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A Promise of Passion

Page 24

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Who is Jill?” Dominic asked as they walked back into the hallway.

  “Jill Hendricks is Will’s girlfriend. She’s been such a help. She virtually lives here now. The more walking Will does the better, and she’s with him every day. They’re gone for ages when they take off. I don’t know why she doesn’t just move in.”

  “Maybe because of your mother?”

  “No, my mother would be very happy to have Jill under our roof. I wish Will would just pop the question. He’s crazy about her.”

  “He probably wants to make sure he’s completely better. I know I’d feel that way.”

  “He almost is,” Vivien said, opening the door to her bedroom.

  “This is so nice,” he declared as they walked in. “This was once your parents room?”

  “It was.”

  The expansive bedroom had French Doors that led to a large terrace, and peaked ceilings with roughhewn beams. An antique western style king-sized bed sat against the wall, and a huge, thick sheepskin rug laying in front of a massive brick fireplace caught his eye.

  “That’s inviting,” he remarked, staring down at it.

  “Isn’t it though? It’s called a quad,” Vivien murmured, walking up beside him. “It’s all the way from New Zealand.”

  “I want to make love to you,” he said softly, turning to face her and bringing her into his arms. “I must have you naked on that deep, soft fur. Mon Dieu, it is making me want you right now.”

  “Yes, definitely, before you leave, or should I say, before we leave?” she asked, gazing into his eyes and feeling the familiar hunger spring to life.

  “Oui. I think you will be coming with me,” he nodded. “Maybe I should not assume this, but it is what I feel. You want to, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Dominic, yes I do,” she nodded, dropping her voice, “but I’m not sure I can.”

  The sound of paws clattering on the hardwood floor caught their attention, and turning around they saw Rusty trot into the room. Reaching them, the happy dog sat down and barked.

  “Okay, Rusty, tell mom we’ll be right down.”

  He barked again, then ran out the door.

  “He is so smart,” Dominic grinned.

  “He’s our official messenger,” Vivien laughed. “He’ll even run out to the barn or the fields to bring Will in when it’s time for lunch or dinner.”

  “Rusty is the man of the house!”

  “I suppose he is! He’s certainly the dog of the house.”

  “I will go back to my room and freshen up, then come downstairs, okay?”

  “Yes, fine. I want to change into my jeans and a sweatshirt. I’ll see you down there.”

  Kissing her softly, Dominic returned to his room and quickly washed his hands and face, ran a comb through his mop of dark hair, then pulling a small box from his bag he headed down the stairs and into the living room. Faith was already there, having just finished setting everything out on the coffee table, and as he moved towards her, she hurried forward.

  “I’m so glad to have a chance to speak with you privately,” she said in a hushed voice. “I realize we’ve just met, but I feel as if I know you. Vivien talks about you so much, and you were her lifeline over these long months. Please, sit down with me.”

  Staring down at the woman’s worried face, Dominic felt his pulse tick up. She looked almost panicky as she led him to the sofa.

  “This is a little something for you,” he said placing the box on the table, “but please, tell me why you are so bothered?”

  “I don’t mean to presume, this is a bit, uh, delicate, but I must say something. It’s important.”

  “Please, tell me.”

  “My daughter needs to go back to work,” she began, her voice low and her brow creased in a concerned frown. “She’s unhappy here, but she thinks she can’t leave. Will and I are fine. We really are, and we’ve told her so, but she refuses to believe us.”

  “I know she is worried about leaving too soon,” Dominic said. “This she has told me.”

  “Do you know if there is work waiting for her?”

  “There is work, oui,” Dominic nodded.

  “Please try and get through to her. This place will always be her home, but it isn’t the life she was born to live, not like her brother. The farm and farming is in his blood. Being a model, being out in the world, that is Vivien’s calling. She has sacrificed so much to help us, but now she can go. I will miss her terribly, but it is my love for her that makes me want to see her succeed and thrive again.”

  The words had tumbled out of her in a hurried, hushed speech, and as the sound of Vivien’s footsteps coming down the stairs alerted them to her imminent arrival, Faith stopped talking and stared at Dominic imploringly.

  “Leave it with me,” he murmured, and picking up the gift box, with a warm smile he placed it in her lap.

  “You didn’t need to bring me anything,” she protested.

  “No, but I wanted to.”

  “Coffee and cake, yum,” Vivien declared as she walked in the room. “Hey, mom, what have you got there?”

  “I don’t know, I haven’t opened it yet.”

  “What are you waiting for?” she grinned, sitting in the easy chair adjacent to the couch. “Open it. I’ll pour and slice.”

  As Vivien picked up the coffee pot, Faith untied the black ribbon around the white gift box, lifted the lid, and pushed aside the tissue.

  “Dominic,” she gasped. “I don’t know what to say. This is beautiful. It’s too much…just too much.”

  “What is it mom, let me see?”

  Lifting the jewelry from its cotton bed, she held it up and showed it to her daughter. It was a sparkling, art deco, marcasite and rhinestone hair comb.

  “Oh, wow, mom you use combs all the time,” Vivien declared. “Dominic, how did you know?”

  “You showed me several pictures of you and your mother, and each time the right side of her hair was pulled back, just like it is now.”

  “I must put it on,” Faith said excitedly, “but I won’t be wearing it around the house.”

  “You must,” Dominic said firmly. “It is made to be worn, not tucked away in a drawer. Enjoy it.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Faith promised, rising to her feet.

  As Faith headed off to her bedroom, Vivien moved across to the couch and sat next to Dominic, throwing her arms around him and hugging him gratefully.

  “That was so incredibly nice of you,” she exclaimed.

  “Your mother deserves something beautiful, in addition to her beautiful daughter, that is.”

  The sound of the front door opening and closing caught their attention, and as Dominic looked across the room he saw a strapping, dark-haired young man in jeans, cowboy boots and a plaid shirt. It was obviously Vivien’s brother, and Dominic was surprised at how well and fit he appeared. At his side was a home-spun girl in almost identical garb, and Dominic could tell she’d made an effort. Her long corn-colored hair had been softly curled, she was wearing a smudge of green eye-shadow and light red lipstick. She was as pretty as a picture, and his artistic eye could easily see her as a print model for a youthful makeup line, or trendy store catalogues.

  “Will, how are you feeling?” Vivien asked jumping to her feet. “Hi, Jill, I hope he hasn’t been doing too much.”

  “Stop fussing,” Will frowned. “The more I do, the better I feel,” then walking forward he extended his hand as Dominic stood up to meet him.

  “Hey, great to have you here,” Will said eagerly. “This is my girlfriend, Jill, Jill, this is the famous artist, Dominic Dubois, but of course you know that.”

  Dominic could sense Will’s nervousness, though he couldn’t imagine why the young man would be anxious about meeting him.

  “Hi,” Jill said, blushing as she lifted her hand in a wave.

  “Will and Jill, this is very cute,” Dominic grinned. “It sounds like one of your American sitcoms.”

  “It does,” Vivien laug
hed. “Why have I never thought of that?”

  “You look happy,” Will said, smiling at her. “It’s good to see.”

  “I guess I am,” she replied, “but let’s not stand here like this. Let’s sit down and have a natter.”

  “Oh, Faith’s rum cake,” Jill exclaimed, her eyes widening.

  “I’m cutting us all a piece right now,” Vivien promised.

  As they sat down and Vivien began slicing the cake and handing out the plates, Faith walked back in the room. She’d applied some makeup, brushed her hair, and placed the comb on the side of her head. It sparkled like a tiara, and Will let out a low whistle.

  “Wow, mom, you look like a million bucks.”

  Staring at her, Dominic agreed. The small amount of makeup, and the glittering hair jewelry, was enough to bring her face to life.

  “One day, I wish to paint you,” he said, staring at her.

  “Me? Why would you want to paint me?”

  “You are so like your daughter. You have a look that is…I don’t now how to say it in English. In French it is enchanteur. I must google this word. Anyway, it is not an everyday beauty look, it is more than that. I think I would like to paint you both, a mother and daughter.”

  “Maybe one day,” Faith said, still blushing from Dominic’s praise.

  “No!” Dominic said firmly. “One day never comes. We will make a plan, and we will do it, but now I must try this cake.”

  Slicing into it with his fork, he took a bite, then let out a grunt of approval.

  “Ah, amazing!” he declared nodding his head. “Oui, this is very good.”

  “Isn’t it the best?” Vivien said, taking a bite herself. “She only makes it on special occasions.”

  “I am honored,” Dominic smiled. “Merci.”

  The small group sat and chatted, though Jill, clearly intimidated by the handsome Frenchman, sat quietly next to Will and didn’t say much. When the coffee had been drunk, and most of the cake consumed, Will rose to his feet and asked Dominic if he’d like to visit the stables.

  “I would like this very much,” Dominic nodded. “I used to ride growing up. I still do when I can.”

  “Then I’ll take down and introduce you to our horses, and give you a tour on the mule.”

  “The mule? You have a mule?” Dominic said, raising his eyebrows. “I have never ridden a mule.”

  “It’s a vehicle,” Vivien said, laughing out loud. “It’s what we use to get around this place.”

  “A vehicle called a mule?” Dominic chuckled. “I am looking forward to seeing it.”

  “Vivien, you and Jill stay here,” Will said. “Give mom a hand with the clearing up.”

  Dominic was surprised at the natural authority the young man possessed, and clearly any nervousness he’d felt when they’d first met had evaporated.

  “That’s a good idea,” Vivien agreed. “You two go have some guy time. I’ll help mom prepare whatever we’re going to have for lunch, though after that cake…”

  “After that cake, yes, you are right,” Dominic agreed.

  “Thank you again for this lovely comb,” Faith said warmly.

  “It is my pleasure,” Dominic smiled rising to his feet. “Take me to your horses, Will. I am eager to meet them.”

  The barn, however, turned out to be their last stop. For over an hour Will drove Dominic around the farm, introducing him to the workers, showing him the various aspects of the business, and up the side of a hill that offered an extraordinary view. By the time they landed back at the stables they had built up a rapport, and Dominic was deeply impressed by the young man. It was obvious Will was running the family business with efficiency and knowledge. Climbing out of the mule, Will gave Dominic some carrots and led him out to the large corrals where a few happy horses were munching on hay.

  “The spring grass can be a problem, so we introduce them back into the paddocks slowly,” Will explained.

  “Yes, we do this also in France. Too much quickly can be bad,” Dominic nodded, handing off a carrot to a big black gelding who meandered over to say hello.

  “Has Vivien said anything to you about going back to work?” Will asked.

  “We have talked a bit. Why?”

  “She should. We don’t need her here. I’m fine, I’ve been fine for weeks, and as much as we love having home, she’s, well…”

  “She’s done what she came to do, and now it is over? Is this what you mean?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean,” Will nodded. “Both mom and I feel we’re holding her back.”

  “Why do you think she is she staying?” Dominic asked. “Do you know?”

  “That’s the thing,” Will said slowly, “I think I do, but I’m not sure I should tell you.”

  “I don’t know what it is, but if I can help I will,” Dominic said quietly.

  “Someone has to, or this could go on forever, but you can’t tell mom. She doesn’t know about this, and she doesn’t have to. There would be no benefit to her knowing.”

  “You have my word,” Dominic said gravely.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you,” Will said resignedly, leaning against the corral fence. “The day of the accident, Vivien was supposed to be driving, but she’d just washed her hair and it was still wet, so she didn’t want to go out. We argued, and I finally agreed to take mom into town for her.”

  “Mon Dieu!” Dominic exclaimed. “She blames herself?”

  “I think she does, actually, I know she does,” Will said, quickly correcting himself. “If she’d taken mom into town when she was supposed to, the accident wouldn’t have happened. I think she’s staying here as a way to, I don’t know, punish herself or something. She’s carrying around all this guilt, and the truth is, the only person to blame is the fucking bastard who was driving drunk. Heck, I could say it was my fault because I spent five minutes talking to Jill on the phone before we left. If I hadn’t we wouldn’t have hit the turn when we did. Vivien is torturing herself for no reason, and I’m sure that’s why she won’t leave. She thinks she doesn’t deserve to have her life back.”

  “I knew there was something else,” Dominic muttered. “I could feel it. This is the thing that is in her way.”

  “I believe it is, but mom doesn’t know we argued that morning. She thinks I wanted to take her because I had errands myself. She hates it when we don’t get along. She’d end up blaming herself because she hates to drive.”

  “I see, I see,” Dominic said thoughtfully, nodding his head. “Thank you for telling me. I will speak with her tonight. I’m not sure what I will say, but the words will be there when the time comes.”

  “She’s one lucky lady to have you,” Will said gratefully. “She talked about you all the time. She told us how you saved her from that beast she was going to marry. I know mom is indebted to you, but she’s not the only one. I am too. I am so proud of my big sister, I think she’s amazing. She would have been miserable with that horrible Duke, or Earl, or whatever he was. I don’t care how royal he was. Thank you, Dominic.”

  “I care for your sister very much,” Dominic said softly, “and I think I am the lucky one.”

  “We should probably get back,” Will said, suddenly feeling awkward. “They’ll be wondering what happened to us.”

  “Oui, I think you are right,” Dominic smiled, but as they headed back to the mule, the words he’d spoken echoed through his head. I care for your sister very much, and he realized they weren’t quite true. He didn’t just care for Vivien very much, he was in love with her. It was a profound moment, and a warm, wonderful chill moved through his body.


  The house was quiet, and Dominic stole down the hall and slipped into Vivien’s room. Opening the door he found her lying on top of her comforter in a cream silk negligee, the dim light of a lone lamp washing her body in a soft golden aura. Moving slowly towards her, he slipped off his robe, letting it drop to the floor, and laid down next to her. The bed creaked, and smiling he let
out a sigh.

  “So, we must find other pleasures tonight. We will wake everyone in this noisy bed.”

  “We could lie on the sheepskin rug,” she whispered.

  “You peeked into my mind,” he winked, “but you must promise to be silent.”

  “I promise,” she murmured.

  “My good girl!”

  Gliding his mouth over hers, he leisurely kissed her with a luscious warmth that made her tingle, then taking her hand he led her to the thick, wool rug, and laying her down, he knelt between her knees and pushed her lingerie up to her waist.

  “Lovely,” he murmured, gazing at her nakedness.

  Stretching out, his head between her legs, he began sucking on the skin of her thighs, slowly traveling his mouth to her mysterious seam, breathing hotly against her before sending his tongue to search out her magic nub. He twirled and tickled, then slid his finger into her depths, and to the sounds of her hushed gasps, he sent her forward to her moment, pausing only once when she neared the edge, eliciting a whispered entreaty for permission to come.

  She spasmed against him, her hands grasped his head, but she swallowed her squeals, and as the convulsions waned and she fell breathless and still, he pulled away and cautiously glided up her body to hold her. Sinking against him she surrendered to the warm caress of his hand stroking her back, and when her heart had stopped its thumping, she dropped her hand and gripped his rigid cock.

  “Please may I worship you, Sir?” she murmured.

  “Only with your hand,” he replied. “I know how your splendide mouth will make me feel, ma chérie, and I don’t wish to stifle my groans. We will save this great pleasure for another time.”

  Curling her head against his chest she began to stroke his stiff member, recalling what he had taught her, and as the minutes ticked by and he felt his orgasm build, he whispered his fingers down her back, coming to rest on her bottom where he gently cupped a cheek. Using his grasp to control her, he squeezed firmly when he wanted a stronger stroke, then released when he wanted her to slow down. She quickly understood his wordless direction, and he was soon tumbling through the throes of his climax, holding his breath to suppress his satisfied groans, finally closing his eyes and releasing a heavy breath. Utterly spent, he felt her move quietly away, and when she returned a moment later and sat beside him, he felt the warm moistness of a cloth wipe him clean.


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