat in a salute. The car rolled away, and as they headed towards the downtown area, she took Dominic’s hand and looked at him with a wide smile.

  “What?” he asked, grinning back.

  “I’m happy. I’m feeling like myself more and more, and you look so handsome. I don’t need to stop at a department store. I mean, look at us. We’re not exactly dressed to go shopping. When I made the suggestion I didn’t imagine I’d be going out wearing something as glamorous as this.”

  “Don’t you want to bring some pizazz into the boring evening of all those poor sales-girls?”

  “If anyone brings pizazz to their boring evening, it will be you, not me,” she laughed.

  “We must go in,” he insisted. “It will be a mercy visit.”

  “A mercy visit? Dominic! Such a thing to say, but okay, I’m game. There’s a Nordstrom’s in the mall. I need the Chanel counter, and I know exactly what I want.”

  He directed the driver to make the stop, and as the car drove through the city streets towards the famous high-end department store, she felt a sudden wave of nerves, and anxiously looped her arm through his.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m feeling a bit edgy. I don’t know why. I guess because I’ve been locked away on the farm in dusty jeans for a year,” she sighed. “It’s almost if I’m about to parade on a catwalk.”

  “You are. You are going to be Vivien McKay again, the famous model.”

  “Wow. This is weird.”

  “All you have to do is smile,” he assured her. “It’s time you came back into the world.”

  A short time later, as they entered the store and headed towards the beauty department, Vivien’s fears abated. The sales clerks could barely contain their excitement, customers approached and asked for he
r autograph, and when the manager of the store was informed of her presence, he hurried down to meet her.

  “Milton Graves,” he gushed, shaking her hand. “We are thrilled to have you here. When you became famous we were all so proud, and here you are, back in our store. I have followed your career every step of the way. Every time you graced the cover of one of the fashion magazines we framed it and put up in the executive office suite. They’re still there, every one of them.”

  “You’re too kind,” she said warmly. “I’m truly honored that you would do such a thing.”

  Standing to the side, Dominic was watching her carefully. She was handling the adoring fans with grace, chatting with anyone who wanted to chat with her, and signing every autograph that was requested. When she pulled out her credit card to pay for the cosmetics, the manager refused them, but she insisted. As they finally began to head towards the exit, the glances and smiles continued to follow them, and Dominic leaned his lips to her ear.

  “You have so much style and so much class. You are like a Princess, no, my mistake, you are a Princess.”

  “If I’m a Princess, then you are a handsome Prince,” she replied, gazing up at him.

  As he looked back at her, he saw a sparkle in her eye. The sad haunted look that had met him at the airport was gone.

  “This will be an excellent evening,” he announced.

  “It already is,” she said as they climbed into the waiting car. “You were so right about stopping here. It was just what I needed.”

  “Oui,” he nodded. “I thought this would happen, and you did need it. I’m so glad, ma chérie.”

  The restaurant was small, French and quaint, with soft lighting and waiters in bowties, and as they settled into their table, Dominic looked around and nodded approvingly.

  “Have you been here before, Vivien?”

  “No, I haven’t. My family wasn’t big on fine dining. I don’t think I’d ever had a gourmet meal in my life before I landed in New York. It’s so good to be out again. Would you share a bottle of Pouilly-Fuisse with me?”

  “Most definitely,” he nodded.

  He ordered the wine, and a variety of bite-sized appetizers, and as the waiter left, she noticed Dominic was looking at her with a slight frown, and one eyebrow slightly higher than the other.

  “You look as if you want to say something.”

  “You are knowing me again,” he grinned.

  “Something like that,” she laughed, “but yes. I remember how you used to raise your left eyebrow when you were about to say something important, or ask me something you were nervous about.”

  “Nervous? Moi?” he said, feigning an indignant look.

  “Maybe sometimes?”

  “Okay, maybe sometimes,” he admitted, “and you are right. I am thinking about talking with you, but you are so happy and I don’t wish to make you unhappy.”

  “Why? Do you have bad news?”

  “No, no, I want to discuss…”

  “Whatever it is you have to tell me now. You can’t start something and not finish.”

  “Mon Dieu, you’re right, I must now. It is about work. Is this okay?”

  “It’s fine,” she said, lowering her voice. “I can handle it. I know at some point I’ll pick up the phone and call Ben Marshall. When I was in the middle of all the drama at home, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, so it was better for me not to even think about it.”

  “Oui, I understand. May I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “You said you weren’t sure if you were able to leave the farm yet, but if you had an offer, would that make a difference?”

  “You know about a job,” she said gravely.

  “Oui,” he nodded, “maybe more than one.”

  The waiter unexpectedly arrived, interrupting the all-important conversation, but as he went through the ritual of pouring a small amount of wine and allowing Dominic to take a taste, Vivien was grateful for the moment to gather her thoughts.

  Was she ready to jump back in? Could she stare into the lens of a cameras with the same confidence that had taken her to the top of the modeling world? Had the trauma through which she’d lived compromised her in any way? As she pondered, it occurred to her she might be hesitant not because of her family’s needs, but her own insecurities. Was she using the farm anther family’s troubles as an excuse?

  The waiter had finished pouring the wine, but as he left he was immediately followed by another server with the appetizers. He placed the large plate on the table between them, then provided them with the appropriate cutlery.

  “Will there be anything else?” he asked politely.

  “No, thank-you, we will signal when we’re ready to order our main course.”

  “I’ll keep watch,” he promised, and with a bob of his head he turned and walked away.

  “Finally,” Dominic said, rolling his eyes. “Do we continue this conversation?”

  “Yes,” she said with a dramatic sigh, “but before you go on, can I tell you the truth?”

  “It is all I want, the truth. Why would I want anything else?”

  “I do miss modeling, and I miss Europe. I miss it badly,” she said slowly.


  “But I’m not the same carefree person I was a year ago. I’ve changed. I can’t quite explain how I’ve changed, but I have, and I don’t know how that will translate in front of the camera.”

  “Ah, so, you are worried you won’t be great again.”

  “I am,” she said, looking at him intently. “I’m worried I won’t be great again. What if I can’t do it anymore? The thought of freezing up, it terrifies me. People think modeling is just standing under lights and having your picture taken, but it’s so much more than that.”

  “This is true,” he nodded, taking a sip of his wine, “and you’re right that you have changed, but change can be good, very good, and in your case I think it is. The camera will love you more, I am sure of it.”

  “You are? How can you be?”

  “I am an artist, Vivien, remember? I see you as a camera sees you. Yes, I am sure. Maybe the first time in a studio you might feel the nerves, but this will pass. It is like what they say about the bicycle. It’s the same. It will all come back to you, and it will happen in an instant.”

  “I wish I had your confidence,” she murmured, lowering her eyes.

  “It will come,” he said reassuringly. “Do you want to hear about the jobs?”

  Lifting her gaze, she stared into his deep green eyes and nodded her head.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Gustav is ready to start the next campaign for the Spank Me Now jeans. He wants you, only you.”



  “At least that would be familiar territory,” she said thoughtfully, “and I do I adore Gustav. It would mean going back to London and France, right?”

  “Probably,” he said slowly. “Maybe he might consider shooting here if it meant the difference between having you and not having you.”

  “I’d love to go back to Paris,” she sighed, “and I’d love to visit your cottage outside London again.”

  “There’s more, ma chérie,” he continued, “something bigger.”

  “Okay,” she said, sipping her wine. “I’m ready. Shoot.”

  “For the last two years Gustav has been developing a cosmetics line.”

  “He has? Wow. That is big.”

  “He has an investor. A man who has spent a fortune.”

  “Stupid amounts, I’m sure,” she remarked. “Do you know who this investor is?”

  “Oui, and it is someone very famous. Harry Harrison.”

  “Seriously? Harry Harrison. How did that happen?”

  “I do not know, I did not ask Gustav, but an edgy French designer joining up with an American billionaire, it is not so hard to imagine. The man has many interests, and always has a beautiful woman on his arm.”

��Yes, he does,” Vivien agreed. “I don’t know if he’s more famous because of the girls he dates, or his wealth. What about the makeup line? If Gustav is behind it, I’ll bet it has something interesting about it.”

  “It’s a concept unique,” Dominic frowned, “very different.”

  “You mean a unique concept,” she smiled. “How is it so different? I mean, makeup is makeup.”

  “It is to make women feel better without makeup. It is makeup that isn’t based around very colorful eyeshadow and eyeliner. Mon Dieu, this is too hard to explain.”

  “What does this have to do with me?”

  “Your physical beauty, Vivien, it is the shape of your face and the slant of your eyes, the tint of your skin. You are like the makeup, unique. Gustav has been holding auditions and looking at girls for months, hundreds of girls, unknowns and big stars, and he has brought your name up many times. Ben Marshall says you are also one of Harry Harrison’s top choices, but he needs to meet with you.”

  “Ooh, I’m getting goose bumps. Wait…you’ve spoken to Ben?”

  “Oui, it was necessary. Someone had to talk on your behalf. I hope it’s okay.”

  “Yes, of course, and thank you. I’m glad you stepped up for me.”

  “Gustav wants to see how this year might have changed you, and you are right. You are different. This is what happens when people go through difficulties. It makes them grow up, mature, and that is something that the camera and the painter captures.”

  “What about the jeans campaign? If I’ve changed that much, do you think Gustav will still want me for that?”

  “This is not a problem. He said unless your body has changed dramatically, there is no question that he wants you back. The theme will be similar to what we did last year, but he wants to use old dungeons. He wants a sense of times past. Is that how you say it? Times past?”

  “That’s exactly how you say it,” she smiled, “and that would be amazing.”

  “But the cosmetics, they are about your face, and I was thinking, if he uses you for both, maybe they will come together in the future, but this is just something in my mind. Nothing he has said.”

  “This is a very big thing,” she murmured.


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